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Artificial Cognitive Systems

David Vernon

Artificial Cognitive Systems 1 David Vernon

Artificial Cognitive Systems
2 David Vernon
Artificial Cognitive Systems 3 David Vernon
Supporting Texts

David Vernon, Artificial Cognitive Systems, MIT Press, 2014.

Artificial Cognitive Systems 4 David Vernon

Goals of the Course

• Comprehensive cross-section of the main elements of artificial cognitive systems

• Highlight links with artificial intelligence, developmental psychology, and cognitive


• Discuss how to build systems that can act on their own to achieve goals: perceiving their
environment, anticipating the need to act, learning from experience, and adapting to
changing circumstances

Artificial Cognitive Systems 12 David Vernon

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you should be able to

– Identify the key attributes of a cognitive system

– Explain the main characteristics of cognitivist, emergent, and hybrid cognitive science

– Compare cognitive architectures using several criteria

– Explain how a specific hybrid cognitive architecture works and show how it can be used to
allow a robot to reason about its environment and achieve goals set by a user

– Explain the implications of computational functionalism and its relationship to the embodied
cognition thesis

– Distinguish between learning and development and explain how these processes are facilitated
by different forms of memory and knowledge
Artificial Cognitive Systems 13 David Vernon
Artificial Cognitive Systems

Artificial Cognitive Systems 18 David Vernon

Memory &
& Learning

Knowledge & Cognitive

Representation Architectures
of Cognitive

The Nature of
Autonomy Cognition

Artificial Cognitive Systems 19 David Vernon

(Almost) No Equations or Algorithms!

Artificial Cognitive Systems 20 David Vernon

Describe with equations

Artificial Cognitive Systems 21 David Vernon

The Nature of

Artificial Cognitive Systems 22 David Vernon

Motivation for Studying
Cognitive Systems

Artificial Cognitive Systems 23 David Vernon

Industrial Robots

Artificial Cognitive Systems 24 David Vernon

Cognitive Robots

c.f. Maria Petrou’s Ironing challenge; see

Artificial Cognitive Systems 25 David Vernon

• Controlled environment

We know what to expect,

and can program the robot
to do what we want

• Complex environment

We don’t know what to expect,

and the robot has to be
flexible and adaptable

Uncertainty, incomplete knowledge, change

c.f. Maria Petrou’s Ironing challenge; see

Artificial Cognitive Systems 26 David Vernon
Artificial Cognitive Systems 27 David Vernon
Artificial Cognitive Systems 28 David Vernon
Assisting in Psychotherapy with ASD Children
(Simple Perspective Taking in Interaction Tasks)

Artificial Cognitive Systems 29 David Vernon

Artificial Cognitive Systems 30 David Vernon
Funded by The European Commission, Project IST-004370, RobotCub,
under Strategic Objective Cognitive Systems
Artificial Cognitive Systems 31 David Vernon
Head: 6 DoF

Arm 7 DoF
Hand 9 DoF

Waist 3 DoF

Leg 6 DoF

Artificial Cognitive Systems 32 David Vernon

Artificial Cognitive Systems 33 David Vernon
OpenEASE CeBIT 2016
Artificial Cognitive Systems
Introduction to Cognitive Robotics 34 34 David Vernon
David Vernon
Robot Care Systems
Artificial Cognitive Systems 35 David Vernon

Two complementary reasons for wanting a cognitive system

1. Cognition allows the robot to

• Work independently in challenging environments

• Adapt to changes

• Anticipate events in preparing its actions

Artificial Cognitive Systems 36 David Vernon


Two complementary reasons for wanting a cognitive system

2. Cognition facilitates interaction with people

Works two ways:

1. It facilitates interaction by the human

2. It provides the robot with the ability to infer the goals and intentions of the human
(and thereby interact with the human in a safe and helpful manner)

Artificial Cognitive Systems 37 David Vernon

Industrial Priorities for Cognitive Robotics

Survey of industrial developers to determine what they and

their customers require from a cognitive robot

Cast as a series of eleven functional abilities

D. Vernon and M. Vincze, "Industrial Priorities for Cognitive Robotics", Proceedings of the European
Society for Cognitive Systems Meeting, EUCognition 2016, Vienna, 8-9 December 2016.

Artificial Cognitive Systems 38 David Vernon

Safe, reliable, and
transparent operation

Artificial Cognitive Systems 39 David Vernon

High-level instruction and
context-aware task

Artificial Cognitive Systems 40 David Vernon

Knowledge Acquisition
and Generalization

Artificial Cognitive Systems 41 David Vernon

Adaptive Planning

Artificial Cognitive Systems 42 David Vernon

Personalized interaction ?

Artificial Cognitive Systems 43 David Vernon


Artificial Cognitive Systems 44 David Vernon

Learning from
ms/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=585 e/fotos/man-
87 vacuuming?sort=mostpopular&

Artificial Cognitive Systems 45 David Vernon

Evaluating the
Safety of Actions ?

Artificial Cognitive Systems 46 David Vernon

Development and
Self-Optimization ?

Artificial Cognitive Systems 47 David Vernon

Knowledge Transfer

Artificial Cognitive Systems 48 David Vernon

Intentions and
Collaborative Action

Artificial Cognitive Systems 49 David Vernon

Industry 4.0 requires automation solutions to be
highly cognitive and highly autonomous

It requires enhanced collaboration between humans and machines,

including next generation robots that work hand-in-hand and safely with
humans [Deloitte 2014]

Artificial Cognitive Systems 50 David Vernon

Artificial Cognitive Systems 51 David Vernon

D. Vernon, Artificial Cognitive Systems, MIT Press, 2014; Chapter 1.

D. Vernon and M. Vincze, "Industrial Priorities for Cognitive Robotics", Proceedings of the
European Society for Cognitive Systems Meeting, EUCognition 2016, Vienna, 8-9
December, R. Chrisley. V. C. Müller, Y. Sandamirskaya. M. Vincze (eds.), CEUR-WS Vol-
1855, ISSN 1613-0073, pp. 42-43. 2016.

Artificial Cognitive Systems 52 David Vernon

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