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Build Love Maps

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Print & fill this out while watching the Build Love Maps section
of the video.

Overview of Love Lab Sound Relationship House

Dr. Gottman and his wife's research The walls of the Sound Relationship
allow him to predict the success of House are ______ & ___________.
a marriage with >___% accuracy. These need to be strong. If one of
The Sound Relationship House is a these is broken, then the House will
visual guide for understanding how crumble.
important aspects of ___________ & The foundation of your house is
_____________ work together to built on your _____ ____.
build a secure & happy

Love Maps Questions

This is how well you know your What's your biggest _______ in life?
partner's: What would your dream __________
Inner psychological ______. be?
Stresses For building ___________ and
________ understanding of each other, NOT
Joys for highlighting or focusing on
_______ ____________.

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