Demand - Grace Heckendorn

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Demand- Grace Heckendorn

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

CTE 418 Spring 2021


Students will watch these two videos:

9-12.E.3.1.5 Create and interpret graphs that model economic concepts. Idaho Social Studies
9-12.E.3.1.2 Identify ways in which the interaction of all buyers and sellers influences prices. Idaho Social Studies

SWBAT understand the law of demand.
SWBAT how to make a demand schedule and demand curve
SWBAT understand demand elasticity

Students will have completed the Demand Schedule worksheet
Students will have completed the Google Form (exit ticket)

Teaching Plan (90 Minutes- Block Schedule)

Review videos and answer student questions- 5 minutes
Present slides on Demand- approx. 55 minutes
Slides 1&2: 5 minutes for introduction and consideration of questions.
Slides 3&4: 3 minutes for definitions
Slide 5&6: 2 minutes for definitions, 5 minutes for students to write on whiteboard examples of substitutes and compliments
Slide 7: 2 minutes for definitions, 2 minutes for students to think of examples
Slide 8: 2 minutes for definitions
Slide 9-11: Pass out copies of example demand schedule and curve. Have students come up with their own demand schedule. 10
Slide 12: 4 minutes for analysis of individual demand
Slides 13&14: 4 minutes for elasticity of demand
Slides 15&16: 4 minutes
Slides 17-19: 6 minutes
Slide 20: 4 minutes- 2 for definitions, 2 for demonstrations.
Have students complete the other two demand schedules and demand curves- 20 minutes. If not finished, it's homework.
Send out Google Form for exit ticket (5 minutes)
If there is still time in class, homework time.

I landed on doing a Google Form (listed below in materials) for the assessment because its quick, easy and gives me immediate feedback, as well
as allows students to quickly and efficiently demonstrate their understanding of the lesson.
Google Form:

Introduction to Demand.pptx
Demand Schedule.docx

This is a more lecture style lesson due to the fact that the concepts of demand and those related concepts can be tricky to first grasp. It does
incorporate activities for the students to get up and participate in the lesson as well as traditional lecture and note taking activities. The
PowerPoint is not very long but there are a few activities that will allow the students to really engage with the lesson. There may be time at the
end of the class but if there is, students can use it to complete the worksheet or Google Form if they haven't finished it or to work on other

This lesson takes place during the Supply and Demand unit and the first week of the Demand half of the unit. I chose to do this lesson because
supply and demand are some of the bedrock principles of Economics and having the students really understand these concepts is vital.

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