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The spirit of the SA - 10 commandements of a political soldier

The overtaking of a tradition and recognition of its meaningful - and also organizational
application and implementation are important. But that all should not stay a colourless mental
game and imagination on the paper: To conquer the history, that inner attitude must be added,
because without it nothing is able to survive.
For the National Socialism - it was pointed out in the preface - is soldiering not just an
important part of the natural structure of the national community (Volksgemeinschaft) and a
militant kind of organization of fighting Nazis; soldiering is an ethical principle, a view on
life that sets very specific claims on the fighters so that he can do what the party awaits from
its SA!
These claims were comprimed in the summer of 1977 as the "Ten Commandments of Political
Soldiers“ and from that time on they were completely asserted in our community. They are no
dogmatic rules that were invented - they emerge from the experience and the life feeling of
the soldiers of the fight period, as well as the post war time; from the experiences of the SA-
combatants as well as from those activists of the "long night" and especially from the national
youth movements.
Since then, almost eight years have passed - long years of bitter struggle, the setbacks,
asceticism and sacrifices, persecution, prohibition and repression, but also the breakthrough
to a unified, nationwide and functional movement. The "ten commandments" will stay and
have attracked more and more new brownshirts soldiers since then - nothing was left out,
nothing had to be added.
No abstract belief theorems, not some morality commandements, no unachievable demands;
they have proven their value in the direct experience of the fighter, they were born from his
insight into the needs of the struggle and in the real life and therefore they are the the ground
of life of our political soldier(s) [both are possible, kind of language ambiguity]
2. OBEY!
5. BE FRIENDLY! [to your comrades]
7. BE CONFIDENTAL! [keep a secret]

These ten commandments are related to each other in a close relation, their overlap, complete
and refer to each other. The first three commandments "Believe! Obey! Fight!" are the main
requirements and the others are derived from them.
They were already in the same formulation for the brown shirts of the historical SA!
Altogether, however, these ten commandments emerged from our struggle of the new
generation of National Socialists and have proven themselves in this fight - they are not a
colourless imitation of the past but the reality of life in the present.
For eight years a new SA is existing - the "10 Commandments of Political Soldiers“ are its
constitution, shape and form the life of the new Brown shirts.
In the time like that its own tradition is already developing and it can never be an imitation of
the past, even thought it reaches for old ways of control and continues the struggle of the past
in its essential and remaining aspects. So I hope that these "TEN COMMANDMENTS OF A
POLITICAL SOLDIER" will appear to the inquiring sight of the future generations of Nazis
contribution to the never-ending fight for the future and development of our nation, as
hopefully the steps to overcome the NS-ban will be one day our external contribution to the
glorious history of the Brown Shirts-Army!

Faith is our foundation of life!
Can the faith be demanded? Is it not rather so, that the ability to believe is not in the reach of
the human will but that the faith in sth is obtained and lost independently of the human's will?

Indeed, we can not and should not just "believe" in the National Socialistic idea - it
is neither religion nor ideology, it teaches nothing new only that what one must
subconsciously believe in:
National Socialism is simply the recognition of the nature and determination of a human in his
environment and an idealistic decision to work to achieve a nature-friendly Order, rather than
just convenience and welfare in the own little life.
To fight for such New Order, the National Socialists are organized in National Socialist
And this party is now demanding from each Party member [comrade - orig. Parteigenosse]
- but especially from its political soldiers - a tripple faith: faith in the party,
faith in the comrades and faith in themselves! And this belief that's required is completely a
question of the will, because it is not an act of "taking-for-true“ but a decision to believe!
The commandement "Believe!" does not require only the „taking for true“ of any
ideological or other allegations, it requests from the political soldier that he doesn't any longer
view the center of his life the realization of his own beliefs but entrusts his life to the
community, and recieves from it meaning and value!

The belief in the party:

The party is the organized life will of the Folk, it is the community which will create the New
Order and only in and through it this New Order is possible.
Therefore a National Socialist entrusts to it his life: He may have his own ideas of National
Socialism - in fact it's good and correct - but he can never be right in front of the Party. The
Party shows the way, it is the vanguard of the nation - only who follows it can "realize the
Nation". That is why the party is always right: not because every individual decision must
always be correct, but because the goal is correct and without the work organized by the
party, without the struggle lead by the party
this objective would never be reached! Without the party the National Socialism would
disintegrate in numerous intellectual circles and political sects which will lose the meaning
and context.
The struggle for the development, the preservation and the victory of the National Socialist
Party is the most sacred life task of a political soldier - it is only possible when he believes in
the task of the Party i.e. when he was believes with every fiber of his heart and his will that
the collective effort of the will of the Nazi fighters and workers - (renewed and continued by
every new generation) - is in the end stronger than the bourgeois system, that it will overcome
the system, will establish the New Order and thus ensure survival and higher development of
our Folk!

The Belief in the comrades:

The party is not some management mechanism - it is a living community of the national
socialist workers, fighters and leaders, and thus the spiritual unity of all people of one Folk
seeking together to achieve the great goal. This unit doesn't include only the now living and
active party members - it includes the millions death ones, as well as the generations that are
yet to come of our movement.
The belief in the party - a must to have an organized vanguard of the nation - is therefore
completed by the belief in the comrades, the people, who have the same objective and work
and fight with the same dedication as part of a party. The own "selflessness“, the sacrifice of
the own life for a goal that is greater than this life and will survive it, is a value in itself,
ecause an idealist is always an enjoyable appearance and ultimately lives a happier life than a
materialist; its real sense the selflessness achieves only throught the belief in the fact that
the comrades are standing next to him a and will continue the fight again and again even when
the person had to stop - whether because of illness and death, persecution and imprisonment,
or for other reasons. Nothing is in vain, because there will always be comrades who will go on
just as we work and continue the struggle of comrades who have started before us. We are
never alone - not even in a cell of the prison or exile - we are always part of this living
community of the comrades that will survive us and in the end realize our wishes, goals and

The belief in yourself:

The decision to give yourself totally to the Party and the Community to entrust them your
own life that no longer serves to itself, but to the party can quickly be made. To preserve it,
we can never lose the trust in the party and the comrades - but we can't lose the confidence
in ourselves and our own strength as well. The human who believes is stronger than he thinks
he can endure anything AS LONG AS he believes!

2. OBEY!
Obedience is the great virtue of our revolution!

As the organised life will and vanguard of our nation demands the National Socialist Party the
confidence of its party members. But to reach its great goal, there is the claim for obedience.
All Party members [Parteigenossen]- but especially of course our political soldiers - obey the
party and no one else. They do this without restriction and with all their strength - regardless
of whether they understand the meaning of a command or not, and even whether the
command of the party corresponds with their own wishes or not. The duty of obedience is for
a political soldier even the sacrifice of his own life:
A duty of obedience is binding the political soldier to the revolutionary Party of the German
working class:
An organizational form of the political soldiers remains the SA, subordinated to the party - it
doesn’t act as an equal partner, politically it is a tool of the Party and organizationally the life
expression of their political soldiers. Whoever dares with his egoistic political ideas to stir up
the political soldiers against the party and make the SA into an independent political factor ,
whoever would want to stand himself above or next to the party, instead of serving the Party
with loyalty and thus to realise the national community [Volksgemeintschaft], is an enemy of
the party!
A political soldier obeys the party and its leader, and would never admit a wedge to be
pushed between him and the party! If, however, comes to a conflict within the Party or
between the party and one of its subdivisions, every political soldier is subordinated to the
Party and its leader - and then he must and will stand himself against his own former superior
and comrades! The political soldier is the backbone of the party - he can never break down or
be persuaded to anti-party activities.
On him depends the survival and the success of the party!
Usually it's his own direct superior, who embodies for the political soldier the party and
whose orders he has to fullfill until his death. But in this the Party never requires a a blind
He can and must think, he has his own personal understanding of the National Socialism,
based on which he should make proposals and express his ideas. The supervisor shall listen to
such suggestions and ideas to either realize them or explain why they are in that way or at this
moment not applicable.
The duty of obedience is nevertheless a boundless and total one - but the political soldier can
never feel that he is only a "cannon fodder" and not a comrade among comrades, who have
sworn to the victory that can only be brought by the belief in the party, the obedience to the
party and the fight for the party!
The political soldier, who feels that his ideas and proposals are not sufficiently considered or
that the decisions made are contradicting to the idea and the interests of the party, should at
first come to his direct superior and then also to higher superiors in the Party and SA. If a
decision is made and a command issued so must the political soldier obey with all his power.
Then there is no more hesitation and no more doubts!
The highest authority for the political soldier is the leader of the party! When he said a
decision to a question is made and there shall be no doubt on the general line of the party!
Only those who have learned to obey, can be used for future subordinate leaders or leader.
Only those who have learned to obey that way, will be one day able to issue commands!

Not-discipline in any possible form can a political soldier never let go - either on his own
person, on the comrades or leaders-comrades. He is obliged to report about it to make the
party possible to destroy any perversion of our revolutionary struggle in direction to some
bourgeois heap of trash!

National Socialist: Learn discipline! Obey! Then victory will be ours then!

The struggle is the fuel of life of a political soldier!
Together with the faith and the obedience, the commandement "Fight!" is the third
main demand of the party to its soldiers in the brown shirt - even to those who in fact lead
their life most clearly and forms a soldier-like human.
Faith and obedience - this the party demands from all the other Party members, though not
with the same, one's life totally pervasive consequence: a simple party member is able to
fullfill both and work on his place in this spirit for the Party according to his abilities.
But he will be bound by many strings to his former life - to his family, his job,
its interests and circles of friends. He will try to use all that for his work for the Party
but he will remain at last mostly in the normal borders of his private life.
The political soldier on the other hand has already adopted the first two commandments as
landmarks on that path that will make him knight of the Order of the National Socialist
Revolution and he subordinates his private life completely and totally to the service of this
This development is completed in the third claim, with which the political soldier finally
leaves his former life behind and lives only for the revolution: The political soldier of the
National Socialist Workers Party is a professional revolutionary. His life is a struggle against
the system and for the New Order. This struggle takes no account on private interests and
hopes, on family and friends, to work and position. Political Soldier fights for the cause of the
party without regard to himself - in this way he breaks up with the ruling system, its order and
its laws and habits. All this puts him in the persecution - he undertakes it as well, goes
through the prisons and is ultimately willing to sacrifice everything, even his own life!

With this you can't look at this life of a political soldier, a professional revolutionary and
Knight of the Order of the Revolution certainly as pure suffering and sacrifice, even thought it
may seem so for a outside-looking citizen from the public with his narrow-minded,
materialistic scales:
This struggle, this break up with the bourgeois world, this total commitment for the New
order is not a result of a brutal loyalty marked by the realisation of its necessity.
The decision to lead such a militant life can not be and is not ordered and it is not a result of
pressure and coercion. The political Soldier feels himself by no means as a sacrificial lamb
and tragic figure. All this may - depends on the mood and experience - seem to him
occasionally so. But deep in his heart he knows that he can not live differently and doesn't
want to live another way.
The SA is of course not an arbitrary part of the Party, to which one can be reassigned. It is the
embodiment and organization form of the three types of people that are shaping the National
Socialist Workers Party – the soldierly man, the fighter!

He was born in a bourgeois system of materialistic orientation only to fight it otherwise he'd
be overwhelmed and suffocated by the emptiness, boredom and meaninglessness! The
bourgeois system is not able to offer to him anything, to corrupt him - he is immune against it,
however, not from some ideological knowledge but based on from his feeling. Therefore the
fighter finds the meaning of his life and his happiness only in the fight, may this life appear to
an outside-standing bourgeois totally unhappy. This battle will become meaningful only when
it is rooted in faith in the party and the enforcement of the general line. The political soldier
does not fight for some self-imposed goals and not only for himself and his peers - he is
fighting for the victory of the party that shows him the goal and gives him particular tasks by
setting the party line!

In the today's ban the problem is that the NSDAP doesn't exist anymore as a capable political
vanguard of the revolution. So in the present time in the Nazi community come together only
those fighters, who want to live in this state (because of their feeling) only then when they are
fighting against it. Such people are found quickly and recognize each other immediately. They
became SA but its party which belongs to them and should show them the way is missing.
They therefore saw their task not in the formulation of programmes and ideological
development - they simply took the fight. And this struggle could only be the fight against the
ban of NS and for the re-establishment of the NSDAP. Only this new NSDAP can then set the
political line in detail. As described in the first part, from this new SA emerges a community
that practically already IS the National Socialist Movement!
Today, the political soldier obeys his superiors, who lead him in the fight against the Nazi ban
and for the reestablishment of the NSDAP; he fights according to the general line our
community is giving him, that became the rightful heir to the old and predecesstor of the new

Our honour is loyalty!

That was the historical leading parole of the fighters of the Waffen-SS. It is ultimatively true
for all political soldiers:
A man of honor is the one whose actions are consistent with his convictions and who will
willingly and reliably fullfill the resulting obligations and consequences. Such a man deserves
respect in the eyes of his fellow men, will be able and shall be proud of himself can and
has honor. In the National Socialist Folkish state of the future and in the Nazi movement in
general, we expect everyone who is working and fighting in the our ranks, to be a man of
honor. This honor is acquired, however, not by a single decision, but only by lifelong loyalty
to his convictions and resulting obligations! That's why is our honor loyalty - that's why the
party should demand from its political soldiers besides all of their other commandments, that
they should not understand their struggle and way of life as a single and therefore revocable
decision, but to recognize in it a mission, a honorable task to which they owe loyalty their
whole life through!

The commandment "Be loyal!" secures more than any other the indestructibility of our
idea and movement:
In the first part already was pointed out that an organisation can be prohibited, but not the
ideas and, above all not the people who stick to this idea and that therefore any repression and
prohibition can not destroy a movement but only the indifference and resignation of the
people. The loyalty of our comrades is stronger than prohibition laws and chases away every
temptation to apathy and resignation - and not just for a few years but forever: Every
generation of political soldiers - and we are now already the third - is carrying the National
Socialism idea in the future thanks to their loyalty to it and the movement! Anyone who meets
us as a 16 - or 18-year-old fighter, is itself a bridge pillar, who will support the path of
movement for the next 50 years. And this loyalty will secure us at the right moment another
generation: The will of the fighter is stronger than the system of bourgeois! The loyalty of the
political soldiers to his convictions and the movement is proven every day!

But the "Be loyal!" commandement is maybe the most difficult one:
The flaring enthusiasm evokes powerful forces in every human being - especially in a fighter,
who naturally enjoys adventure, meassuring of the strength, overcoming resistance and
adversaries. But it turns out soon that the way of the fighter is a way of suffering, sacrifice,
giving up of all civil pleasures and conveniences, a way into the prisons and perhaps, to the
death. And this path can not be mastered with a one-year effort, but has to be striven for year
after year, decade after decade to be fought free. What does this mean for the individual, can
only be measured by such a person who belongs to the fighting elite of our community!

But Nazis keep loyalty - that's what the Old Guard of the NSDAP did, after the failed
revolution on 9 November 1923 the party was banned, the Leaders imprisoned and all hope in
the future was gone, that's what the Brown Shirts of the first period of struggle did, despite
four hundred martyrs, that's what the HJ heroes did - sacrificed themselves voluntarily, as the
whole world came to destroy Germany, so did the political soldiers of the Reichsfront, when
the destroyed postwar Germany lost all hope of a German ressurrection or maybe even a new
victory of National Socialism, that's what those unshakeable Nazis did during the long night
where the only future prospect seemed to be dying off of the loyal ones!
And now WE stay loyal - even the situation is now something better and with greater
prospects for a new beginning, but still we are in a difficult, almost hopeless situation. What
an hero song is the story of our movement!

Yes - we will stay loyal whatever may come, until one day the sun, that now lives in the
hearts of few people, will rise over Germany and Europe - until our flag will be blowing in the
wind free again!

Camaraderie is a premise for community!

Our movement is indifferent towards any external pressure and it won't be defeated by this
one because we form an indestructible spiritual community. It's rooted in the faithfulness of
the Nazis against the idea and Party and in the friendliness among themselves. Only when this
inner front shakes, the party is endangered. Therefore, besides the betrayal, the unfriendliness
is the worst crime committed by a political soldier to the party!

Who can not be a comrade to the others has nothing to seek in the brown shirt army!
Camaraderie is something other than friendship - it's not based on the personal sympathy:
In every larger community there will be people who are sympathetic to each other and who,
therefore, stick together and are particularly close to each other. There is nothing wrong as
long as the struggle with all the other fighters doesn't suffer.
But the indestructibility of our spiritual community is not based on such friendships. It is
based moreover on the common attitude! In every larger community there will also be people
whose character and inclinations are so diverse and contradictory that they can only hardly
show to each other sth more than a repulsion. Also, there's nothing bad, as long as the political
soldier doesn't forget that he does not belong to the troop to show some personal aversions but
to fight for a common goal. Never can personal feelings be allowed to burden or even threaten
the inner structure and the external impact power of the troop.

So is the duty of comradeship high above any personal affection or aversion. Anyone who
shares our political views and is connected to us by the common worldview and views on life,
is our comrade! The political soldier stands to his comrades helps them, supports them and
defends them. He should if need sacrifice his life for his comrades - and not because of some
personal feelings but for the common struggle and goal's sake! Comrades must all stand
together against the attacks from outside.
The enemy should know:
Anyone who attacks a Nazi, attacks all of them and has to count with a corresponding

But attacks of any kind, that are not meant as political criticism but as a personal antipathy
within the troop against particular comrades must be stopped by the community and chocked.
No comrade from the leadership shall tollerate the notorious Streithahn [Streit=argument;
Hahn=cock, rooster] and troublemaker, that repeatedly show such uncamaraderie, regardless
of all other characteristics and properties and potential earnings - he should be mercilessly
excluded from the movement. They are an unhealthy threat to our community and endanger it
more than anything else!

Again and again, national groups have failed since 1945 because they weren't able to put the
interest of the Party and the duty to the comradeship before their personal feelings, dislikes,
jealousy and vanity.

The most disgusting is the wide-spread tendency to attact the comrades because of purely
personal characteristics or habits. To this applies: The private life of a comrade who does his
duty towards the movement, should be interesting neither for the comrades nor for the
movement: bed or drinking habits or others are not decisive on the value a political soldier,
but his fight for the movement and for the New Order. Political soldiers form a fighting
community, not a cult for bourgeois morality!
We expect from our political soldiers a positive life according to the ten commandments
described here - as a negative thing leading to expelling we consider from the foundation
of the SA crimes and drug abuse. Who goes against that is violating the commandement of the
fellowship and is damaging the reputation of the movement. These people will ruthlessly pay
for that. They can't get a chance to unfold their subversive activities against the comrades'
The premise for the victory is the indestructible spiritual community of the political soldiers
of the party - the premise for the survival of this community is the duty to comradeship! That
is why camaraderie is more important than friendship, therefore must comradeship be stronger
than personal aversions!
National Socialist - be friendly!

A National Socialist will never stop learning!
National Socialism is no ideology, whose dogmatic doctrines are learnt by heart in order then
to be considered as a reliable and stable supporter. The National Socialism requires a lot more
from his supporters - it doesn't want to be learnt by heart, it wants to be lived!
The National Socialistic ideology teaches only a few principles - the nature laws and their
application to human communities. Everything else must a Nazi work out on his own!
What touches the fight for a new order, its implementation and shape, it helps the party and
sets a general line. The individual of the should find proper place and work there with his
best efforts alone and develop accordingly to it.

Getting to know yourself and self-realization - this is what the worldview of National
Socialists is requiring from them!
Everybody must ask himself what skills and interests he possesses, but also what weaknesses
and errors and he will find in accordance to that his place in the community. He should not
make them look small in order to avoid greater responsibility for some demands for service
and sacrifice, which can change his small, comfortable life - he also can not give space to his
arrogance and lust for power, when he obviously is not capable of sth greater!
Both extremes are unworthy for a National Socialist. But when he had found the proper place
in the Community, the National Socialist can't be yet satisfied. Who is „sleeping on the
laurels“ he's wearing them in the wrong place!

From the get-to-know-yourself comes the self-realization - the "Get to know yourself"
becomes "become who you are". The National Socialist, is never the satisfied, with that, what
he is: he fights and always works for what should be! In every human is more than he knows
All other systems tend to suppress the creative energies of the people, or at least prevent -
consciously or unconsciously - that they'd appear. The National Socialism wakes them up and
puts them in the service of the community! It demands from his supporters tireless efforts, to
exploit more and more all the inclinations and skills that are in him and overcome more and
more all of his weaknesses and mistake, until finally the party member, according to the
words of Adolf Hitler, becomes truly the "incarnation of the highest value of race and

What is true for every Nazi is, of course, even more true for the political soldiers of the party:
the young National Socialist recognizes early, if he is born as a fighter or not. If he does, he
doesn’t need to be persuaded or convinced to join the army of Brownshirts. He will do this
from his own passionate desire because only there he finds the joy of the struggle, the male
probation and his total break up with the bourgeois lifestyle.
He will be in it soon confronted with all the chasing, persecution, the suffering and sacrifice
that the party must expect from their political soldiers. And now applies in full the
commandment "Work on you!" The political soldier may do not stop half way: he will have to
completely overcome his bourgeois weaknesses and habits that he - grown up in the
decadence of the liberal capitalist systems - and those fighting qualities that make possible for
him to live heroically should be more and more trained. This is not a one-time action and no
development of a few months. It is a lifelong process of maturation.

In this way does the National Socialism hold against the bourgeois people from the mass a
personality oblidged to the comunity.
In a National Socialist People's State of the future, just as in the Nazi movement of the
present, this process of personality development is by no means limited only to the leadership:
Every small worker and fighter who strives with his powers to fullfill his place in the
community and there develop all his abilities and to fight against his weaknesses, who doesn't
make himsef look small or in some grotesque overestimation pretend things that are not
suitable for him is a Nazi Personality and superior to every egghead or „Bonze“ of the ruling
system who knows neither duty nor measure!

Premise for this course is absolute honesty - towards yourself as towards the party and the
honesty will judge respectivelly and set to his place!


A deed is worth more than a hundred great sayings!

After all these, very fundamental and significant requirements to a political soldier this one
seems rather trivial – a commandement about secrecy. However, who is active in the practical
revolutionary activities and knows the needs and problems of the fight well, knows that the
opposite is true!
Talkativeness, boasting and stupid talk often jeopardize the success of a political fighting
force, can even cause its paralysis and decay. Just because the comrades have often
overlooked these dangers and this commandement, and view a violation of this one, unlike the
others, as not some big deal, is this problem of major importance:
The enemy always tries to infiltrate spies among us and there a no defense against that,
bragging about any actions endanger the participating comrades and it helps the enemy to get
to know precisely the internal conditions, trace down the most important leadership comrades
and identify vulnerabilities, and so better prepare countermeasures.
But it’s also internally, the stupid talk - especially in the form of gossip about personal
weaknesses and the private lives of comrades - is harmful, often poisons the atmosphere and
endangers the camaraderie. Gossip and bragging actions help the enemy more than his
repressions or a conscious betrayal!
It‘s usually not the malice behind it and the comrade is sure unaware that his behavior harms
the movement. The greater is the duty of the leaders and sub-leaders, to persuade their
comrades again and again energically of this necessity. An incorrigible braggart, the
professional Klatchtante [Klatch=gossip; Tante=aunt] don’t belong anymore in a troop of
political soldiers, just as a traitor and an unfriendly egoist or a coward! Certainly the
leadership of comrades can achieve success against the gossip only if they themselves are free
from it and give an example. Only when leadership and followers recognize the importance of
secrecy for the revolutionary work together, can the political community be a truly fighting
force of revolutionary soldiers!
In such a fighting force but must apply:
No one needs to know more than necessary to accomplish his task. This applies to
functionaries as well- for example, the Leadership of a subdivision, or an office within the
movement, or even a single concrete action ordered by the party. After fulfilling of a task
should be done a report to the party responsible department and then the thing over. Disputes
about the correctness of a decision made are not allowed – the political soldier obeys the party
commands. He takes the party line to the public, without showing possible different personal
views and making other comrades or even the public worried.
Before a decision is made, the leader should pass on the opinions of other comrades who
might have sth meaningful to contribute because of their knowledge or work. Then he decides
– but he does not discuss before with all possible comrades about opportunities, risks,
chances, in order to afterwards do nothing or perhaps something completely different!
The political soldier who has some proposals, ideas and suggestions, or problems and doubts,
turns himself to a supervisor and presents them to him, then accepts his decision and acts
accordingly. But he doesn’t turn to his comrades to influence them or even make them
The political soldier doesn’t talk gossip about comrades or superiors – but when he knows
concrete facts which he considers harmful to the party, so he shall inform the responsible
party office and accept their decision. All this should lead to give the Party leadership an
unwavering and stable unified revolutionary sword to make available to fight against the
system and establish the new order - the party and SA don’t want to supress totally the
personality of the fighter, but they require from him that he would overcome weaknesses and
bourgeois liberal habits. To this belongs surely not in last place the obligation to secrecy!

Courage is the will to self-mastery!
The ten commandments of the political soldier are used to help the National Socialist Fighter
find the proper attitude and views towards life and find the remains of bourgeois thoughts and
feelings to overcome them entirely. We are all grown up in this bourgeois, liberal-capitalist
system and influenced by the surrounding decadence. We all have initially learned that the
only thing worth to strive for is a standard of living, comfort and good living, that „my own
self“ is the most important thing and the bourgeois understanding of history, state order and
the natural order is the most natural thing!
But we all have felt that unnatural, disgusting, corrupt and evil about this system instinctively
and then, thanks to the National Socialist world view of life we’ve mentally detected it and
begun to overcome it. The militant, soldierly man in our ranks has also recognized that he
must fight against this system, if he does not want to live against his nature and therefore be
totally unhappy.
This fight requires an organizational form - this is the SA as a militant part of the Nazi party –
the fight needed its spiritual base – that is ensured by the NS idea - and he needs a moderate
way of life – this is reflected in the 10 commandments of the political soldier!
But since we are Hitler's grandsons, but unfortunately sons of this system as well, we must
stay to the National Socialist Folkish State of the past and to the NSDAP, but also overcome
in us the values of this system and its standards! As long as we haven’t won, overcome and
destroyed the system inside us, we won’t succeed to do that on political basis!
Our disgust and repulsion towards the bourgeois world makes us the overcoming of these
things easy at first – in our circle of comrades, in the fight, at events and comradeship
evenings we might think sometimes, that we have completely become fighters of the new
age. But there comes harder times and bad experiences:
Crisis within the movement, and the utter disappointment with comrades, family ties,
circles of friends, work, house. And then there are arrests, processes and finally the prison.
Only when the system strikes against the political soldier and destroys his life conditions
which he was ready to destroy even before that and voluntarily, he sees what the party
demanded from him and what this loss for him means. Then come hours of grief, longing to
find peace and "normality", even of doubt, regret and despair. And some our comrades is
then, despite all the enthusiasm break down. All this is human and understandable. The heroes
from birth on are rare. Most of us can be influenced by these bourgeois impulses and desires -
be it that the pressure approaches the limit of our spiritual forces, be it that a friendship,
passion or love and the overwhelming desire make the longing for a normal life very large.
The political soldier must overcome such temptations: he must overcome in himself the
bourgeois, the philistine, again and again and finally, at last. This desire for self-control we
call courage. Without it will a political soldier not stay in his for long. This will he will never
to lose, it makes him invincible!

The SA is and will remain Germany's fate!
These proud words of Chief of Staff Roehm are now more the ever justified. No other man
than a political soldier in brown shirts can fight out the shining rebirth of the National
Socialist Movement, a new National Socialist Folkish State and thus the realization of a true
National community - certainly not alone but in co-operation with that in the Nazi Party
joined, revolutionary German worker class and under the leadership of the political leaders of
the party. But without the new SA all this would not be possible what we in the new
generation of National Socialists have achieved and in the future hope to achieve. Therefore,
the Brownshirt Army was right to force the proudest troop of the National Socialist
Movement, its backbone, and sword and fighting elite of the party!

Therefore in a Nazi movement no one can become leader or leading comrade without being
in the past or at the present time a member of the Brown Shirts-Army: as the political soldier
represents a sharper, tougher expression of a worker soldier, so are people in the leadind
positions nothing else than a sharper and tougher expression of a political soldier - a selection
of those fighters who have leadership qualities! Proud and self-confident should not and must
not be only the troop as a whole – proud and self-conscious has to be every single political
soldier who stands behind the tradition of the SA and lives and fights according to its spirit!
He belongs to the troop unprecedented in the history, which once made the National
Socialism possible to overcome the rotten bourgeois world by storming it but then it failed
fatefully due to the false development in 1934. But he also belongs to the troops who since
1977 fight against a world of enemies - having started very small - created a new and
functional National Socialist Movement, held together and against terror and prosecution so

Pride and self-consciousness - that does not mean arrogance, neither of the SA nor the party,
nor of the individual political soldier towards is comrades or other party members. Who has
understood the tradition and spirit of the SA and lives according to it, won´t allow such things
and will consequently supress such harmful tendencies.

But to be proud - yes, they can and should be! They are a thousand times more valuable as the
millions of people who live materially and hypocritically. They are Germany's future, her last

SA man - be proud! Do not let yourself be impressed by the talk of the bourgeois
commentators, of their compromises and some pseudo-national "worriers" and reactionaries,
and the raging of the Antifa, by the incitement, persecution and oppression of the bourgeois
state. You are superior to them all! Superior through your Nazi conviction and think through
your heroic life attitude! You are the fighting elite of the German nation!

You are the "unknown SA man," the knight of the National Socialist Revolution, the creator
of the third party, and - as we believe in with all the power and passion even one day of the
Fourth Reich!

Tough in struggle and hard after the victory - so will we complete the National Socialist

The political soldier must be hard: hard against himself, because his struggle is a sacrifice that
can only complete successfully when he overcomes all his weaknesses, ourgeois concerns,
fears and uncertainties. The struggle in our ranks is a selection process and in the end only
those remain who really are soldierly men and implement a heroic living, which then form
that fighting elite of the nation, that is the carrier of the truly new Reich!

At the head of our state won´t be some fat cats (Bonzen) want to misuse it as a manger but
soldier-leaders, wo have learned during the fight time selflessness, steadiness and strength.
And this national socialist state will be from outside as well as from the inside protected not
by somethoughtless, hired officials and soulless careerists but by our idealistic fighters in the
brown shirts - people who had to sacrifice everything, who have gone through the
persecutions and the prisons of the democrats, which became hard with themselves, since
from them there´s no abuse of their power to be afraid of!

But the political soldier must be hard against the enemies of the German National community
and the enemies of the party: Never again will the National Socialist Revolution have to sink
in half-measures and compromises with the bourgeosie! Like all the other subdivisions of the
party hs the SA also a fight and an educational mission: Just as the party educates the national
community at all levels of life, makes the German people into real comrades and wins in this
way the cooperation and support of all well-meaning, it does the SA with the fighting men of
our people. It educates the comrades because it lives the example of the SA-mind. It should
recruit and convince - a forced agreement is the first step to hypocrisy, to too quick internal
opposition and then generally human inferiority arises: A forced Yes can become a persistent
no. Only the truly convinced German came become a true member of the Folkish community.
With oppression and terror no one creates a national community - this knowledge of the party
and this foundation of its work (the voluntary approval of the masses for the new state)
prevents the abuse of power!

Then there are other people: but not Volksgenossen who are just fluctuating, who want to see
actions rather than words, who are still arrested in old ideas, or blinded by enemy propaganda
and are incited against us - but reactionary enemies of the Folk who consciously want to
sabotage and harm, who gather only to betray, who want to get back their old privileges!

The "reaction" has many faces - that of the open resistance, carried by idealists of the other
side, is the most sympathetic. But this form of struggle against us will be pushed back more
and more during the years of our struggle, just as the experience of the first fight time teaches
us, and the fighters of the other side will be convinced by us more and more and can be won
for the right side.

What remains is the core of the rotten reaction, are the instigators and manipulators, the direct
beneficiaries of the old system - towards them must be our political soldier hard, may never
trust them anymore: to fight these only a relentless struggle and victory counts and the total
elimination of them from the German National life. A Harzburg Front and a day of Potsdam
can and will never repeat again just as a 30th June 1934, and a 20th July 1944: with the
powers and are forces of yesterday there will be no pact, no more compromises: The
bourgeoisie belongs to the dung heap of history. Only the state of workers, soldiers and
leaders - our national socialist Folkish state - realizes the National Socialist Revolution. In
this there will be no bosses, bourgeois and parasites anymore. They do not belong to the
Folkish community anymore from which they have expelled themselves from it by their
historical failure, their betrayal on the Folk, their stupid materialism and hypocritical

Compared with these manipulators of the reaction and their civil "jumping jacks" this is the
last and final commandement for a political soldier: Be relentless - only then you will
complete the revolution and its ultimate victory!

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