Commitment Through Compelling Reasons

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Compelling Reason Worksheet

1. Write out your non-negotiable goal. What is it that you want to accomplish specifically?

2. Why is it non-negotiable for you?

3. Your brain will want to offer up obstacles, challenges and objections to accomplishing
your goal. Write down what your brain tells you will keep you from accomplishing your

4. Answer each obstacle. Tell your brain how you will still show up to your non-negotiable
goal despite any obstacles and challenges.

5. Think about your future self who is mid journey to accomplishing your non-negotiable
goal and wants to stop, pause or quit because of a circumstance that feels too big or an
emotion that feels too big. Write yourself a personal message. What would you tell
yourself to think, feel and do in that moment? Be specific. What would your future self-
need to hear or be reminded of?
Extra Resources

The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, And Confidence With Everyday

Article :

Barriers of Success – 10 Obstacles That Will Stop You In Your Tracks


How To Increase Motivation & Drive – Huberman Lab

How To Use Strategy & Structure To Crush Your Biggest Goals – The Model Health

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