PHIL2004 Essay

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PHIL2004 Essay

Andre Gentles
Question 3
1. Identify and critically discuss 3 conceptions of science as discussed in this
This essay seeks to define 3 concepts of science, explain their applications to
science, and critically discuss each concept from a philosophical perspective.
Concepts such as imagination, the nature of observation in science and objectivity
vs subjectivity. Imagination wis discussed through its relation to theories in science
and hypothesis, these are mostly made without much supporting evidence outside
of scientist’s ability to be creative with concepts. Imagination takes place in the
mind of a scientist and shouldn’t therefore be the foundation of an observation and
fact based subject like science. Observing natural events as well as those which
have been generated experimentally is the main method in which scientist are able
to a find evidence for theories. Anything that influences said observation should be
taken into consideration and corrected so there is proper data gathering. Things that
influence Observation include subjectivity and objectivity. Subjectivity and
objectivity of science are strongly associated to the nature of science. One speaks
to a judgment free, personal interpretation free and bias free method of research
and experimentation and the other states that personal input shapes the generation
of hypothesis and theorizing which lead to research. A dissection will be done on
each topic its relation to science and philosophy. These tree topis were chosen as
they were closely tied to one another a fact which will be discussed further.
To imagine is to represent while not aiming at things as they really,
presently, and subjectively are. One will use imagination to represent possibilities
apart from the norm, to represent times apart from the present, and to represent
views apart from one’s own. Not like perceiving and basic cognitive process,
imagining one thing doesn't need one to contemplate that one thing to be the case.
Not like needing or anticipating, imagining one thing doesn't need the belief that
the imagination is true or will ever be true. Imagination is concerned in an
exceedingly large choice of human activities and has been explored from a good
vary of philosophical views. Philosophers of mind have examined imagination’s
role in mindreading and in pretense. Philosophical aestheticians have examined
imagination’s role in making and in participating with differing kinds of artworks.
Philosophers of language have examined imagination’s role in irony and figure of
speech. Epistemologists have examined imagination’s role in theoretical thought
experiments and in sensible decision-making. Imagination and innovation are
important in science, without imagination, science would never ever have existed.
Knowledge without imagination is nothing, imagination helps scientists to encircle
the planet, take a summary look, it acts sort of a wing that takes thoughts to the
sky. Imagination helps in solving mathematical equations which needs tons of
imagination because they describe an augmented world which is important to know
nature and its mysteries. Albert Einstein, one of the greatest physicists of all time
and a fine amateur pianist and violinist. For Einstein, insight did not come from
logic or mathematics. It came, as it does for artists, from intuition and inspiration.
As he told one friend, "When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I
come close to the conclusion that the gift of imagination has meant more to me
than any talent for absorbing absolute knowledge." Elaborating, he added, "All
great achievements of science must start from intuitive knowledge. I believe in
intuition and inspiration.... At times I feel certain I am right while not knowing the
reason." Thus, his famous statement that, for creative work in science,
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" (Calaprice, 2000, 22, 287, 10).
Scientific objectivity is the attribute of all aspects of science. It expresses the
notion that scientific statements, methods, and results (and the scientists
themselves) should or should not rely on specific opinions, value judgments,
community biases, or personal interests, to name a few important factors.
Objectivity is often regarded as the ideal choice for scientific research, the strong
reason for valuing scientific knowledge and the foundation of the credibility of
science in society. Objectivity represents the truth and fact in the real world that
has special features and characteristics and can be described in a more specific and
concrete way. With the objective approach, all the methods and procedures should
be uniform for the model. According to Max Weber, the objectivity of science
must be characterized by public norms that are accessible to all and interpreted in
the same way (Weber, 1949). However, not all philosophers agree with this point
of view. He claims that it is the traditional view of objectivity that has abandoned
the subject. Logino, in his article, "Values and Objectivity", pointed out that equity
can be two different senses. First, science provides an actual view of objects in the
real world that is truly objective. Second, equity is related to research
methodologies, which is also science because practice is achieved through a non-
discretionary and non-subjective criterion to develop, accept, and reject
Subjectivity is generally conceptualized because the method analysis is
influenced by the views, values, social experiences, and viewpoint of the
researcher. Traditional scientific discourse equates judgement with personal biases
as a result of, according to its empirical orientation, direct or indirect influence of
the researcher on the assortment, handling, interpretation, and reporting of
knowledge invalidates the analysis findings. For this reason, research reports from
a scientific orientation build a claim to perspicacity, a principle drawn from post
positivism that researchers should build each try to stay distanced from the
development beneath investigation. This philosophical belief represents one way of
managing judgement in analysis. Rather than plan to diminish its potential
influence, some scholars centralize the subjective position in the analysis method
or, at minimum, acknowledge that the well-known levels. Subjectivity plays
associate vital role within the development and selection of theory. Thus, the
objective reflects the real science, in fact, evaluating and testing hypotheses that
have been reached by the methodology. And the subjective role is very important
to get hypotheses. Logical hypothesis are obtained from the personal values,
information as well as from the society. Subjective variables such as identity,
instruction, and bunch commitments, play significant half in hypothesis alternative
be that as it might those values got to be basic and relative problem-solving
capability (Curd, p.173). Subjective variables such as identity, instruction, and
bunch commitments, play significant part in hypothesis choice be that as it may
those values ought to be basic and relative problem-solving capacity (Curd, p.173).
While qualitative analysis seeks to perceive the subjective expertise, it must not be
involved with informative openness through a method by which the investigator
tries to acknowledge his or her preformed prejudices, biases, associated stereotypes
and in so doing reveal the lens through that which he or she builds an interpretation
of the subject. Ultimately one is left pondering to what degree one will be clear
regarding one's sound judgment.
Observation assumes a key part in scientific examination. Scientific
observation now and then includes generally straightforward exercises requiring
little arrangement and unsophisticated translation. At different occasions,
notwithstanding, scientific observation is a very perplexing movement, in fact
among the most difficult endeavors in which individuals lock in. The science
instruction field ordinarily depicts just that section of logical observation at the
basic finish of this range. In doing this, there is a danger that understudies will
procure a misshaped picture of logical observation and create observational
abilities which are not under any condition satisfactory for the job which
observation plays in science. An elective record of observation in science is
introduced and its suggestions for science educating are talked about. Observation
is of unquestionable significance in the sciences. As the wellspring of data from
the actual world, Observation has the job of both rousing and testing hypotheses.
Assuming this part requires something other than opening our eyes and allowing
nature to follow up on us. It requires a cautious regard for the data passed on from
the world, so a perception is significant. Logical perception, as such, is more than
an actual demonstration of sensation; it should be an epistemic go about too, with
adequate importance and validity to add to information. There is a fundamental
impact of Theories and hypothesis on the actual Observations. The hypotheses we
accept or wish to test reveal to us which observations to make. What's more,
depicting the aftereffects of observations, that is, drawing out their educational
substance, will consistently be done in the language of the applied and hypothetical
framework effectively set up. The impact of hypothesis on observation is
frequently seen as a danger to the objectivity of the way toward testing and
confirmation of Hypothesis, and subsequently of science as a rule. If hypotheses
are permitted to, in fact needed to select their own proof and afterward to give
importance and validity to the perceptions, the testing cycle is by all accounts
unavoidably round and self-serving. Perception that is hypothesis loaded would
ensure a good outcome. In any case, a glance at the historical backdrop of science
shows that it doesn't. There are a lot of instances of Observations that are utilized
to disconfirm hypotheses or possibly subvert the scholar's certainty. Maybe there is
a type of Observation that isn't affected by logical hypothesis and can fill in as a
typical, target wealth of data to put hypotheses through a thorough and significant
test. Or then again maybe all Scientific Observation bears the impact of foundation
Scientific hypotheses, yet not really of the hypothesis the perception is being
utilized to test. This autonomy between the hypotheses that help a Observation and
the hypothesis for which the Observation fills in as proof can break the cycle
during the time spent testing and maybe reestablish objectivity.
To summarize the concepts of science discussed have shown to be deeply rooted in
scientific theory, hypothesis, and research methods. The very act of coming up
with a theory requires both imagination and subjectivity to come in play.
Imagination which gives humans the ability to see beyond their eyes and senses
and achieve a type of creative trans that connects preexisting information in the
scientist’s head. These connection leads to questions of the possibilities presented
through imagination and these questions create theories. Theories require the
scientist to input their own beliefs into the research as imagination is process
unique to the individual, as such, many theories carry personal influence. Which is
where objectivity and subjectivity come into play where one believes personal
biases and influences should be left out of scientific observation while the other
states that personal influence is essential to the creative process which is the
foundation for theories. As such many scientific observations can be skewered in
such a way that they become influenced by the theory. This a problem in and for
science as the act of observing should be clear and direct “it is what you see, and
what your sense tells you”. To think that observation can be influenced is
unscientific as it means all theories and hypothesis are self-serving only seeking
out answered to confirm a scientist was right. As such the scientific community
recommends that the scientist clearly state all personal biases and influences which
might impact the research observations and experiment. In order to remove any
individual influence and retrieve unbiased data.


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