Rubrics For Assessment of Course Learning Outcomes and Program Outcomes

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Rubrics for assessment of course learning

outcomes and program outcomes

Course Code & Title MFT5SEIM11 - Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
Programme MBA Batch: 2019-2021 Term: VI
Faculty Mr. Neil Harwani and Prof. Balakrishnan Unny R

Rubrics for the individual assessment components ..................................................................................... 2
Hall Examination (End of Term Examination: 40%) ................................................................................. 2
Individual assignment (20%) ...................................................................................................................... 2
Group assignment (20%) ............................................................................................................................ 4
Quizzes (20%) .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Level – 4 Level – 3 Level – 2 Level – 1
Criteria Excellent Accomplished Average Unsatisfactory Total
> 80 % 56-80 % 40-55 % < 40%
Hall Examination (End of Term Examination: 40%)
1. Relevance of The answer is The answer is The answer is The answer is 30%
answer complete; factually brief with not relevant to
to the sufficient detail correct but insufficient the question
provided to incomplete; detail.
support all sufficient detail Unrelated
assertions; provided only issues were
answer focuses on few aspects introduced
only on issues of question; and/or minor
related to the errors in
question; content
2. Completeness Deals fully with Most of the Most of the None of the 50%
and the entire basic details basic details relevant details
logic of question are included are included was included
Clear and but some are but most are Weak
logical missing missing organization;
presentation; Minor Major issues in sentences
good problems of organization or rambling; ideas
development of organization or logic however are repeated
an argument; logic; Needs the ideas are
Transitions are work on clearly
made clearly creating articulated
and smoothly transitions
between ideas
3. Mechanics of Clear, readable, Minor Frequent Major problems 20%
writing prose; no problems with problems with with mechanics
(spelling, problems with mechanics of mechanics of of language;
spelling, language; language; Awkward
punctuation, or Occasional Frequent sentence
grammar, grammar awkward awkward construction
clarity of sentences sentences;
prose) reduced
Individual assignment (20%)
In this assessment, the students will have to submit case summary for the allotted cases that are part of
the course material. The cases that considered for evaluation will be discussed in the class during session
19 to 23. The summaries will have to be submitted on the day before the class discussion at 5 PM. If the
submission fails to meet the plagiarism standard (<20%) then the student will be provided one more
attempt. In the event that the second submission still does not meet the plagiarism standard their
submission will be rejected and shall not be evaluated.
1. Identification Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and 20%
of Main Issues demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
/ Problems sophisticated an an below par

Level – 4 Level – 3 Level – 2 Level – 1
Criteria Excellent Accomplished Average Unsatisfactory Total
> 80 % 56-80 % 40-55 % < 40%
understanding accomplished accomplished understanding
of the main understanding understanding of most of the
issues/problem of most of the of some of the issues/problem
s in the case issues/problem issues/problem s in the case
study. s in the case s and study.
study. acceptable
of the rest
2. Analysis and Presents an Presents a Presents a Presents a 20%
Evaluation of insightful and thorough thorough superficial or
Issues/ thorough analysis of most analysis of incomplete
analysis of all of the issues some of the analysis of
identified identified; issues some of the
issues/problem missing some identified and identified
s; includes all necessary average issues; omits
necessary assertions. necessary
calculations. calculations.
3. Effective Supports Supports Supports Little or no 20%
Solutions/ diagnosis and diagnosis and diagnosis and action
Strategies opinions with opinions with opinions with suggested
strong strong limited and/or
arguments and reasoning and reasoning and inappropriate
well- evidence; evidence; solutions
documented presents a presents a proposed to the
evidence; somewhat one- somewhat one- issues in the
presents a sided sided case study.
balanced and argument; argument;
critical view; demonstrates demonstrates
interpretation reduced little
is both engagement engagement
reasonable and with ideas with ideas
objective. presented. presented.
4. Links to Makes Makes suitable Makes suitable Makes 20%
Course authoritative but somewhat but somewhat unsuitable or
Readings and connections vague vague little
between connections connections connection
identified between most between some between issues
Research issues and the of the identified of the identified identified and
strategic issues and issues and the concepts
concepts concepts concepts studied in the
studied in the studied in class; studied in class readings;
class; demonstrates Supplements
Supplements limited the case study,
the case study command of if at all, with
with relevant the analytical incomplete
and thoughtful tools studied; research and
information Supplements documentation.
the case study
Level – 4 Level – 3 Level – 2 Level – 1
Criteria Excellent Accomplished Average Unsatisfactory Total
> 80 % 56-80 % 40-55 % < 40%
with limited
5. Originality Meets the Meets the Meets the Meets the 20%
originality originality originality originality
standard in the standard in the standard in the standard in the
first attempt. first attempt. first attempt. second attempt.
Plagiarism is Plagiarism is Plagiarism is
less than 5 % between 5 % between 11 %
and 10 % and 20 %
Group assignment (20%)
In this assessment, the groups will have to create a presentation on the use of a specific topic related to
ML and AI The presentation must be submitted in softcopy form on a specified day and the same shall
be evaluated for plagiarism. If the submission fails to meet the plagiarism standard (<20%) then the
group will be provided one more attempt. In the event that the second submission still does not meet
the plagiarism standard their submission will be rejected and shall not be evaluated
1. Sourcing Information is Information is Information is Information is 20%
gathered from gathered from gathered from a gathered from a
multiple, multiple limited number single source.
research-based sources. of sources.
2. Timeliness Submitted on Delayed Delayed Delayed 10%
the scheduled Submission by Submission by Submission by
date and time Max 2 Hours Max 6 Hours Max 12 Hours
3. Originality Meets the Meets the Meets the Meets the 10%
originality originality originality originality
standard in the standard in the standard in the standard in the
first attempt. first attempt. first attempt. second attempt.
Plagiarism is Plagiarism is Plagiarism is
less than 5 % between 5 % between 11 %
and 10 % and 20 %
4. Visual Appeal There are no There are some There are many There are many 20%
errors in errors in errors in errors in
spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
grammar and grammar and grammar and grammar and
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. punctuation.
Information is Too much Too much The slides were
clear and information on information difficult to read
concise on each two or more was contained and too much
slide. slides. on many slides. information
Visually Significant A minimal had been
appealing/enga visual appeal. effort made to copied onto
ging. make slides them.
appealing or No visual
too much going appeal.
5. Content The The The The 40%
presentation presentation presentation presentation

Level – 4 Level – 3 Level – 2 Level – 1
Criteria Excellent Accomplished Average Unsatisfactory Total
> 80 % 56-80 % 40-55 % < 40%
was a concise was a good was was a brief look
summary of the summary of the informative but at the topic but
topic with all topic. several many questions
questions Most important elements went were left
answered. information unanswered. unanswered.
Comprehensive covered; little Much of the Majority of
and complete irrelevant info. information information
coverage of irrelevant; irrelevant and
information. coverage of significant
some of major points left out.
Quizzes (20%)
There will be 3 surprise/pop quizzes throughout the course. The best 2 marks will be considered for
the final assessment marks. There shall not be any second attempt for the quiz.
1. Understanding Correctly Correctly Correctly Correctly 100%
of concepts and Answered more answered 56- answered 40- answered less
terminologies than 80% of the 80% of the 55% of the than 40% of the
questions that questions that questions that questions that
test the test the test the test the
fundamental fundamental fundamental fundamental
concepts and concepts and concepts and concepts and
terminologies terminologies terminologies terminologies
related to ML related to ML related to ML related to ML
and AI and AI and AI and AI

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