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Predictions before the birth
Jews and Christians had already been telling that the told Prophet is about to take birth and He will take birth in
Arab. Once Hazrat Abdul Mutallib went to meet the king of Yemen, the king said to him that the told Prophet
will be from your offspring.
Abdul Mutallib said that once I went to yemen in winter season and met a jew scholar he asked about my family
I replied Iam from Banu Hashim then he said can I see your body I permitted him and he looked at my nostrils
and said I say that there is a country on your one hand and Prophethood on your other hand but we know that
prophet will be from Banu Zahra how will it happen then he asked do you have any wife I said no then he said
do marriage in Banu Zahra.
After the return of Abdul Mutallid his father Hashim got him married with a woman, named qeela, and he had a
son Haris and he married with hinda binte Amar and had other chidren and then married with Fatima and had a
son Abdullah, the father of Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W.
Hazrat Hassan bin Sabit narrated that I was a sensible child of 7 or 8 years I heard that once jew of Madina stood
on the roof of his castle and shouted that o jews listen I saw the star of Ahmad has arised and is going to be take
birth any time in today’s night.
RasoolAllah was born in 12 of Rabiulawwal (20 April 571 A.D.) after 55 days of event of feel which is mentioned
in Surah Feel. His father Hazrat Abdullah died before His birth in Madina. His mother Bibi Amina saw an angel
in dream who said, the boy you are going to give birth His name is Ahmad that’s why His mother named Him
Ahmad and His grandfather Hazrat Abdul Mutallib named Him Muhammad.
Hazrat Usman bin Abi Al-Aas narrated that my mother said at the time of RasoolAllah’s birth I saw the light
everywhere in house and I felt that stars are coming closer to me I assumed that they will fall on me and after His
birth everything lightens with light and I cannot see anything except light.
She said daily I saw different Prophets who came and congratulate me on His birth.
She said whenever I go to bring water from well stones became soft under my feet and the vessel on my head
become so light as it was on the air.
His mother Bibi Amina said I never felt any difficulty before and at the time of His birth and when I became
pregnant I saw a light came out from me and I saw the castle of Basra and Syria. He was very neat and clean and
there was no dirt on Him and when we put Him on floor He sat on floor by the help of His hands and He saw
towards sky.
Mother of Abdur Rahman bin Auf said after birth when He came in my arms He cried then I heard that some one
is saying that “Mercy of Allah on You Mercy of Allah on You” then I dressed Him up and laid Him down after
a while I felt shivering on my to left side I saw left and darkness came in my eyes and I heard that some one is
saying that where did you take Him then someone replied to the east, and everything became normal, then I felt
shivering on my right side I saw to right and darkness came in my eyes and I heard that someone is saying that
where did you take Him then someone replied to the west then everything became normal and I always
remembered this till RasoolAllah declared His Prophethood and I embraced/accepted Islam.
Qureshi asked Abdul Mutallib asked that why did you choose this name He said I want Him to be praised in the
After His birth the whole year only the boys took birth in Makkah. He was already circumcised (kahtna shuda)
and fragrant.
RasoolAllah said I am the pray of Hazrat Ibraheem and the good news of Hazrat Isa nd a dream of my mother she
saw a light which enlighten the castles of Syria.
When He was a baby He never did pee or anything in His clothes. He was very shy whenever He became
uncovered (means the cloth moved from Him) He used to cry and if anyone became late to cover Him someone
unknown and unseen covered Him.
First he was feeded by sobia then by Umme Aiman (Her name was barkat) then by His mother and then by Halima
Halima Sa’dia
It was the tradition of Arab that villager women used to adopt the children and took him to their village and feed
them and took care of them to get the reward from the guardians of that child on returning the child to them.
Halima Sadia was a very weak and poor women so no one gave her their child and other women did not adopt
RasoolAllah because He was orphan and each women thought that we cannot get much reward from His guardians
so Halima Sadia adopted RasoolAllah.
When she was returning to her village her weak slow camel and mule became very active and fast and her weak
and thin goats started giving milk a lot and their conditions started becoming better day by day so they understood
that these blessing are because of Him.
At the age of 5 the son of Halima Sadia whose name was ‘damra’ saw that 2 men took Muhammad and laid Him
down and cut His chest so damra ran to home and told this to his mother. Halima Sadia and her husband got
nervous and ran to that place and saw that He is safe and in a normal condition but frightened they ask Him that
what happened He told them that two men came and one of them cut my chest and took my heart out and washed
it and then placed it again at its place and pour something like light in me and joined my chest (this event is called
shaq-qe-saddar). Halima’s husband said it may be the matter of jinn we may not take care of Him anymore we
should return Him to His mother and they took Him back and told His mother about it. His mother told them
about the miracles and everything which happened at the time of His birth and satisfied them that nothing can
happened to Him like this.
Death of Bibi Amina at the age of 6
At the age of 6 Bibi Amina took Him to His father’s grave or to see the Her brothers, on returning to Makkah
Bibi Amina died at the place of Abwa and He came to Makkah with Umme Aiman.
His grandfather Hazrat Abdul Mutallib became His guardian after 2 years Abdul Mutallib also died.
Then at the age of 8 His uncle took Him in his guardianship and complete his duty with love and responsibility.
Abu Talib loved Him a lot that at sleeping , eating at every place he always kept RasoolAllah with him.
First journey to Syria at the age of 12
At the age of 12 He insisted Abu Talib to go with him to Syria for trade and Abu Talib took Him. When they
stayed at Basra there was a priest, named Buhera who was expert of torah (torait) and gospel (injeel or bible) saw
Him that a cloud was shadowing over Him and when the caravan of quresh stopped at a tree near his church for
rest he saw that branches came down to shed Him then buheara ordered his servants to prepare food and he invited
all qureshees to the feast and then he searched for the signs of prophet hood and found all the signs and asked
some question from RasoolAllah and found the answers according to the signs of prophet hood as he knew then
he said to Abu Talib after the meal that He will be the great personality or He is the leader of all worlds and He
will be the Prophet of God. that I saw the signs of last Prophet which were written in Holy Books and advised
Abu Talib that do not go to Syria and sell everything here because Jews are His enemies and they may cause any
harm to Him. Abu Talib sold everything there and returned to Makkah.
Harb e Fujjar and treaty of Hilf ul Fuzool at the age of 15 or 20
At the age of 15 or 20, people of Quresh and any other tribe, in any fair in one of the month which were very
respected in their beliefs, one man urwatur rehal who had someone’s camel with goods was killed by Baraz and
baraz looted the camels which cause a battle among them. RasoolAllah also took part in that battle but He only
used to pick the arrows and give them to His uncles. This battle is known as Harb e Fujjar.
After a bloodshed battle when many lives were lost some people convinced them to stop this battle and they
decided to make a treaty of peace. The conditions of the treaty were.
1. We will make peace in the country.
2. We will secure the travelers.
3. Help the poor.
4. Favor the oppressed.
5. Do not let any oppressor/tyrant live in Makkah.
This treaty is known as Hilf ul Fuzool. Reason of this name is that many years ago same type of treaty was made
in Madinah and there were 3 men who ran the movement for this treaty and the names of all 3 men were Fazal
that’s why this is named hilf ul fuzool.
RasoolAllah said after His Prophethood that if anyone still call me Ale Hilf ul Fuzool and ask for help I will help
him. This treaty gave me such happiness that if someone give me red camels against this treaty I don’t become
much happier.
Second journey to Syria and marriage with Bibi Khadija at the age of 25
At the age of 25 RasoolAllah became famous as truthful and honest and was known Sadiq and Ameen. Bibi
Khadija R.A. also heard about Him. She was a rich, respectable and business women. She sent her slave, Named
Maisarah, to Him and requested Him to take charge of His business. He went to Syria with Maisarah. In Syria
they stayed at a place and RasoolAllah sat under a tree. There was a priest named Nastoora saw Him and asked
Maisarah about Him. Maisarah told Nastoora about Him then Nastoora said no one sat under this tree except
Prophets and he saw that two angels keep shadowing on Him and brought the Holy books and saw the signs of
Last Prophet which were written in those Books and told Maisarah that He will be the Last Prophet and avised
Maisarah to serve Him alot. Then RasoolAllah went for trade and made a great profit by His honesty and
intelligence. When they returned to Makkah Bibi Khadija was waiting for them when she saw them coming she
felt that angels were shading on RasoolAllah then Maisarah told Her everything about the journey and then she
desire to marry RasoolAllah. First she asked about Him from His aunty Bibi Safia who was Her sister in law and
then sent a proposal of marriage to RasoolAllah by Her slave Nafeesa. RasoolAllah told about it His uncles and
they agreed and Abu Talib went with Him to Bibi Khadija’s family and fixed the marriage and then RasoolAllah
and Bibi Khadija got married. RasoolAllah had six children from Her two sons, Hazrat Qasim and Hazrat
Abdullah title of Abdullah was tayyab and tahir and they both born before the declarence of Prophet hood and
four daughters Bibi Zainab, Bibi Umme kulsoom, Bibi Ruqayya, Bibi Fatima.
Issue of placing Hajr e Aswad at the age of 35
At the age of 35, the walls of the Ka’aba damaged because the heavy rain and flood. Qureshi decided to reconstruct
Ka’aba. After the reconstruction of Ka’aba the issue of Placing Hajr e Aswad raised. Every tribe wanted the pride
of placing Hajr e Aswad Then they conflicted with each another and took out their swords but some wise old men
advised them that whoever comes first in Ka’aba tomorrow morning we will his decision whatever he decide,
everyone agreed. Next morning RasoolAllah was the first person who came in Ka’aba. When Qureshi saw him
they became satisfied that he is the honest and faithful. RasoolAllah put Hajr-e- Aswad on a cloth and said that
leaders of every tribe hold and lift the cloth up. Everyone did that then RasoolAllah placed Hajr e Aswad to its
place and the issue solved and everyone became happy and satisfied.
Then RasoolAllah used to see the true dreams what He see in the dream it became true in the next morning then
He used to spent time in the cave of Hira which exist in the mount Al-Noor and it is 3 miles far from Makka at
that time and Ka’aba could be seen clearly from there and it’s breath was 4 yards and width was 2 yards that a
single man can lay down in it.
(35 or 36 till 40)
He used to stay there sometimes for 3 or 5 days and for the whole month of Ramadan. He takes His meal with
Him and when it finishes He return to His home and spend few days over there and then go back to the cave
First Revelation of Quran at the age of 40
At the age of 40, He used to spend His most time in cave of Hira. One day Jibrael came to RasoolAllah and recite
few verses of Surah Al-Alaq and said read it RasoolAllah said I could not read then Jibrael hug Him, three times
the same thing happened after third hug Jibrael asked to read then RasoolAllah read and memorized the verses
and came home and told this to His wife Bibi Khadija. She took Him to Her cousin Warqa bin Nofil who was the
scholar of Torah and Injeel. RasoolAllah told him everything then Warqa said that is a same angel who brought
revelation to Prophet. I wish that I would live till that day when your nation will let you move out from your city.
RasoolAllah said will my nation do this Warqa said every nation did this to their Prophet.After few days
RasoolAllah saw Jibrael is sitting on a chair between earth and sky. RasoolAllah came to home and laid worn a
quilt then second revelation which were few verses of Surah Al-Mudassir revealed and He was ordered to preach
Islam and tell people about Allah.
Preaching of Islam 1st to 4th Nabavi at the age of 41
Then RasoolAllah started preaching for 3 years. Bibi Khadija, the first in women, and Hazrat Ali, the first in
children, and Hazrat Abu Bakr, the first in men, and Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit, the first in slave, and then Warqa bin
Nofil, one of those lucky peoples who embraced Islam in first day.
In the fourth year (4th nabavi) the verses of surah Al-Shu’ra were revealed and RasoolAllah was ordered to
preach the family members then He went to the hill of Safa and called Qureshies and asked them if I say that
enemy is hiding behind this hill and is about to attack on you will you believe me, they said yes we will believe
you then RasoolAllah said I am telling you about Allah if you don’t believe you will be punished. Then Qureshies
became to him and said bad words and went from there and Abu Lahab, the uncle of RasoolAllah, use very bad

words for Him and said for this you gathered us then Allah revealed surah Al-Lahab in which it is declared about
Abu Lahab and his wife are destroyed.
In the same year (4th nabavi) verses of Surah Al-Hajr were revealed and RasoolAllah was ordered to preach
Islam openly then RasoolAllah invited the leaders of Quresh to feast (meal), after eating food RasoolAllah said
to them that I have brought the best thing to you who will help me in it Hazrat Ali said I will help you Qureshi
laughed on them and left.
Then RasoolAllah preached door to door and to every person he met and in the fairs etc and Qureshi became His
enemy and they started torturing Muslims through different ways.
Delegation of Quresh to Prophet
When they failed they sent a man (Utba bin rabi’a) to RasoolAllah who offered Him if you want wealth we will
give you wealth. If you want to marry in higher and respectable family we can help you in it. If you want the
leadership of Arab we can make the leader of Arab but stop saying against our idols. Then RasoolAllah recited
the verses of surah Hameem Sajda then Utba put his hand on the mouth of RasoolAllah and asked Him to stop
and left from there and said to Qureshies leave Him if He will get success then it will be the pride of Quresh
otherwise people of Arab will kill Him.
Delegation of Quresh to Abu Talib
But Qureshies didn’t agreed and went to Abu Talib and said to Him that convince your nephew to stop preaching
His religion and stop saying against our idols and leave His support and hand Him over to us or come against us
with Him which will decide the final result.
Abu Talib said to RasoolAllah that please do not put such a burden on me I have become old. RasoolAllah said
if they put moon on my one hand and the sun on my other hand even then I will not stop preaching of Islam
whether I lost my life. Then Abu Talib said whatever you want to do, do it. I am with you and persuade whole
Banu Hashim family to support RasoolAllah.
First migration to Abyssinia (habsha) 5th Nabavi at the age of 45
Quresh increased their tortures and hostility against Muslims so RasoolAllah permit Muslims to migrate to
Abyssinia then 11 men and 4 women migrated there. After some time a rumor spreaded there that people of
Makkah have embraced Islam so they returned and knew that it was a rumor and then Qureshies started torturing
them again. Then RasoolAllah ordered them to migrate to Abyssinia again.
Second migration to Abyssinia
Then 83 men and 18 women migrated to Abyssinia. Quresh sent their delegation to the king of Abyssinia, named
Asmaha and the title was Najashi, they said to the king that our rebellions have come in your country and are
spreading a new religion. Return them to us. Najashi called the Muslims and asked them about their religion.
Hazrat Ja’afar (brother of Hazrat Ali) said we were ignorant, theft, robbery, murder and other bad things we used
to do. Allah sent a Prophet among us. We already knew about his family and honesty. He stoped us from idol
worship and order us to worship only one God and to leave all the bad deeds. We believed Him and followed
Him so our nation became our enemy that’s why we left our country and we are living here with peace and they
wanted us to return to that darkness again.
Then Qureshies said ask them what is their belief about Hazrat Esa (Jesus). The king asked and Hazrat Ja’afar
replied we believe that Hazrat Esa is the Prophet and the servant of Allah. Who was born without father and He
was the sign of Allah and Allah called Him ROOHULLAH and recited some verses of surah Maryam. King said
I witness that Muhammad is the Prophet about whom Injeel informed us and he sent the delegation back and
allow Muslims to live in his country anywhere and how long they want.
Iman of hazrat Hamza and Umer Farooq 6th Nabavi at the age of 46
In 6th Nabavi Hazrat Hamza, the uncle of RasoolAllah, and Hazrat Umar Farooq embraced Islam. Now Muslims
have started saying Namaz openly in Ka’aba (before it they said Namaz hidenly). Now Quresh have become
Shoub e Abi Talib 7th Nabavi at the age of 47
Now Quresh deceded to boycott Banu Hashim unless they Hand over the Prophet to them and made a treaty that
no one will talk to them, no one will do marriage with them and no one will do any business transaction with
them so Abu Talib went to a place, named shoub e abi Talib, and lived there for 3 years with difficulties and
hardships. After 3 years some leaders of Quresh mercy on them and persuade others to cancel the treaty then most
of the Qureshies agreed and cancel the treaty and brought Banu Hashim back to their homes.
Death of Abu Talib and Bibi Khadija 10 Nabavi at the age of 50
Abu Talib became ill after returning from Shoub e Abi Talib and after 8 months he died and then after 3 days
Bibi Khadija died in Ramadan. This hurt Him a lot so this year is called “The year of grief ( Aam ul Huzn). Quresh
became braver that they can harm Him openly. Qureshies were in some control in the matter of RasoolAllah
because of Abu Talib but now this great supporter has died so Qureshies appointed some boys who always abuse
and mock Him.
Migration to Taif
RasoolAllah migrated to Taif and met tree brothers who were the leader of their tribe and them Islam and they
rejected it very rudly and appointe some naughty boys to hurt Him in any form. Whenever He passes from some
where they mock, abuse Him and throw stones on Him which make Him wounded. One day boys threw stones to
much that wonded Him a lot from head to toe even your shoes filled with blood. You went far from Taif and took
shelter in field of grapes. And decided to come back to Makkah. In the way at Nakhla some jinn embraced Islam.
At the place of Hira He met a leader of one of the tribes of Quresh. He asked Him to provide shelter to Him and
that leader could not denied and left you at your home and he told everyone about his shelter. Then RasoolAllah
preacing those who come to Makkah from other cities and villages to perform Hajj.
11th Nabavi at the age of 51
One day six peoples of Khazraj tribe from Madina came to RasoolAllah. He asked about them and recited few
verses of Quran and those people embraced Islam because they have hurt from Jews that the last Prophet will
come and they thought He must be that last Prophet and start preaching in Madina.
First Pledge of Al Aqabah 12th Nabavi at the age of 52
Next year 12 people of Madinah came to perform Hajj and 12 people from them embraced Islam near the mountain
of Aqabah and asked to send a preacher with us so RasoolAllah sent hazrat Mus’ab bin Umair with them and
people in Madinah embraced Islam.
Second Pledge of Al Aqabah 13th Nabavi at the age of 53
Next year people of Madina came to perform Hajj and 72 people from them embraced Islam and asked
RasoolAllah to come to Madina. RasoolAllah said I will migrate after the order of Allah.

Planning of killing RasoolAllah and migration to Madina
When Quresh knew that now Islam is also preading in Madina so they gathered in the council house (in the
morning), called Darun Nadwa, all the Leaders of almost every enemy tribe attended this conference in which
different people gave advices which were rejected then Abu Jahal said we should choose brave man from each
tribe who will attack together on Muhammad so all the tribes will be acused of this murder and Banu Hashim will
not dare to take revenge from all tribes and they will accept to take blood money against that murder and we will
easily pay that money and our problem will be solved.
This advice was selected and they decided to attack on RasoolAllah in night and there Quranic verse reveled to
migrate and He called Hazrat Ali and order him to sleep on my bed at night and in the morning return the
belongings to their owners and migrate to Madina and at night RasoolAllah took sand in His hand and recited
surah Yaseen on the sand and threw it on Qureshi men, who were waiting outside His house to attack on Him,
and Qureshies could not see Him and He left Makkah and first stayed in cave of taur (Gar e saur).

Life in Madina
1st Hijri
After 3 days in cave Tour (sor) He went to Madinah and first He, for few days, stayed at Quba, which was
considered as the part of Madina and built a Masjid called Masjid e Quba, then He left to Madina. People of
Madina welcomed Him very warmly and happily and every one wanted Him to be his guest but RasoolAllah said
my camel is given the order by Allah where it will stay I will stay there, and camel stopped in front of the house
of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari. RasoolAllah remained his guest for 7 months during this period RasoolAllah
Purchased a land and built Masjid e Nabavi on it and houses for Him and His wives and Muhajirines were
constructed, which were built by Ansar, and he called His family from Makkah and shifted to His house.
Then the rukhsati of Bibi Aisha was done (rukhsati occur in this year the marriage (nikah) was done in 7th Nabavi).
Charter of Madina
In Madina many Jews were also settled. RasoolAllah made a treaty between Muslims and Jews
1.The system of blood money (money which is paid against murder instead of killing murderer) and ransom (the
money which paid to free the slave) will continue as it was in the past.
2.Both Muslims and Jews Keep friendly relationship with each another.
3.If anyone from Muslims and Jews need to fight with any enemy, other will help them.
4.If anyone attack on Madina both will fight with them
5.Jews have the freedom for their religious affairs.
6.No one will provide shelter to Qureshi and their helpers
7.If one have the treaty of peace with enemy the other will be included in that treaty.

Etablishment of brotherhood between Muhajireen and Ansar
RasoolAllah made one Muhajir the brother of one Ansar and then Ansar offered their half property to his muhajir
brother but muhajireens ask to establish themselves by their own and RasoolAllah called Hazrat Ali His brother
in the world and hereafter.
Beginning of Azan for prayer. Abdullah bin zaid bin sa’laba saw the dream and heard the words of Azaan and
then hazrat Umar Farooq heard the Azaan and told to RasoolAllah that I also heard the same words in dream.

2nd Hijri
Muslims were given permission of Jihad from Allah. (Surah Al-Hajj 22:39)
Qureshi sold a Muslim’s house and one of the leader of Quresh attacked a village near Madina and looted their
After hijrat Quresh started preparation to attack on Madina and this was a reason that some small battle occurred
between Muslims and Quresh which leads to Battle of Badr.

Battle of Badr
Reasons of battle
1. RasoolAllah sent few sahaba to Nakhla to keep an eye on Qureshi and to send information to Him about them.
When they reached Nakhla they saw 3 Qureshi who came there for a trade. Sahaba thought that if they see us they
will tell to the people of Makkah about us and they will kill us and should fight with them. Then they decided to
fight and one sahabi Waqid bin Abdullah tamimi hit an arrow which killed one Qureshi, named A’mar Hadarmi,
and arrested two men and separate five percent of the spoils of war for RasoolAllah and divided the remainig
among them (it was the last day of sacred month of Rajab) and came to Madinah but RasoolAllah did not accept
it, then verse revealed 2:217 according to this verse “killing in sacred month is a sin but not bigger than to try to
convert a Muslim from his religion”. then Quresh sent ransom to release their men. Then sahaba
asked to RasoolAllah that would we get that the blessing as mujahid then verse revealed 2:218 according to it
2. Then Muslims heard that a trade delegation of Quresh, which was leaded by Abu Sufyan, is returning to Makkah
from Syria, Muslims decided to attack on them to frighten and warn them that if they tried to attack on Madina
then the people of Madina will stop their trade to Syria because one the Qureshi enemy looted the animals and
some other things of people of Madina. Abu sufyan sent a man to get information from Madina about Muslims.
That man informed Abu sufyan about the planning of Muslims and then Abu sufyan sent a man to Makkah for
getting help and changed the route. Abu Jahal with the complete preparation of battle and 1000 soldiers went to
do help and they were on the way, Abu Sufyan sent a message that we have reached Makkah now you should
come back But Abu Jahal did not agreed and wanted a battle and camped on the ground of Badr. Muslims reached
there and they also camped there. Muslims were 313 in number and enemies were one thousand in number.
About battle
Before the battle RasoolAllah prayed to Allah for the victory and told gave the good news of victory to sahaba.
Then He went to inspect the ground and pointed the places and told the names of peoples who will die there ex.
here Abu Jahal will die, here Utba will die, here he will die etc.
The side of Muslims was soft and side of enemies was hard but, by the blessings of Allah, it rained and the side
of Muslims became little hard and side of enemies became soft. The sun was on the back of Muslims and the on
the front of enemies so the light of sun was also creating difficulty for enemies and side of Muslims was little
higher than the side of the enemies.
First 3 man came from both sides in the battle field and fought one on one. Muslims killed them then all enemies
came to attack towards Muslims. RasoolAllah ordered His companion to wait till they come into our range when
they came into the range RasoolAllah ordered to shoot arrows and picked some stones and when enemies came
closer to them He P.B.U.H. threw stones on enemies which killed some enemies. Allah sent angels for the help
of Muslims first they were 1000 then they become 3000 then 5000 and Muslims got the victory. 70 enemies were
killed and 70 were arrested. Abu Jahal was also killed in this battle.
During the battle one companion came and showed his broken sword then RasoolAllah gave him a piece of wood
and he fought with that which was working better than sword at that time.
One companion came to RasoolAllah and showed his hand which was almost cut RasoolAllah joint his hand and
This is only battle in which angel fought and killed enemies though they helped but did not killed anyone.
These arrested people were distributed to different sahaba as their slave and all were advised to treat them kindly
like, give them to eat what you eat, give them to wear what you wear etc. and after few days it was decided to
free them after having ransom from them and those who knew writing and reading they were told to teach writing
and reading to 10 10 peoples to get free.
This victory put the great impression of Muslims on Arabs and Qureshi enemies got angrier on their insult and
wanted to take revenge of Badr.
Other events in battle of Badr
Qibla was changed from Bait ul Muqaddas (Masjid e Aqsa) to Ka’aba (surah Baqarah 2:144)
Marriage of hazrat Ali and Bibi Fatima occur
Roza and Zakat became farz
RasoolAllah started the pray Namaz of both Eids and fitra became wajib.

Surah of Quraan
Surah Aale-Imraan and Surah Infaal has verses related to battle of Badr

Miracles of RasoolAllah in the battle of Badr

He p.b.u.h. pointed out the places that where who will die
He p.b.u.h. gave wood stick which worked as sword.
He p.b.u.h. joint the hand which was almost cut.
He p.b.u.h. threw stones on enemies which killed some of the enemies

Battle of Uhud 3rd Hijri
Quresh want to take revenge of Badr
About battle
In the leadership of Abu Sufyan 3000 enemies of Quresh camped near the mountain of Badr and 700 Muslims
also camped there. There was a small mountain near the mountain Uhud. RasoolAllah appointed 50 archers
(bow man) on it to stop the attack from behind.
The battle started Muslims made a queue then RasoolAllah took out His sword and said “who will pay the right
of this word” then Hazrat Abu Dajana said “I will” then RasoolAllah gave him the word and then he walked very
proudly in battle field RasoolAllah asid this is an impermissible way of walking but in front of enemies it is
permissible and fought very bravely
Muslims fought with bravery and enemies started running from the battle field the archers on the mountain
thought that we have won the battle and left the position came down to collect spoils of war (mal e ganimat) when
Khalid bin Waleed saw that archers have left the position he attacked on Muslims from behind with 100 horse
rider soldier and also martyr the remaining archers on the mountain. When the enemies who were running from
the battle field saw this they returned and attacked from front. Now Muslims became nervous an could not
understand what happened and surrounded by the enemies and tried to fight with them in this situation one enemy
martyr hazrat Musa’b who looks very similar to RasoolAllah and shouted that Muhammad has died now Muslims
became more nervous and tried to find RasoolAllah then one sahaba shouted that RasoolAllah is alive which gave
the Muslims confidence and RasoolAllah called the Muslims towards himself now enemies knew His actual
position and moved towards Him then one enemy threw a stone on Him which wounded His tooth, Muslims tried
to save RasoolAllah then He ordered Muslims to move on the mountain and then they threw stones on enemies
from the mountain to stop enemies. Abu Sufyan thought we have won the battle and we have taken the revenge
of Badr so he returned back to Makkah.
In this battle hazrat Hamza, uncle of RasoolAllah, martyred and his liver was chewed by Hinda (she was the wife
of Abu Sufyan she was not muslim at that time she and her husband became muslims after the conquest of
Makkah) and she cut the nose and ears of Hazrat Hamza and made the necklace of it and worn it.
Archers left their position.
Miracles of RasoolAllah
When enemies were trying to attack RasoolAllah then one of the sahabi, Hazrat Qatada, who was the His face
one arrow hit his eye and eye fell down then RasoolAllah apply His spit on his eye and placed it in its place and
prayed o Allah ave his eye because he was saving your Prophet’s face then his eye had been working better than
previous and became more beautiful.
Other Events of 3rd Hijri
Hazrat Imam Hassan was born in 15 ramzan
RasoolAllah got married with Bibi Hafsa (the daughter of Hazrat Umar Farooq who became widow at the time
battle of badr)

Hazrat Usman Ghani got married with Bibi Umme Kulsoom (daughter of RasoolAllah)
Detailed intructions of inheritance were revealed
Marriage with Mushrik (idol worshiper) woman became impermissible which was allowed before.

5th Hijri
Battle of Kandaq or Ahzab
Reason of the battle
Jews of Madina Secretly met to Qureshies and asked them to attack on Madina we will help you and we both
expel Muslims from Madina or we will finish them.
About battle
Abu sufyan gathered other tribes and prepared the Army of 30000 soldiers to attack on Madina. RasoolAllah got
the information about it and took advice from His companions (sahaba) that should we fight in the battle field or
should we fight while remain in the city. Decision was taken to fight while remain the city and on the advice of
hazrat Salman Farsi a trench (khandaq) Muslims dig a trench on one side of Madina which was open while three
sides were safe because of the mountains, houses and the fields.
Quresh could not attack on Madina altogether because of the trench and they besieged Madina. After a month of
siege Hazrat Na’eem bin Mas’ood Ashja’i accepted Islam but Qureshies did not know about it and with the
permission of RasoolAllah he met Quresh and Jews one by one and said something to them, which made Quresh
and Jews against of each another and then Jews left Quresh. Then a storm came and destroyed the camps and
food of Quresh and then Quresh returned back and Battle ended.
Facts of victory
The trick Hazrat Na’eem bin Masood Ashja’i
The storm
Miracles of RasoolAllah
During the time of digging the trench there was a stone which was very hard and not being broken then
RasoolAllah sprinkled water on it and broke it
Another stone appeared which was not being broken RasoolAllah hit it three times and each time a light apperared
from it then sahabi asked about that light then Rasoolallah aid it was the good news of the conquest of Sham, Eat
and West.
Hazrat Jabir arranged a feast for RasoolAllah and asked Hi to come at his home but Rasoolallah took all His
sahaba with Him and recite something on fd and they all aet their fill and the food did not end and remain as it
was in the begining
A little girl was carrying dates for her father RasoolAllah called her put those dates on sheet and covered them
and called all sahabi to eat those dates as everyone eates those dates it becomes more and more at that time.

Other events in 5th hijri
RasoolAllah got married with Bibi Javairia
Incient of Ufaq
Order of the punishment of false accusation
Tayammum became permissible
Battle of Banu Quraiza
Then after few days Muslims attacked Jews to punish them on breaking the treaty. Jews requested that let Hazrat
Sa’ad bin Muaz decide the punishment. RasoolAllah granted their request and Hazrat sa’ad bin muaz decided that
those who fought against Muslims they should be killed and remaining should expelled from Madina. 400 Jews
were killed and remaining migrated to Khaiber.

6th Hijri
Bait e Rizwan and Treaty of Hudaibiyah
RasoolAllah was going to perform Umrah with 1400 companions. Quresh knew about it and they do not want
them to enter into the Makkah and tried to stop them. RasoolAllah stayed at Huaibiyah and sent Hazrat Usman
to satisfy them that we are just coming to perform Umrah. When hazrat usman went there a rumor spread that
hazrat Usman is martyred then RasoolAllah took oath from His companions that we will not return without taking
the revenge. Everyone took oath and this oath is called “Bait e Rizwan”.
After this oath Muslims inform that Hazrat Usman is alive that was just a rumor then it is decided between
Muslims and Quresh to make a treaty and treaty was written and this treaty is called treaty of Hudaibiyah (sulah
e Huaibiyah). Conditions of this treaty were as follows.
Muslims will go back this year and come next year only for 3 days.
One who is living in Makkah, Muslims will not take him with them.
One who came with Muslims want to stay in Makkah, Muslims will not force him to go with them.
One who come to Madina from Makkah, Muslims will return him back to Quresh.
One who come to Makkah from Madina, Qureshi will not return him back to Muslims.
Muslims and Quresh will not do any battle till ten years.
Muslim or Qureshi want to make treaty with any tribe they can do it.
This treaty was signed for ten years and Muslims returned back to Madina. RasoolAllah became satisfy that now
Quresh will not attack on Madina so He sent his messengers to the kings of different countries for the preaching
of Islam.

7th hijri
Battle of Khaiber
RasoolAllah got information that Jews of Khaiber are planning to attack on Muslims so He went to attack on
Khaiber. There were eight castles and these eight castles were collectively called Khaiber.
Muslims conquered seven castles but they could not conquered the last one then RasoolAllah said “I will give my
sword zulfiqar to one who will conquer the Khaiber tomorrow” and He gave His sword to Hazrat Ali.
First hazrat Ali killed Marhab (who was the most strongest and expert fighter of Jews) and then broke the door
of the castle and Khaiber was conquered then RasoolAllah decided to expel Jews from Khaiber but Jews requested
that we will pay the half of our agriculture every year (Jizya) so please do not collapse our religious places and
return us our lands. RasoolAllah accepted that and let them settled in Khaiber and return them their lands.
8th hijri
Battle of Maota
RasoolAllah sent His messenger to the king of Rome there the governor Sharjeel bin Amar Ghasani martyred the
messenger. RasoolAllah sent 3000 soldiers to attack them for revenge.
Enemies gathered 100000 soldiers against Muslims army, after a blood shed battle Muslims won the battle and
in Madina RasoolAllah saw the battle field and He was telling each and every thing to Muslims about the battle
in Madina.
Conquest of Makkah
Tribe of Bani Bakkar had a treaty with Quresh and tribe of Bani Khaza’a had a treaty with Muslims. Bani bakkar
attack on Bani Khaza’a with the help of Quresh and killed many of their peoples. Bani Khaza’a asked from
Muslims. Then RasoolAllah sent a letter to Quresh and wrote three conditions.
1 - Force Bani Bakkar to pay blood money to Bani Khaza’a
2 – Do not help Bani Bakkar when we attack on them to take revenge
3 – Declare that you have broken the treaty of Hudaibiyah
Quresh replied that we have broken the treaty of Hudaibiyah. Then RasoolAllah order his companions that prepare
to attack on Makkah and took 10000 soldiers and attacked on Madina and said to people that one who surrender
or enter into Haram or enter into his house or enter into the house of Abu Sufyan he will be in peace. Qureshi
people started running for peace then RasoolAllah ordered to break and throw the idols and to rub the pictures
from the walls of Ka’aba then asked people you know what will I do with you every one said that you are merciful
then RasoolAllah said I forgive everyone then many Peoples of Qureshi and nearby tribes accepted Islam.
Battle of Hunain
Tribes of Banu Hawazin and Banu Saqeef planned to attack on Muslims. Then RasoolAllah took 12000 soliers
to fight with them. At the place of Hunain they met. Muslims were more in number and they thought that today
we will win easily but when the battle started, the archers and the soldiers of enemy attack very heavily so Muslims
could not bear it and they started running from battle field. when RasoolAllah saw this He called them and order

Hazrat Abbass to call them because of his loud voice then Muslim returned and fought bravely and defeated the
9th Hijri
Battle of Tabook
RasoolAllah got information that an army of Rome is prepared to attack on Madina. RasoolAllah took 30000
soldiers with Him, when He reached at Tabook and He came to know that it was just a rumor and after a months
He returned to Madina.
10th Hijri
RasoolAllah went to perform Hajj and gave His famous last Sermon.
11th Hijri
He fell ill and stayed at the House of Bibi Aisha (His wife) and there He died.


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