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 What is Linguistics according to Chomsky and what is the relation with the

sociolinguistics' study object?

 For the philosopher and linguist Noan Chomsky, linguistics is not only the study of
languages but also the innate ability that allows human beings to understand and produce
any statement in any natural language that we know, therefore, linguistics is going to be the
use of forms and rules for effective and efficient use of the language. This is how the
meeting point with sociolinguistics will be the relationship established between human
language and the societies in which it is used.

 How does a language become a source of social and political power?

A language is became a source of social and political power through the history and the
constance interation among people, a lenguage needs to gain its legitimity in the everyday,
so, thanks to the free exchange of goods and services that are established, the cultures and
people with greater purchasing power will impose their language on the others, Bourdieu
(1991) conceives of languages as symbolic marketplaces in which some people have more
control of the goods than others because certain languages or varieties have been endowed
with more symbolic power than others and have therefore been given a greater value, e.g.,
standard languages, certain accents, a particular gendered style of speaking, a specific type
of discourse.

 What is "a variation"? Define the types of variation.

A variation are the caracteristic of certain group and the change which occur in contextual
differences in the ways that a particular language is used but these have similar distribution,
therefore, the language has different shades and colors which are relate to the regional or
social context.

Regional Variation: It is a variant or modality that acquires a language that is spoken in a

region and that determines the regional dialect, without affecting the unity of all the
inhabitants that comprise it.

Social Variation: is the variation of the same language that take place between different
social classes, gender, professions or social circles and cultural characteristics.

Why is it important to carry out Socio - linguistics studies? 

 It is important to carry out sociolinguistic studies to understand how languages work in
social contexts, in addition, to know how populations are structured and socially organized
in the use of language.
 What is ‘double articulation?

 The double articulation is the combination of minimal units of the language and also
designates the property of any linguistic statement to be segmented into two levels:
morphemes and phonemes.


Morpheme: Submarine: 2 morpheme (sub and marine)

Unforgetable: 3 morpheme (Un-forget-able)

Phonemes: cream: 4 phonemes (/k/r/ē/m/) 

knock.... 3 phonemes (/n/o/k/)

 What is Language, Dialect and Social Dialects? Give an example of their


Language: The language is a method for which the different villages and people
communicate by means of the linguistics use. Thanks this, we could be know the social
history of each nation. The language is the communication either verbal or written.

Dialect: Dialect is the language’s variation in a certain region; meaning, the language has
many changes depending of the geographic zone where this use.

Social Dialects: The social dialects are the varieties of the language and is use by different
people of social class; thanks this, the individuals may  impart or expressing their thought
and ideas.

Their relation: The relation between them is that dialecthelps to language. Thanks this,
can talk with others clearly in the language where people from different societies (social
class or community) communicate in a specific way.

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