National Day Special: Soft Yet Energetic Diplomacy Key To Moving Forward

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6 | The Japan Times | Friday, December 18, 2020

Qatar National Day Special

Soft yet energetic diplomacy key to moving forward
H.E. HASSAN BIN MOHAMMED RAFEI of the international community and
AL-EMADI provided the necessary assistance and
AMBASSADOR OF THE STATE OF QATAR medical aid to more than 70 countries
and international organizations. Qatar
On Dec. 18 each remains committed to continuing to sup-
year, we celebrate port international efforts to accelerate
our National Day in the manufacture of vaccines and provide
the State of Qatar. them in a fair way to the countries most
It is a great national in need.
event to commem- The energy sector in Qatar was able to
orate the founding overcome the repercussions of this pan-
of the State of Qatar demic with minimal damage. Production
in 1878, by the late and export operations were not affected.
founder and great Qatar Petroleum continued to fulfill its
leader Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed Al obligations to all partners, including
Thani. Japan. In addition, the workflow is pro-
On this very special occasion, I am hon- ceeding without interruption in the main
ored and privileged to express, on behalf energy projects represented by the lique-
of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim fied natural gas (LNG) production expan-
bin Hamad Al-Thani, the government sion project, in addition to the projects
and people of Qatar, my deepest rever- abroad.
ence, warmest greetings and best wishes To mitigate the economic damage
for good health and happiness to Their from the pandemic, Qatar has taken swift
Imperial Majesties Emperor Naruhito measures to support the private sector,
and Empress Masako, the imperial family, maintain the integrity of the financial and
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and the banking markets and preserve the integ-
friendly people of Japan. rity of the state’s general budget. Despite
The National Day of Qatar is a glorious the negative effects of low oil and gas
occasion to consolidate national prin- prices on the public budget, the state con-
ciples and values and also a great oppor- tinues to focus spending on health, educa-
tunity in which feelings of joy, the spirit of tion and major infrastructure projects. Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani greets the emperor and empress at
national belonging and loyalty to leader- Qatar maintained its credit rating in Doha’s skyline at night the banquet following the enthronement ceremony on Oct. 22, 2019.
ship are combined. the studies conducted by international
This year’s celebrations, however, rating agencies for the year 2020, which and challenges that we have been through port Japanese citizens stranded in other lasting peace in Afghanistan. In closing, I wish to express my deep-
are different due to the exceptional cir- unanimously affirmed the country a high in the past few years due to blockades. Middle East and East African countries to Qatar attaches great importance to its est appreciation to The Japan Times for
cumstances and challenges facing the credit rating, while confirming the stable Qatar’s position in the international return home. distinguished relations with Japan, as one giving me this opportunity to address
whole world due to the coronavirus outlook for its economy. Nevertheless, and regional arena was enhanced thanks At the regional level, Qatar has suc- of our largest partners in the field of LNG, its distinguished readers on this happy
pandemic. Fortunately, Qatar has largely the country is working to reduce depen- to its soft and energetic diplomacy, as well ceeded in hosting fruitful rounds of dia- and the biggest trading partner. There occasion. I hope that the coronavirus pan-
succeeded in dealing with the pandemic dence on volatile oil and gas revenues by as its humanitarian contributions during logue rounds between the United States is strong desire and political will at the demic will end and life will return to nor-
and remained among the countries in the promoting economic diversification and the pandemic. At the height of the pan- and the Afghan Taliban movement, which leadership level in the two countries to mal soon, and I hope that the new year
world least affected thanks to the effective encouraging investment. demic, which caused lockdowns, travel led to the signing of a historic agreement enhance these relations and bring them to will be a year full of health, wellness, hap-
health policies and our persistent invest- Our efforts to achieve the goals of Qatar restrictions and the suspension of inter- between the two sides in Doha in Febru- advanced stages of a long-term strategic piness, peace and prosperity for all.
ment in developing the health system and National Vision 2030 continue by encour- national flights, Qatar Airways provided ary. In September, intra-Afghan negotia- partnership. We are determined to con-
medical personnel. aging and are stimulating investment and a vital lifeline to many stranded people tions between the government of the tinue working closely with our Japanese This content was compiled in collabora-
Realizing the importance of interna- improving the business environment. In to return to their home countries. Japan Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the friends to advance the relationship to tion with the embassy. The views expressed
tional cooperation in dealing with the light of our long-term vision, we were able highly appreciated the continuation Taliban Movement, started in Doha, with greater heights and fulfill the leadership here do not necessarily reflect those of the
pandemic, Qatar has supported the efforts to overcome the developmental obstacles of Qatar Airways direct flights to trans- the aim of achieving comprehensive and ambitions of both countries. newspaper.

Sponsored by QATARGAS

Taking Qatargas partnership to new heights Congratulations Congratulations

The energy relations between the State of
to His Highness to His Highness
Qatar and Japan, which is one of the largest

Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani

importers and the foundation customer
of Qatari LNG, have grown since the first
liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo was deliv-
Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani
ered to the shores of Japan in January 1997. the Amir of the State of Qatar
Qatargas’ inaugural delivery was made the Amir of the State of Qatar
on National Day
possible by the historic sale and purchase
agreement with Japan’s Chubu Electric
Power Co., and seven other Japanese buy-
ers, who jointly import 6 million met-
on National Day
ric tons per annum (mtpa) of LNG from
Qatar’s position as the largest LNG pro-
ducer in the world is enhanced by its com-
mitment to producing LNG in a sustainable
and environmentally responsible manner.
Ever since the first successful delivery of
LNG cargo to the Kawagoe Receiving Ter-
minal in January 1997, Qatargas has safely
and reliably delivered more than 3,100
LNG shipments to Japan over the past two
1, Higashi-shincho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya 461-8680, Japan 7-2, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-7028, Japan
Qatar demonstrated its unwavering Tel: 052-951-8211 Tel: +81-3-3213-3171 
commitment to the people of Japan in
the aftermath of the Great East Japan
Earthquake in March 2011, when Qatar
prioritized the delivery of additional LNG
shipments to help meet Japan’s urgent
energy needs.

Qatargas values the friendship with
Japan, the foundation customer of Qatari
LNG. It has established term contracts to
supply LNG with many of the key Japanese
buyers including JERA Co., Tohoku Elec-
tric Power Co., Kansai Electric Power Co.,
to His Highness
Chugoku Electric Power Co., Tokyo Gas Co.,
Osaka Gas Co., Toho Gas Co. and Shizuoka
Gas Co.
Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani to His Highness
the Amir of the State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani
Apart from these term contracts, Qatar-
gas also delivers a significant amount of
Japan’s spot LNG requirements. Today, our
commitment to serving the energy needs
on National Day
of our valued customers has never been
stronger. As the world’s premier LNG com- the Amir of the State of Qatar
pany, our customers know that they can

on National Day
rely on Qatargas to deliver safe and reliable
Qatargas, established in 1984, pioneered also includes the largest LNG vessels. Our and contributing to the Qatari economy,
the LNG industry in Qatar and today is the fleet provides unprecedented flexibility in but also plays a pivotal role in Qatar’s
largest producer of LNG in the world with meeting the needs of our customers. Every National Vision 2030, to ensure efficient
an annual production capacity of 77 mtpa day, we produce and deliver LNG safely energy supplies for the country, creating
from its world-class facilities in Ras Laffan and reliably to every corner of the globe.​​ new markets and contributing to the local
Industrial City, Qatar. The state of Qatar Since production first began in 1996, community. In addition to LNG facilities,
has announced plans to raise the country’s Qatargas has successfully delivered ship- Qatargas operates the Jetty Boil-Off Gas
Japan-Qatar Friendship Association
LNG production capacity to 126 mtpa by ments to 31 countries and is committed facility, Al Khaleej Gas, Barzan Gas, two
2027, representing an increase of 64% from to meeting the world’s demand for safe, helium plants, the two Laffan Refineries ITOCHU Corporation Chairman: Satoru Katsuno
the current volume. reliable and clean energy. Through its (among the largest condensate refineries in
Qatargas’ chartered LNG shipping fleet operational excellence, Qatargas is not the world) and the Ras Laffan Terminal on
is not only the largest in the world, but it only adding value to its production chain behalf of all shareholders.

Qatar National Day Special
A strong and trusting relationship
SATORU KATSUNO relations of mutual trust that have been energy security fell into critical situations
CHAIRMAN OF JAPAN-QATAR fostered due to the stable supply of LNG at that time. The honorary award to the
FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION for over 20 years, Qatar and Japan are official was pleasing news that symbolizes
deeply tied in broad fields, including pol- growing friendly relations between our
On behalf of itics, economics, culture, education and two countries. Taking this opportunity, I
Japan-Qatar Friend- medical care. would like to reiterate my sincere respect
ship Association I assumed the role of chairman of JQFA to the achievements.
(JQFA), I would like in July. This year, due to the coronavi- While Tokyo will host the Summer
to offer my sincere rus pandemic, world affairs are chaotic, Olympic and Paralympic Games next
congratulations which makes it difficult to conduct activ- year, Qatar will host the 2022 FIFA Soccer
to the Amir of the ities as usual. I deeply regret that I had World Cup for the first time in the Arab
State of Qatar, His to postpone my visit to Qatar. However, world. I hope that both countries will
Highness Sheikh whatever happens, the relationship of host the events and make them wonder-
Tamim bin Hamad trust JQFA has developed over the years ful ones that will be remembered by peo-
Al-Thani, and the people of the State of with Qatar is solid and unwavering. I ple all over the world.
Qatar on the 49th anniversary of their believe a bright future will come soon. The year 2021 marks the 50th anni-
National Day. In the 2020 Autumn Conferment of versary of diplomatic relations between
Although there is a distance of 8,000 Decorations on Foreign Nationals, His our two countries. As chairman of JQFA,
kilometers between Qatar and Japan, Excellency Mohammed bin Saleh Al-Sada, I value our relationship of mutual trust
both countries have had a close relation- the former minister of Energy and Indus- that has been fostered for many years and
ship for nearly 50 years. try of Qatar, was honored with the Grand would like to completely devote myself to
In the history of both countries, the Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun. further deepening our mutual interaction
supplying of liquefied natural gas (LNG) He has dedicated himself to strengthen- and developing together.
from Qatar to Japan commenced in 1997 ing relations between Japan and Qatar In conclusion, I extend my most sincere
and laid a solid foundation for the devel- for many years through various fields, as congratulations on Qatar’s continued
opment of bilateral relations. Taking this well as ensuring a stable energy supply. prosperity and development under the
as an opportunity, Qatar has achieved Especially, soon after the Great East Japan superior leadership of the sheikh and
remarkable development and currently Earthquake in 2011, he contributed to the hope that our relationship of mutual trust
leads the global LNG business. Following supply of additional LNG to Japan when will continue to develop further.

The finals of the FIFA World Cup 2022 will be staged at Lusail Stadium. Aerial view of the beautiful city of Doha

Congratulations Congratulations
to His Highness
to His Highness
Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani
Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani
the Amir of the State of Qatar
on National Day the Amir of the State of Qatar
on National Day

Congratulations Congratulations
to His Highness
to His Highness
Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani
the Amir of the State of Qatar the Amir of the State of Qatar

on National Day on National Day


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