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Khesli Johnson

Draft Video Script

Begin by showing pictures of teachers who have been burned out


What do you notice about these teachers? What do you think they have in common? I’m sure

at one point they were and probably still are great teachers. There are many characteristics to a

great and highly effective teacher. Unfortunately, due to many issues plaguing education,

countless teachers are getting burned out and leaving the profession. It is well known that

teaching is a stressful job. Burn out happens when teachers start feeling exhausted,

overwhelmed, or even defeated. You are probably wondering: How can we stop this from

happening? Stay tuned as we unpack…

*Law & Order dun-dun sound effect plays here*

“Teacher self-care” will appear on the screen


You may have heard of “self-care” before. It is simply taking a conscious effort to take care of

one’s physical, emotional, and mental health. Ideally, some type of self-care would be done

daily. These activities should generally promote long-term health. For teachers, self-care is an

important component, though many don’t quite understand what it is all about.

Image of teacher relaxing in bed will appear on the screen

Many teachers are quick to dismiss their own self-care for fear of feeling guilty. They assume

it’s selfish to miss time for their own sake. For teachers, self-care is about taking of your health

so you can be the best teacher that you can be for yourself and your students.

Image of “reminder: its ok to take a break” will appear on the screen


Teaching is a profession that requires A LOT out of you. Because teachers focus so much energy

on others and so little on themselves, committing to self-care is crucial to maintain good mental

health. Self-care can be a great way to prevent or treat teacher stress. It can help to turn

around the high burnout rates. By partaking in self-care activities, YOU can reach your full

potential in the classroom, which will help your students’ success.

*cue happy/jolly music here*

Image of “teacher working with students” will appear on the screen


So now that we know that self-care is an important part of teaching, it is imperative that we

incorporate in in our daily lives. By just taking small steps every day, we can improve our well-


Image of different self-care activities (walking, journaling, visiting friends, talking to friends and

family) will roll on the screen


Let’s avoid teacher burn out by engaging in self-care practices as often as we can!

Image of happy/relaxed teachers will appear on the screen

*cue happy/jolly music here*

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