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 evolved from elements of both soccer and English rugby.

One major
and began to poach talent from the NFL. In June 1966, the two rival
changes or jumps, and it also so it will be more like on hands experienceOne major
development in the whereas rugby players were only allowed to pass
the ball backward half of the top 10 highlights the links between the information to
clarify the idea by arguing for the reader found the writer's style clear and detailed, but
enigmatic my management and business skills; now, I am working at
multinational company as cited Albert Einstein, “‘If you want your children to
be intelligent,’ he said, ‘read them fairy tales. If you reading, and of imagining
Fiction stories always allow us to imagine. I think imagination will help create
our vision for the future more easily. " by Haruki Murakami, because i'm
attracted by the title and my curiosity increased to know why this regional-
sales manager; also, I feel the  topics are part of my day-to-day job activities,
most valuable sports franchises worldwide (see Exhibit a rival
American Football League (AFL) emerged and began to poach talent
from the NFL. In June 1966, the two rival factions announced that by
1970 they true or false plan should involve examining conflicting
priorities in your

by Walter Camp, a football player at Yale

development in the new sport was the ability to pass the ball forward;
whereas rug June 1922. In 1926, a rival American Football League (AFL)
emerged and began to poach e (AFL) emerged

curiously allowed to continue being played during the Cultural Revolution when
University, was credited with formally changing the rules of the sport at the
Massasoit Convention in 1876.virtually all , IThe paragraph is coherent, because
introduced in 1893 and was the sentences follow each other in a logical manner without
apparent changes or jumps, and it also highlights the links between the information to clarify the
idea by arguing for the reader found the writer's style clear and detailed, but enigmatic

my management and business skills; now, I am working at multinational company as

This document is authorized for use only by Shane Davis in Business

cited Albert Einstein, “‘If you want your children to be intelligent,’ he said, ‘read
them fairy tales. If you reading, and of imagining Fiction stories always allow us to
imagine. I think imagination will help create our vision for the future more easily. "
by Haruki Murakami, because i'm attracted by the title and my curiosity increased to
know why this regional-sales manager; also, I feel the  MBA courses topics are part
of my day-to-day job activities, so it will be more like on hands experience, not just
theoretical topics, and for sure MBA will contribute positively to my career future

without conclusion and worth attention. The story shows The narrator disagreed the
political from a weak financial resource. with spending too much expenditure on
Elephant in a time when the absurdity through the debates to keep an elephant or not
in a time in want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.’ He
[Einstein] understood the value of which the town suffers media was unbalanced and

This document is authorized for use only by Shane Davis in Business

antique basketball courts survived in Beijing’s Forbidden City). In fact,
the love of basketball was so not associated with the NBA did their part
to develop the game worldwide. To tap talent in West Africa, Rob
Orellana, a former basketball coach, set up the Arona Basket Sur
Academy, an amateur development camp located in Spain’s Canary
Islands. According to Orellana, “the thinking is to get [the kids] to the
States. But if [they] are academically unable to get into college, then we
can get them to clubs all over Europe.” 35 However, Orellana noted that
NBA teams needed to set up year-round professional development
academies if they really wanted to unlock the potential entrenched in
China that allegiances transcended national loyalties: According to
Frank Sha, a sports marketer in Beijing, the most popular NBA players
were Kobe Bryant and Allen Iverson.34
Even baseball supporters on the continent.
In May 2010, the NBA opened its first field office in Johannesburg,
South Africa, which was tasked with planning local basketball games
and related events and forging partnerships with various in- country
media and consumer products companies. Similar offices were
scheduled to open in India, Russia, and Brazil by year’s end. 36 Some,
however, doubted the efficacy of these tactics. According to Alan Klein,
a sports writer:
[G]rowing the game has to have an ideological component—
something that makes kids dream and fantasize about the game.
Michael Jordan did more to spread the gospel of the National
Basketball Association than any combination of its programs and
marketing. In the twenty-first century, that is the role of television
and marketing.37
David Carter of the University of Southern California’s Sports
Business Institute addressed the role of advancing technology—
particularly Internet streaming—in the NBA’s success in establishing a
global fan base. He reflected, “The real upside over time is to truly turn
the NBA into a global league.”38
The NHL had the clearest financial incentive to move overseas
because it did not operate under a revenue-sharing agreement.
Furthermore, NHL players actually earned slightly more from their
overseas games than from their average home game. In 2007, Jeremy
This document is authorized for use only by Shane Davis in Business Policies - FaII 2020 taught by MICHAEL HAGY, Temple University from Aug 2020 to Dec 2020.
Jacobs, chair of the NHL board of governors, spoke of both the near-
term and long-term financial gains from games played in Europe: “Your
collateral businesses will do well there . . . The league will profit by their
exposure over there over time. It will make our televised product more
valuable to them.”39
Foreigners on NHL teams came mostly from European countries such
as Russia, with the majority of the rest hailing from Canada. By the mid-
2000s, however, the dynamic was beginning to change. In 2001, 49% of
NHL picks were from Europe; in 2009, they were down to 25%. Several
factors contributed to this decline, including the 2007 development of
Russia’s Kontinental Hockey League, the implementation of salary caps,
and amended rules for European players that required teams to sign
them within two years rather than holding them indefinitely.40
In 2008, the NHL commissioner announced the possibility of
expanding across the Atlantic with teams based in Europe within 10
years. It seemed like a logical step, with Europeans composing 30% of
all NHL players, and 35% of unique users on coming from
Europe. The difficulty in establishing the league would be more
financial than ideological: Could the European league generate enough
revenue to compete with the North American teams? According to
NHL’s deputy commissioner, “the North American economy has a
certain demand for North American sports

This document is authorized for use only by Shane Davis in Business Policies - FaII 2020 taught by MICHAEL HAGY, Temple University from Aug 2020 to Dec 2020.
The Globalization of the NFL 711-455

content. I’m not sure that, in the short term, most European economies
match that level of demand in terms of types of prices you could

NFL Attempts to Globalize

offered sponsorship. Television networks ABC and USA each

broadcast one game each week. The two teams that made it through the
playoffs met in the World Bowl, the World League’s equivalent of the
Super Bowl. Despite corporate backing, with an average game
attendance of only about 25,000, the operation was shut down after just
two seasons.

The World League, 1995–1997

In 1995, under the shortened name World League, the NFL re-
launched the program as an exclusively European operation of six teams
(three from the initial program). The teams were the Amsterdam
Admirals, the Barcelona Dragons, Frankfurt Galaxy, the
London/England Monarchs, Rhein Fire, and the Scottish Claymores.
NFL Europe, 1997–2006
In 1997, the league rebranded again and became known as NFL
Europe. In 2002, the world-class Barcelona Futbol Club (FC Barcelona)
worked with the NFL to try to boost the profile of the league in

711-455 The Globalization
of the NFL

The Globalization of the NFL 711-455

51 Commenting on the program, the senior director for international

public affairs for, but in the end, when you have a homegrown player on
an NFL team, there’s nothing like that to develop enthusiasm for your

the NFL said, “It's all about expanding the game outside the United States.
You can do so much with television. You can do so much with marketing


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