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Candidate's name

Writing task 1
You want to send an email/ a fax but you can't - the Internet is down/the line is busy. Ask your colleague
to send it later. Leave a short note. Write:
• who must receive it;
• what it is about;
• when you will call about the results.

Dear Alina,
I want you to send for me an email as soon as the Internet is back , please. You have to write to my doctor about my
migrene and ask what I shoult do. I will call him tommorow .

date: 11/16/2020
time: 8:00 am (name)

Writing task 2
You have just returned from an assignment abroad. Write a letter to a friend about:
• where you were and what your job duties were;
• what you liked or disliked in it;
• what your present plans are.
Include all the points above. Use 100 - 130 words.

Dear Saviana,
I have just come back yesterday from an assignment abroad , I was in Turgistan for six months. I worked there as a
helicopter pilot on EC 135 B , it is a SMURD helicopter. I had to take all the injured soldiers from the battlefield and fly
with them to hospita as soon as i could.The ugly part is that I did not have time for me too much, I saw a lot of blood
and heard a lot of screams from the wounded men. I like that I gained more experience , I am much stronger now ,
mentally speaking, and I have more money and I can afford a flat by my own. I want in the future to go in another
mission until I make a family. These are the details I wated to say. I hope you will text me soon.
With love,

Writing task 3
It is fairly common to have two or three generations of a family living under the same roof. What problems
and/or help could this bring to? Support your opinion.
Use about 250 words.

In my opinion, it's hard to have two or three generations under the same roof, but not impossible. Nowadays, the old
people struggle on their own, but so are the young ones and due to the fact that not everyone affords to live on their own.
We may have cases with two or three generations under the same roof.
If we have more than one generation under the same roof we can divide up the expenses associated with owning or
renting a single home, the cost is split between the parents and the kids, or even grand parents. Also, maintaining the
home is easier, because you can split the responsabilities. Cleaning the house, groceries and watching the kids is easier
when you have help.
But, while living with your family has advantages, we also have to take into consideration the fact that we will not have
the same privacy. Even if is nice to have someone your parents in the same house as you, it may get frustrating at a point,
due to lack of personal space.
If someone chooses to live with their family, they have to make sure that they are aware about both advantages and

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