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(c) Mixing: (1) Hand mixing: Hand mixing by batches shall ne permi(ieJ on small works.

Normally all structural concrete shall be mixed in

miser machine. Mixing by hand shall be employed only in special cases with the Specific prior permission of the Engineerinjeg The
mixing shall be done on a clean wale, tight masonry tr concrete slab or steel rlate platform. ceasured quantity of sand shall be spread
evenly. The cement shall be dumped on the sand and distributed evenly. The sand and cement rhall be mixed thoroughty with spade,
turning the mixture over and over again, gntil it is of cven colour through-out and free from streaks. The measurej quantity rf coarse
aggregate shall be spread out and the sand cement mixture rhall be spread on its top. Alternatively, the reverse operation may be done. This
shall be mixed at least three times ty shovelling and turning over by twist fron rentre to side, then back to the centre and again to the sides.
A hollow shall be made in the middle of the mixed pile. Three quarters of the total quantity rf water reruired shall be added while the
matcnal is turned in towards the centre with spades. The remaining wrter shall be added by a water can fitted with rose head, slowly
turning the whole mixture over and over again until a uniform colour and Consistency is obteined thmourhout the rile. The mixing
platform shall be washed at the end of the day.

(b) Proportiereong: Proportion of cement, sand and coarse aggregate nhall be 1:2:4 or ns specifind. Coar,c aggregate and sand shall be
measured ty measunng box of 3Ckm x 30cm x 3&m or of suitable size equivalent to the congeng of one bag of cement of 1i30 cum or 0.035
cum. Cement shall be measursj by bag weighing 50 kg. Sand shall be measured on the basis of its dry volume. In cese of damp sand, the
bulkage shall be determmed at she and the extra quantity of sand so determined shall be addec. No extra quantity shall be permitted unless
bulkage is determmed. As the bulkisg of sand may vaiy from day today and at dieferent parts of the day on account of varying moisture
content, frequent rests for bulktng shall be carried out with the sand to be used. While measurmg the aggregate. shakine, raeming or
hammering shall not be done.
(c) Mirii (11 TiT - .

At! ixing rime : — The maleriajs nhall be mixed in n drun for a period of not less nhan 2 minutes and until a unifonn cotour and
Consistency are obtained. The time shall be counted fron the noment all the materialn have been put into the drum.

l: 3 mix and 25 litres for 1.: 1.: 2 mix. In the case of vibrated concrete, the limit specified may besuilably seduced to avoid segregation. The
quantity or watcr shall be regulated by carrying out regular slump tcsts.

(e) Laying : —The entire concrete uscd in the work shall be laid gently (not thrown) in layers not exceeding 15 cm and shall be thoroughly
vibrated by means of mechanical vibrators till a dense concrete is obtained. The Lngineer-in-Charge may however relax this condition at his
discretion for certain items depending upon the thickness or the members and feasibility of vibrating the same and permit hand compaction. Hand
compaction shall be done with the help of punning rods and tamping with wooden tampers so that concrete is thoroughly compacted and
completely worked into the corners of the formwork. The layers of concrete shall be so placed that the bottom layer does not finally set before the
top layer is placed. Compaction shall be completed before the initial setting starts i.e. within 30 minutes of addition or water to the dry mixture.
During cold weather casting of concrete shall not be done when the temperature falls below 4.5°C. During hot weather preeautions shall be taken
to see that the temperature of wet concrete does not exceed 38°C. Concrete shall not be deposited under water. Where found necessary to deposit
any concrete under water. the method and equipment shall first be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Concrete shall be dexosited continuously
until it is brought to required height; while depositing, the top surface shall be kept as nearly level as possible and the. formation of seams shall
be avoided. The concrete shall be deposited under water by one of ihe anoroved methods such as Treamic Method. Drop and bottom bucket, bags
when the placing of concrete is suspended, or resumed on the following day, necessary roughening or the surface for joining future work shall be
done before the concrete sets. when the work is resumed the previous work must be thoroughly cleaned. roughened, watered and a grout of neat
cement slurry of the proportion, I kg of cement per 2 litres or water applied uniformly.

(f) Proteciion and curing: Freshly laid concrete shall be protected from rain by suitable covering. The work should also be protected from
damage and rain during construction. Afner the concrete has begun to hardcn i.e. about 1 to 2 hours after itS laying, ii shall be
protected with moist gunny bags, sand or any other naterial approved by the Engineer-in-charge against quick drying. Afner 24 hours or
laying or concreue the
surfic shall bccured by nlooding with water or about 25mm depth or by covering with wet absorbent materials. 1 he urIIag shall be done
for-a minimum Period or 14 days.
Ovcr the foundation concrete, the masonry work may be staried after 48 hours or its laying, but the curing or cement concrete shall be
continued along-with the masonry work for a minimum period or 14 days. In case or cement concneue used as sub-grade for
flooring. the flooring may be commenced before the cuding period of snb-grade is over but tbe curing of sub-grade shall be continued
albng with the top layer of flooring for a minimum period of 14 days. The water used for curing shall not produce any objectionable stains
or unsightly deposit on concrete surface.
(g) Form work: Ir centering and shuttering are required to be done for this ork these shaul be done in accordance with nhe specirications for
form work under Reinforcxd cement concrete.

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