Arguement Essay Why Dogs Are The Best Pet

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Lance Louk

Mrs. Cramer

Comp Pd. 2

2/ 26/ 21

Why dogs are the best pet to own

Have you been feeling alone, maybe like you need a friendly pet to enjoy company with? In this

article I will explain why dogs are the best option available. Dogs are one of the most common

types of pets people have because they are friendly and serve good company as long as raised

right, they are loyal to their owners, Some dogs are even protective dogs that will make sure

your household is safe.

Dogs are the most popular pet in the United States for a reason. Everyone loves dogs. If

raised right and not neglected dogs are playful and fun to spend time with. If you are ever

having a bad day you know the minute you walk through your front door at home your dog will

be waiting for you wagging his/her tail. It is a great feeling knowing you always someone

excited to see you anytime of any day.

Dogs are known for many things, but one thing that makes them standout is their

loyalty for their owners. Dogs usually tell people apart from their smell. A lot of dogs I know

have a habit of sleeping on clothes or blankets that smell like their owner. Another thing is most

dogs are friendly until their owner tells them not to be towards a particular person. Their

loyalty stands even when their owner is not home because some dogs are supposed to protect

the house.
Anyone who would be against the idea of having a dog might have a good personal

reasoning. One of these reasons may be the fact that puppies are difficult to train especially if

you do not have the time to train them. Unlike fish or maybe hamsters it takes a lot to potty

train a puppy. For some people this can be very frustrating. My response to someone who is

worried about this issue would be to get a more mature dog that has already been household

trained. Getting a dog does not mean you have to get a puppy. Any SPCA has a selection of dogs

from all sorts of ages. Just because you cannot potty train a dog doesn’t mean you cannot own


Dogs come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. For some people dogs worry them because

they don’t know how they might react around other people you have in your household. Well

the nice thing about getting a dog is you can choose from a very wide selection of dogs with

different looks and personalities. If you are worried that big Pitbull with sharp teeth might nip

at your kids or friends then maybe a smaller dog is for you. Anyone can own a dog if they give it

the right care.

Dogs are one of the most common pets people have for many reasons such as, they are

friendly and serve good company if they are treated right, they are loyal to their owners, some

dogs even always protect your household. I promise you will not regret getting a dog.

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