Importance of Managing Communication

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Importance of Managing

Human being are social animals
People need to communicate
Even animals communicate
Distorted communications reduces efficiency and
Information must flow freely upward, downward and
Managers must be efficient in communicating
Today’s employees want to know what is going on
Human skills of communication cannot be overlooked
Imp of Comm
• Org cannot exist without comm
• Comm helps accomplish man functions
(planning, org, leading,controlling)
• Without comm
– Employees cannot know what the other workers
are doing
– Management cannot receive inputs
– Supervisors/team leaders cannot give instruction
– Coordination is impossible
What is Communication
• Communication is the transfer of info and
understanding from one person to another
• Its goal is to have the receiver understand the
message as it was intended.
• Comm involves at least two people, sender
and receiver
• Comm is what the receiver understands not
what the sender says
Business Communication
• Business communication is a process of transmitting information and
thoughts between various parts of an organization and also to people
outside the organization such as customers, investors, suppliers etc. The
main function of the business communication is to convey your message
or thoughts effectively to the reader.
• is the sharing of information between people within and outside the
organization that is performed for the commercial benefit of the
organization. It can also be defined as relaying of information within a
business by its people.
• business communication is a specialized branch of general communication
that is specifically concerned with business activities. Generally, when
communication takes place between or among parties regarding
business-related functions, it can be termed as business communication.
But the process, methods, types, principles etc. remain almost same with
those of general communication. The basic difference lies in their areas of
Current Challenges for Business
• The need for expanded media literacy
• Increasing globalization and workplace
• An increased need for strong analytical skills.
Computational thinking, visual literacy,
interpretive skills.
• An increased focus on ethics and social
Two Way Comm Process
• Step-1: Develop an Idea. Comm useless unless there is a
worthwhile message
• Step-2: Encode. Convert into suitable words, charts,
symbols etc
• Step-3: Transmit. By chosen method, memo, phone call,
email, FAX, personal visit, symbol, billboard etc
• Step-4: Receive. Receiver receive
• Step-5: Decode. Sender wants the receiver to understand
the message exactly as it was sent
• Step-6: Accept.
• Step-7: Use.
• Step-8: Feedback.
Fundamental Principles of Persuasion
• Liking. Uncover similarities to build bond and
offer praise
• Reciprocity. Give what you want to receive
• Social proof. Use peer power
• Consistency. Solicit commitment
• Authority. Expose your expertise
• Scarcity. Express the unique and exclusive
benefit of your product/service
Comm Barriers
• Personal barrier. Comm interferences that arise
from human emotions, values, poor listening skills
etc. Emotions/listening/psychological distance
• Physical barrier. Comm interferences that occurs
in the environment in which comm takes place.
Noise/geographical distance
• Semantic barrier. Arise from limitations in the
symbols with which we communicate. Use of
jargons, slangs, acronyms etc.
Comm Symbols
• Words.
– Main comm symbol
– 50% time in verbal comm
– Words have multiple meaning. Here, hear, hair,
– Diverse culture, edu level, ethnic heritage creates
– Infinitely complex feelings/limited words
– Context provides specific meaning
• Pictures.
– Used to clarify word comm
– Pictures can provide powerful visual images
– Blueprints, progress charts, diagrams, maps,
models etc
– Pictures to be combined with well-chosen words
and actions
• Action/non verbal comm.
– What we do is means of comm. Or what we don’t
– Action speaks louder then words
– Setting example
– Body language
– Facial expression
Media of Communications
Media of Communications

Written communication
Oral communication
Visual communication
Audio visual communication
Computer based communication
Written communication

Written communication has to be written on

paper and has to be transmitted in written
Advantages: Dis-advantages:
• Accurate • Time consuming
• Precise • Expensive
• Permanent record/ • Quick clarification is
Legal document not possible
• Can reach a large
number of people
Oral communication

Face to face conversation, telephone

conversation, radio broadcasts, interviews,
group discussion, announcement,
conference, speeches..etc
Oral communication

Advantages: Dis-advantages:
• Saves time & money • Difficult for distance
• More forceful people
• Conveys shades of • Unsuitable for lengthy
meaning messages
• Immediate feedback & • Messages cannot be
clarification retained for long
• More effective with • No legal validity
Visual communication
Gesture, facial expressions, tables,
charts, graphs, posters, diagrams…etc

•Can be very effective if used in combination

with other media
Body language:
• Eye movement (rolling, winking, twinkling, staring)
• Blank or puzzled face
• Biting nails
• Raising feast …..etc
Audio Visual communication

It is a combination of sight and sound.

May take written word also.

It is very effective and suitable for mass publicity and mass

education. Like television and cinema, etc
Computer based communication
Voice mail, text message, e mail, video
conference, answering machine come under
Advantages: Dis-advantages:
• Minimized the time • Legal validity
and space gap • Fear of leakage
• Video conference can • Technological
replace personal harassment
• Can be recorded
• World wide web
Main Forms of
Communication in Business
• Operationa
– Internal
– External

• Personal
Main Forms of
Communication in Business

Internal Operational

– Within Business
– Operating plan
– Policies, rules and regulations
– Order, instruction, guidelines etc.
– Various reports and Returns
– Circulations
Main Forms of
Communication in Business

External Operational

• With Outside organization

• External Stakeholders: Supplier,
customer, govt..
• Brochures, sales callbacks, ..
• All public relations….messages
Main Forms of
Communication in Business

• Personal communication can have significant effect

• It strengthens relationship
• Improves working environment and communication
• At times more effective than operational
• Flow and sharing of information is faster and
Direction of Business Communication
Downward Comm
• Flow of info from higher to lower levels of
• Half of the comm is with sub-ordinates. Rest
half is with superiors, peers and external
Downward Comm
• Prerequisites for an effective approach in
downward comm
– Need to develop a positive comm attitude
– Work to get informed
– Consciously plan for communications
– Managers must develop trust
Downward Comm
• Comm overload. Too much info to be conceived
• Acceptance of comm. Fol conditions encourage
acceptance of comm
– Acknowdged legitimacy of the sender to send a
– Perceived competence of the sender relative to the
– Trust in the sender as a leader and a person
– Acceptance of the tasks and goals
– Power of the sender
Upward Comm
• Difficulties
– Delay
– Filtering
– Need for response
– Distortion
• Upward comm practices:
– Questioning
– Listening
– Employee meetings
– Open door policy
– Participation in social groups
Lateral Comm
• Comm across chain of command
• Boundary spanners. Persons who plays a
major role in lateral comm
Grapevine Comm
• Control of Rumours
– Remove its cause
– Apply efforts to serious rumours
– Refute rumour with fact
– Deal with rumours ASAP
– Emphasize face to face facts
– Provide facts from reliable sources
– Refrain from repeating rumours
– Encourage assistance from informal and union leaders
– Listen to all rumours
Guidelines for Readable Writing
• Use simple and familiar words and phrases. Try/ endeavour,
like/ in a manner similar to that of
• Use personal pronouns. You/them
• Use illustration, charts, examples. Picture is a thousand
• Use short sentences and paragraphs.
• Use active verbs. The manger decided/it was decided by the
manager/the manager came to the conclusion that
• Use only necessary words. Lack of rain contributed in
facilitating a drought in the region/ Bad weather condition
served to prevent my trip
• Use clear structure. Headings/sub headings
Guideline for Effective Listening
• Stop talking
• Put the talker at ease
• Show the talker that you want to listen
• Remove distractions
• Be patient
• Hold your temper
• Go easy on arguments and criticism
• Ask relevant questions
• Stop talking. Two ears/one tongue. Listening
needs two ears, one for meaning/one for feeling

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