Project On Product Management

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Project on Product Management

Identify and Design Service, Customer in educational

are interested for Using Conjoint Analysis

The purpose of the project was to identify and design service customer in
educational institute are interested in and conjoint analysis was used for this

For this purpose a survey was conducted among 60 respondents with help of a
questionnaire and their response was collected. The questionnaire used is given

With help of the analysis we also indentified which attribute or feature are
regarded important while selecting an institute.
MBA Questionnaire

Demographic Profile


Age: 18-21 22-25 >25

Educational Qualification: MBA (Select one)

Full Time

Part Time

Institute Name:

Gender: Male Female

Rank the following factors which you consider/considered most important which should be
present in a Management Institute.

  Pedagogy Goodwill Placement Rank
1 Case Study Very Important Less than 50%
2 Case Study Very Important 50%-80%
3 Case Study Very Important 80% & above
4 Case Study Important Less than 50%
5 Case Study Important 50%-80%
6 Case Study Important 80% & above
7 Case Study Not important Less than 50%
8 Case Study Not important 50%-80%
9 Case Study Not important 80% & above
10 Lecture Very Important Less than 50%
11 Lecture Very Important 50%-80%
12 Lecture Very Important 80% & above

13 Lecture Important Less than 50%
14 Lecture Important 50%-80%
15 Lecture Important 80% & above
16 Lecture Not important Less than 50%
17 Lecture Not important 50%-80%
18 Lecture Not important 80% & above
19 Both Very Important Less than 50%
20 Both Very Important 50%-80%
21 Both Very Important 80% & above
22 Both Important Less than 50%
23 Both Important 50%-80%
24 Both Important 80% & above
25 Both Not important Less than 50%
26 Both Not important 50%-80%
27 Both Not important 80% & above

Analysis and Finding

Effect coding was done as follows:

In case of Pedagogy

Case Study 1 0
Lecture 0 1
Both -1 -1

In case of Goodwill

Very 1 0
Somewhat 0 1
Not -1 -1

In case of Placement

Less than 1 0
50%-80% 0 1
80% & above -1 -1
Then with help of regression analysis we calculated the part utilities of the
different levels of the attribute and found out which attribute was the most
important one by calculating its range the attribute with highest range is the most
important one and so on. The regression table is shown below:


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 14.000 .804 17.412 .000

VAR_1_P -.889 1.137 -.093 -.782 .444

VAR_2_P -.889 1.137 -.093 -.782 .444

VAR_3_G 1.778 1.137 .186 1.563 .134

VAR_4_G 3.333 1.137 .349 2.931 .008

VAR_5_L -6.889 1.137 -.722 -6.058 .000

VAR_6_L -.222 1.137 -.023 -.195 .847

a. Dependent Variable: RANK

With help of the above table we got the following part utility:

In case of Pedagogy

VAR1 VAR2 Part Utility

Case Study 1 0 -.889
Lecture 0 1 -.889
Both -1 -1 1.778

Range: 1.778-(-.889) =2.667

In case of Goodwill

VAR3 VAR4 Part utility

Very 1 0 1.778
Somewhat 0 1 3.333
Not -1 -1 -5.111

Range: 3.333-(-5.111) =8.444

In case of Placement

VAR5 VAR6 Part Utility

Less than 1 0 -6.889
50%-80% 0 1 -.222
80% & above -1 -1 7.110

Range: 7.110-(-6.889) =13.999

From the above output we can infer the following are the important criteria
while choosing an institute

1. Placement(13.999)
2. Goodwill(8.444)
3. Pedagogy(2.667)
With help of the above outcome we can infer that the following combination is
most desirable for an institute:

Pedagogy Goodwill Placement

Both(Case study Somewhat Important 80% & above

Similarly the following combination can be used when designing a service:

  Pedagogy Goodwill Placement

80% &
1 Case Study Somewhat Important above
80% &
2 Lecture Somewhat Important above
80% &
3 Both Very Important above
80% &
4 Case Study Very Important above
80% &
5 Lecture Very Important above
6 Both Somewhat Important 50%-80%
7 Case Study Somewhat Important 50%-80%
8 Lecture Somewhat Important 50%-80%
9 Both Very Important 50%-80%
10 Case Study Very Important 50%-80%
11 Lecture Very Important 50%-80%
less than
12 Both Somewhat Important 50%
less than
13 Case Study Somewhat Important 50%
less than
14 Lecture Somewhat Important 50%
less than
15 Both Very Important 50%
less than
16 Case Study Very Important 50%
less than
17 Lecture Very Important 50%
80% &
18 Both Not important above
80% &
19 Case Study Not important above
80% &
20 Lecture Not important above
21 Both Not important 50%-80%
22 Case Study Not important 50%-80%
23 Lecture Not important 50%-80%
less than
24 Both Not important 50%
25 Case Study Not important than50%
less than
26 Lecture Not important 50%
Thank You

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