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Student resources for

BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment,

selection and induction process
Grow Management Consultants

Human Resources briefing report

1. Introduction
Outline the purpose of the report.

2. Human resources strategic objectives and priorities

Provide analysis of strategic objectives and operational priorities of the organization and an
outline of human resources requirement based on the analysis, including the need for
recruitment of staff.

3. Existing human resources policies and practices.

Provide an outline of existing human resources policies and practices

4. Recommended HR policy and procedure and supporting forms and documents

An outline of a recommended human resources policy and procedure and supporting
forms/documents required.

5. Options for technology

Provide a review of options for technology for the human resources function and that will
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the human resources function.

Student resources for BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment, selection and induction process Jasmine Education Group Version 2.2
Last Updated: 17 October 2020 Next Review Date: 17 October 2022
Approved by Academic Manager Page 1 of 1

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