Course Syllabus English B2

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Syllabus of the Course English B2, Code 900005

1. Course Information

The course is part of the academic unit: Vicerrectoría Académica y de

Investigación VIACI- INVIL

Training field: Interdisciplinar Básico

Academic degree level: Profesional

Number of credits: 3 Course type: Methodological

The course does not have a re-Take Course designed by: Pablo Rojas

Course updated by: Pablo Rojas

Date of design: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 Date of update: Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Course Description:

Aiming the purpose of afford the needs of learning a foreign language (English) towards
globalization, has a set policy to make efforts to guide bilingual environments. With this, the
course level English B2 belongs to the foreign language component that appears on the
curricula statements from the different academic programs by UNAD.

Students will encounter in this course, the availability of a virtual environment in which three
environments are prepared. Each environment fulfills a specific function within educational
intentions, which guide the work, through both individual and group interaction, in order to
enhance the learning and practice of English oriented activity guides and accompanied by
their respective evaluation rubrics.

This course has three (3) credits, which include independent study and tutorial support, for a
total of 144 hours of academic work, distributed in 96 hours of independent study, 48 hours
of accompaniment and tutorial follow-up aimed to:

- Recognize and appropriate the basic contents of English B2 specifically.

- Develop abilities and communication skills through listening (audio, written reflection of
audiovisual materials) and written comprehension (drafting, interpretation and development
of the contents), in order to make use of the English language in different scenarios of
everyday life.
- Foster in students the importance of learning English for work, academic and personal

- Take advantage of techno-didactical resources and technological tools in the course in order
to learn a foreign language with autonomy and tutorial support.

2. Course Learning Purpose:

The course learning purpose is:

• To strengthen communication skills in English language so the student is able to employ

an intermediate - advanced language on general topics in different situations and contexts
where the use of the foreign language is required.

3. Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

• Learning Outcome 1: To show the management of the different communicative usages

seen in the online resources of the course based on the grammatical structures and related
vocabulary by reflecting the knowledge.

• Learning Outcome 2: To write a formal letter to the UN Secretary, by writing its paragraphs
through stages, in order to express the concerns about the impact of Technology in the

• Learning Outcome 3: To describe orally on a video in English ideas about the impact of
technology in the environment with the purpose of improving the argumentation
competence by attending to a synchronous conversation for giving opinion about the topic.

• Learning Outcome 4: To express in a written-spoken tutorial in English how to use a

biological resource as technology in benefit of the environment. By reflecting about the
opinions given in the collaborative forums. The tutorial video and the written instructions
show the process of building up the resource for keeping the environment safe.

4. Learning Strategy:

The Learning Strategy for the course is: based on tasks.

This Learning Strategy is based on: the accomplishment of previous tasks to achieve the main
task that is composed of three stages, the preparation, the task itself and the report, and
finally, the subsequent tasks of language analysis and practice.

The Learning Strategy is organized in 7 Tasks

• Task 1: Previous knowledge - Pre-knowledge online activity: Students practice online

activity to identify and process specific structures and strengthen communication skills.

• Task 2: Central task - Writing assignment - Production: Students work in collaborative

groups. The tutor constantly accompanies the activity in each forum. Students present
a written text. Feedback, deep learning and reflection on the task.

• Task 3: Focus on the form - Comprehension quiz: Students are encouraged to practice
online contents to extract useful language with grammatical structures learned during
this course.

• Task 4: Focus on the language - Speaking assignment - Synchronous meeting: The

tutor leads the practical activities where the students exercise the vocabulary and
pronunciation and improve their communication skills.

• Task 5: Technological component: Creation of technological resources.

• Task 6: General course review: Students are invited to evaluate their performance in
the course activities and the course management.

• Task 7: Final Exam: Students through the online final objective test will be able to
experiment the learning process of the course topics.

5. Course Contents and Bibliographic References

Unit 1: Future Events

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

• Module 1 - Future Continuous: Talk about events happening at a given point in the
future. Describe future experiences. Talk about the past in the future. Understand and
speak about activities in progress in the future.

• Module 2 - Future Perfect: Talk about the future. Echo for active listening. Explore ways
to talk about future plans and expectations.

• Module 3 - Past Participle: Speculate and hypothesize about the past. Make negative
deductions and speculations. Describe preferences for plans. Make deductions and
speculate about the present.

• Module 4 - Passive Voice: Talk about things that are done. Express emphasis on what
is done, in the past. Read and understand movie reviews. Change the direction of a

• OVI-If Clauses

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 1-1: Future Continuous. Inglés B2. Taken from: E-
book of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 1-2: Future Perfect. Inglés B2. Taken from: E-book
of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 1-3: Past Participle. Inglés B2. Taken from: E-book
of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 1-4: Passive Voice. Inglés B2. Taken from: E-book
of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.
• Gobronidze L. (2019) OVI-If Clauses. Taken from:
Unit 2: Past Events

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

• Module 5 - Past Perfect: Understand past events in reference to other actions in the
past. Introduce new information in an argument. Talk about habits and routines.

• Module 6 - Phrasal Verbs: Express actions with phrasal verbs. Express certainty,
possibility, and doubt. Talk about life in the future. Predict during a conversation.

• Module 7 - Reported Speech: Report what someone said. Report commands. React to

• Module 8 - Expressing Habits in the Past: Express habits in the past. Synthesize and
evaluate information.

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 2-5: Past Perfect. Inglés B2. Taken from: E-book of
B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 2-6: Phrasal Verbs. Inglés B2. Taken from: E-book
of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 2-7: Reported Speech. Inglés B2. Taken from: E-
book of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 2-8: Expressing Habits in the Past. Inglés B2. Taken
from: E-book of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

Unit 3: Expressing feelings

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

• Module 9 - Will/going to for Prediction: Add additional information to nouns.

Paraphrase. Simplify additional information. Compare conditions. Describe feeling and

• Module 10 - Inversion with Negative Adverbials: Make predictions. Compare intentions

and spontaneous decisions. Use vague language and being imprecise for politeness.
Make strong negations.

• Module 11 - Relative Clauses: Understand additional information in communicative

exchanges. Take the initiative in an interaction. Encourage others to continue with the

• Module 12 - Mixed Modals: Express request, possibility and permission. Make
assumptions. Suggest and give commands. Express obligation, ability, and possibility
in the past. Express sympathy.

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 3-9: Will/going to for prediction. Inglés B2. Taken
from: E-book of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 3-10: Inversion with Negative Adverbials. Inglés B2.
Taken from: E-book of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 3-11: Relative Clauses. Inglés B2. Taken from: E-
book of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 3-12: Mixed Modals. Inglés B2. Taken from: E-book
of B2 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

6. Organization of Weekly Academic Activities and Course Evaluation Plan

Initial Moment:

Task 1 - Pre-knowledge Quiz.

It is developed from week 1 to week 2
Agree to learning´s outcomes:1

The activities are: Evaluation of previous knowledge acquired by students in English


Initial moment evaluation

The evaluation criteria for this activity are: Knowledge of topics in previous English levels.

The highest score for this activity is 25 points, corresponding to 5% of the course evaluation.

Intermediate Moment

Task 2 - Writing Assignment – Production.

It is developed from week 3 to week 9
Agree to learning´s outcomes:2
The activities are: A written text as a result of an individual work.

Evaluation of Task 2
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: create a letter to the Secretary general from the
The highest score for this activity is 90 points.

Task 3 - Comprehension Quiz (grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening).

It is developed from week 3 to week 10
Agree to learning´s outcomes:1
The activities are: Development of knowledge quiz.

Evaluation of Task 3
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: Apprehension and study of the Online academic
units of the course.
The highest score for this activity is 90 points.

Task 4 - Speaking Assignment.

It is developed from week 4 to week 12
Agree to learning´s outcomes:3

Evaluation of Task 4
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: Presentation of a video explaining the effects of
technology in the environment.
The highest score for this activity is 70 points.

Task 5 – Technological component.

It is developed from week 5 to week 13
Agree to learning´s outcomes:5
The activities are: Design of technological resources.

Evaluation of Task 5
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: Presentation of a wix-site explaining a ecological
The highest score for this activity is 70 points.

Task 6 - General Course Review.

It is developed from week 10 to week 15

Agree to learning´s outcomes:1
The activities are: Development of self-assessment quiz.

Evaluation of Task 6
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: student's reflection on their performance.
The highest score for this activity is 30 points.

Final Moment

Task 7 - Final Exam.

It is developed from week 16 to week 16
Agree to learning´s outcomes:1

The activities are: Submit an Online task which assesses the topics corresponding to the
academic units of the course through a Closed Objective Test (POC) which consists of 25

Evaluation of Task 7
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: evaluate the academic units studied during the
The learning evidences for this activity are: Automatic online score.

The highest score for this activity is 125 points, corresponding to 25% of the course

7. Teacher’s Support

To develop the course activities, you will have the support of a teacher or tutor. The options
for this academic support are:

• Virtual Campus E-mail

• Collaborative Forums
• Skype Sessions
• Online Conference Sessions or Web Conferences
• Face-to-Face Field Practice Component
• Lab Practice Component On-site
• Support Sessions in Professional Practice Site

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