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Facilities Management


Contract: Life Support MFD-IFMS- Contract Section(s): Raw Food Preparation
Revision: 00
001 Area

FM Representative: Ali Oudah/ Munaf

Examination Date: 07 Oct 2019 Risk Rating: Low
HSE Representative: Nirranjan / Mushin Abdali

Site / Location: TMC Last Examination: 07 Sep 2019 Contractor Risk Rating:

Service Examination Type: Initial Follow Up Scheduled Special

Contractor QHSE: E-Mail:

Contractor Manager/Supervisor: E-Mail:

Follow-Up Examination Required: Yes No Out-brief with Contractor: Yes No

Corrective Measures Required: Yes No Concern Letter issued: Yes No

Observations in brief: During the scheduled inspection below listed non conformances were briefed to Camp Boss
(Subhash). A scheduled inspection was performed in TMC Camp

Deficiencies Identified:
Action Y/N

 No food preparation was witnessed at the inspection time, the working surfaces observed in poor
condition and not being clean or disinfected on daily bases please see pictures.
 The sinks in the preparation area observed not to be clean.
 The exhaust fan system has not been cleaned although we raised the WO a few months ago Y
 The hand washing sections observed not to be stoked with paper towels.
 The hands washing basins needs to be replace by a new one
 Ac not working properly at the salad preparation area

This guide presents core steps in the execution of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). It is a simplified, generic plan for catering contractors providing
food and drinks to staff. When implemented, it will help catering contractors to establish and maintain a food and drinking water safety management system in line
with HACCP principles. It is not intended to be a detailed plan for the purposes of HACCP certification.

Select appropriate response for each requirement Examined

YES = Requirement performed satisfactory.
NO = Performance of requirement unsatisfactory or not being performed.
N/A = Requirement not applicable.

 Be familiar with all Contract Scope of Services and References

 Be familiar with all Contract Scope of Services and References

 Always use good safety practices and conduct with professionalism
 Be familiar with HACCP
Facilities Management

 Ensure the contractor representative is present to witness and document the audit process/walkthrough


 Contract SOW

 Previous Inspection report (if applicable)

General Questionnaire

Requirement YES NO N/A Action Required and COMMENT

Raw Food Preparation Area

1. Are all work surfaces, equipment and No food preparation was witnessed at the inspection time, the
utensils cleaned and disinfected before working surfaces observed in poor condition and not being clean or
preparing food? disinfected on daily bases please see pictures.

2. Aresinks used for food preparation The sinks in the preparation area observed not to be clean.
cleaned and disinfected before use?

3. Arehands washing basins accessible The hand washing sections observed not to be stoked with paper
and properly stocked with paper towels towels.
and soap dispensers so employees can The hands washing basins needs to be replace by a new one
wash hands before food preparation?

4. Are spills wiped up immediately? Did not witnessed at inspection time.

5. Is
the time of raw perishable food Did not witnessed at inspection time.
preparation at room temperature kept
below 60 minutes?

6. Is
color coded equipment being Color coded procedures are implemented at the inspection time
properly used? (i.e cutting boards,
knives etc)

7. Aredisposable paper towels used for Disposable paper towel was available for use.
wiping surfaces?

8. Is
packaging from raw food carefully Did not witnessed at inspection time.
disposed of ?

9. Arethe correct procedures followed Did not witnessed at inspection time.

for washing fresh produce?
Facilities Management

Pictures (if required to document the above):

Pic 1 Pic 2

Pic 3 Pic 4

Pic 5

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