Cambridge 4

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1. Nestor, this is a wedding. I don’t think you are dressed ________.

a. correct
b. appropriately
c. at all.

2. Medardo, you are _______ for the test! Sorry, teacher! There was a lot of
a. lately
b. late
c. later.

3. I lost my car keys in my office. __________, a friend found them and gave
them back to me.
a. Probably
b. Fortunately
c. Hardly.

4. Do you want to go _________ riding tomorrow? No, thanks! That sounds

a. biking
b. windsurf
c. horseback.

5. Which city has _______ people in the world? I think Tokyo does.
a. the most
b. most
c. the more.

6. I went to see the Nile River when I was in Egypt. Really? Isn’t that ________
river in the world?
a. the longest
b. longest
c. the long.

7. This lasagna tastes great! ________.

a. Where were we?
b. It sure does!
c. It just could be!.

8. Chimborazo is a really beautiful volcano! _________

a. It really is!
b. It really isn’t
c. At least it is!.

9. Can you please calm down? You are ________ too loudly.
a. pressuring
b. bonding
c. yelling .

10. Who do you spend Christmas with? Only with my _________. My parents
and my brother.
a. immediate family
b. extended family
c. blended family.

11. I loved our vacation in Hawaii! _________.

a. Where were we?
b. Did you?
c. Congratulations!.

12. What do you think about this year’s Emelec team? _________, they are
playing really well.
a. If you ask me
b. The thing is
c. I know.

13. I can’t hear what the teacher is saying. I can’t either. He doesn’t speak
a. enough loud
b. loudly enough
c. too enough.

14. I don’t want to travel with him. He drives ________ recklessly.

a. too many
b. too
c. enough.

15. Can you bring two _______ of bread from the supermarket?
a. cants
b. loaves
c. loaf.

16. Do you like hot peppers? I have a _______ of pickled jalapeños if you want.
a. mug
b. glass
c. jar.

17. Do you want some sugar for your coffee? No, thanks. _________
a. You know what I’m saying?
b. I’m fine. Really
c. Though.

18. Do you want to watch the news or a movie? _________. Whichever you
a. That’s true
b. Either one if fine
c. The thing is.

19. Are you excited about you trip to India? Of course! I’m really looking
________ to it.
a. after
b. forward
c. towards.

20. I’m traveling to India next month! That’s sound like a great trip. _______
sure you take some pictures.
a. Do
b. Make
c. Commit.

21. Who is Gabriel Garcia Marquez? He is the author ________ wrote “A

Hundred Years of Solitude”.
a. which
b. in which
c. that.

22. Who was the guy _______called you? My boss.

a. that
b. whom
c. where.

23. Do you want to buy the car? I’m still thinking _________ it.
a. on
b. about
c. along.

24. If I got the _________, my master’s degree wouldn’t cost anything.

a. restitution
b. scholarship
c. tuition.

25. ________, I would try to get a scholarship in Germany. That’s a good idea.
a. If I were you
b. I’d better go
c. It seems like.

26. I lost my phone yesterday. ________ buy another one soon. It is important
to have one for you job.
a. Whatever you are having
b. You might want to
c. I’d better go.

27. I’m really worried about my son because he hasn’t called all day long. Do
you know what _________? Go to this workplace and see if he is fine.
a. you’re do
b. you’ve been doing
c. you should do.

28. Do you know _________? I think it is my plumber’s.

a. whose this number
b. whose is this number
c. whose this number is.

29. Do you want to watch a Disney movie with me? I don’t like _________
movies because I don’t like cartoon characters.
a. animist
b. drawn
c. animated.

30. You are an amazing skateboarder! Thanks. I’ve been practicing ________
a. for
b. in
c. since.

31. Jose is always alone during lunch. He _______ many friends.

a. must have
b. could
c. must not have.

32. I’m so sad for Alexander. He failed his math class. He must be ________
a. felt
b. feeling
c. feel.

33. I have been playing in a band for 5 years. I even traveled to Europe on a
tour. _________.
a. I agree with you!
b. I’m OK for now!
c. That must be really nice!.

34. I went to the aquarium in Boston. It was amazing! ________.

a. It seems to me
b. On the other hand
c. That place must be really cool!.

35. I couldn’t buy you medicine. All the drugstores ________ closed.
a. was
b. were
c. would.

36. My best friend crashed his car this morning. He is unhurt, but his car
a. was destroyed
b. is destroy
c. would be destroyed.

37. Acres of forests in California were _________ destroyed by wildfires.

a. annoyingly
b. completely
c. pretty.

38. The ________ rains in Guayaquil have Caused floods all over the city.
a. weighty
b. badly
c. heavy.

39. I get paid very well in my job, but the __________, I love what I do.
a. best thing is
b. only thing is
c. scary thing is.

40. ________ Norberto won a scholarship to Argentina. I am not surprised. He’s

really smart.
a. Whatever you prefer.
b. I was wondering.
c. Did I tell you?.

41. I don’t like playing table tennis with my brother Nicanor. He is extremely
________. If he loses, he gets mad.
a. competitive
b. impatient
c. selfish.

42. My brother is very careful when he drives, but I also drive ________.
a. careful b.
c. carefully.

43. I don’t understand algebra. Have you ________ to your teacher yet? She
might help you.
a. spoke
b. called
c. take.

44. Last night, I _______ 100 dollars on the floor! Really? You are so lucky!
a. funded
b. founded
c. found.

45. Who is the ________ computer user in your family? I am, of course. I use
Facebook and Twitter more than anybody else.
a. best active
b. most active than
c. most active.

46. Is your city hot? Very much! It can reach 45 degrees ________.
a. heat in Celsius
b. Celsius
c. Celsius hot.

47. This pizza is really good. It is ________!

a. really
b. I best
c. the best.

48. This _________ doesn’t have batteries. I can’t turn on the TV.
a. handset
b. receiver
c. remote.

49. Is Juana your sister? No, she is my ________. We have the same mother
but a different father.
a. half-sister
b. stepsister
c. sister-in-law.

50. This restaurant is really good but very expensive. _________.

a. That’s for sure.
b. Can you?
c. It seems to me that.

51. I have _________ friends than my brother, Marcel. He is very popular.

a. fewer
b. not much
c. little.

52. I am so tired! I think you work ________.

a. to much
b. too many
c. too much.

53. Are you hungry? I have ________ chicken.

a. grilled
b. pickled
c. raw.

54. I need a _______ of milk for this cake. Can you go buy it for me?
a. butter
b. liter
c. can.

55. I am going to make a sandwich for myself. Do you want one? No, thanks.
a. Maybe later
b. To be honest
c. You know what I mean.

56. Do you want red or white wine? ________. I don’t really mind.
a. If I were you
b. I was wondering
c. Whichever you prefer.

57. What should I do with my old clothes? Give them _______ to charity.
a. away
b. room
c. space.

58. I think the remote is broken. I changed the batteries, but it didn’t ________
any good.
a. get
b. produce
c. do.

59. Steven Spielberg is the director ________ made “Jurassic Park”.

a. he
b. who
c. whose.

60. Do you know Juan? He is the one _______ plays the guitar.
a. they
b. which
c. that.

61. I feel ________ of Martin. He has a nicer car than I do.

a. chilled
b. angry
c. jealous.

62. If I were you, I would travel to Asia. It is really cool. _______, but I don’t
have any money.
a. On the other hand
b. Ok with you
c. That would be amazing.

63. Your clothes shouldn’t be on the floor, Juan. Sorry, mom. I’ll _________.
a. pick them up
b. pick they up
c. pick up them.

64. I haven’t started my homework ________. I don’t know how I am going to

finish it before tomorrow!
a. already
b. yet
c. suddenly.

65. I don’t like watching ________. I cry too easily.

a. costumes
b. tearjerkers
c. special effects.

66. Guillermo is such a great soccer player. And he is so young, too! He

_______ be more than 15 years old.
a. could
b. can’t
c. must.

67. Did you see Orlando play volleyball? He is incredibly good. I know. He
________ a professional player.
a. couldn’t see
b. would be
c. must be.

68. Do you like these drawings? They were done _______ my daughter. Wow!
She is talented.
a. with
b. for
c. by.

69. Great job yesterday. A lot of people ________ by your violin performance!
a. were impressed
b. was impressed
c. were impressing.

70. The snowstorm is so severe that several flights have been ________.
a. damaged
b. disrupted
c. depleted.

71. After the hurricane, a lot of people had to be ________ by firefighters.

a. suspected
b. rescued
c. caused.

72. You should try to find a job that has a better salary. ________, I really like
my current job.
a. The thing is
b. That would be awesome
c. At least.

73. Have you ________ been in a fight? Never in my life. I am very laid-back.
a. always
b. ever
c. even.

74. Have you gone to the movies ________? No. The last time I went was three
months ago.
a. once
b. actually
c. recently.

75. What is ________ thing you have ever done? Once, I swam in the Amazon
River. It was amazing!
a. cooler than
b. the cooler
c. the coolest.

76. My husband, Polibio, has one sister. She’s my ________.

a. sister-in-law
b. sister
c. cousin.

77. I’m going to the store, Vanessa. Do you need anything? I have ________
milk. Can you bring two.
a. lesser
b. very little
c. a few.

78. Can you cook my food a little more? I don’t like ________ meat.
a. rude
b. raw
c. sudden.

79. Can I have another ________ of the cheese on my hamburger?

a. loaf
b. slice
c. slide.

80. I had a horrible day. I slipped in front of my classmates, and everybody

made ________ of me.
a. fun
b. funny
c. jokes.

81. Do you know anybody _______ is interested in joining a salsa class? I need
a partner!
a. who
b. he
c. which.

82. Livia, we are on vacation! You should forget ________ your job at least for a
few days.
a. about
b. of
c. with.

83. I can’t see without my glasses. Let me ________.

a. on to put them
b. put on them
c. put them on.

84. Can you remember _______? I think your mom did.

a. who called
b. called who
c. which calls.

85. Have you seen “Shrek” yet? It was ________! I couldn’t stop laughing!
a. hilarious
b. suspenseful
c. a thriller.

86. That is the worst _______ movie ever. It’s not scary at all.
a. horror
b. sci-fi
c. can’t be.

87. What is that horrible noise? Felipe ________ practicing the clarinet.
a. must be
b. mightn’t be
c. can’t be.

88. I can’t find Adalberto. Do you know where he is? It is 1 o’clock, so he might
be ________ lunch.
a. eats
b. to eat
c. eating.

89. I really like nature. That is why I studied biology. Oh! ________.
a. it sure must
b. I see
c. You see.

90. My friend was _________ yesterday by his employer, so he is inviting me to

dinner tonight.
a. paid
b. paying
c. pay.

91. Steve was _______ during last week’s game. He is not going to play today.
a. omitted
b. injured
c. damaged.
92. Have you seen Picasso’s paintings? Of course! He is ________ amazing!
a. real
b. absolutely
c. very.

93. Have you ever gone ________? No! I am afraid of heights.

a. spelling
b. backpacking
c. cliff diving.

94. ________ is your pool, Ignacio? I think it’s eight feet deep.
a. How deep
b. Which deep
c. What depth.

95. I am not sure where to go during the break. Go to Machala! It has ________
beaches in Ecuador.
a. nice
b. nicest
c. the nicest.

96. My sister has one son. My ________ name is Danilo.

a. nephew’s
b. son-in-law’s
c. niece’s.

97. ________ kids watch too much TV nowadays. You are absolutely right.
a. Did I tell you
b. I was wondering if
c. It seems to me that.

98. Can you repeat what you said? You speak ______ quickly,
a. too much
b. many
c. too.

99. If you throw away the clothes you don’t use, you will have more ________ in
your closet.
a. clutter
b. room
c. fit.

100. Well, ________ is a collection of things you never use and that takes up
a. cleanup
b. clutter
c. storage .

101. Who is Ana? She is the person ________ helps me with math.
a. who’s
b. who’d
c. who.

102. Do you see that man by the door? He is the one _______ asked me to
a. whom
b. which
c. who.

103. _______ would you react if your wife forgot your anniversary? I would be
very hurt.
a. What
b. How
c. Why.

104. I want a bigger TV, but I don’t think I can ________ it. I don’t have much
money at the moment.
a. afford
b. expense
c. borrow.

105. Excuse me, Agustin, but your music is too loud, and I just can’t fall asleep.
Sorry, Clara. I will ________ right now.
a. turn it down
b. turn down it
c. it turn down.

106. The ending to that book is amazing! Don’t tell me I’m _______ reading
a. still
b. already
c. about.

107. I really want to travel to Cuenca next December. I haven’t been there
_________ months.
a. since
b. ago
c. in.

108. Do you know who that guy standing by Gabriela is? I’m not sure, but he
________ her new boyfriend.
a. would be
b. could be
c. must be.

109. Did you hear? Jaime got a scholarship to study in Germany. That’s great.
He ________ be feeling so proud.
a. must
b. may
c. could.
110. I couldn’t buy your gift yesterday. ________, I had a lot of work and was
busy all day long.
a. You see
b. I see
c. That must.

111. Did you see the game last night? Enner Valencia was ________ and will
not be able to play for six months.
a. injury
b. to be injured
c. injured.

112. There was an earthquake in Chile yesterday morning. Luckily, it only did
________ damage.
a. minor
b. tiny
c. detailed.

113. My neighbor’s house was destroyed by a fire this morning. The firefighters
________ the fire was started by a candle.
a. suspect
b. seem
c. appear.

114. My friends told me the new teacher’s very angry. Do you know her? Yeah!
I had a class with her. She is ________ horrible!
a. terrible
b. extreme
c. absolutely.

115. Visiting Thailand has been ________ experience of my life.

a. more incredible
b. the most incredible
c. the more incredible.

116. __________ is New York in winter?

a. When cold
b. Which cold
c. How cold.

117. Let’s reach __________. I come the house and you cook. That sounds
a. a dispute
b. an agreement
c. a concert.

118. I’m trying to work ________. I am very tired and need to rest.
a. less
b. fewer
c. lesser.

119. I think there will be thirty people at our party. Really? I don’t think we have
a. drinks enough
b. too much drinks
c. enough drinks.

120. Do you want to eat out tonight? I’d rather stay home. Can we get
a. cupboard
b. reservations
c. takeout.

121. Why do you still have that ugly old radio? You never use it, and it is
_________ space.
a. holding
b. storing
c. taking up.

122. Apple is the company _________ makes the iPhone and the iPod.
a. which
b. who
c. like.

123. I have to be careful with the money ________ I earn. I want to save
enough for a car.
a. that
b. what
c. who.

124. Can you ________ the TV? It is very late.

a. turn off it
b. turn off
c. turn it off .

125. This printer is not working anymore. __________.

a. Throw away it
b. Throw it away
c. Throw away.

126. A good action movie has a lot of fight _________.

a. scenes
b. scenery
c. schemes.

127. Did you hear how well Johanna sings? Yes! She _________ a lot.
a. must be practice
b. must to practice
c. must be practicing.

128. In 2010, the Nobel Prize in Literature was ________ to Vargas Llosa.
a. awards
b. awarded
c. awarding .

129. Hi, Francisco. I am going to be late to the meeting. My flight was

________. Don’t worry, Claudia. We will wait for you.
a. severed
b. destroyed
c. delayed.

130. Do you want to go to the beach this weekend? I do. ________, my car is
not working.
a. I see
b. The only thing is
c. The best thing is.

131. You should try to find a job that a has a better salary. _________, I really
like my current job.
a. The thing is
b. That would be awesome
c. At least.

132. Wow, Dante! You a _________ talented violinist!

a. pretty
b. absolute
c. total.

133. You are ________ good at tennis, Stephane. Can you teach me?
a. so
b. absolute
c. fair.

134. The spaghetti is horrible. __________? Never. This is my first time.

a. Have you ever cooked before
b. Were you cooking
c. Did you cook.

135. Do you like the Beatles? Actually, _________ 60’s bands.

a. I haven’t never liked
b. I did never liked
c. I’ve never liked.

136. My son is really smart. He won a science _________ in school last year.
a. course
b. contest
c. race.
137. Have I told you about my trip to France? Yes, you’ve told me about it
__________ times!
a. several
b. severe
c. twice.

138. Where do you want to go for your birthday? I want to go to the ________
expensive restaurant in Quito!
a. the best
b. the most
c. the more.

139. I can’t get __________. I think it Is broken!

a. my car to work
b. to work my car
c. my car work.

140. My father _________ work for IBM. Now he is retired.

a. would have
b. used to
c. would.

141. I like staying at home a lot more than going out. I guess I am a _________.
a. couch potato
b. daydreamer
c. homebody.

142. I failed my exam. That is because you didn’t study ________.

a. enough
b. too much
c. fewer.

143. What is your favorite kind of seafood? I love ________.

a. cabbage
b. shrimp
c. lamb.

144. I don’t like lemons. They are too _______.

a. prickly
b. sally
c. sour.

145. Can you help me with my chores? Sorry, I can’t. I’ve ________ finish my
a. get
b. got to
c. getting.

146. I have eaten very _________ chocolate lately. I’m on a diet.

a. few
b. little
c. least.

147. I’m really busy right now. Can we get together some other day? No
problem. ___________.
a. Do you mind?
b. I bet
c. I’ll catch you later.

148. I have a meeting in 10 minutes. ____________.

a. It sure does
b. I’d better go
c. Where were we?.

149. Where are you going, Monica? To Mariah’s house. She wants to show me
the clothes ________ she bought.
a. with
b. that
c. who.

150. What ________ you do if you won the lottery? I would travel around the
a. could
b. should
c. would.

151. If she _________ more, she’d do better in school.

a. studies
b. studied
c. study.

152. Can I borrow your car this weekend? Sorry. My sister already asked
________ it.
a. upon
b. to
c. for.

153. My favorite country is France. Paris is so beautiful. _________. Rome is

also great, though.
a. That’s true
b. Do you mind
c. Either way is fine.

154. I am afraid of airplanes. _________ on an airplane once in my life.

a. I’m only to fly
b. I’ve only been flying
c. I’ve only flown.

155. ________ your school project yet? No, man. I haven’t really done much.
a. Have you been finishing
b. Have you finished
c. Were you finishing.

156. Chimborazo is the highest mountain in Ecuador. It is 6,268 ________.

a. high
b. metes high
c. high in meters.

157. We eat _______ junk food in my house. We like to stay healthy.

a. many
b. very little
c. very few.

158. Can you help me with this crossword puzzle? I’m not very good at
crossword puzzles, but I’ll ________ my best.
a. do
b. prove
c. run.

159. What are you going to do with the phone ________ you broke? I’m going
to throw it away.
a. at
b. that
c. who.

160. You broke my MP3 player, so you have to pay _________ the repairs.
a. to
b. in
c. for.

161. Did you hear that Paul and Mariana are going to get married? Of course!
Paul _________ told me months ago!
a. still
b. yet
c. already.

162. I am walking to school now, because my bike ________ stolen a week

a. was
b. is
c. were.

163. Did you hear about that guy who was _______ by lightning and survived?
No, I didn’t. That is amazing!
a. slapped
b. whipped
c. struck.

164. We haven’t ________ Esmeraldas yet. Do you want to go in spring break?

a. go to
b. been to
c. traveled.

165. Have you ever gone deep-sea fishing? Yeah, I have! It is very scary but
also very _________.
a. frightening
b. major
c. exciting.

166. This is the _______ cell phone I have ever owned. It broke after only five
days of use.
a. worse
b. worst
c. bad.

167. I make my son ________ his homework every afternoon.

a. finish
b. to finish
c. for finishing.

168. I _________ play the drums. Now I like the piano.

a. used
b. used to
c. use to.

169. Airbags and seatbelts are types of safety ________.

a. deceptions
b. devices
c. policies.

170. Do you want to get together tomorrow? I can’t tomorrow because I’m
________ out of the office.
a. going to be
b. being
c. to be.

171. ________ got to go! My girlfriend is waiting for me in the car.

a. I’ve
b. I’d
c. I’m .

172. I’m selling my computer. Do you know anybody ________ wants to buy a
a. that
b. whom
c. which.

173. Would you be happier living in Quito? Yes, ________.

a. I do
b. I would
c. I’d .

174. If you ________ in the U.S., you would learn English much more quickly!
a. live
b. have lived
c. lived.

175. Andres is so nice. He lent me his iPod for the weekend. Did you thank him
_________ it?
a. to
b. of
c. for.

176. Do you know _______ for math class? I can’t remember.

a. book us need
b. book we need
c. book need.

177. Living in the city is better because you are near everything. _________,
but the city is loud and dangerous
a. You know
b. You see
c. I know what you mean.

178. Steve, you are playing soccer really well. Thanks! _________ for the last
few months.
a. I’ve been practicing
b. I am practicing
c. I practiced.

179. My son Mario is going to college next month. No way! He _______ more
than 17 years old.
a. can’t be
b. can’t is
c. can’t being.

180. Do you know why the zoo ______ yesterday? I heard that a lion had
escaped his cage!
a. was close
b. was closed
c. were closing.

181. Do you see that dead tree over there? It was struck __________ lightning
a month ago.
a. with
b. at
c. by.

182. Virginia, you look great in that dress! Are you, sure? Are you being
________ honest?
a. total
b. all
c. completely.

183. Have you ever traveled by train? No. I’ve never ________ yet.
a. did
b. done
c. doing.

184. I’ve never ________ sushi.

a. to try
b. try
c. tried.

185. I’ve never _________ a motorcycle. I think they are too dangerous.
a. ridden
b. gone
c. backed.

186. This is ________ hotel in Loja. It is cheap and very nice.

a. the best
b. the best of
c. best than.

187. I miss my childhood! My family ________ travel to the beach every

a. used
b. would to
c. would.

188. Sam, could you please tell your sister __________ me my money back?
a. to gave
b. to give
c. give.

189. When my parents got divorced, my mom got married again. Now, I live
with her and with my ________.
a. father-in-law
b. stepfather
c. parents.

190. Can you make me _______ eggs? I don’t want anything fried
a. stirred
b. shaken
c. boiled.

191. What is your morning routine like? I ________ everyday from 8 to 9.

a. will exercise
b. exercise
c. am going to exercise.

192. I really want to play video games, but I have a lot of homework, so
________ and finish.
a. I’d say
b. I’ve got to stay
c. I would have stayed.

193. ________. My boss is waiting for me. Ok. I’ll see you later.
a. I’ve got to get going
b. In a way
c. I guess.

194. I wish I _________ help you with the money, but I don’t have enough right
a. had
b. could
c. were.

195. If you had a bigger apartment, you _______. I lot better about living in the
a. would feel
b. feel
c. felt.

196. We should get a bigger apartment. This one is ________.

a. humongous
b. tiny
c. windy.

197. I love the Galapagos Islands. _________ there five times already.
a. I’m going
b. I’ve been
c. I’ve been going.

198. I am a huge Harry Potter fan. Really? How many Harry Potter books
a. were you reading
b. have you read
c. have you been reading.

199. That guy looks pretty lost. He ________ from another country. You’re right.
Let’s help him.
a. might be
b. mightn’t be
c. might not be.

200. I am so excited! Oswaldo was offered a better job _________ his boss.
a. for
b. by
c. to.

201. Could you please be _________? I think you are driving too fast.
a. careful
b. safely
c. slowly.

202. I have like forty ________. My uncles and aunts have a lot of children.
a. siblings
b. uncles
c. cousins.

203. Is there any more potato salad? I don’t think so. I didn’t make ________.
a. enough
b. most
c. too many.

204. I’m not sure what to study after high school. You ought to _______ some
thinking and make a smart choice.
a. do
b. perform
c. get.

205. I am looking for a piano instructor. Really? I have a friend _______ gives
a. than
b. who
c. which.

206. I think our party was too loud yesterday. The neighbors ________ this
morning about the noise.
a. complained
b. borrowed
c. reminded.

207. The movie I saw has aliens and space ships. Oh, so it is __________
a. a war
b. a science-fiction
c. an animated.

208. Our neighbors have very important jobs in the govemment. They
________ work a lot.
a. must
b. can’t
c. could.

209. Why are you here? I was invited _______ Pablo.

a. at
b. for
c. by.

210. There was a terrible hailstorm in the U.S. last night. The ________ were
the size of baseballs!
a. hails
b. ice blocks
c. hailstones.

211. Thieves _______ my friend’s house last night. They stole his TV, but
fortunately he wasn’t injured.
a. struck
b. cracked
c. broke into.

212. Jorge Luis, can you fix my car right now? I need it __________.
a. immediately
b. automatically
c. instant.

213. Please be careful with my necklace. It is very ________.

a. valuable
b. frail
c. reliable.

214. I make a ________ by teaching classes and selling health products.

a. thinking
b. responsibility
c. living.

215. Do you know Soda Stereo? It is the band ________ plays “De musica
a. they
b. one
c. that.

216. It’s not sunny anymore. Let me ________.

a. my hat take off it
b. take my hat off
c. take my hat off it.

217. What is happening to your car? I don’t know _________. a. why not
b. why isn’t working
c. why it isn’t working.

218. Where are you going? I’m going to ask my boos for a letter of _________. I
need it for my new job.
a. suggestion
b. recommendation
c. reunion.

219. I’m so proud of Maritza. She got a 99 on her chemistry exam! Gosh! That
_________ the highest grade in her class.
a. can’t be
b. would be
c. could be.

220. The accident was caused by ________ driver who wasn’t looking at the
a. a careless
b. an inappropriate
c. a caring.

221. Your friend Alfonsina talks a lot. I know! She is _________ outgoing.
a. extreme
b. fair
c. incredibly.

222. You play chess amazingly well! Have you ever _________ a tourmament?
a. ridden
b. won
c. taken.

223. My parents ________ a divorce when I was 16.

a. got
b. performed
c. did.

224. I don’t want to eat raw vegetables. Can you please _________ them?
a. steam
b. scorch
c. strive.
225. Susana, can you tell me _________? I don’t know, mom. I’ve never met
a. who this guy is
b. who is this guy
c. who this guy.

226. This purse _______ yesterday in the hall. Does it belong to any of you?
a. was finding
b. found
c. was found.

227. Did you see all the lightning yesterday? Yeah! I heard it was the worst
________ of the last five years.
a. thunderstorm
b. hailstorm
c. injury.
228. Are you a good actor, Alberto? I don’t know, but my friends tell me that I
act _________.
a. good
b. according
c. well.

229. The Amazon River is the widest in the world. It is many kilometers
a. wide
b. witch
c. of wide.

230. When I was a young kid, I _________ soccer with my cousins every day.
a. would play
b. use to play
c. was playing.

231. Hi, Juan. I am with Maria in the supermarket. Can you please tell
________ to visit me tonight?
a. her
b. them
c. she.

232. There’s ________ water in the river. It hasn’t rained in three months.
a. very few
b. not many
c. not much.

233. How much beef do you want to buy? Please give me three_________.
a. pounds
b. quarts
c. cartons.

234. Do you want wine with your meal? No, thank you. _______ have water.
a. I can rather
b. I’ve rather
c. I’d rather.

235. If I had more money, _______ buy a nicer car.

a. I’d
b. I should
c. I .

236. I need to save 700 dollars for a new computer. How much ________ so
a. have you been saving
b. were you saving
c. have you saved.

237. Juan sold his car. He _________ to work since April.

a. would be walking
b. has been walking
c. has walked.

238. During the Second World War, the German army was _________ by the
United States and Rusia.
a. defeats
b. defeated
c. defeating.

239. It is raining too much this year. Yesterday the whole city ________ hit by a
terrible rainstorm.
a. has
b. has been
c. was.

240. A: Do you want to go to the bookstore with me? B: I can’t. I __________

studied yet, and there is a very important exam tomorrow
a. wasn’t
b. shouldn’t
c. haven’t.

241. __________ the Plaza Grande yesterday? No, I didn’t. I went to the
a. Did you visit
b. Have you ever been to
c. Have you visited.

242. Your friend Jaime is very ________. He can’t stay quiet for more than two
a. active
b. talkative
c. significant.

243. June is the ________ month in Quito. It never rians.

a. windiest
b. sandiest
c. driest.

244. Can you turn on a light? It is too ________ in here.

a. dark
b. still
c. shrill.

245. What is the _________? It is an underground train.

a. subway
b. railroad
c. was playing.

246. She is my mother’s sister. You mean your ________.

a. cousin
b. aunt
c. niece.

247. Do you want to go with me to the soccer game? I’d _________. I don’t like
that sport.
a. wont
b. should not
c. rather not.

248. If you want to watch anything, you need to hook _________ your TV to an
a. down
b. up
c. in.

249. Do you know when the U.S. Open stats? I don’t know. Let me _______ it
up online.
a. look
b. watch
c. see.

250. Miguel, your room is a mess. Please ________ away all your toys.
a. pick
b. put
c. cast.

251. Did you like the movie? Very much! The ending was really ________.
a. surprising
b. fascinated
c. surprised.

252. I work in a genetics laboratory. Wow! That sounds _________.

a. annoying
b. interested
c. interesting.

253. I hate watching “The Exorcist”. It is too ________.

a. scaring
b. scared
c. scary.

254. I’m really _________ of snakes. I never get close the them.
a. scared
b. scary
c. scare.

255. Did you hear? Gregorio won first prize in a chess tournament. Really? That
is _________!
a. shocked
b. amazing
c. amazed .

256. Can you help me with calculus? It is too _______ for me.
a. confused
b. confounded
c. confusing.

257. I am so ________ about my new job! It is exactly what I hoped for.

a. exciting
b. excited
c. annoyed.

258. A lot of the houses in New Orleans were _________ damaged by

Hurricane Katrina.
a. badly
b. surprisingly
c. conveniently .

259. A: Calm down, Cesar! B: Why do you say that? I’m not angry _______.
a. absolutely
b. at all
c. so.

260. He doesn’t like to share. He’s very _______.

a. unreliable
b. unacceptable
c. selfish.

261. A: I fell from my bike yesterday and sprained my ankle. B: Well,

__________ you didn’t break it.
a. I guess
b. absolutely
c. at least.

262. A: My research is about sports injuries. I’m a medical doctor. B:

_________? Me too!
a. Do you
b. Are you
c. Can you.

263. A: Excuse me, teacher. Is ________ Everest the tallest mountain in the
a. Peak
b. Mount
c. Mountain.

264. Be careful with that pot. You could burn yourself! It has _________ water.
a. smoked
b. boiling
c. pickled.

265. I don’t understand what this guy’s talking about. He’s not _______ any
a. making
b. doing
c. having.

266. Do you remember that looked pretty interesting? It turned ________ it was
really boring.
a. off
b. in
c. out.

267. A: I think Classical music is the best. B: Yeah, jazz is also great,
a. though
b. I see
c. really.

268. I wish I _________ have a dog. However, my apartment is very small.

a. should
b. could
c. can.

269. Hey, Carl. Is my music bothering you? I can turn it _________ if you want.
a. down
b. in
c. on.

270. A: Hi, Esteban! I haven’t seen you in months. B: I know! What _________
since we graduated?
a. are you doing
b. you done
c. have you been doing.

271. A: I am traveling with my family to Mompiche tomorrow. ________ if I left

my dog with you for the weekend? B: No problem!
a. It feels good
b. It seems ok
c. Would it be all right.

272. I don’t feel safe when you drive. You are too _______.
a. laid-back
b. reckless
c. competitive.

273. A: Someone stole my computer from my house. B: Well, _________ you

are safe and unhurt.
a. actually
b. at least
c. oh, gosh.

274. Why are you laughing, Evelyn? This is not _______.

a. funny
b. fun
c. outgoing.

275. A: I travel to the mountains every winter. I ski very well. B: _________?
That is really cool.
a. I guess
b. Do you
c. Better go.

276. A: What do you think about Barcelona this year? B: _________, they are
playing really well.
a. If you ask me
b. I know
c. The thing is .

277. A: I’m going to make cupcakes. Do you want one? B: ________. I’m on a
a. I’d better not
b. I’m not having them
c. I don’t have to.

278. A: Do you like living with your roommate? B: Yes, I really do. We get
________ very well.
a. along
b. up
c. out.

279. A: I would really like to skateboard. B: It is really dangerous, _________.

a. though
b. just
c. I agree.

280. I wish I _________ a longer vacation. I would love to travel to Asia!

a. had
b. have
c. were having.

281. I forgot to bring my lunch. Can you share some of your snacks ________
a. to
b. with
c. towards.

282. I want that picture for my album. Can you _________?

a. print it out
b. print it down
c. print it up.

283. A: I am so sorry for being late! B: This is not cool, Ximena. I _________ for
two hours.
a. have waiting
b. have being waiting
c. have been waiting.

284. A: I have so much work. ________ if you could help me with some of it B:
Sure! I’m not doing much at the moment.
a. I was wondering
b. You know what I am saying
c. I know what you mean.

285. A: Do you know who that guy talking to Bernando is? B: He _______ the
guy that was recently hired.
a. might been
b. maybe
c. may be.

286. A: I dropped my cell phone this morning. B: Let me see? It’s a bit
scratched, but _________ is still works.
a. I mean
b. oh, well
c. at least .

287. A: Did you buy the ingredients I asked for? B: Oh, gosh! I _________. I
completely forgot.
a. didn’t
b. haven’t
c. hadn’t.

288. Ricardo, can I _______ your English book? I lost mine.

a. ask
b. steal
c. borrow.

289. I can’t call you tonight. I _________ my phone this morning.

a. tore
b. broke
c. crashed.

290. A: How was your trip to Atacames? B: Awesome! I had the ________
a. better
b. good
c. best.

291. A: What are you doing tonight? B: I’m going to __________ his project.
a. help to Vladimir finish
b. help Vladimir finish
c. help finish Vladimir.

292. ________ a party next Friday. You’re invited, of course!

a. We’d rather have
b. We’re having
c. We ought to have.

293. Isidro, you have too many books in your room. You should get _______ of
some of them.
a. rode
b. lost
c. rid.

294. A: Where are you from? B: I live in Guayaquil, but I ________ in Manta.
a. grown up
b. grew up
c. got along.

295. Do you know how to turn__________?

a. turn off it
b. this cell phone off
c. off in this cell phone.

296. A: How did you lose your purse? B: A thief _________ it from my hands.
a. strapped
b. shredded
c. snatched.

297. A: Julian has his final exam tomorrow. B: He must be really ________.
a. jealous
b. shocked
c. anxious.

298. A: Are you twins? B: Yes, we are. We look exactly alike, but we act very
a. competitive
b. differently
c. different.

299. A: Can I trust Jean-Paul with this money? B: Yes, you can. He is very
a. unselfish
b. generous
c. reliable.

300. Have you ever ________ your phone?

a. lose
b. to lose
c. lost.

301. Do you want a job? I want to ________ an assistant.

a. grab
b. place
c. employ.

302. I want Mariana __________ with me to the beach, but I think she is going
to be too busy.
a. go
b. to go
c. going.

303. When I graduate I want to ________ from my parent’s house

a. move away
b. walk away
c. step away.

304. A: I’m going for a walk outside. B: It is raining _________.

a. I bet
b. either
c. though.

305. A: What would you do if you were robbed on the street? B: I _________ go
to the police.
a. would
b. can
c. would have.

306. A: The refrigerator is not working. B: Did you see if it was _________
a. plugged in
b. put down
c. turned down.

307. A: How long ________ the clarinet? B: For a long time. I think I was 10
when I started, and I will never stop playing.
a. have you been playing
b. have you played
c. are you playing.

308. A: Do you like going to the beach? B: Actually, _________ the ocean.
a. I have never seeing
b. I’ve never seen
c. I am never seeing.

309. A: Jane is very talented, but she is not overly proud. B: You mean she is
a. down-to-earth
b. arrogant
c. impatient.

310. A: Do you want to come over? We’re making burgers. B: Sure! ________
there in a few minutes.
a. I’m
b. I’ll be
c. I’m being.

311. A: Hi, Juan. B: Hi, mom. I am really busy right now. Can I call you
a. back
b. along
c. away.

312. If I _________ you. I would take new job.

a. were
b. was
c. had been.

313. Carolina, his party is boring. Can you put better music _________?
a. in
b. at
c. on.

314. A: I quit my job a month ago. B: You are kidding! What ________ since
a. will you be doing
b. have you been doing
c. have you done.

315. A: Hey, Teodoro. ________ ask you a favor. B: Sure! How can I help you?
a. I wanted to
b. If I were you, I’d
c. I’d better.

316. My friends _________ traveled to Asia. I want to invite them next month!
a. have never
b. were never
c. did never.

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