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Driven Relationship skills

Objectives CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.3
Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using
effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

Students will be able to define empathy and write a scenario where empathy is
shown using descriptive details and effective technique.

*All students will be working on the same objective

Instructional Materials:
Materials & - PowerPoint with Empathy scenarios:

- YouTube video about empathy Empathy with Moby

- Hand out lined paper for student to write their scenario on or suggest
that they create aa google document to share with you

Instructional Opening(10min):
Activities - Slide #1 Start by asking students to define empathy. Fill in student
Tasks answers on PowerPoint to create a graphic organizer.
- Slide #2 Play a YouTube video about empathy. Stop the video to ask
probing questions such as: “How do you know when someone is sad?”,
“How do you think you can show empathy?”, “Has anyone ever taken
the time to understand how you feel in a situation?”
Middle(10 min):
- Go back to Slide #1 and fill in new ideas about empathy learned from
the video
- Slide #3: Read the first scenario (or have the students read). Discuss
whether or not empathy was shown. Discuss either how empathy was
shown or how it could have been shown.
- Slide #4 Repeat the step from slide #3 with the new scenario
Ending (10 min) :
- Wrap up by asking students to brainstorm ways in which they can show
empathy in their own lives
- Ask students to type or write a scenario where empathy is shown.
Assessment Assessment:
- Students will write their scenarios where empathy is shown. The
assessment will be graded based on whether or not their scenario shows
empathy or not. Spelling mistakes will not result in point loss. Students
will be expected to use capital letters and punctuation.

Student work:

****Taken from a google document

Ensuring Accommodations & Modifications:
Equitable - Students will be able to use the computer to look up words
Access - Students can type their scenario
- Headphones to listen to a YouTube video
- Lined paper to write the scenario

English language learners:

- English language learns could read the passage in their native language
- Students could be given a list of vocabulary words which they may use
to write their scenario
- Speech to text can be used if the student has trouble writing in English

Universal Design Learning:

- Action and Expression ----> Physical Action: The student had the
choice to write their scenario on lined paper or typing on the computer
- Representation ----> Language and symbols: The students were able to
learn about empathy using a YouTube video and two written scenarios
- Engagement ----> Self-regulation: This lesson allowed the student to
develop self-reflection tools through using real life scenarios and display
of emotion.

Enrichment Opportunities:
● If students finish writing their scenario early, they will be challenged to
write a scenario where empathy was NOT shown and then explain how
their character could have shown empathy.

Environmen No environmental factors needed to be changed for this particular lesson

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