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Strategic Business Reporting (SBR)

March 2021

S.No Resource Type Resource Name/Title Access Link

1 Guide SBR essentials on one page ACCA Website

2 Guide Stepping up from Financial Reporting ACCA Website

3 Guide Planning your study ACCA Website

4 Guide SBR Study support guide for students ACCA Website

Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) (INT) - syllabus September 2020

5 Syllabus ACCA Website
to June 2021
Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) (INT) - syllabus September 2021
6 Syllabus ACCA Website
to June 2022

7 Video On demand webinar - Get ready for SBR CBE ACCA Website

8 Video CBE platform support videos ACCA Website

9 Guide Strategic Professional CBE platform guidance document ACCA Website

10 Exam SBR CBE Question Practice ACCA Website

11 Guide Basic spreadsheet and word processing support ACCA Website

12 Guide Retake guide (valid for exams from September 2019 onwards) ACCA Website

13 Guide SBR Examinable documents - September 2020 to June 2021 ACCA Website

14 Guide SBR Examinable documents - September 2021 to June 2022 ACCA Website

15 Guide Effective learning and revision ACCA Website

CBE guidance Strategic Professional (SBR, AFM, APM, ATX and

16 Guide ACCA Website

17 Guide SBR CBE Introduction ACCA Website

18 Guide CBE preparation ACCA Website

19 Video Strategic Professional Workspace - Demonstration of prototype ACCA Website

20 Exam ACCA Practice Platform ACCA Website

21 Exam CBE Specimen exam - Strategic Business Reporting 1 (SBR-INT) ACCA Website

22 Exam CBE Specimen exam - Strategic Business Reporting 2 (SBR-INT) ACCA Website

23 Exam 5 Minutes with examining team ACCA Website

24 Exam Examiners approach article ACCA Website

25 Technical articles Examiner’s report - September/December 2020 ACCA Website

26 Technical articles Examiner’s report - July 2020 ACCA Website

27 Technical articles Examiner’s report - March 2020 ACCA Website

28 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting December 2019 ACCA Website

29 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting September 2019 ACCA Website

30 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting June 2019 ACCA Website

31 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting March 2019 ACCA Website

32 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting December 2018 ACCA Website

33 Technical articles September 2018 examiner’s report highlights ACCA Website

34 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting September 2018 ACCA Website

35 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting December 2017 ACCA Website

36 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting September 2017 ACCA Website

37 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting June 2017 ACCA Website

38 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting March 2017 ACCA Website

39 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting December 2016 ACCA Website

40 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting September 2016 ACCA Website

41 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting June 2016 ACCA Website

42 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting March 2016 ACCA Website

43 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting December 2015 ACCA Website

44 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting September 2015 ACCA Website

45 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting June 2015 ACCA Website

46 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting December 2014 ACCA Website

47 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting June 2014 ACCA Website

48 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting December 2013 ACCA Website

49 Technical articles Examiner’s report P2 Corporate Reporting June 2013 ACCA Website


50 Guide ACCA Website
51 Guide SBR self-check quizzes ACCA Website

52 Technical articles Passing Strategic Professional exams ACCA Website

53 Technical articles Exam techniques for success ACCA Website

54 Technical articles Examples of a change in approach ACCA Website

55 Technical articles Read the mind of the SBR marker (Part 1) ACCA Website

56 Technical articles Read the mind of the SBR marker (Part 2) ACCA Website

57 Technical articles Question requirements explained ACCA Website

58 Technical articles Examples of a change in approach ACCA Website

59 Technical articles Recommended approach to Section B of the SBR exam ACCA Website

60 Technical articles Scoring professional marks ACCA Website

61 Technical articles SBR Examiners Approach ACCA Website

62 Technical articles Deferred tax ACCA Website

63 Technical articles Accounting ethics in the digital age ACCA Website

64 Technical articles Additional performance measures ACCA Website

65 Technical articles Bin the clutter ACCA Website

66 Technical articles Business Combinations – IFRS 3 (Revised) ACCA Website

67 Technical articles Concepts of profit or loss and other comprehensive income ACCA Website

68 Technical articles passing Strategic Professional exams ACCA Website

69 Technical articles Giving investors what they need ACCA Website

70 Technical articles IAS 21 - does it need amending? ACCA Website

71 Technical articles IFRS 2, Share-based Payment ACCA Website

72 Technical articles IFRS 9, Financial Instruments ACCA Website

73 Technical articles IFRS 13 - Fair Value Measurement ACCA Website

74 Technical articles IFRS for SMEs ACCA Website

75 Technical articles Impairment of financial assets ACCA Website

76 Technical articles Impairment of goodwill ACCA Website

77 Technical articles Measurement ACCA Website

78 Technical articles Profit, loss and other comprehensive income ACCA Website

79 Technical articles Revenue revisited ACCA Website

80 Technical articles The definition and disclosure of capital ACCA Website

81 Technical articles The integrated report framework ACCA Website

82 Technical articles When does debt seem to be equity? ACCA Website

83 Technical articles The Conceptual Framework ACCA Website

84 Technical articles Cryptocurrencies ACCA Website

Using the business model of a company to help analyse its

85 Technical articles ACCA Website

86 Technical articles Crowdfunding and impairment of financial instruments ACCA Website

Business combinations, share-based payments and accounting

87 Technical articles ACCA Website
considerations of a pandemic or natural disaster
Asset ceiling test (IAS 19), initial coin offerings, non-GAAP, and non-
88 Technical articles ACCA Website
financial performance measures

89 Technical articles Onerous lease contracts and impairments, and investor issues ACCA Website

90 Technical articles The Sustainable Development Goals ACCA Website

91 Technical articles Effective Time Management in Strategic Professional exams ACCA Website

92 Video Examining team guidance ACCA Website

93 Exam SBR (INT) Specimen exam – applicable from September 2018 ACCA Website

94 Exam SBR (INT) Specimen exam 2 – applicable from September 2018 ACCA Website

95 Exam Sample September/December 2020 - answers ACCA Website

96 Exam Sample September/December 2020 - questions ACCA Website

97 Exam SBR (INT) CBE screenshots March 2020 ACCA Website

98 Exam March 2020 - answers ACCA Website

99 Exam March 2020 - questions ACCA Website

100 Exam Sample September/December 2019 - answers ACCA Website

101 Exam Sample September/December 2019 - questions ACCA Website

102 Exam Sample March/June 2019 - answers ACCA Website

103 Exam Sample March/June 2019 - questions ACCA Website

104 Exam December 2018 - answers ACCA Website

105 Exam December 2018 - questions ACCA Website

106 Exam September 2018 - answers ACCA Website

107 Exam September 2018 - questions ACCA Website

On Demand
108 Transitioning from P2 to SBR
On Demand Revision webinar series - Topic: accounting and ethical issues
Webinar question
On Demand
110 Revision webinar series - Topic: groups question
On Demand Revision webinar series - Topic: analysis - alternative reporting
Webinar measures
On Demand Get ready for SBR with SKANS - 9 October, 19 October and 26
112 ACCA Website
Webinar October 2018
On Demand
113 Get ready for SBR - Session 1 External website
On Demand
114 Get ready for SBR - Session 2 External website
On Demand
115 Get ready for SBR - Session 3 External website
On Demand
116 Exam Techniques for Strategic Professional
On Demand
117 ACCA Qualification - The Essential Guide
On Demand
118 PER Q&A session
On Demand
119 Support for retakes
On Demand
120 SBR’ Ask the tutor’
On Demand
121 SBR December 2018 debrief webinar
On Demand
122 SBR: Applying your knowledge of accounting standards
On Demand
123 SBR: Analysis, alternative performance measures
On Demand
124 SBR: Groups question
On Demand Question 3: Intangible assets, Conceptual Framework and
125 ACCA Website
Webinar Integrated Reporting
On Demand
126 Question 4: Alternative performance measures ACCA Website
On Demand
127 SBR: Accounting and ethical issues question
On Demand
128 SBR: advice for Corporate Reporting re-takers
On Demand
129 Maximise your marks in SBR
On Demand
130 Read the mind of an SBR marker

131 FAQ SBL students FAQs ACCA Website

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