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SP21- Introduction to ICT

Assignment 3 (Solution)

****Please note that this is sample solution to these questions. There can be multiple solutions as well.
As there are multiple ways you can solve these.

Question 1
Draw flow chart and write python code for the following.
a) Write a python program to read 3 numbers from user. Use conditional statements to sort
these numbers.
b) Write a Python program to check a triangle is equilateral, isosceles or scalene.

one = int(input("Please input first number : "))
two = int(input("Please input second number : "))
three = int(input("Please input third number : "))

if one < two and three < two:

if one > three:
print(three, one, two)
print(one, three, two)
elif one < three and two < three:
if one > two:
print(two, one, three)
print(one, two, three)
elif two < one and three < one:
if three > two:
print(two, three, one)
print(three, two, one)
print(one, two, three)
Flow Chart:
print("Input lengths of the triangle sides: ")
x = int(input("x: "))
y = int(input("y: "))
z = int(input("z: "))

if x == y == z:
print("Equilateral triangle")
elif x==y or y==z or z==x:
print("isosceles triangle")
print("Scalene triangle")
Flow Chart:
Question 2
Write python code for the following.
a) Assume d1 and d2 have the numbers on 2 dice. Accept d1 and d2 as input. First, check to
see that they are in the proper range for dice. If not, print a message. Otherwise, determine
the outcome. If the sum is 7 or 11, print winner. If the sum is 2, 3 or 12, print loser.
Otherwise print the points.
d1 = int(input("Choose number on dice 1"))
d2 = int(input("Choose number on dice 2"))
sum = d1+d2
if(d1>6 and d2>6):
print("Number does not lie in dice raange")
elif(sum==7 or sum==11):
elif(sum==2 or sum==3 or sum==12):
print("Points are: ",sum)

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