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July 16, 2020

In Focus
FASB Concepts Statement No. 8, Conceptual Framework for
Financial Reporting—Chapter 4, Elements of Financial Statements
A Proposed Concepts Statement That Addresses Elements of
Financial Statements
Overview Why Is the FASB (the Board) assets and liabilities difficult to
Issuing This Exposure Draft? understand and apply
The Financial Accounting Standards c. Clarifying the distinction
Board (FASB) on July 16, 2020, is- The Board concluded that the between liabilities and equity
sued for public comment a proposed discussion of elements in Con- and between revenues and gains
chapter of the FASB’s Conceptual cepts Statement 6 could be further and expenses and losses
Framework for Financial Report- developed and improved with the d. Modifying the distinctions in
ing defining elements of financial objective of providing a foundation equity for not-for-profit entities.
statements. This chapter defines 10 for future standards. Many of the
elements of financial statements: decisions reflect changes in practices How Would the Board Use the
assets, liabilities, equity (net assets), and standards since Concepts State- Chapter Once It Is Final?
revenues, expenses, gains, losses, ment 6 was issued and are based
investments by owners, distribu- on the Board’s experience in using This chapter of Concepts Statement 8
tions to owners, and comprehensive those concepts in setting standards. would be similar to the rest of the
income. This proposed chapter is framework in that it establishes
intended to replace Concepts State- What Are the Main Components concepts that the Board would use in
ment 6, Elements of Financial of the Proposal? developing standards of financial ac-
Statements. counting and reporting. This particu-
Definitions of elements of financial lar chapter would provide the Board
The objective of financial reporting statements are a significant deter- with a framework for developing
is to provide financial information minant of the content of financial standards by identifying elements of
about the reporting entity that is statements. Possessing the essential financial statements that could be ap-
useful to existing and potential in- characteristics of one of the elements propriate for recognition in the finan-
vestors, lenders, and other creditors is a necessary but not sufficient con- cial statements and relevant to the
in making decisions about providing dition for an item to be recognized users of those financial statements.
resources to the entity. This chapter in an entity’s financial statements. This chapter would provide the
provides the means for carrying out To be recognized in financial state- Board with a framework for develop-
that objective; it defines elements of ments, an item must meet the funda- ing standards that meet the objective
financial statements to be applied mental recognition criteria as well as of financial reporting to enhance the
in developing standards for both a cost-benefit constraint. understandability of information
businesses and not-for-profit orga- to existing and potential investors,
nizations. These elements provide The decisions discussed in this Expo- lenders, donors, and other resource
a foundation for information that is sure Draft would principally clarify providers of a reporting entity.
relevant to the objective of financial the elements definitions in Concepts
reporting. When finalized, these Statement 6 by: Paragraph 105-10-05-3 of the FASB
elements will become a basis for the Accounting Standards Codification®
Board when creating requirements a. Clearly identifying the right or states that FASB Concepts State-
in future standards. Stakeholders are obligation that gives rise to an ments are not authoritative. Some
encouraged to review and provide asset or a liability standards are inconsistent with the
comments on the proposed chapter b. Eliminating terminology Concepts Statements. This Concepts
by November 13, 2020. that makes the definitions of
Page 2 FASB In Focus

Statement and other Concepts State- What Are the Next Steps in the
ments do not override authorita- Process? For more information
tive standards. If accounting for a about the project, please
transaction or event is not specified Stakeholders are encouraged to visit the FASB’s website
in authoritative generally accepted review and provide comment on the at
accounting principles (GAAP), an Exposure Draft by November 13,
entity first must consider accounting 2020. The proposal and instructions
principles for similar transactions on how to provide comments are
or events within authoritative GAAP available at
and then consider nonauthoritative
guidance from other sources (includ-
ing Concepts Statements).

© Copyright 2020 by Financial Accounting Foundation, Norwalk, CT. Reproduction of these

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The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views of the FASB. Official Norwalk, Connecticut 06856-5116
positions of the FASB are arrived at only after extensive due process and deliberation. T: 203.847.0700 | F: 203.849.9714

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