Red Words and Stars Pack

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A R S PA C K !

Answers can
e 14
found on pag

the crosswor
1. Complete from the box.
using words 4

invent screen

nd cu

plan 1 click keyboard software


o pl e a connect monitor tablet 6

Pe musi cal
an Di

1 Mu sic and music

al in M
hardware prin terusic. virtual
s of m
us ic and sic or mus us ical? m eaning
ds m
Mu or m fferetive
e diova
inn nt 10
Find th
e wor more ently?
with th program d to he
rd has e frequ be used please
ch wo ed mor at can install e very
1) Whi rd is us pe) th you ar scanner

ch wo bold ty ys that

2) Whi e ve rbs (in je ct ive ? so m eone sa
d thre ad H hing

3) Fin or an HH
a noun ea] ns
music n thuat ntam lace to
4) Is
d an ex i/ no
pressio un [co om one p istance 11
5) Fin dʒɜː(r)n el fr gd ACROSS:
ey /ˈ yo u trav ere is a lon device, larger
than a mobile
journ ion when when th ile computing hing the scre
occas pecially ry. 2) a mob trols it by touc DOWN:
an ure ctiona The user con
2 Cult
Di pho ne.
el nou n er, es s blem H
] ill an
d for producin
Trav ʃ(ə)n/ anoth n the place lture puters for
unM taac rn?ey
əˈdeɪ ncoin jouve ry? equipment use a computer s used by com
betwnd the wɪdor dncu oun [u es onrea ha Hdictiona 4) a piece of e created on 1) program
cukeltu HH the that you hav r jobs
on /ə work
in Fi ɡ ʒ/ ar s doyou ta of cu re] in
ltu documents r to? municate doing particula
modati e, or e /ˈlʌmanysest that ng [counta ft,table? refe
eone to com message to
accom table] H H to stay, liv H H lu ggag
1) How su itca esfirst meanni o u n ble or le , ai
un rccoraun ta bl e? e it pos
re ntsible
cultufor ork 3) to send a written ile phone
]H of and is th ndʒə(rng )/ counta ic un mak
m diffe phone or computer netw ga mob
un ne ntable sting bags What pæsɪm eani a moto coun
r veh taebloef th oreunco 5) tofro someone usin that makes
[unco for someo n [cou ave, consi take off) 2) r /ˈfirst avels is in culture n
r or o the example
‘Peopleusing a tele rams are of instructions
a place / nou le the
Isnge e drive Computer prog 4) a series action
(r)ˌpɔː(r)t arrive and lan d and inals asse
p3) nme w
ea hniongtr 2a, t th
n o ltu re does
6) com pute r equipment. com pute r perform an
rpo rt /ˈeə e planes here planes lled term 4)mIn
so eo
sh ip
utniisng ofit cu
bea n le ] H d calle d software r ign or crea te something
ai wher ca , ohirch works o b an compute des did
ads w ngers trainW ounta graph the part of a
8) to or process that
a place s (=long ro for passe
le wh
o oun [c your photo f. You use 7) a computer screen, oren as a machine
runw e buildin
gs /tran peop (r)t/ n g o . scre exist before
sitive s u age ɑːspɔː t containin e a citizen an uDintr ios.nary that contains the
ctie as or piece of
rt /ˈp
[intran ain, or bu
3 Lang
rg illn co equipment such ic new program
and la )d / verb ft, tr H p asspo documen ntry yo ar Macm
u in fo re ig
bl e?
tech nolo gy, systems, or
usin g elec tron 9) to put a
into a com puter so that
/bɔː(r cial ge to ? unta g e e
, aircra sitive
an offitheg w ichd colaungua elling uage habve H or tun 10)cousin that commun
icat softwar
board nto a ship /tran or use whor trav
esn do es lang ountaco
leun table
gers ge mobile phones can use it
to sitive e nd
Fish owin an yw sth ar unng[cuagee passen
to ge rb [intran nge to hav e future Hor wasm
p sport ng
m / nola
of er signals
or pictures as
ve u ni
r) w h sou nd
to arra
1) st m fɔː(ea as
/bʊk/ e in th HH yo
the fir lætˌ ngilw getr ?ack ing informa
tion such
book tickets, or ticular tim le] H e 2) Istform /ˈp uaay ge mea
H 11) stor bers or electronic signals
y ar untab nu la hat is ba d la ra
t to and your langua le] H
to bu ing at a p un [co u to conti bus, 3)p War ea nexestrMi un?tab l or office
r ____________
n/ no ains ua coge

Inside you’ll find:

h yo , of ula ngn
ionary_________ f) twenko
somet əˈnekʃ(ə) at allows erent train an hat do
4) Wto an d off eaning 3a n o n [u as a hote come Dict___ ____
n /k onWhat is ɪˈsepʃ(ə)m n / el illan ___ ___ ____________
ectio or plane th ve by a diff g such job is to w mmo
n in ina)Macuse g) triualv ___
2. Rearrange
n 5) n /r ild ds ___ ___ _
n, bu
s, u arri tio bu se nd the
w or ______ ___ ____________
a trai ey after yo recep t of a large eone who c
bs b) rapgedu ___ eeldet ______
and jo ds. Fi
H e wor _________ h)
] H H untry
the letters to
par m et ___ ____
rn b le ple e is so o n s th es ___ ___ ___ ___
4 Peo
u th ___ ___
a jo
n e n [counta ticular co er e there ith questi ke in ea le ]ch
H of c) kiclc ___ ___ ___ i) vannoetivi __
make words
u h lw b ay ___ ___
or pla no
rənsi/ used in a
par w
rs, dea ling m
[c ellin for a holid d) rascenn ___
______ b _________
cy /ˈkʌ als visitois a spel(r / necoutnsp go to ____ j) dyekaro
ney l] H here offici There rite/rth ____________
from the box.
curren em of mo [plura w ɪˈzeɔː co y people HH e) resnec ___
st noun or border nging into andresortnierthat man
w ble] H
the sy əmz/ ri ounta on holiday

• Topic-based activities
kʌ st o rt, e b p ay en gilace
p u n [c
ms /ˈ , airp ple ar ould 1) a
itekt tʊərɪst/
g a pla
custo ce at a port ds that peo er they sh 2) arch stan /ˈ visitin e
the p at the go and whet
o h uriisi
tolit who is HH d com
3) po meonent
ble] H here an illandiction
check try are lega
ou n table
] HH
4) ac
p / n oun [c you go som
ew www.macm
a cou s duties / n o un [c leaves 5) ditr errɪ
reipct/t n w hen
m r)
ː(r)tʃə( bus, or trai
n asio that
] HH an occ ain ]H sport ific
ture plan e, [cou ntable ag un spec table ur pas 9
depar e when a noun hing is goin
g back yo
un [co r mark in ntry for a
ə/ no

• Lesson plans
m ʃ(ə)n/ H H visa /ˈviːz document r leave a co
o u
the ti tɪˈneɪ e or somet
/ˌdes n ve] H fficial to enter o me
tin ation e someo ve /transiti it or to an o
des her siti ut s you eriod of ti
lace w [intran n abo allow H H me om
the p )/ verb er to lear as oil p
splɔː(r purpo
se or tive] H
[transi rt period
of ti onary.c
re /ɪkˈ place in o luable such verb
explo acmilla
el to a ething va H as si t /ˈvɪzɪt/ ce for a sh .m
to tr av
fo r som n ta
ble] H a vehicle
such vi
go to a p
w ww
sear ch [co u e in to

• Wordlists
noun r or spac
/flaɪt/ ai ] HH
H 19
flight ey through plural rk
a journ ] [often wo
ne [cou ntable u do not The
a pla eɪ/noun e when yo instead.
/ˈhɒ of tim asure
holiday ) a period ings for ple
(British y and do th cation.
va .com
or stu an word is
• Word frequency information
Amer n
Red Words and Stars
The Red Words and Stars are one of Macmillan Dictionary’s
most popular features. This booklet explains what they are,
how they can be used and provides a selection of resources
for the classroom.

What are they?

Although the English language
has up to a million words, native
speakers use just 7,500 words for
90% of what they speak or write.
These words represent the core
vocabulary of English, and they
are words that everyone needs to
be able to use with confidence.
They appear in red in Macmillan
Dictionary, along with a star rating.
Three-star words (H H H) are the
most common 2,500 words in the
Watch our video about the Red Words & Stars
language. Two-star words (H H)
are the next most common group,
and one-star words (H) are the
next most common 2,500. How can you use them?
Red words are described in detail, with information
provided not only about meaning, but also about
grammatical behaviour, word combinations (collocation),
register (informal, literary etc.) and pragmatics (what
the words say about the speaker’s attitude). These
features are often illustrated with examples taken from
our corpus to show typical contexts, collocations and
grammatical patterns.

All this information is carefully selected and presented

in order to help people to use the word accurately and

What about the less

common words?
Low-frequency words are mostly needed for reference
Test your intuition on word frequency. and appear in black in Macmillan Dictionary. Students
Can you guess how many stars each will need to know what these words mean, but might not
red word is worth? need to reproduce them when speaking or writing.

These words have just a simple definition to help you

understand the meaning straight away.
Did you know?
The aim of Macmillan Dictionary is
to make every definition as clear
and easy to understand as possible.
To achieve this, we write the
definitions using a special defining
vocabulary of just 2,500 words.
These are among the most frequent
words in the English language, and
they are words that all students of
English become familiar with in the
first year or two of their studies.

Looking for more

Free resources, including games, lesson
plans on pragmatics and the Real Grammar
and Real Vocabulary series can be found on
the Macmillan Dictionary website.
KILLS ssin
g yo
view lf: w
: In th ays
l tim is les
son lea of giv
e for
activ rners ing y
l: up
per int
: 35
e, co our o
ermed – 40 nsoli
date pinio
to ad
tes and
prac n
vanc tise wa
ed ys of
1. opini
Befor ons.
e cla
ss, cu
t up
the St Expr
2. uden Essin
rsElf g
Distr t’s Co
ibu py so
stres te Wor

ses. ks that
Point heet A. you ha
out tha Learne ve tw
t in so rs o ind
Elicit me of work in pa al wo

and the ph irs, sa rkshe

confi rase ying for ea
rm an s the the ph ch lea
swer re ar
s. Dr e two rases an rner.
ill if ne stres d
cess sed sy trying to

ers ary. llable ag
1. s. Yo ree which
I think u could sy
2. ... / I do the llables ca
I reck think firs rry the

... t two
on ... as a main
3. / I re whole
Perso ckon class
nally ... .
4. , I thi
Perso nk ...
nally / Perso
5. , I re na lly
In my ck on ... , I thi
opini / Perso nk ...
6. on, ... na
In my lly, I
view, reckon
7. ... ...
It seem
8. s to me
All thi (that)
ngs co ...
9. nside
If you red,
ask me ...
10. , ...
To tel
l you
11. the tru
To be th, ...
12. st, ...
To be
13. , ...
To my
14. mind
As far , ...
as I’m
d, ...

In ph
othe ses 1, 2,
r peop 3 an
le’s. d 4,
s on
4. “I” em
Answ phas

er the ises
follow that
Whic ing qu you ar
h e giv
Answ of these estio
ns as ing an
er: I ph indivi
reckon rases is a cla
ss: dual
Whic ... rathe opini
h of r inf on wh
Answ the orma ich ma
er: In se phrase
g yo

l? y be
Whic my opini s ar differe
h on, ... e rather for nt fro
you sa of these / In my ma m
Answ y?
ses ar view, l?
ers: e pa ...
To tel rticula
Whic l you rly us

h of the efu l for

Answ the truth,
ers: se phrase ... / To giving
I think s be ur
ar – I do can be ma hone
st, ...
on wh
Answ e most n’t thi
nk / I de nega / To be en yo
er: Th of these reckon tive? frank u know
e comm , ...

Whic phra – I do that

h a repr ses follow n’t re other
Answ of these esen ckon peop
er: Al ph ts a pa ed by a / It se le ma
l of the rases ca use in comma? ems y not
like wh
m. At n be sp to me
the be pu t at ee ch. No (that) at
© Ma ginnin the end tice the – It do
n Pu g of a of a se re esn’t
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have at the er ph
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se int
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.mac onati g? 3, 4
milla on; at
the en 7.
ndic d the
tiona y often

This booklet contains:

have rising
m inton
. LE


• Topic-based Red Words and Stars activities on hobbies, family and friends, study, technology
and travel

• Lesson plans that help improve dictionary skills, spelling and memory skills
• Wordlists including all the red words used in this booklet
Hobbies ability
1. Complete the crossword club fan member
using words from the collect game participate
box on the right. collection indoors relaxation
ACROSS: creative interesting skill
3) a group of things dedicated join
5) someone who belongs to a club,
organisation, or group
6) the ability to do something well
7) the fact of being able to do something
8) an activity that you do for fun that has
rules, and that you can win or lose


1) someone who likes watching or
listening to something such as a sport,
films, or music very much
2) something that you do because you
enjoy it or because it is interesting 8

3) an organisation for people who have

a common interest in a particular
activity or subject
Answers can be
4) an activity or situation that makes found on page 13
it possible for you to rest and enjoy

2. Rearrange the letters to make words from the box.

a) taticpripae___________________ g) caiteeddd _____________________

b) gentninaiter___________________ h) esreuil ________________________

c) stretgniine___________________ i) teme________________________

d) nioj_________________________ j) yenoj________________________

e) tocclel ________________________ k) treaicev______________________

f) noodsri______________________
Family and friends
1. Find two adjectives and
affection nephew
eleven nouns from the box.
ancestor niece
a b c s u r n a m e a z d aunt offspring
h o b a j o l o v i n g b bond parent
u n b s m a t e q k c t s
child relation
p d g d l i i h z e e g p
close relationship
a f f e c t i o n q s u o
d s i t h m n r h b t w u cousin sibling
c v s s i b l i n g o i s friendly spouse
o l k p l f g n k l r p e friendship support
m y f e d f c o u s i n h generation surname
f r i e n d l y c o i k j
grandparents twins
r e l a t i o n s h i p i
loving uncle
g r e l a t i o n f m w o
s r u i o p a n v c g v h mate

2. Use the remaining words from the box to complete

the sentences.
a) My sister and I are very _________ because we are _________ . We always celebrate our
birthday together.

b) I have a great ____________ with my best friend Ava. She always tries to ____________ me
through difficult times.

c) My _________ have lots of interesting stories about the past. Their _________ experienced a
lot of change.

d) My mum has one sister and one brother, so I have one ____________ and one
____________ .

e) A ____________ loves and cares for their ____________ .

f) My ___________ is very much like his mum, my sister. My ___________ is more like her father.

Answers can be found on page 13
1. Find 12 nouns and verbs from
class mark
the box in this wordsearch.
classroom memorise
a e l g c k g a e r h o z course notes
l f e o l o r e v i s e o degree pass
o b c k a e a r n q n p l essay research
h r t x s t d g l i f i e
exam revise
f e u l s e u s w s a o a
fail scholarship
u s r y r f a b e e i f r
g e e c o l t u h t l d n graduate students
z a o i o g e s f e z e m homework term
o r c d m m u i y s j g v learn test
v c u p t e r m h t h r k
lecture topic
t h g x s i o j s c w e r
lesson tutor
f d t m e m o r i s e e q
s c h o l a r s h i p i m

2. Use the remaining words to complete the sentences.

a) I got 97% for the ____________ I wrote. That’s a really good ____________ !
b) There are 35 ____________ in my ____________ . That’s a lot of names to remember!
c) I usually write ____________ during the ____________ and read them later. It helps me to
d) I’ve got an ____________ tomorrow, I hope I ____________ !
e) I’m doing a short English ____________ It’s quite hard work because we get ____________
every night.
f) Our ____________ said that the ____________ this week will be the Renaissance.

Answers can be found on page 13
Technology Answers can be
found on page 14

1. Complete the crossword 2 3

using words from the box.

click screen
keyboard 5
connect software
delete tablet 6
digital text
network 7 8
hardware upgrade
printer 9
innovative virtual
install wireless 10


2) a mobile computing device, larger than a mobile 11

phone. The user controls it by touching the screen

4) a piece of equipment used for producing DOWN:

documents that you have created on a computer
1) programs used by computers for
5) to make it possible for someone to communicate doing particular jobs
using a telephone or computer network
3) to send a written message to
6) computer equipment. Computer programs are someone using a mobile phone
called software 4) a series of instructions that makes a
computer perform an action
7) a computer screen, or the part of a computer
that contains the screen 8) to design or create something such
as a machine or process that did not
10) using technology, systems, or equipment such as exist before
mobile phones that communicate using electronic 9) to put a new program or piece of
signals software into a computer so that you
can use it
11) storing information such as sound or pictures as
numbers or electronic signals

2. Rearrange a) usemo ___________________ f) twenkor ___________________

b) rapgedu___________________ g) triualv ____________________
the letters to
c) kiclc ______________________ h) eeldet ____________________
make words
d) rascenn ___________________ i) vannoetivi _________________
from the box. e) resnec ____________________ j) dyekarob __________________
1. Find 11 nouns and verbs from the box in this wordsearch.

a d g r h e x p l o r e x
a c c o m m o d a t i o n
airport journey n o o a y k o v c x e s d
board luggage m z n y t t o u r i s t e

book passengers u t n e y v i s i t p r s
i j e o i w d u y u k f t
connection passport
o o c u r r e n c y y g i
currency platform
r u t r b l p l u k l i n
customs reception z r i a s u a u s n k o a
departure resort x n o q w e r e t x m p t

destination tourist w e n m c d t d o q n q i
t y q w c x u x m a h s o
explore trip
f s v i s a r c s f t r n
flight visa a g l n k u e p e d h u p
holiday visit

2. Use the remaining words to complete the sentences.

a) I’m going to ____________ a hotel room online for a short business ____________ to Paris.

b) Unfortunately the airline lost my ___________ . I have to go back to the ___________

when my bags arrive.

c) You have to show your ____________ at the hotel ____________ .

d) We went on a wonderful ____________ to a beautiful ____________ on the coast.

e) There were lots of ____________ waiting on the ____________ for the train.

f) We have to _________ the plane now; our _________ leaves in 30 minutes.

Answers can be found on page 14
Lesson plan 1

People and culture

1 Music and musical
Find the words music and musical in Macmillan Dictionary.
1) Which word has more stars? Music or musical?
2) Which word is used more frequently? Music or musical?
3) Find three verbs (in bold type) that can be used with the different meanings of music.
4) Is music a noun or an adjective?
5) Find an expression that means ‘something someone says that you are very pleased to hear’.

2 Culture
Find the word culture in Macmillan Dictionary.
1) How many stars does culture have?
2) What is the first meaning of culture in the dictionary?
3) Is the first meaning countable or uncountable?
4) In meaning 2a, is culture countable or uncountable?
5) Which meaning of culture does the example ‘People from different cultures’ refer to?

3 Language
Find the word language in Macmillan Dictionary.
1) How many stars does language have?
2) Is the first meaning of language countable or uncountable?
3) What is bad language?
4) What does Mind your language mean?
5) What is meaning 3a of language?

4 People and jobs

There is a spelling mistake in each of these words. Find the words in Macmillan Dictionary
and write the correct spelling.
1) enginier
2) architekt
3) politisian
4) accountent
5) directer
Lesson plan 1 – Answer key

Intro Bullet and culture
1 Music and musical 3 Language
1) music 1) three
2) music 2) uncountable
3) write, compose, read 3) language that might offend people
4) noun 4) make sure you use words that will not
5) music to your ears offend people
5) a system of instructions used to program
a computer
2 Culture
1) three 4 People and jobs
2) activities involving music, literature and
other arts 1) engineer
3) uncountable 2) architect
4) countable 3) politician
5) 2a 4) accountant
5) director

• Highlight the fact that the main meaning of

Teacher’s notes each of the red words is given first and that
some words have more than one meaning.
• Write the letters ‘U’ and ‘C’ on the board
Closely related meanings are indicated by
and elicit or explain that these words are
letters, e.g. 2a, 2b.
used in the dictionary to indicate whether
a noun is uncountable (e.g. water) or • In Exercise 3, you might have to explain the
countable (e.g. a bottle). meaning of offend (to make someone upset
or angry by saying or doing something).
• Explain that the red words in the dictionary
are the 7,500 most frequently used words in • In Exercise 4, highlight the fact that
English. Three red stars indicates the 2,500 Macmillan Dictionary can be used quickly
most frequently used, two stars 2,501– and effectively to check spelling.
5,000 and one star 5,001–7,500.

Lesson plan 2

Theatre and the arts

1 Theatre
Find the nouns play, stage and curtain in Macmillan Dictionary.
1) Find two verbs that can be used with the first meaning of play.
2) Find two verbs that can be used with the second meaning of stage.
3) Find a preposition that can be used with the second meaning of stage.
4) The past simple of which irregular verb follows curtain in the example in 1b?
5) What is ‘the final curtain’?

2 Film
Find the noun film in Macmillan Dictionary.
1) Complete the phrase using a preposition ‘a film __________ space travel’.
2) Find two verbs that can be used with film.
3) Complete the sentence: ‘I’d love to work __________ film’.
4) Find two nouns that can follow film: film __________; film __________.
5) Look in the Word Sets section and find a phrase that means ‘a type of film that combines a love
story with comedy’.

3 Dance
Find the verb dance in Macmillan Dictionary.
1) Complete the sentence: ‘Who were you dancing __________?’
2) Complete the sentence: ‘What kind of music were you dancing __________?’
3) Complete the sentence: ‘Harry and Lisa were still dancing __________.’
4) Complete the sentence: ‘Two couples were dancing a __________.’
5) Find a phrase that means ‘to spend the whole night dancing’.

4 Synonyms
Find these words in the online thesaurus. Write a synonym for each. Fast finishers can
write two synonyms for each adjective.
1) funny a __________________ h __________________ (very funny)
2) sad u __________________ m __________________
3) exciting d __________________ t __________________
4) frightening s __________________ c __________________
5) boring d __________________ m __________________ (very boring)

Lesson plan 2 – Answer key

Intro Bullet
and the arts
1TextTheatre 3 Dance
1) put on; perform 1) with
2) take; leave 2) to
3) on 3) together
4) rise 4) waltz
5) the end of a performance in a theatre or the 5) dance the night away
end of something, especially life

4 Synonyms
2 Film
1) amusing; hilarious / hysterical
1) about 2) unhappy; melancholy
2) make; shoot 3) dramatic; thrilling
3) in 4) scary; chilling
4) industry; career 5) dull; mind-numbing
5) romantic comedy

• Highlight the different prepositions that

Teacher’s notes follow the verb dance: to dance with
someone and to dance to a particular type of
• In Exercise 1, explain that the indefinite
article is needed in ‘perform a play; put on
a play’ and the definite article in ‘take the • In Exercise 4, highlight the fact that
stage; leave the stage’. There is no article in synonyms do not usually have exactly the
the phrase ‘on stage’. same meaning. For example, amusing is
quite funny but hilarious is very funny. If you
• In Exercise 2, a number of other nouns
have a mixed-ability class, ask fast finishers
can follow film, notably director, festival
to find two or even three synonyms for each
and star. Point out that the American term
of the adjectives. Ask those students who are
for film is movie and a cinema is a movie
less confident just to find the first synonym in
theater (with a different spelling of theatre).
each case.

Activities answers
1. 2.
ACROSS: DOWN: a) participate g) dedicated
3) collection 1) fan b) entertaining h) leisure
5) member 2) activity c) interesting i) meet
6) skill 3) club d) join j) enjoy
7) ability 4) relaxation e) collect k) creative
8) game f) indoors

Family and friends

1. 2.

a b c s u r n a m e a z d a) My sister and I are d) My mum has one sister

very close because we and one brother, so I
h o b a j o l o v i n g b are twins. We always have one aunt and one
u n b s m a t e q k c t s celebrate our birthday uncle.
p d g d l i i h z e e g p
e) A parent loves and cares
a f f e c t i o n q s u o b) I have a great friendship for their offspring.
d s i t h m n r h b t w u with my best friend
Ava. She always tries to f) My nephew is very much
c v s s i b l i n g o i s
support and help me like his mum, my sister.
o l k p l f g n k l r p e through difficult times. My niece is more like her
m y f e d f c o u s i n h father.
f r i e n d l y c o i k j
c) My grandparents have
lots of interesting stories
r e l a t i o n s h i p i about the past. Their
g r e l a t i o n f m w o generation experienced
a lot of change.
s r u i o p a n v c g v h

1. 2.
a e l g c k g a e r h o z a) I got 97% for the essay e) I’m doing a short English
I wrote. That’s a really course. It’s quite hard
l f e o l o r e v i s e o
good mark! work because we get
o b c k a e a r n q n p l homework every night.
h r t x s t d g l i f i e b) There are 35 students in
my class. That’s a lot of f) Our tutor said that the
f e u l s e u s w s a o a
names to remember! topic this week will be
u s r y r f a b e e i f r the Renaissance.
g e e c o l t u h t l d n c) I usually write notes
during the lesson and
z a o i o g e s f e z e m
read them later. It helps
o r c d m m u i y s j g v me to remember.
v c u p t e r m h t h r k
d) I’ve got an exam
t h g x s i o j s c w e r
tomorrow, I hope I pass!
f d t m e m o r i s e e q
s c h o l a r s h i p i m

Activities answers
1. 2.
ACROSS: DOWN: a) mouse i) innovative
2) tablet 1) software b) upgrade j) keyboard
4) printer 3) text c) click
5) connect 4) program d) scanner
6) hardware 8) invent e) screen
7) monitor 9) install f) network
10) wireless g) virtual
11) digital h) delete

1. 2.
a) I’m going to book a hotel e) There were lots of
a d g r h e x p l o r e x room online for a short passengers waiting on
a c c o m m o d a t i o n business trip to Paris. the platform for the
n o o a y k o v c x e s d train.
b) Unfortunately the airline
m z n y t t o u r i s t e
lost my luggage. I have f) We have to board the
u t n e y v i s i t p r s to go back to the airport plane now; our flight
i j e o i w d u y u k f t when my bags arrive. leaves in thirty minutes.
o o c u r r e n c y y g i
c) You have to show your
r u t r b l p l u k l i n
passport at the hotel
z r i a s u a u s n k o a reception.
x n o q w e r e t x m p t
w e n m c d t d o q n q i d) We went on a wonderful
holiday to a beautiful
t y q w c x u x m a h s o
resort on the coast.
f s v i s a r c s f t r n
a g l n k u e p e d h u p

ability /əˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable] H H H leisure /ˈleʒə(r)/ noun [uncountable] H H
the fact of being able to do something activities that you do to relax or enjoy yourself
activity /ækˈtɪvəti/ noun [countable] H H H meet /miːt/ verb [transitive/intransitive] H H H
something that you do because you enjoy it or to come together in order to talk to someone
because it is interesting whom you have arranged to see
club /klʌb/ noun [countable] H H H member /ˈmembə(r)/ noun [countable] H H H
an organisation for people who have a common someone who belongs to a club, organisation,
interest in a particular activity or subject or group
collect /kəˈlekt/ verb H H H participate /pɑː(r)ˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ verb [intransitive] H H
to get and keep objects because they are to take part in something
interesting or valuable relaxation /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃ(ə)n/ [countable/
collection /kəˈlekʃ(ə)n/ noun [countable] H H H uncountable] H H
a group of things an activity or situation that makes it possible for
you to rest and enjoy yourself
creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ adjective H H
involving a lot of imagination and new ideas skill/skɪl/ noun [uncountable] H H H
the ability to do something well, usually as a
dedicated /ˈdedɪˌkeɪtɪd/adjective H
result of experience and training
spending all your time and effort on something
enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ verb [transitive] H H H
to get pleasure from something
entertaining /ˌentə(r)ˈteɪnɪŋ/ adjective H
enjoyable or fun to do
fan /fæn/ noun [countable] H H
someone who likes watching or listening to
something such as a sport, films, or music very
much, or who admires a famous or important
person very much
game /ɡeɪm/ noun [countable] H H H
an activity that you do for fun that has rules, and
that you can win or lose
indoors /ɪnˈdɔː(r)z/ adverb H
in or into a building
interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ adjective H H H
something that is interesting makes you want to
know about it or take part in it
join /dʒɔɪn/ verb [transitive] H H H
to become a member of an organisation, club etc

Family and friends
affection /əˈfekʃ(ə)n/ noun [uncountable] H nephew /ˈnefjuː/ /ˈnevjuː/ noun [countable] H
a feeling of liking and caring about someone or a son of your brother or sister, or a son of your
something husband’s or wife’s brother or sister
ancestor /ˈænsestə(r)/ noun [countable] H H niece /niːs/ noun [countable] H
someone who is related to you who lived a long a daughter of your brother or sister, or a daughter of
time ago your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister
aunt /ɑːnt/ noun [countable] H H H offspring /ˈɒfˌsprɪŋ/ noun [countable] H
the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of someone’s child or children
your uncle
parent /ˈpeərənt/ noun [countable] H H H
bond /bɒnd/ noun [countable] H H a mother or father
something that gives people or groups a reason
relation /rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ noun [countable] H H H
to love one another or feel they have a duty to
a member of your family
one another
relationship /rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp/ noun [countable] H H H
child /tʃaɪld/ noun [countable] H H H
the way in which two or more people or things are
a young person from the time they are born until
connected with or involve each other
they are about 14 years old
sibling /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ noun [countable] H
close /kləʊs/ adjective H H H
your siblings are your brothers and sisters
connected by shared interests and shared feelings
such as love and respect spouse /spaʊs/ noun [countable] formal H
a husband, or a wife
cousin /ˈkʌz(ə)n/ noun [countable] H H
a child of your uncle or aunt support/səˈpɔː(r)t/verb [transitive] H H H
to help someone and be kind to them when they are
friendly /ˈfren(d)li/ adjective H H H
having a difficult time
someone who is friendly is always pleasant and
helpful towards other people surname /ˈsɜː(r)ˌneɪm/ noun [countable] H
the name that you share with other members
friendship /ˈfren(d)ʃɪp/ noun [countable] H H
of your family. In English it is the last part of your
a relationship between people who are friends
full name.
generation /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ noun [countable] H H H
twin /twɪn/ noun [countable] H H
a group of people in society who are born and live
one of two children born at the same time to the
around the same time
same mother
grandparent /ˈɡræn(d)ˌpeərənt/ noun [countable] H
uncle /ˈʌŋk(ə)l/ noun [countable] H H
the mother or father of your mother or father. You
the brother of one of your parents, or the husband
are their grandchild.
of your aunt. You are his niece or nephew.
loving /ˈlʌvɪŋ/ adjective H
feeling or showing love
mate /meɪt/ noun [countable] H H
(British informal) a friend

class /klɑːs/ noun [countable] H H H memorise /ˈmeməraɪz/verb [transitive] H
a group of students who are taught together to learn something so that you remember it perfectly
classroom /ˈklɑːsˌruːm/ noun [countable] H H notes /nəʊts/ noun [plural] H H H
a room where you have classes in a school details from something such as a lecture or a book
that you write down so that you can remember them
course /kɔː(r)s/ noun [countable] H H H
a series of lessons or lectures in an academic subject pass /pɑːs/ verb [intransitive/transitive] H H H
or a practical skill to be successful in an examination or test by
achieving a satisfactory standard
degree /dɪˈɡriː/ noun [countable] H H H
a course of study at a university, or the qualification research /rɪˈsɜː(r)tʃ/ /ˈriːsɜː(r)tʃ/ verb [intransitive/
that you get after completing the course transitive] H H
to make a detailed study of something in order to
essay /ˈeseɪ/ noun [countable] H H
discover new facts
a short piece of writing by a student on a particular
subject revise /rɪˈvaɪz/ verb [intransitive/transitive] H
(British) to read and learn information that you have
exam /ɪɡˈzæm/ noun [countable] H H
studied in order to prepare for an examination. The
an important test of your knowledge, especially one
American word is review.
that you take at school or university
scholarship /ˈskɒlə(r)ʃɪp/ noun [countable] H
fail /feɪl/verb [intransitive/transitive] H H H
an amount of money that an organisation gives
to be unsuccessful in achieving a satisfactory level
to someone so that they can study at a particular
or standard
school or university
graduate /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/ verb [intransitive] H
student /ˈstjuːd(ə)nt/ noun [countable] H H H
to complete your studies at a university or college,
someone who goes to a university, college, or school
usually by getting a degree
term /tɜː(r)m/ noun [countable] H H H
homework/ˈhəʊmˌwɜː(r)k/ noun [uncountable] H
one of the periods of time into which the year is
work that a teacher gives a student to do out of class
divided for students. In the UK, there are usually
learn /lɜː(r)n/ verb [intransitive/transitive] H H H three terms: the autumn term, the spring term, and
to gain knowledge or experience of something, for the summer term.
example by being taught
test /test/ noun [countable] H H H
lecture /ˈlektʃə(r)/ noun [countable] H H a set of written or spoken questions used for finding
a talk to a group of people about a particular out how much someone knows about a subject.
subject, especially at a college or university A test is less formal than an exam.
lesson/ˈles(ə)n/ noun [countable] H H H topic /ˈtɒpɪk/ noun [countable] H H H
a period of time in which students are taught about a subject that you write or speak about
a subject in school
tutor /ˈtjuːtə(r)/ noun [countable] H H
mark /mɑː(r)k/ noun [countable] H H H a teacher in a college or university
(British) a score in the form of a number, percentage,
or letter that a teacher gives a student’s work. The
American word is grade.

click /klɪk/ verb [transitive/intransitive] H online /ˈɒnlaɪn/adjective H H
to make a computer do something by pressing a connected to or available through a computer
button on the mouse or a computer network (=a group of connected
computers), especially the internet
connect /kəˈnekt/ verb [transitive/intransitive] H H H
to make it possible for someone to communicate printer /ˈprɪntə(r)/ noun [countable] H H
using a telephone or computer network a piece of equipment used for printing documents
that you have created on a computer
delete /dɪˈliːt/ verb [transitive] H H
to remove information stored in a computer program /ˈprəʊɡræm/ noun [countable] H H
a series of instructions that makes a computer
digital /ˈdɪdʒɪt(ə)l/ adjective H H
perform an action or a particular type of work
storing information such as sound or pictures as
numbers or electronic signals scanner /ˈskænə(r)/ noun [countable] H
a piece of equipment that is used for copying a
hardware /ˈhɑːd(r)ˌweə(r)/ noun [uncountable] H H
picture or document into a computer
computer equipment. Computer programs are called
software. screen /skriːn/ noun [countable] H H H
the flat surface on a computer, television, or piece
innovative /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/ /ˈɪnəvətɪv/ adjective H
of electronic equipment where words and pictures
new, original, and advanced
are shown
install /ɪnˈstɔːl/ verb [transitive] H H
software /ˈsɒf(t)ˌweə(r)/ noun [uncountable] H H H
to put a new program or piece of software into a
programs used by computers for doing particular jobs
computer so that you can use it
tablet/ˈtæblət/ noun [countable] H H
invent/ɪnˈvent/ verb [transitive] H H
a mobile computing device, larger than a mobile
to design or create something such as a machine or
phone, that can browse the Internet, handle email,
process that did not exist before
play music and video, and display e-books. The user
keyboard /ˈkiːˌbɔː(r)d/ noun [countable] H controls it by touching the screen.
a piece of computer equipment with keys on it, used
text /tekst/ verb [transitive] H
for putting information into a computer
to send a written message to someone using a
monitor /ˈmɒnɪtə(r)/ noun [countable] H mobile phone
a computer screen, or the part of a computer that
upgrade /ʌpˈɡreɪd/ verb [intransitive/transitive] H
contains the screen
to make a computer or other machine more powerful
mouse /maʊs/ noun [countable] H H or effective
a small object that you move in order to do things on
virtual /ˈvɜː(r)tʃʊəl/ adjective H H
a computer screen. When you press on a part of the
created by computers, or appearing on computers or
mouse, you click on it. You also click on things on the
the Internet
computer screen itself, using a mouse.
wireless /ˈwaɪə(r)ləs/ adjective H
network /ˈnetˌwɜː(r)k/ noun [countable] H H H
wireless technology, systems, or equipment such as
a set of computers that are connected to each
mobile phones does not use wires, but communicates
other so that each computer can send and receive
using electronic signals
information to and from the other computers

accommodation /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/ noun journey /ˈdʒɜː(r)ni/ noun [countable] H H H
[uncountable] H H an occasion when you travel from one place to
a place for someone to stay, live, or work in another, especially when there is a long distance
between the places
airport /ˈeə(r)ˌpɔː(r)t/ noun [countable] H H H
a place where planes arrive and leave, consisting of luggage /ˈlʌɡɪdʒ/ noun [uncountable] H
runways (=long roads where planes land and take off) bags and suitcases that you take on a journey
and large buildings for passengers called terminals
passenger /ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)/ noun [countable] H H H
board /bɔː(r)d/ verb [intransitive/transitive] H someone who travels in a motor vehicle, aircraft,
to get onto a ship, aircraft, train, or bus train, or ship but is not the driver or one of the
people who works on it
book /bʊk/verb [intransitive/transitive] H H
to buy tickets, or to arrange to have or use passport /ˈpɑːspɔː(r)t/ noun [countable] H
something at a particular time in the future an official document containing your photograph and
showing which country you are a citizen of. You use
connection /kəˈnekʃ(ə)n/ noun [countable] H H H
your passport when travelling to foreign countries.
a train, bus, or plane that allows you to continue
a journey after you arrive by a different train, bus, platform /ˈplætˌfɔː(r)m/ noun [countable] H H
or plane an area next to a railway track where passengers get
onto and off trains
currency /ˈkʌrənsi/ noun [countable] H H H
the system of money used in a particular country reception /rɪˈsepʃ(ə)n/ noun [uncountable] H H
the part of a large building such as a hotel or office
customs /ˈkʌstəmz/ noun [plural] H
where there is someone whose job is to welcome
the place at a port, airport, or border where officials
visitors, deal with questions etc
check that the goods that people are bringing into
a country are legal, and whether they should pay resort /rɪˈzɔː(r)t/ noun [countable] H
customs duties a place that many people go to for a holiday
departure /dɪˈpɑː(r)tʃə(r)/ noun [countable] H H tourist /ˈtʊərɪst/ noun [countable] H H H
the time when a plane, bus, or train leaves someone who is visiting a place on holiday
destination /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ noun [countable] H H trip /trɪp/ noun [countable] H H H
the place where someone or something is going an occasion when you go somewhere and come
back again
explore /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ verb [intransitive/transitive] H H H
to travel to a place in order to learn about it or to visa /ˈviːzə/ noun [countable] H
search for something valuable such as oil an official document or mark in your passport that
allows you to enter or leave a country for a specific
flight /flaɪt/ noun [countable] H H H
purpose or period of time
a journey through air or space in a vehicle such as
a plane visit /ˈvɪzɪt/ verb [transitive] H H H
to go to a place for a short period of time
holiday /ˈhɒlɪdeɪ/noun [countable] [often plural] H H H
(British) a period of time when you do not work
or study and do things for pleasure instead. The
American word is vacation.


After the successful Real Grammar series

we’re introducing Real Vocabulary with Scott
Thornbury. In 10 short videos, Scott answers
commonly asked questions such as: When do
you use less and fewer? What’s the difference
between uninterested and disinterested?
And when is it OK to use the word awesome?
Follow the series for the answers!



Many of the complaints you hear about ‘bad WORDurce Centre

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