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Donor Impurity States in Semiconductor Zincblende Nitride Quantum

Systems as a Source of Nonlinear Optical Response

Article  in  Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology · February 2017

DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2017.13062


0 88

3 authors:

Julian Correa M. E. Mora-Ramos

Universidad de Medellín Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos


C. A. Duque
University of Antioquia


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optical properties of type II quantum dots for photovoltaic applications View project

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Correct cite: Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 1517-1524 (2017)

Journal of
Copyright © 2016 American Scientific Publishers
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
All rights reserved Vol. 16, 1–8, 2016
Printed in the United States of America

Donor Impurity States in Semiconductor

Zincblende Nitride Quantum Systems as a
Source of Nonlinear Optical Response
J. D. Correa1 , M. E. Mora-Ramos2 ∗ , and C. A. Duque3
Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Medellín, Medellín, Colombia
Centro de Investigación en Ciencias-IICBA, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Av. Universidad 1001,
CP 62209, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Grupo de Materia Condensada-UdeA, Instituto de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales,
Universidad de Antioquia UdeA, Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medellín, Colombia

The optical absorption and the optical rectification coefficients associated to hydrogenic impurity
interstate transitions in zincblende GaN-based nanostructures of the quantum wire type are investi-
gated. The system is assumed to have cylindrical shape and the influence of external tuning probes
such as hydrostatic pressure and static electric fields is particularly taken into account. The elec-
tron states are obtained within the effective mass approximation, via the exact diagonalization of
the donor-impurity Hamiltonian with parabolic confinement. The nonlinear optical coefficients are
calculated using a nonperturbative solution of the density-matrix Bloch equation. Our results show
that the resonance-related features of the optical response become shifted in the frequency range
of the incident radiation due to the effect of the hydrostatic pressure, the strength of the applied
field and the change in the impurity center position.
Keywords: Zincblende GaN, Quantum Wire, Nonlinear Optics, Hydrostatic Pressure.

1. INTRODUCTION zincblende substrates such as GaAs.8 It is known that

The III–V nitride compounds have attracted more attention structures based on cubic III–V nitride semiconductors
in their wurtzite allotropic form. But cubic nitrides actu- do not suffer from the problem of strong internal elec-
ally exhibit interesting properties from the point of view tric fields. Recent reports show the increasing interest in
of electronics and optoelectronics applications. Zicblende the fabrication of ZB-nitride-based devices. For instance,
nitride semiconductor films have been grown with high it has been demonstrated that high-quality cubic GaN can
crystal quality.1–4 A review of the basics and applica- be grown on silicon substrates, overcoming the challenge
tions in optoelectronics of cubic III-nitride-based nano- of obtaining in a commercial way this material, character-
structures can be found in Ref. [5]. The cubic symmetry ized by a thermodynamically unstable crystal structure.9
avoids the presence of high spontaneous polarizations in Then, the development of nanostructures using ZB GaN
the crystal, which are partially responsible for the pres- semiconductor is relevant for the production of short wave-
ence of large built-in fields in polar wurtzite-based het- length optoelectronic devices, high temperature devices
erostructures. This phenomenon causes the impairing of and high frequency high power devices.10 The use of
the carrier recombination leading to drops in efficiency in dry chemical etching allowed to obtain cubic GaN quan-
light emitting diodes.6, 7 On the other hand, the zincblende tum dots embedded in zincblende AlN microdisks.11 Fur-
(ZB) structure in nitrides is associated with higher car- thermore, the growth of ZB GaN quantum dot has been
rier mobilities, larger optical gain and lower threshold cur- reported demonstrating the versatility of the so called layer
rent density because of its smaller effective mass, whereas transfer method to fabricate a large variety of ZB III-
it has mirror facets compatible with non-nitride III–V nitride photonic structures operating at short wavelengths,
including photonic crystal nanocavities and waveguides.12

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. However, only few reports on zincblende-nitride-based

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2016, Vol. 16, No. xx 1533-4880/2016/16/001/008 doi:10.1166/jnn.2016.13062 1

Correct DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2017.13062

Donor Impurity States in Semiconductor Zincblende Nitride Quantum Systems Correa et al.

quantum wires (QWs) have been published in the recent giant NOR was found in asymmetric coupled double
years.13–17 quantum wells.31 From the theoretical point of view, a key
In general, the optoelectronic properties of semicon- reference is the work by Rosencher and Bois in quantum
ductor low-dimensional systems can be affected by mod- wells.32
ifying the geometrical and compositional configurations Recently, Paspalakis et al. reported new expressions for
(shape, size, alloying), and by applying external probes the nonlinear optical absorption and optical rectification
which are mainly electromagnetic fields, strain or hydro- coefficients.33 Their formalism is based in the two-level
static pressure, or both. The issue of the combined effects model an the rotating wave approximation. One of the fea-
of an externally applied field and the hydrostatic pressure tures of this scheme is that the problem of saturation of
is worth of investigating because those combined effects the optical absorption is properly addressed.
can induce new response ranges, such as the appear- Motivated by the above commented elements, in this
ance of blue-shifts or red-shift in the optical response work we report a study on the nonlinear optical suscep-
of the structures, thus opening the way to the develop- tibility associated to hydrogenic impurity interstate tran-
ment of new applications. In particular, the influence of sitions in GaN quantum wires of cylindrical shape taking
hydrostatic pressure in cubic nitride QDs has been con- into account the effects of externally applied static elec-
sidered by by Baser et al.15 and by Xia et al.18 On the tric field and hydrostatic pressure. We make use of the
other hand, the production of electronic and optoelectronic effective mass approximation, via the exact diagonaliza-
devices based on semiconductor materials usually requires tion of the donor-impurity Hamiltonian with parabolic con-
the doping of the material with the inclusion of either finement and external field effects. The nonlinear optical
donor or acceptor atoms in the crystal. Besides, in spite properties are then calculated using the model put forward
of the high levels of purity obtained during the crystal in Ref. [33]. The next section will be devoted to com-
growth processes of nowadays, there is always a degree ment the theoretical framework whereas in section 3 the
of non-intentional doping in the semiconductor matrix. results obtained will be presented and discussed. Finally,
In consequence, it turns out that the study of donor impu- the section 4 contains the conclusions of the work.
rities in ZB GaN based nanostructures is fundamental to
understand the physical behavior of this kind of systems.19 2. MODEL THEORY
In particular, the reference15 studies the hydrogenic impu- In the framework of the effective mass approximation, the
rity states in InGaN/GaN cylindrical quantum well wires, Hamiltonian of the system is given by
whereas Wang and collaborators investigated the impurity  
states under hydrostatic pressure in ZB InGaN/GaN quan- 2  1  e2
− ·  −  + V   + eF  cos 
tum wells.20 2 m∗ ∗ 2 + z2
Among the different manifestations of the optical (1)
response of a nanostructure under applied electric field, where m∗ P  and P  are the pressure dependent con-
the optical absorption is one of the most studied.21 In duction band effective mass and static dielectric constant,
a seminal paper dealing with quantum wells, Ahn and respectively, e is the absolute value of the electron charge
Chuang reported on the linear and nonlinear absorption and g = /m∗ R2  is the frequency associated with the
coefficients via a perturbative formalism for solving the lateral confinement. The wire’s cross section has a cir-
density matrix equation.22 Afterwards, the same approach cular shape with radius R, and we choose to model the
has been widely used to calculate the nonlinear optical confining conduction band potential energy profile via the
absorption in different semiconductor heterostructures (for parabolic function V   = 1/2m∗ 2g  cos  +0 2 +
a few examples see, for instance, Refs. [23–26]).  sin 2
, with 0 being the distance between the wire’s
The nonlinear optical rectification (NOR) effect (also axis and the impurity position. We have defined a QW
named as dc effect) was discovered by Bass et al. in radius in terms of  the expectation
 value of the in-plane
1962.27 It is detected as a static polarization of the nonlin- coordinate 2 : R = 2  = /m∗ g . The external elec-
ear system that is proportional to the second power of the tric field (F ) is applied perpendicularly to the QW axis.
incident field amplitude. Among its applications one may For the purpose of the calculation, the position of the
list the measurements of nonlinear crustal susceptibilities impurity atom can be considered both on-axis or off-axis.
as well as of the power, polarization and profile of laser Given the geometry of the structure, we choose the set of
pulses; excitation of electromagnetic waves in resonators cylindrical coordinates with the center placed at the impu-
and waveguides, generation of infrared radiation, and non- rity position. In order to obtain the energy spectrum of the
linear spectroscopy28 and, more recently, the generation of system we need to solve the eigenvalues equation:
THz radiation with the use of ultrafast laser pulses.29 In Ĥ  = E  (2)
semiconducting nanostructures, it is possible to mention-
for instance-the experimental observation of large NOR With this purpose, we propose the wavefunction   as
in compositionally asymmetric quantum wells,30 whereas an expansion in a Gaussian-like basis set. As a result,

2 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16, 1–8, 2016

Correa et al. Donor Impurity States in Semiconductor Zincblende Nitride Quantum Systems

we obtain the eigenstates by direct diagonalization of the In this expression, fi is the ionicity of the material, and
resulting Hamiltonian matrix. Details of this specific solu- BP  is the bulk module pressure dependence given by
tion are quite extensively given in our previous works.14, 17 
The effects of the hydrostatic pressure in the electronic BP  = B0 + B0 P (11)
properties of the QW are included through the pressure
dependence of the different input parameters. That is, The use of the bulk phonon information is a convenient
effective mass, dielectric constant and QW radius. The approximation aiming at providing a suitable qualitative
specific dependencies, in the case of ZB GaN are taken description of an otherwise troublesome problem. In a sys-
from previous works on the subject.15, 34–36 Then, the effec- tem like the one here investigated, the phonon spectrum
tive mass, as a function of the hydrostatic pressure is is largely modified from its bulk features due to the pres-
given by ence of interfaces. Confined and interface vibration modes
m0 C appear with a significant mixing of both longitudinal and
= 1+ (3) transversal polarizations (see Ref. [37]). In consequence,
m∗GaN Eg P 
a more complicated relation between the frequencies of
where C is a constant and Eg P  is the bandgap energy as
the phonon modes would appear. Thus, the only way for
a function of the hydrostatic pressure, given by
a proper description of the hydrostatic pressure effects
Eg P  = Eg 0 +  P + P 2  (4) would be a microscopic-first principles-calculation of  in
our particular system. Clearly, this lies beyond the scope
The dependence of the radius on the hydrostatic pres- of the present work.
sure can be written as Once we know the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the

RP  = R0 1 − 2P S11 + S12  (5) impurity in the QW, we can derive analytical expressions
for the diagonal and off-diagonal matrix elements of the
where S11 and S22 are the elastic compliance constants. We electric dipole moment operator, M̂ , in the system (for
evaluate them using the relation of these particular tensor details view17 ). Then, according to Paspalakis et al.,33
elements with those of its inverse one—the elastic stiffness the inter-state nonlinear optical absorption coefficient as
tensor—which are no other than the elastics constants of a function of the incident light frequency near the reso-
the medium C11 and C12 . In the cubic symmetry case, they nance is
are given by
C11 + C12 I 
S11 = (6) e2 ii Mfi 2 Efi
C11 − C12 C11 + 2C12 
and 0 nr c
C12  2   
S12 = − (7) J eMff −Mii Ẽ/ −J 2 eMff −Mii Ẽ/ 
0 2
C11 − C12 C11 + 2C12  ×
fi ii +ii /fi −Efi 2 +fi I
To deal with the pressure effect on the dielectric screen-
ing we shall make the following simplifying assump- (12)
tion: The static dielectric constant is determined from
the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation, involving the pressure
dependence of the longitudinal and transversal long wave- ce2 I Mfi 2 eMff −Mii Ẽ
length optical phonon modes: fi I  = J0
LO 2 eMff −Mii Ẽ 2
P  =  P  (8) +J2 (13)
Here, LO and TO are the longitudinal optical and
In these expressions, J0 x and J2 x are the Bessel
transversal optical zone-center phonon frequencies, respec-
functions of the first kind. In addition, fi = /Tfi , and
tively, and  P  is the pressure-dependent high frequency
ii = /Tii . The quantity Tfi is the transverse relaxation
dielectric constant. With the help of the mode-Grüneisen
(or dephasing) time of the transition, whilst Tii is the lon-
parameter ( i ) we can calculate LO P  and TO P 
gitudinal relaxation (or population decay) time. Besides,
through the expression
Efi = Ef − Ei is the transition energy difference,  is
1 i P  the magnetic permeability of vacuum, 0 is the free-space
i = B0 (9)
i P dielectric permittivity, and c is the speed of light in the free
where, B0 is the bulk module at P = 0. Finally the pressure space. On the other hand, Mfi =  f  cos  i  are the
dependence of the high frequency dielectric constant is matrix elements of the projection of the electron-impurity
given by distance along the incident light polarization direction.
 5 − 1 Additionally,  is the 3D √ density of carriers involved in
≈ 09 − fi  (10) the transition and nr =  is the refractive index of the
P 3B
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16, 1–8, 2016 3
Donor Impurity States in Semiconductor Zincblende Nitride Quantum Systems Correa et al.

material. The quantity I is the intensity of the incident (a) 0.23

light, which relates with the amplitude of the incoming
electromagnetic radiation (Ẽ) through the relation 0.22

nr 0 cẼ2 0.21
I= (14)

In addition, from the real part of the nonlinear suscep-
tibility one extracts the expression for the coefficient of 0.19
relative change of the refraction
nI  Efi − ii 0.18
= 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
nr cnr 0 I fi
fi I 
× 9.6
fi ii +ii /fi −Efi 2 +fi I 
(15) 9.4

whilst an independent procedure leads to the coefficient of
NOR which is given by
4nr eMff −Mii  ii
0 I  = 9
c0 I fi
fi I  0 5 10 15 20 25 30
× (16) P(GPa)
fi ii +ii /fi −Efi 2 +fi I 
Figure 1. Effective mass (a) and static dielectric constant (b) of the
bulk-GaN as a function of hydrostatic pressure.
To study the effects of the hydrostatic pressure on the zero applied electric field. It is possible to observe that as
optical properties of zincblende GaN QW, we consider a long as the hydrostatic pressure augments the energy of the
QW of radius 6 nm. The numerical results are obtained ground impurity state decreases. This behavior is mainly
using the following values of the involved parameters: caused by the reduction in the value of ∗ P  as shown in
For the calculation of the effective mass the C constant the Figure 1(b). This trend is also detected in the case of
is 13.73 eV, the band gap at zero pressure is Eg 0 = the ground state energy in the situations with off-center—
322 eV. To describe the hydrostatic pressure dependence at 3 nm—impurity position and zero field and with on-
of the band gap we have used = 40 meV/GPa and = center donor atom and F = 20 kV/cm (Figs. 2(b and c),
−038 meV/GPa2 . The hydrostatic pressure dependence respectively).
of elastic constants and the bulk module values are taken On the other hand, at the zero field, on-center donor
from Ref. [35], and are such that C11 = 252 + 417P − impurity configuration, the excited energy states decrease
0019P 2, C12 = 131 + 350P − 0011P 2, B0 = 1713, and with the pressure until reaches a minimum value. Then, the

B0 = 372. The high frequency dielectric constant at P = 0 ulterior increment of the hydrostatic pressure leads to the
is  0 = 53, the mode-Grüneisen parameters are LO = increase of the energies, and this also occurs to a greater
12 and TO = 14, the longitudinal optical and transver- or lesser extent in the other two configurations considered.
sal optical zone-center phonon frequencies at P = 0 are All this behavior is a result of the competition between the
respectively LO 0 = 743 cm−1 and TO 0 = 553 cm−1 , different pressure-dependent influences—effective mass,
and finally the material ionicity is taken as fi = 05. For dielectric constant, wire radius—in the system as com-
illustration, the Figure 1 shows the variation of both the mented. Clearly, the effect of the pressure-induced reduc-
electron effective mass and the static dielectric constant as tion in the radial size will be more strongly felt by the
functions of the hydrostatic pressure. excited energy levels—greatly due in our case to the rather
The functional dependencies m∗ P  and ∗ P  have the large energy separation between them and the ground state.
typical behaviors occurring in the III–V semiconductor The consequence is the predominance of the increment in
compounds. They mean that as long as the pressure grows, the degree of confinement and thus the rise of the corre-
the confined electron states become more localized and the sponding energy values.
strength of its Coulombic interaction with a charged center The localization of the donor impurity atom out of the
will be stronger. QW axis (0 = 3 nm) as well as the application of a
The Figure 2(a) shows the impurity energies as func- Dc electric field (F = 20 kV/cm) along the radial direc-
tions of the hydrostatic pressure with on-axis impurity at tion are both causes of symmetry breaking in the system

4 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16, 1–8, 2016

Correa et al. Donor Impurity States in Semiconductor Zincblende Nitride Quantum Systems

(a) (b) (c) (a) 10 (b) 1





–10 0 –1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
P(GPa) P(GPa)

(c) 10 (d) 10

–20 8

6 M11

6 M22

|M12|2 4 M44
4 |M13|2
|M14|2 2
2 |M15|2

0 –2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

–40 P(GPa) P(GPa)

0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
P(GPa) P(GPa) P(GPa) Figure 3. Dipole matrix elements in a cylindrical GaN quantum wire
with parabolic confinement potential as a function of the hydrostatic pres-
Figure 2. Calculated hydrogenic impurity energies in a zincblende GaN sure. In (a and c) are depicted the squared dipole off-diagonal matrix
quantum wire with parabolic confinement potential as functions of hydro- elements for the transitions between the ground state and the first four
static pressure. The wire radius has been set to 6 nm. (a) for on-axis excited states, whereas (b and d) correspond to the dipole diagonal matrix
impurity position and zero applied electric field (b), the radial impurity elements. Different configurations are include: (a and b) are for on-axis
position is 0 = 3 nm and zero applied electric field, and (c) the electric impurity and zero applied electric field, whereas (c and d) are for off-axis
field intensity is 20 kV/cm for on-axis impurity position. impurity (0 = 3) and F = 20 kV/cm.

as was discussed in a previous work.14 Such an effect appear in Figures 3(a and c). Permanent dipole moments
gives rise to changes in the confining potential which (diagonal elements) are depicted as functions of P in
modify the energy spectrum in comparison with the com- Figures 3(b and d). The role played by the system’s
pletely symmetrical structure as can be seen from the symmetry is readily noticed. In the on-axis donor cen-
Figures 2(b and c). Under both circumstances, the ground ter plus zero electric field case the selection rules lead to
state behaves much alike. It exhibits a slight increase the quenching of the permanent polarization, keeping as
which can be explained by the presence of the linear term nonzero quantities the contributions of the non-permanent
in the -dependent potential function. polarization coming from transitions between states with
At zero pressure, the upper states behave in different different parities. However, the shift of the impurity atom
manners. For instance, the first excited state has a small away from the center together with the application of an
decrease related with the enhancement of the Coulombic electric field cause the loss of the central symmetry giving
attraction that occurs because of the reduction in the aver- rise to additional possibilities for the dipole polarization in
age electron-impurity distance, whereas the-split-second the structure.
one shifts upwards due-in this case-to the combined effect In Figure 4 we show the linear (when I ≡ 0), non-
of the stronger confinement and the change in the prob- linear and total optical absorption coefficient for different
ability density distribution that moves the electron farther values of hydrostatic pressure. The absorption process
away from the donor center, and so on. All such displace- implies the—allowed—transition from the ground to a
ments are mostly governed by the changes in the corre- given excited state. In the column (1) the obtained results
sponding confining potential configurations. correspond to the on-axis impurity configuration and the
The graphics in Figure 3 show the variation of the external electric field is set to zero. We can observe a
dipole moment matrix elements as functions of the blue-shift of the main linear and nonlinear absorption—
hydrostatic pressure. Off-diagonal dipole moment matrix related with the transition from the ground to the second
elements having the ground state as the initial one excited state—peak as the hydrostatic pressure increases.

J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16, 1–8, 2016 5

Donor Impurity States in Semiconductor Zincblende Nitride Quantum Systems Correa et al.

(1) (2) absorption coefficient is smaller compared with the case

(a) 40 (a) 40
35 in which the impurity locates on-axis. Symmetry reasons
30 30 are responsible for a significant reduction of the ampli-

25 tude of this particular contribution. Moreover, one notices

20 20
15 that the pressure acts as an optical response quencher for
10 10 this nonlinear part. This means that the pressure acts in a
5 way that maximizes the contribution of fi  I . In other
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 words, the radial asymmetry associated to the displacement
(b) 0 (b) 0
of the impurity center away from the cylinder’s axis causes
–5 –5
a change in the permanent dipoles of the system in such
a way that the element Mff − Mii  approaches zero-the

–10 –10
value at which the factor J0 x + J2 x2 reaches its max-
–15 –15
imum value. This combines with the strong fall of the non-
–20 –20
permanent dipole moment Mfi and leads the nonlinear part
–25 –25
to practically vanish. Then, the optical absorption response
–30 –30
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 of the QW when the impurity is off-axis is approximately
(c) 40 (c) 40
equal to the lineal optical response.
35 35 The Figure 5 contains the same results as the Figure 4

30 30 but, in this case, the applied electric field is set at

25 25
20 20
20 kV/cm. When the impurity is on-axis (left-hand
15 15
10 10
(1) (2)
5 5 (a) 30 (a) 40
0 0 25
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 30

EPhoton(eV) EPhoton(eV) 20
15 20
Figure 4. The impurity-related optical absorption coefficient in a cylin-
drical GaN quantum wire with parabolic confinement as a function of the 10
incident photon energy, the incident radiation intensity is I = 1010 W/m2 . 5
Each line corresponds to a different value of hydrostatic pressure, with P 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
ranging from 0 to 285 GPa. The column (1) is for the on-axis impurity
and zero applied electric field configuration whereas column (2) contains (b) 0 (b) 0
the results for the off-axis impurity-0 = 3 nm and zero electric field –5 –5

case. The filled lines correspond to the zero pressure case. (a) Linear –10 –10
optical response, (b) nonlinear optical response, and (c) total absorption
–15 –15
–20 –20
–25 –25
This behavior is due to the variation of the previously dis-
–30 –30
cussed impurity states. Additionally, it is possible to notice 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
an increment in the amplitude of the optical response (c) 30 (c) 30
as a consequence of the rising pressure hydrostatic pres- 25 25

sure. The main reason for this phenomenon is, initially, 20 20

the increase of the off-diagonal dipole moment matrix 15 15
element-due to a greater degree of wavefunction overlap 10 10
at higher values of the radial position, associated to the 5 5
influence of the hydrostatic pressure-, combined with the
0 0
increment of the transition energy difference Efi . At higher 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
pressures, the contribution of Mfi 2 slightly decreases and EPhoton(eV) EPhoton(eV)
the reason from the amplitude growth relates mostly with
Figure 5. The impurity-related optical absorption coefficient in a cylin-
the blueshift mentioned. drical GaN quantum wire with parabolic confinement as a function of the
When the impurity atom is located off-axis at 3 nm, the incident photon energy, the incident radiation intensity is I = 1010 W/m2 .
results for the optical absorption coefficient [Fig. 4, col- Each line corresponds to a different value of hydrostatic pressure, with
umn (2)] show the appearance of two absorption peaks P ranging from 0 to 285 GPa. The column (1) is for on-axis impurity
and applied electric field intensity of 20 kV/cm applied electric field.
around 29 meV and 42 meV. When the hydrostatic pressure
Column (2) is for off-axis impurity at 0 = 3 nm and F = 20 kV/cm. The
increases, the positions of these peaks are blue-shifted— filled lines correspond to the zero hydrostatic pressure case. (a) Linear
just under 10 meV when P = 285 GPa. In this case, optical response, (b) nonlinear optical response, and (c) total absorption
the amplitude of the non-linear contribution to the optical coefficient.

6 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16, 1–8, 2016

Correa et al. Donor Impurity States in Semiconductor Zincblende Nitride Quantum Systems

column), we can observe two pronounced transition peaks, (a) 30

that are blue-shifted as long as the hydrostatic pressure 25
increases. This effect is due to the changes induced by the

hydrostatic pressure in the impurity energy excited states. 15
In addition, it can be seen that the electric field also causes
the reduction of the non-linear optical absorption coeffi-
cient compared with the case when the impurity is on-axis
and the electric field is zero. The intensity of the nonlinear 0
0 20 40 60 80
optical absorption coefficient decreases progressively with (b) 30
the increment of the hydrostatic pressure. The physical
explanation to this behavior follows the same arguments

given above in the discussion of the Figure 4.
The calculated nonlinear relative refractive index change 15

related with transitions between electron-impurity states 10

appears in Figure 6. It is possible to detect once again the 5
blueshift effect associated with the influence of the hydro- 0
0 20 40 60 80
static pressure. As discussed, this phenomenon as well as
the behavior of the signal’s amplitude are modulated by the (c) 30

change in the properties of the electron states when dealing 25

with the symmetry-breaking cases of off-center impurity
and applied electric field. 15

(a) 0.1 5
0.05 0 20 40 60 80

0 EPhoton(meV)

–0.05 Figure 7. Nonlinear optical rectification coefficient as a function of the

incident photon energy. Each line corresponds to a different value of
hydrostatic pressure (0 ≤ P ≤ 285 GPa. The wire radius is taken equal
to 6 nm. (a) For on-axis impurity position and zero electric field, (b) the
0 20 40 60 80 radial impurity position is 0 = 3 nm and the electric field is zero, and
(b) 0.1 (c) configuration with 0 = 3 nm and F = 20 kV/cm.

Finally, the coefficient of nonlinear optical rectifica-

0 tion in a cylindrical zincblende GaN QW is shown in the

Figure 7. The calculation has considered the same setups
taken into account in obtaining the above discussed results.
–0.1 Clearly, the case with complete symmetry leads to zero
0 20 40 60 80
NOR response due to the fact that in this case the involved
(c) 0.1 permanent polarization vanish identically. However, non-
0.05 symmetrical configurations can lead to a nonlinear rectifi-
cation response that exhibits the pressure-induced blueshift

and the resonant peak amplitudes of the same order of

–0.05 magnitude already detected in previous reports.38

0 20 40 60 80
In this work, we investigated the nonlinear optical
response associated with the electron-donor-impurity states
Figure 6. Nonlinear relative refractive index change as a function of in zincblende GaN quantum wires of cylindrical shape
the incident photon energy. Each line corresponds to a different value of under the influence of hydrostatic pressure. The study also
hydrostatic pressure, with P ranging from 0 to 285 GPa. The wire radius takes into account the possible application of an external
has been set to 6 nm. (a) For on-axis impurity position and zero electric
field, (b) the radial impurity position is 0 = 3 nm and the electric field
static electric field. The properties under consideration are
is zero, and (c) the radial impurity position is 0 = 3 nm and the electric the optical absorption, the relative change of the refrac-
field intensity is 20 kV/cm. tive index and the optical rectification. For each case we

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Donor Impurity States in Semiconductor Zincblende Nitride Quantum Systems Correa et al.

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Received: 16 December 2015. Accepted: 24 April 2016.

8 J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16, 1–8, 2016

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