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Kyle Dozier

Professor Dunham

English 1201

20 March 2021

What Are the Most Effective Ways to Treat Depression?

Depression is a severe mental illness that gives one a constant feeling of sadness and takes

away interest in usual activities (Daskalakis and Zafiris)(“A Clinical Case Study). Depression is

the leading cause of suicide, and suicide is the second leading cause of death in people aged 14-

24 (Ahlulbayt)(“The Cloud of Depression). Technology is advancing rapidly in the psychology

world, so what are the most effective ways to treat depression?

The earliest accounts of depression came from Mesopotamia. It was thought to be caused

by demonic possession. Treatments included beatings, physical restraint, and starvation to drive

out the demons. Over time the view has changed, and clinicians now see depression as a disorder

due to biological, psychological, and social factors. Treatments have become less harsh and are

aimed to help the individual.

One effective way that depression is treated is through talk therapy (Legg)(Healthline).

This is where a suffering patient discusses all their issues with an experienced therapist. The

therapist will listen and detect patterns that make up the depression. After learning the patient,

they will create strategies to avoid anything that may trigger the depression. However,

sometimes it is too late, and it has already been initiated. In this case, one should use the coping

strategies that the therapist gives them.

Another form of treatment is medication. This medication can be both long and short-term

(HelpGuide). This form of therapy is targeted to relieve the symptoms of depression, such as

feeling down and heavily exhausted. The medicine will also help one feel emotionally stable and

able to follow everyday daily life. In taking antidepressants, there are specific side effects that

could potentially come with it. Some include nausea, increased appetite, fatigue, insomnia, and

blurred vision (HelpGuide).

A treatment that could be a surprise to some is a lifestyle change. Drugs and alcohol can

take a toll on a person, and especially someone who experiences depression. Avoiding these can

have a significant impact on how bad one’s depression is. Some people say that these substances

can give be a distraction and take away all the depression symptoms. However, once these

substances wear off, the symptoms will be even more severe than previously. Another change

could be in one’s appetite. Eating well can make one feel better all around. Other everyday

activities that can help include being physically active and getting good sleep.

There are many common misconceptions about depression. The biggest one is that

everyone experiences depression in the same way (Des Moines)(Unity Point Health). This could

not be any further from the truth. Depression is rarely the same in people. Everyone that suffers

from this disorder experiences severely different symptoms. From quick mood changes to hardly

evil thoughts, depression can come in many different disgusting ways. Another misconception is

that depression is the same as being sad. Sadness is a temporary emotion that usually comes after

an event that did not go the way you planned. However, depression is a disorder that can last for

many years. Feelings of depression are more severe and require professional attention.

After reviewing some of the literature, possible answers to the question could include talk

therapy, medication, and a lifestyle change. While these are all good answers, there are still more
ways out there that could analyze. Further research could be done on patients who experienced

depression and how they overcame the disorder.


Daskalakis, Anastasios A., and Zafiris J. Daskalakis. “Treating Resistant Depression with 2 Forms of

Convulsive Therapy: A Clinical Case Study.” Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, vol. 44, no.

2, Mar. 2019, pp. 143–144. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1503/jpn.180141.

Gotter, Ana. "How Can I Get Help for Depression." Healthline. 6 Apr. 2020. Web. 4 Mar. 2021.


The Cloud of Depression | Full Documentary. Prod. Ahlulbayt Documentaries. Perf. Rasha and

Neilyn. The Could of Depression. Ahlulbayt, 24 May 2018. Web. 4 Mar. 2021.

UnityPoint Health - Des Moines. "10 Common Myths & Misconceptions About Depression:

UnityPoint Health - Des Moines." 10 Common Myths About Depression | UnityPoint

Health - Des Moines. 18 June 2018. Web. 20 Mar. 2021.

Smith, Melinda, Jeanne Segal, and Lawrence Robinson. "Depression Treatment."

1 Sept. 2020. Web. 04 Mar. 2021.

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