An Analysis of Code Mixing by Twitter Users Among University Students

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Pangeran Muhammad Faqih Syafaat

NIM. 1205120561



Submitted to Fulfill One of the Requirements
for the award of Bachelor Degree
in English Language Education


Pangeran Muhammad Faqih Syafaat

NIM. 1205120561



The researcher entitled “An Analysis of the Code Mixing by Twitter Users
among University Students” in purposing to find out the forms of code mixing by
twitter users of University students. This research can be used for the purpose of
academic and practice. Academically, this research would inform about the forms
of code mixing in twitter. In addition, this research is practically signified for
stimulating other researchers to conduct relevant research in the future. In this
research, the researcher used Bokamba (1989) theory to determine the forms of
code mixing. The researcher only focused on English – Indonesian code mixing in
the tweets. This is a descriptive research. This research design is proper to be
conducted since study is about phenomenon in social life. The researcher used his
existing twitter account for instrument of this research.
Researcher’s existing twitter account follows 286 twitter accounts that
among of those are 130 Riau University student accounts. The Population of
research is 130 Riau University student accounts. The researcher used purposive
sampling technique and the sample is 61 Riau University student accounts
because they have particular characteristics to be sample such as their tweets used
code mixing and they are university students. In addition, they also allowed
researcher to take their tweet as the data of research.
The researcher applies document analysis as the way to collect the data.
According to Arikunto (1990), document analysis is getting the data about case or
variable from note, transcripts, book, magazine, etc. There are some steps to
collect the data. First, the researcher used his existing twitter account
(@faat_0503) with some followings from his account. After that, researcher
observed their tweets by reading tweets through timeline. When it found a
sentence that including code mixing, the researcher took tweet as the data using
additional software. They are print screen and paint. The first pushed button print
screen on the keyboard of laptop then copy and paste it in paint. After paste in


paint, then crop and save the image in the laptop. The last step is the researcher
opened Microsoft word and inserted the image that has been saved before into it.
After that, the researcher asked owner of tweets to get permission about
taking their tweets or status for the data in personal chat one by one (appendix
VI). In personal chat, researcher explained the purpose of his research first. After
that, researcher gave explanation about the research and the reason why the
researcher took their tweet being his data for research. If owner of tweets allowed
researcher to take the data, it will be the data of the research. The data were
analyzed by four steps. They are listing the data, classifying the data according to
the forms of code mixing, describing how the forms of code mixing related to the
The research finding showed that the majority of the data in the forms of
code mixing is word with forty two (42) data, it is followed by morpheme that has
thirty nine (39) data, while phrase has fourteen (14), idiom has four (4) data,
hybrid is three (3), and clause is one (1).

Assalamu’alaikumWarohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah who has given the researcher his love
and blessing to complete this thesis. Shalawat and salutation be upon the Prophet
Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihiwassalam, may Allah’s blessing be always upon
him, his family, friends, and the followers.
This thesis is intended to fulfil one of the requirements for the award of
Undergraduate Degree in English Study Program of Faculty of Teacher Training
and Education, Riau University. This thesis would not be possible without
contribution of various people.

Foremost, the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude to his advisors
Dra. Eliwarti, M.App. Ling and Dra. Novitri, M.App. Ling for the continuous
support of my study and research, for their patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and
immense knowledge. Their guidance helped me in all the time of research and
writing of this thesis.

Besides his advisor, the writer would like to thank the rest of contributors Drs.
Masyhur, M.Ed, for his support, suggestion, encouragement, and insightful
comments, Drs. Syarfi, M.A, for his support, idea, suggestion, encouragement, Dr.
Afrianto, M.Ed, for his suggestion, encouragement, knowledge and support and
Dr. Jismulatif, M. Hum for his suggestion, knowledge and motivation.

The writer also would like to thank all participants who give their times and
chances to me conducting this research. Last but not the least; the writer would
like to thank his beloved parents Aden Iskandar and Dra. Darmawati, M.Si for the
motivation and guidance who have always been inspiration, cares, prayers, gives
support and motivation in accomplishing this thesis and also my brothers and


Though, the writer has limited skill and knowledge in completing this thesis. It
might be possible that the thesis has lot of mistakes and it is still far from being
perfect. Therefore, constructive advice, critics and valuable suggestion are

The writer expects that this thesis could be useful for the development of
education, especially for the participant of my research . Thank You.

Pekanbaru, September 2016


Pangeran Muhammad Faqih Syafaat

NIM. 1205120561


Summary ...............................................................................................................................ii

Acknowledgement................................................................................................................ iv

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. vi

List of Tables......................................................................................................................viii

List of Appendices ............................................................................................................... ix

A. The Background .............................................................................................................. 1
B. The Formulation of the Problem ..................................................................................... 4
C. The Objectives Of The Research .................................................................................... 4
D. The Need of the Research ............................................................................................... 4
E. The Definition of the Key Terms .................................................................................... 4


A. Sociolinguistics ............................................................................................................... 5
B. Bilingualism .................................................................................................................... 6
C. Code ................................................................................................................................ 8
D. Code Mixing ................................................................................................................... 9
1. The Form of Code Mixing ...................................................................................... 10
E. Twitter ........................................................................................................................... 16
1. The History of Twitter ............................................................................................ 16
2. The Definition and Function of Twitter .................................................................. 18
3. The Features of Twitter ........................................................................................... 19
F. Related Study ................................................................................................................ 20


A. The Time and Place of the Research ............................................................................. 22
B. The Design of the Research .......................................................................................... 22

C. The Population and Sample of the Research................................................................. 22

D. The Data and Instrument ............................................................................................... 23
E. The Data Collection Technique .................................................................................... 23
F. The Data Analysis Technique ....................................................................................... 24


A. The Forms of Code Mixing by Twitter User of University Student ............................ 25


A. Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 59
B. Suggestion ..................................................................................................................... 60

F. Bibliography................................................................................................................. .61
G. Appendices .................................................................................................................. . 65


Table 1.1 The Examples of Code Mixing by Twitter users ................................................ 3

Table 4.1 The List of Data (Morpheme) ........................................................................... 25
Table 4.2 Free morpheme and Bound morpheme data ..................................................... 33
Table 4.3 The List of Data (Noun) by Riau University Students...................................... 34
Table 4.4 The List of Data (Noun) by English Study Program Students .......................... 35
Table 4.5 The Table of Summary (Noun) ......................................................................... 40
Table 4.6 The List of Data (Verb) by Riau University Student ........................................ 40
Table 4.7 The List of Data (Verb) by English Study Program Student ............................ 40
Table 4.8 The Table of Summary (Verb) .......................................................................... 42
Table 4.9 The List of Data (Adjective) by Riau University Students ............................... 43
Table 4.10 The List of Data (Adjective) by English Study Program Students ................. 43
Table 4.11 The Table of Summary (Adjective) ................................................................ 46
Table 4.12 The List of Data (Adverb) by Riau University Students ................................ 46
Table 4.13 The Table of Summary (Adverb) .................................................................... 46
Table 4.14 The List of Data (interjection) by Riau University Students .......................... 47
Table 4.15 The Table of Summary (Interjection) ............................................................. 48
Table 4.16 The List of Data (conjunction) by Riau University Students.......................... 48
Table 4.17 The List of Data (conjunction) by English Study Program Students .............. 48
Table 4.18 The Table of Summary (Conjunction) ............................................................ 49
Table 4.19 The List of Data (reduplication) by Riau University Students ....................... 49
Table 4.20 The List of Data (reduplication) by English Study Program Students ........... 49
Table 4.21 The Table of Summary (Reduplication) ......................................................... 50
Table 4.22 The List of Data (phrase) by Riau University Students .................................. 51
Table 4.23 The Table of Summary (Phrase) ..................................................................... 54
Table 4.24 The List of Data (hybrid) by Riau University Students .................................. 55
Table 4.25 The Summary of Hybrid Data ......................................................................... 56
Table 4.26 The List of Data (clause) by Riau University Students .................................. 56

Table 4.27 The Table of Summary (Clause) ..................................................................... 56

Table 4.28 The List of Data (idiom) by Riau University Students ................................... 57
Table 4.29 The List of Data (idiom) by English Study Program Students ....................... 57


Appendix I. The General Examples of Code Mixing by Twitter Users.......................... 65

Appendix II. The List of data presentation by twitter user ............................................. 66
Appendix III. The Form of Code Mixing by twitter user ................................................. 68
Appendix IV. The Screenshot of Data by Twitter Users .................................................. 76
Appendix V. Researcher’s Twitter Account ................................................................... 82
Appendix VI. Personal Chat about Agreement ................................................................ 83

A. The Background
Human cannot be separated from language. The evidence is a daily
conversation between human and other humans. Language can make one
person with others to communicate and deliver purposes. There are so many
functions of language such as expressing the comparison and contradiction,
persuasion, asking questions, expressing like and dislike, cause and effect,
summarizing, sequencing, predicting agreeing and disagreeing, apologizing,
offering, and greeting people or introduction.
Language is not only in oral form, but also in written form.
Someone’s thought can be more confessed when in written, so other people
who read will understand what the writer delivers it. In communication
theory, language is used in spoken and written form. Language is an
important instrument in human’s life. People cannot live without using
language. Language is as tools that used to express argumentation, idea, or
feeling to one and another.
Language has many varieties and diversities of language. One of the
examples in varieties and diversities of language is English have developed in
some countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, India, and many African
countries, as well as in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United
States. In Singapore, for instance, British English is still endorsed by the
government as the appropriate target variety in schools and official
communications, rather than the local Singaporean English (Holmes 1992).
All of variety and diversity in language are relating to every speaker’s
personality such as Social status, Economical status, age, education, sex, Job,
etc. Based on age, we can see the differences of using variety of language
between kid, teenager, and adult. People used their own language in spoken
and written. They usually use mixing more than one language in their


communication because it describes their solidarity one and another and

expressing their emotions. Mixing of languages is usually referred as Code
Code Mixing is the mixing of two or more languages or language
varieties in one utterance (Muysken, 2000). Ayeomoni (2006) defines code
mixing is the mixing of a word or phrase from a language into another
language in a bilingualism or multilingualism. Code mixing occurs when
conversant use both languages together to the extent that they change from
one language to the other language in the course of a single utterance. The
use of code mixing in written form can be found in social network
Social network is the best media for speakers to communicate each
other in the long distance through internet network. There are so many social
networks such as Path, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,, LinkedID,
Myspace, Skype, etc. Twitter is one of many social networks in the world
that make people using it. Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging
service (McMahon, 2010). According to the data of Sycomos site, Twitter
users from Asian countries reached 7.74% from the total of Twitter users in
the world. Indonesia placed the first ranking of using twitter in Asia with
2.43%, followed by Japan 1.47% and India 0.97% (Sjafriani, 2010).
According to Custolo (in Daliusno, 2015) states that Twitter users in
Indonesia reaching out 50 million people.
In twitter, people can share what they are thinking about something in
“Tweet” and they can comment each other about their tweet. Twitter user
communicates through written form with other users. They use many
varieties language in their communication. Sometimes they mix two
languages in one sentence such as English – Indonesian language. Mixing of
languages is usually referred as Code Mixing.
As an illustration, the researcher presented the examples in twitter
tweet or status which describe the reality of the language use between them in
which afterward the reality of the language use can be categorized as code

mixing. The following examples of code mixing are taken randomly for the

Table 1.1 The Examples of Code Mixing by Twitter Users

NO The Example of Code Mixing

1 Wherever I go cinta gives me spirit
2 Live & Exclusive Final Swiss Open GP Gold sesaat lagi hanya di FOX
3 Pak nanang ini is the best!!!!
4 Nyonya Nunung at 16:30 on @netmediatama! Don't miss it!!
5 At Gimpo Airport menuju Japang
(for complete the data .see Appendix 1)

From examples above, the bold writing showed the examples of code
mixing because the words located are in between two different languages
(English - Indonesian) but still in one utterance. It indicated the existence of
language mixing, because the speaker can use two languages, those are
Indonesian and English. Since they can use both languages, they will be easy
to use the languages by turns. Based on short interview, researcher asked
about the forms of code mixing with some university students but they did
not know about it even though they realize about using code mixing in
twitter. From the short interview, the researcher wants to analyze forms of
code mixing in social networking twitter. The research concerned the forms
of code mixing in Twitter users. The researcher is really motivated to conduct
a research in code mixing entitled “An Analysis of Code Mixing by Twitter
Users among University Students”.

B. The Formulation of the Problem

The researcher formulates the problem as follows:
What are the forms of code mixing used by Twitter users of Riau University

C. The Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to find out the forms of code mixing used by
Twitter users of Riau University Students.

D. The Need for the Research

The researcher expects that the result of this research will be beneficial both
academically and practically
1. Academically, this research would provide information about the
forms of code mixing in twitter.
2. Practically, this research is signified for stimulating other
researchers to conduct such as a relevant research in the future.

E. The Definition the key terms

Analysis is finding clear information about something, somebody or some
cases (Suharwinoto, 2001). In this research, an analysizing to find clear
information about the forms of code mixing in twitter users.
Code-mixing is the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in
one utterance (Muysken, 2000).
Twitter is a free social networking micro-blogging service that allows
registered members to broadcast short posts (McMahon, 2010).


A. Sociolinguistics
Indonesian people are social beings who are always belong to and
committed to a certain group of people. They live together and form a social
community or society. They as members of the society, they interact with one
another in domain activities. One of the primary things used in the interaction
is language. A part of linguistics which studies about the relationship between
society and language is called sociolinguistics. Hudson (in Rajiesaputra,
2013) stated sociolinguistics as the study of language in relation to society.
Adding by Holmes (1992) says sociolinguistics is study the relationship
between language and society. It means that the people who study about the
relationship between language and society are called as sociolinguists. Then,
Holmes (1992) said that “sociolinguistics is concerned with the relationship
between language and the context in which it used”. It means that
sociolinguistics occurs when there are relationship present between language
and the context in which it used, because the way people talk is influenced by
the social context in which they are talking, who can hear them, where they
are talking, and how their feeling.
Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that takes language as an object
of study, in a way that is usually distinguished from how syntax, semantics,
morphology, and phonology handle it. Sociolinguistics closely related to
language and society and language functions in society. Language is defined
as verbal communication tool used by the public. Society is a group or
several groups of people who share a particular purpose. Wardhaugh (1986)
states sociolinguistics is a concern with investigating the relationship between
language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the
structure of language and how languages function in communication.


Kridalaksana (1993) states sociolinguistics is the branch of linguistic that

studies the relationship and interplay between behavior and social behavior.
Sociolinguistics is the descriptive study of the effect of any and all
aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the
way language is used, and the effects of language use on society.
Sociolinguistics differs from sociology of language in that the focus of
sociology of language is the effect of the society on the language, while the
sociolinguistics focuses on language's effect on the society (Gumperz, 2008).
Sociolinguistics also studies how language varieties differ between groups
separated by certain social variables. (e.g., ethnicity, religion, status, gender,
level of education, age, etc.) and how creation and adherence to these rules is
used to categorize individuals in social or socioeconomic classes.

B. Bilingualism

Bilingualism is the ability to use two languages. Approximately half of

the people in the world are native speakers of more than one language. In
addition, bilingualism is the ability of using two languages to other people
(Fromkin, 2003). However, defining bilingualism is problematic since
individuals with varying bilingual characteristics may be classified as
bilingual. Definitions of bilingualism range from a minimal proficiency in
two languages, to an advanced level of proficiency which allows the speaker
to function and appear as a native-like speaker of two languages.
Someone may describe themselves as bilingual but may mean only the
ability to converse and communicate orally. Others may be proficient in
reading in two or more languages (or bi-literate). A person may be bilingual
by virtue of having grown up learning and using two languages
simultaneously (simultaneous bilingualism) or they may become bilingual by
learning a second language sometime after their first language. This is known
as sequential bilingualism. To be bilingual means different things to different
people. Bilingualism encompasses a range of proficiencies and contexts. It

can be seen in a young child who can use two or more language because
some reasons.
A young child entering school may be called bilingual but it may be that
he or she uses her first or home language for domestic and familial purposes
and that English is their preferred language for communication outside the
home. He or she may be largely monolingual in her first language only when
she starts school. A child who has recently arrived in England from overseas
may have a good level of literacy in English but may be unable to converse or
use spoken English in the classroom context. On the other hand, some
learners may be potential in bilingual. They have ability to use language
actively such as two or three languages in writing and speaking because the
domain supports them using those languages in activities. In terms of
competence, a bilingual may have very high levels of proficiency in both
languages or may have only limited proficiency in one and be far more
proficient in the other. The use of the term „bilingual‟ is thus dependent upon:
context; linguistic proficiency and purpose.
Bilingualism is commonly defined as the use of at least two languages
by an individual (Fishman, 1975). It is a fluctuating system in children and
adults whereby use of and proficiency in two languages may change
depending on the opportunities to use the languages and exposure to other
users of the languages. It is a dynamic and fluid process across a number of
domains, including experience, tasks, topics, and time. Simultaneous
bilingualism occurs when a young child has had significant and meaningful
exposure to two languages from birth. Ideally, the child will have equal,
quality experiences with both languages.
Sequential bilingualism occurs when an individual has had significant
and meaningful exposure to a second language, usually after the age of 3 and
after the first language is well established. These second language learners
are referred to as English language learners in U.S. schools. The "bilingual"
experience is unique to every individual. There is variability in the amount

and quality of exposure to the languages the individual learns, as well as the
experiences he or she has using the languages when interacting with others.
Fishman (1975) says Bilingualism is using two languages or two language
codes. In sociolinguistics term, bilingualism is using two languages by a
person in his/her activities by turns.

C. Code

A code is a system used by people to communicate, when people want to

talk each other they have to choose a particular code to express their feeling.
Wardhaugh (1986) states that the „natural‟ term „code‟ can be used to refer to
any kind of system that two or more people employ for communication. Code
is the particular dialect or language one chooses to use on any occasion, a
system used for communication between two or more parties.
Communication itself can make longer the life expectancy of the people. It
means that is impossible to live without any communication. A good
communication has a key that is understand. Therefore, people are usually
forced to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they
may decide to switch from one code to another or to mix codes.
Each code has certain functions or maybe some of them have similar
functions. In a monolingual situation, the use of different codes depends on
the variability of the language. In a multilingual situation, the use of different
codes depends on the variability of the languages and the specification of
their uses as agreed upon by the people.
People are usually required to select a particular code whenever they
choose to speak, and they may also decide to switch from one code to another
or to mix codes even within sometimes very short utterances and thereby
create a new code. The phenomenon in switching or mixing the code called
code switching and code mixing. Code-switching and code-mixing are well-
known traits in the speech pattern of the average bilingual in any human
society the world over. Hymes (in Ayeomoni, 2006) defines only code-

switching as a common term for alternative use of two or more languages,

varieties of a language or even speech styles . Code mixing is the mixing of a
word or phrase from a language into another language in a speech

D. Code Mixing

Code-mixing refers to the mixing of two or more languages or language

varieties in speech. Code-mixing is similar to the use or creation of pidgins,
but while a pidgin is created across groups that do not share a common
language, code-mixing may occur within a multilingual setting where
speakers share more than one language. Code mixing occurs when conversant
use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language
to the other language in the course of a single utterance (Wardhaugh, 1986).
If someone mixes two codes in one sentence by inserting other elements of
language, it means that he uses code mixing.
There are many reasons, why the people use code mixing in their daily
activities. As Holmes (1992) states that there are three important social
factors in code choice, they are participants (relation, status, ethnicity, etc),
setting (time and place), and topic (work, sport, national events, etc). But,
Holmes adding that there is other social factors that is very influence in code
choice, there is the function or goal in interactions (greetings, thanks, and
apologizes). Code mixing also has some purposes but people use it rather to
style and improve social status. Improving the social status is defined as how
the way people see the users of code mixing have a good background of
education and knowledge (Holmes, 1992). People will think if the user of
code mixing is not like a common person that only master in one language.
People tend to reluctant when they face with the users. According to
Ohoiwatun (1996:71) there are six purposes of code mixing such as need feeling
motive, prestige feeling motive, asserting status, pride and power, being more
informative, making jokes, and expressing self-emotion while Holmes (1992)

stated there are six purposes; being more informative, expressing solidarity &
intimacy, making joke, expressing self-emotion, asserting status, pride and
power, and incompetence.
In sociolinguistics, it is not only learn about code mixing but also code
switching. Code switching is a single speaker switchs different variety of
language at different times (Hudson, 1980: p. 56). The differences between
code switching and code mixing are code mixing occurs when speakers mix /
insert foreign words (other code) in the dominant language while code
switching, speakers change the language used to other code (including
varieties) because some reason such as the speaker and the presence of a third

1. The Form of Code Mixing

Some experts explain about the form of code mixing. First,
according to Claros and Isharyanti (2009, p.69) defines three forms
of code mixing. They are insertion, alternation and congruent
lexicalization. Second, Bokamba (1989) defines code-mixing as the
embedding of various linguistic units such as morpheme, words,
phrases, clauses, hybrid and idiom. The researcher used theory from
Bokamba (1989) for the form of code mixing because his theory is
more complete and detail. He further classifies that the forms of code
mixing are:

a) Morphemes
According to Carstairs and McCarthy (2002),
morpheme is the smallest part of word. There are two
classifications of morphemes such as free morpheme and
bound morpheme. Morphemes that can stand alone to
function as words are called free morpheme. They comprise
simple words (i.e. words made up of one free morpheme)
and compound words (i.e. words made up of two free
morphemes) while morpheme that can only be attached to

another part of a word (cannot stand alone) is called bound

morphemes. This is some examples of morpheme in code
mixing. For instance, I want to makan in this restaurant.
There is an Indonesian morpheme that inserted into English
sentence. The word, which is inserted into English sentence,
is makan. Another example is ingin sekali climbing ke
puncak merapi. The word, which is inserted into Indonesian
sentence, is climbing.

b) Words
According to Crystal (2008) word is a unit of expression
which has universal intuitive recognition by native-speakers,
in both spoken and written language. One of code mixing
form comes from inserting the word. Sometimes it happens
when Indonesian utterances contain different words from the
other language especially English and sometimes English word
inserts into Indonesian utterance. The insertion of word can be
classified into many kinds, they are; the insertion of noun,
verb, adjective, adverb, interjection, conjunction, and
reduplication. In the following below, there are descriptions
about many kinds of words in the code mixing.

1. Noun
A noun is a word that names a person, place,
thing, or idea (Klammer, 2000). In this study, the
researcher finds out a lot of English nouns inserted in
tweet of twitter. There are many kinds of noun. They
are countable noun, uncountable noun, concrete
noun, abstract noun, compound noun and collective

According to Azar (2003) Countable noun is

anything that can be counted, while uncountable
noun is anything that cannot be counted. Concrete
noun names a thing that can be seen, heard, smelled,
tasted, or touched while Abstract noun names an
idea, feeling, quality, or characteristic (Galt, 2011).
Compound nouns are words for people, animals,
places, things, or ideas, made up of two or more
words. Collective noun is a word that names a group
of people or things.
This is some examples of noun in code mixing.
For instance, I give her the best hadiah for her
birthday. There is an Indonesian noun that inserted
into English sentence. The word is hadiah. Another
example is akhirnya aku punya boat baru. The word,
which is inserted into Indonesian sentence, is boat.

2. Verb
Verbs describe simple action. English verbs
have three principle parts. The present (the basic
form), the past, and the past participle (Hall, 1993:
9). This is some examples of verb in the code
mixing. For instance, I berharap you come into my
restaurant. There is Indonesian verb that inserted
into English sentence. The word is berharap.

3. Adjective
There are four kinds of adjective such as
descriptive adjective, adjective of quantity,
demonstrative adjective, and possessive adjective.
Descriptive adjectives are the most numerous of the

different types of adjectives. These adjectives

describe nouns that refer to action, state, or quality
while adjective of quantity tells us the number (how
many) or amount (how much) of a noun (Young,
Demonstrative adjective (this, that, these, those)
shows the noun it modifies is singular or plural and
whether the position of the noun is near or far from
the person who is speaking or writing. The last,
possessive adjective expresses possession of a noun
by someone or something. This is an example of
adjective in the code mixing. For instance, I have car
baru but I still love my old car. There is Indonesian
adjective that inserted into English sentence. The
word is baru.

4. Adverb
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb,
adjective, another adverb, determiner, noun phrase,
clause, or sentence. There are five of adverbs in
English such as adverb of time, adverb of place,
adverb of manner, adverb of degree, and adverb of
frequency (Huddleston & Pullum, 2015). This is an
example of adverb in the code mixing. For instance,
physically dia tidak terlalu besar. There is English
adverb that inserted into Indonesian sentence. The
word is physically.

5. Interjection
Interjection is specific statement and
spontaneous to expressed feeling or emotion. For
example, good gracious!, O, May God, etc (Ameka,
1992). There are some kinds of interjection such as
interjection for greeting, interjection for joy,
interjection for approval, interjection for attention,
interjection for surprise, and interjection for sorrow.
This is an example of interjection in code mixing. for
instance, Hello, aku pulang!. There is English
interjection that inserted into Indonesian sentence.
The word is hello.

6. Conjunction
Conjunction is one of parts of speech which
have function to connect one element to the other in
a sentence construction. According to Michael
(2009), Conjunctions come in three basic types: the
coordinating conjunctions, the subordinating
conjunctions, and the correlative conjunctions. This
is an example of conjunction in code mixing. For
instance, we eat meatball dan steak. There is
Indonesian conjunction that inserted into English
sentence. The word is dan.

7. Reduplication
Word reduplication is the repetition or some
parts of the base (which may be the entire base) that
are more than one in the word. The words being
reduplicated that are found in the data are interjection
– interjection and noun-noun. And the words will be

still the same before and after being reduplicated. In

other words, this process does not change the class of
words (Broselow & McCarthy, 1984). This is an
example of reduplication in code mixing. Reply-
reply email sesukanya saja. There is English
reduplication that inserted into Indonesian sentence.
The word is reply-reply.

c) Phrase
According to Azar and Hagen (2009) phrase is a group
of two or more related words that are not certainly both as a
subject and predicate. Basically, phrase can be divided into
five, they are: noun phrase, adjective phrase, verbal phrase
(participial phrase, gerund phrase, and infinitive phrase),
adverbial phrase, and prepositional phrase. This is an
example of phrase in code mixing. Pakai eye cream, boleh
kok dilakukan di usia kita. There is English phrase that
inserted into Indonesian sentence. The phrase is eye cream.

d) Clauses.
According to Azar and Hagen (2009) clause is a part of
a sentence which has a subject and its verb. There are two
kinds of clause. They are Independent clause and Dependent
clause. This is an example of clause in code mixing. For
example, I’m so happy, itu yang paling penting. There is
English clause that inserted into Indonesian sentence. The
clause is I’m so happy.

e) Hybrid
Hybrid is another type of Indonesian-English code
mixing that occurs in this study (Suwito, 1985). Hornby
states that hybrid is the composed parts of words. This type
is formed from two components. They are Indonesian
affixes and English word. This kind of hybrid must contain
English and Indonesian elements in order to form
transformational word. This is an example of hybrid in code
mixing. For example is Cerita filmnya simple dan
endingnya sweet banget. There are two components that
formed hybrid. They are ending, that is an English word and
Indonesian suffix. That is –nya

f) Idiom
Idiom is an expression which has a meaning different
from that of the individual meaning of each of its component
parts. The idiom cannot be translated literally from one
language into another without some change in its meaning or
connotation (Dixson, 1971). Idiom is also a phrase or
sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its
individual‟s words and which must be learnt as a whole unit.
This is an example of idiom in code mixing. For example,
Look at that guy, he is so ringan tangan yah. There is
Indonesian clause that inserted into English sentence. The
idiom is ringan tangan.

E. Twitter

1. The History of Twitter

Twitter is one of the most popular social networks used today but it
began as another micro-blogging platform created by programmers who

worked at the podcasting company Odeo Inc. in San Francisco,

California. Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams and Biz Stone had big plans for
Twitter but they likely had no idea how popular it would truly become.
When they first created the site, they were just looking for a way to send
text messages on their cell phones and a way to reinvent a somewhat
dying company. On March 21, 2006, Jack Dorsey sent the first tweet:
“just setting up my twttr.” It would be the beginning of a revolution.
Now people from all over the world and many different fields and
professions are saying it all in 140 characters or less. Dom Sagolla, in
tweet 38, typed these prescient words: “Oh, this is going to be
addictive.” (Johnson, 2013).
The name was inspired by the photo-sharing site, Flickr, and other
considerations were FriendStalker and Dodgeball. The definition of
twitter is “a short burst of inconsequential information” and “a series of
chirps from birds”. The name was fitting and so the new platform
became Twitter. Soon the “chirps” of many twitter users would be heard
/ seen throughout the Twitterverse as the micro-blogging platform
caught on with Internet users. It would still be a couple of years before
it was fully mainstream but it didn‟t take this new site long to gain fame.
Why 140 characters only? The limit was set because 160 characters was
the SMS carrier limit and they wanted to leave room for the username
(Johnson, 2013).
According to McMahon (2010), tweets which may include
hyperlinks, are limited to 140 characters, due to the constraints of
Twitter's Short Message Service (SMS) delivery system. Because tweets
can be delivered to followers in real time, they might seem like instant
messages to the novice user. But unlike IMs that disappear when the user
closes the application, tweets are also posted on the Twitter website.
They are permanent, they are searchable and they are public. Anyone
can search tweets on Twitter, whether they are a member or not.

2. Definition and Function of Twitter

Twitter is a free social networking micro-blogging service that
allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets. Twitter
members can broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets by using
multiple platforms and devices. Tweets and replies to tweets can be sent
by cell phone text message, desktop client or by posting at
the The default settings for Twitter are public.
Unlike Facebook or LinkedIn, where members need to approve social
connections, anyone can follow anyone on public Twitter. To weave
tweets into a conversation thread or connect them to a general topic,
members can add hashtags to a keyword in their post. The hashtag,
which acts like a meta tag, is expressed as #keyword (McMahon,2010).
Twitter is much more than just your friends telling you about their
day. It has changed the media, politics and business. Many will report
they hear their news first on Twitter- stories of natural disasters, sports
scores, the death of a celebrity and more are shared first on Twitter.
Social media and micro-blogging site Twitter has changed political
communication profoundly. In the past, political news and commentary
was only reported by a select group of those “in the know”. But today,
we see both politicians and the Average Joe on Twitter sharing their
political banter and opinions. It is a new era of citizen journalists and we
see people speaking up and speaking out about the things that are
important to them.
Twitter has also had an impact on business as brands find a new
way to reach their fans where they are already- in social media and on
their smartphones. Twitter has become a tool that businesses large and
small can use to reach their target market, provide customer service, and
share their unique content and more. It‟s also become a way for
everyday people to keep in touch with their favorite celebrities and a tool
for the celebrities to stay in contact with their fans (Johnson, 2013).

Teenagers prefer to use Twitter rather than Facebook because

Facebook was reputed as adult social networking platform. One of
statistic corporation, Comscore (2013) has shown to twitter users‟
average 15-24 years old. In another statistic, Twitter has percentage
around 32.3% of twitter user in about 15-24 years old around the world
rather than Facebook 28.9% (Bhaskoro, 2014).

3. The Features of Twitter

According to Comscore (2011) there are six features of twitter, they
1) Timelines
A timeline on Twitter is a collection of tweets in
chronological order. The Public Timeline consists of every
public tweet made. When we tweet, we create your own
timeline that people will see when people visit our profile
page. People can see our own timeline by clicking the profile
link in the top menu.

2) Twitter Profile
This feature gives us opportunity to put our photo as an
identity. People will easily to know us from the photo.

3) Following & Followers

Following is Twitter‟s word for subscribing or
friending. Whenever we visit someone‟s profile page we will
see a little Follow button below their picture. Followers is
people who follow our account to see our recent tweet.

4) Direct Messages (DM)

Direct Messages are private. Only the sender and recipient
can see them. We can only send them to people following you.

5) ReTweets (RT)
ReTweeting is when someone repeats someone else‟s
tweet, so their own followers can see the original message.

6) Hashtags: #hashtag
Hashtags let twitter users add categories or keywords to
twitter users tweet. Using hashtags allows people to aggregate
all the tweets on a subject. They consist of the hash sign, #, and
a keyword with no spaces. Hashtags are now automatically
turned into links to Twitter searches (Peter,2009).
From the features of twitter above, the researcher uses one
of features as a tool to collect the data such as timeline that has
function to find out the tweet which contains code mixing.

F. Related Study
The researcher has reviewed some reports of related research to enrich
the data about code mixing phenomenon. The researcher used four graduating
papers as referrences; they are
Hidayah (2007) conducted a research with entitled Linguistic Study of
English – Indonesian code mixing used in Hai Magazine. In her research, she
explored the morphological and syntactic forms of code mixing and the
meaning of the forms of code mixing.
Mardikasari (2011) also conducted a similar research observation,
entitled “The Analysis of Code Mixing Found in Advertisement Broadcasting
in Radio ElfaraFm Malang”. She found some forms of code mixing used by
announcer in spot and adlibs advertisements in Radio Elfara FM Malang on
October 2010, and she found the form of code mixing was divided into 5
Mediyanthi (2012) conducted a research with entitled Descriptive Study
of Code Mixing in Social Network (Facebook). In her research, she also

explored about the form of code mixing, the purpose of code mixing and the
factor of influencing code mixing in facebook users.
Sutrismi (2014) conducted a research with entitle the use of Indonesian
English code mixing in social media by Indonesian youngsters. In her
purpose of research, she wanted to find out about the form of code mixing in
the social media networking facebook.
After reviewing some studies, there are differences and similarities to the
researcher‟s study. The differences between previous research and
researcher‟s study are in the objectives of the research and the sample of the
research and subject of the research while the similarities between previous
research and researcher‟s study are the research is about linguistic and the
research conducts in social networking. The researcher conducts the research
“An Analysis of Code Mixing by Twitter Users of University Students”. The
objective of the study is to find out the forms of code mixing in twitter users.


A. The Time and Place of the Research

The research was conducted from May up to June 2016. This research
was conducted in eight different places. There are Faculty of Economics,
Faculty of Social and Politics, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education,
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Law,
Faculty of Mathematics and Science and English Study Program.

B. The Design of the research

The researcher used descriptive research in this research paper.
Descriptive design research is used to describe characteristics of population
or phenomenon being studied (Shield and Rangarjan, 2013). This research
design is proper to be conducted since study about phenomenon in social life.

C. The Population and Sample of the Research

Researcher’s existing twitter account followed 286 twitter accounts that
among of those are 130 Riau University student accounts. The Population of
research is 130 Riau University student accounts. The researcher used
purposive sampling technique. The sample is 61 Riau University student
accounts because they have particular characteristics to be sample such as
their tweets used code mixing and they are university students. In addition,
they also allowed researcher to take their tweet as the data of research.
The sampling units are chosen because they have particular features
characteristics which will enable detailed exploration and understanding of
the central themes and puzzles which the researcher would like to study
(Paton, 2002).


D. The Data and Instrument

Researcher used his existing twitter account @faat_0503 (Appendix V)
as the instrument to collect the data from twitter and the researcher also used
it to contact the owner of the tweet for permission using their tweets that are
inserted code mixing as the data in the research through direct message
(Appendix VI).

E. The Data Collection Technique

The researcher applies document analysis as the way to collect the data.
According to Arikunto (1990), study document is getting the data about case
or variable from note, transcripts, book, magazine, etc. There are some steps
to collect the data. First, the researcher used his existing twitter account
(@faat_0503) with some followings from his account. After that, the
researcher observed their tweets by reading tweets through timeline. When it
found a sentence that including code mixing, the researcher took tweet as the
data using additional software. They are print screen and paint. The last step
is the researcher opened Microsoft word and inserted the image that has been
saved before into it. After that, the researcher asked owner of tweets to get
permission about taking their tweets or status for the data in personal chat one
by one (appendix VI). In personal chat, researcher explained the purpose of
his research first. After that, researcher gave explanation about the research
and the reason why the researcher took their tweet being his data for research.
If owner of tweets allowed reaseacher to take the data, it will be the data of
the research.

F. The Data Analysis Technique

Based on Miles & Huberman (1992), the researcher did some process of
analysis, they are (1) listing the data. (2) classifying the data according to the
form. (3) describing how code mixing related to each theory such as the
forms of code mixing.


In this chapter, the researcher presented the result of the forms of code
mixing. after listing (Appendix II) and classifying the data of code mixing used
in social network Twitter by university students who used twitter into the forms
of code mixing (Appendix III).
Furthermore, the researcher analyzed data based on Bokamba’s theory for
the forms of code mixing. According to Bokamba (1989), there are six forms of
code mixing such as morphemes, words, phrases, clauses, hybrids and idioms.
The researcher presented it in the following description below:

A. The Forms of Code Mixing by Twitter Users University Student

The data of this research which cover the six of form code mixing are
presented as following:
1. Morpheme
In the following, the data about morpheme are presented;
Table 4.1 The List of Data (Morpheme)
1 Karena moment tak pernah terulang dan kesempatan tidak dua
kali dating, oleh sebab itu manfaatkan peluang sebelum diambil
orang (2)
2 God terimakasih sudah tunjukkan siapa yg sebenarnya!! (7)
3 Ini lagi mikir keras junior @mirzahardian makasih yo (9)
4 Lihat – lihat machine yang tanpa lelah bekerja. (10)
5 Drone emang mahal banget harganya (21)
6 Dalam gelap (pemadaman listrik).. Pemboros energi mengerti;
Betapa pentingnya mencabut charger ketika batrai android
mencapai 100℅ (27)
7 Tambahkan vinegar ke adonan. Apalagi itu. huhu (33)
8 Pengen ditawarin job manggung, tapi gk ada band (34)
9 Bahasa inggrisnya apel ya apple. Anak sd juga tau (35)
10 Workshop daerah Provinsi Riau, mempercepat pembangunan
perhutanan (36)


11 Apakah mereka tidak memikirkan akibat dari ocehan mereka?

Coba hater diposisi Artis tersebut, pasti merasa terpojokkan juga
12 Heran liat hater yg membully disosmed. Seperti mereka kurang
kerjaan atau gimana ya? Ngurusin hidup artis tanpa bersudahan.
13 Refresh otak dulu sebelum ujian (4)
14 Alhamdulillah, launch program SLI dimuat. (20)
15 Pergerakan sosialisai SOP kaderisasi dan share kelembagaan UR
16 Reza dan Miko bersua kembali.... save duo pak cik FIP (37)
17 Run juga laa aku (39)
18 Ya kali aja dia mikir commenting sama dengan judging (45)
19 Hopefully,,, jangan ada lagi yang namanya MTK (3)
20 Ternyata dua tim terbaik dunia adanya di Madrid ya? Dua tim
dengan pertahanan terbaik dan serangan balik mematikan…
welcome derby Madrid! (5)
21 Emang ga bisa ngasi apa-apa, sorry (31)
22 Hello, masih menunggu ip . Keep strong (32)
23 Pendaftaran Online Beasiswa Singapura 2015 | Pendaftaran
Online 2015 (12)
24 Full makan segini banyak (22)
25 Dulu dia pernah bilang di muka dosen kalau aku ini cowok yang
annoying (44)
26 Sampai skrg gue down klo teringat omongan dia soal itu (43)
27 Kayak ada perasaan semacam kagum, heran, dan speechless gitu
28 Twitter lama have a something wrong but stay (1)
29 sabar never give up (26)
30 berasa brainless and heartless (52)
31 something that I feel is kesedihan (54)
32 Wherever you go friend, you look so pucat. Lol (55)
33 Adil is one of the things that we should learn. (57)
34 Thanks bro Angga. The only one of my harapan. Hihihi (59)
35 Ssst…please keep silent. Do u understand? Diam!! (60)
36 He said sepeda is bicycle. My brother can speak English now. Lol
37 Pastinya langsung foto-foto and bergaya dong. (48)
38 Ingin pergi ke Jepang but uang belum mencukupi (49)
39 Eating meatball dan satay now. Yummy (56)

The Analysis of the data is presented as follows;.

1) Karena moment tak pernah terulang dan kesempatan tidak dua
kali dating, oleh sebab itu manfaatkan peluang sebelum diambil
orang (2)
The word “moment” can be identified as free morpheme because
it can stand alone as a word.

2) God terimakasih sudah tunjukkan siapa yg sebenarnya!! (7)

The word “God” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

3) Ini lagi mikir keras junior @mirzahardian makasih yo (9)

The word “junior” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

4) Lihat – lihat machine yang tanpa lelah bekerja. (10)

The word “machine” can be identified as free morpheme because
it can stand alone as a word.

5) Drone emang mahal banget harganya (21)

The word “drone” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

6) Dalam gelap (pemadaman listrik).. Pemboros energi mengerti;

Betapa pentingnya mencabut charger ketika batrai android
mencapai 100℅ (27)
The word “charger” can be identified that it has two morphemes.
They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is
charge while bound morpheme is –er.

7) Tambahkan vinegar ke adonan. Apalagi itu. Huhu (33)

The word “vinegar” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

8) Pengen ditawarin job manggung, tapi gk ada band (34)

The word “job” can be identified as free morpheme because it can
stand alone as a word.

9) Bahasa inggrisnya apel ya apple. Anak sd juga tau (35)

The word “apple” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

10) Workshop daerah Provinsi Riau, mempercepat pembangunan

perhutanan (36)
The word “workshop” can be identified as free morpheme because
it can stand alone as a word.

11) Apakah mereka tidak memikirkan akibat dari ocehan mereka?

Coba hater diposisi Artis tersebut, pasti merasa terpojokkan juga
The word “hater” can be identified that it has two morphemes.
They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is
hate while bound morpheme is –er.

12) Heran liat hater yg membully disosmed. Seperti mereka kurang

kerjaan atau gimana ya? Ngurusin hidup artis tanpa bersudahan.
The word “hater” can be identified that it has two morphemes.
They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is
hate while bound morpheme is –er.

13) Refresh otak dulu sebelum ujian (4)

The word “refresh” can be identified that it has two morphemes.
They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is
fresh while bound morpheme is re-.

14) Alhamdulillah, launch program SLI dimuat. (20)

The word “Launch” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

15) Pergerakan sosialisai SOP kaderisasi dan share kelembagaan UR

The word “share” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

16) Reza dan Miko bersua kembali.... save duo pak cik FIP (37)
The word “save” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

17) Run juga laa aku (39)

The word “run” can be identified as free morpheme because it can
stand alone as a word.

18) Ya kali aja dia mikir commenting sama dengan judging (45)
The word “commenting” and “judging” can be identified that it
has two morphemes. They are free morpheme and bound
morpheme. Free morpheme is comment and judge while bound
morpheme is –ing.

19) Hopefully,,, jangan ada lagi yang namanya MTK (3)

The word “hopefully” can be identified that it has two morphemes.
They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is
hope while bound morpheme is -ful and –ly

20) Ternyata dua tim terbaik dunia adanya di Madrid ya? Dua tim
dengan pertahanan terbaik dan serangan balik mematikan…
welcome derby Madrid! (5)
The word “welcome” can be identified as free morpheme because
it can stand alone as a word.

21) Emang ga bisa ngasi apa-apa, sorry (31)

The word “sorry” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

22) Hello, masih menunggu ip . Keep strong (32)

The word “hello” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

23) Pendaftaran Online Beasiswa Singapura 2015 | Pendaftaran

Online 2015 (12)
The word “online” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

24) Full makan segini banyak (22)

The word “full” can be identified as free morpheme because it can
stand alone as a word.

25) Dulu dia pernah bilang di muka dosen kalau aku ini cowok yang
annoying (44)

The word “annoying” can be identified that it has two morphemes.

They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is
annoy while bound morpheme is –ing

26) Sampai skrg gue down klo teringat omongan dia soal itu (43)
The word “down” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

27) Kayak ada perasaan semacam kagum, heran, dan speechless gitu
The word “speechless” can be identified that it has two
morphemes. They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free
morpheme is speech while bound morpheme is –less.

28) Twitter lama have a something wrong but stay (1)

The word “lama” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word. It is an Indonesian morpheme.

29) sabar never give up (26)

The word “sabar” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word. It is an Indonesian morpheme.

30) berasa brainless and heartless. (52)

The word “berasa” can be identified that it has two morphemes.
They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is
rasa while bound morpheme is be. It is an Indonesian morpheme.

31) something that I feel is kesedihan (54)

The word “kesedihan” can be identified that it has two
morphemes. They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free

morpheme is sedih while bound morphemes are ke and -an. It is

an Indonesian morpheme.

32) Wherever you go friend, you look so pucat. Lol (55)

The word “pucat” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word. It is an Indonesian morpheme.

33) Adil is one of the things that we should learn. (57)

The word “adil” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word. It is an Indonesian morpheme.

34) Thanks bro Angga. The only one of my harapan. Hihihi (59)
The word “harapan” can be identified that it has two morphemes.
They are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is
harap while bound morpheme is -an. It is an Indonesian

35) Ssst…please keep silent. Do u understand? Diam!! (60)

The word “adil” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word. It is an Indonesian morpheme.

36) He said sepeda is bicycle. My brother can speak English now. Lol
The word “sepeda” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word. It is an Indonesian morpheme.

37) Pastinya langsung foto-foto and bergaya dong. (48)

The word “and” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word.

38) Ingin pergi ke Jepang but uang belum mencukupi (49)

The word “but” can be identified as free morpheme because it can
stand alone as a word.

39) Eating meatball dan satay now. Yummy (56)

The word “dan” can be identified as free morpheme because it
can stand alone as a word. It is an Indonesian morpheme.

Based on the data above, the researcher found words which

can be related to free morpheme such as moment, god, junior,
machine, drone, vinegar, job, blur, workshop, save, online full,
down, please, welcome, sorry, hello, lama, sabar, pucat, adil,
diam sepeda, and, but, dan dan. In other data, some words can be
related to two categories as free morpheme and bound morpheme.
These data are presented as table below:
Table 4.2 Free morpheme and Bound morpheme data.
NO Word Free Morpheme Bound Morpheme
1 moment moment -
2 God God -
3 junior junior -
4 machine machine -
5 drone drone -
6 charger charge -er
7 vinegar vinegar -
8 job job -
9 apple apple -
10 workshop workshop -
11 hater hate -er
12 hater hate -er
13 refresh fresh re
14 launch launch -
15 share share -
16 save save -
17 run run -
18 commenting, comment, judge -ing, -ing
19 hopefully hope -ful, -ly

20 welcome welcome -
21 sorry sorry -
22 hello hello -
23 online online -
24 full full -
25 annoying annoy -ing
26 down down -
27 speechless speech -less
28 lama lama -
29 sabar sabar -
30 berasa rasa be
31 kesedihan sedih ke, -an
32 pucat pucat -
33 adil adil -
34 harapan harap -an
35 diam diam
36 sepeda sepeda -
37 and and -
38 but but -
39 dan dan -

2. Word
One of the six forms in code mixing is word. It is also divided
into many kinds of form such as noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.
The researcher found the data that include into many kinds of word
such as noun, verb, adjective, adverb, interjection, conjunction, and
reduplication. In the following, the analysis and data are presented;
a). Noun
In the following table, the data about verb from Riau
University student and English Study Program student are
Table 4.3 The List of Data (Noun) by Riau University Students.
1 Karena moment tak pernah terulang dan kesempatan tidak
dua kali dating, oleh sebab itu manfaatkan peluang
sebelum diambil orang (2)
2 God terimakasih sudah tunjukkan siapa yg sebenarnya!!

3 Ini lagi mikir keras junior @mirzahardian makasih yo (9)

4 Lihat – lihat machine yang tanpa lelah bekerja. (10)
5 Drone emang mahal banget harganya (21)
6 Dalam gelap (pemadaman listrik). Pemboros energi
mengerti; Betapa pentingnya mencabut charger ketika
batrai android mencapai 100℅ (27)
7 Tambahkan vinegar ke adonan. Apalagi itu. huhu (33)
8 Pengen ditawarin job manggung, tapi gk ada band (34)
9 Bahasa inggrisnya apel ya apple. Anak sd juga tau (35)
10 Workshop daerah Provinsi Riau, mempercepat
pembangunan perhutanan (36)
11 Apakah mereka tidak memikirkan akibat dari ocehan
mereka? Coba hater diposisi Artis tersebut, pasti merasa
terpojokkan juga (41)
12 Heran liat hater yg membully disosmed. Seperti mereka
kurang kerjaan atau gimana ya? Ngurusin hidup artis tanpa
bersudahan. (42)

Table 4.4 The List of Data (Noun) by English Study Program

13 something that I feel is kesedihan (54)

14 Thanks bro Angga. The only one of my harapan. Hihihi

15 He said sepeda is bicycle. My brother can speak English
now. Lol (61)

The analysis of the data is presented as follows;.

1) Karena moment tak pernah terulang dan kesempatan tidak dua
kali dating, oleh sebab itu manfaatkan peluang sebelum
diambil orang (2)
There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is moment. It means a chance or an
opportunity. I considered “moment” is uncountable noun and
abstract noun because it can be counted and it can be seen.

2) God terimakasih sudah tunjukkan siapa yg sebenarnya!! (7)

There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is God. It means the one Supreme Being,
the creator and ruler of the universe. I considered “God” is
countable noun and concrete noun because it can be counted
and it can be seen.

3) Ini lagi mikir keras junior @mirzahardian makasih yo (9)

There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is Junior. It means a person who is
younger than another. I considered “Junior” is countable noun
and concrete noun because it can be counted and it also can be

4) Lihat – lihat machine yang tanpa lelah bekerja. (10)

There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is machine. It means an apparatus
consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in
the performance of some kind of work. I considered
“machine” is countable noun and concrete noun because it can
be counted and it also can be seen and touched.

5) Drone emang mahal banget harganya (21)

There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is drone. It means an unmanned aircraft or
ship that can navigate autonomously, without human control
or beyond line of sight. I considered “drone” as countable
noun and concrete noun because it can be counted and it can
be seen and touched.

6) Dalam gelap (pemadaman listrik). Pemboros energi mengerti;

Betapa pentingnya mencabut charger ketika batrai android
mencapai 100℅ (27)
There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is charger. It means an apparatus that
charges storage batteries. I considered “charger” is countable
noun and concrete noun because it can be counted and it can
be detected by human’s sense. It can be touch and seen.

7) Tambahkan vinegar ke adonan. Apalagi itu. huhu (33)

There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is vinegar. It means a sour liquid
consisting of dilute and impure acetic acid, obtained by
acetous fermentation. I considered “vinegar” is uncountable
noun and concrete noun because because it cannot be counted
and it can be seen, touched and tasted.

8) Pengen ditawarin job manggung, tapi gk ada band (34)

There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is job. It means anything a person is
expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility. I considered
“job” is countable noun and concrete noun because it can be
counted and it can be seen. It can be seen clearly what
someone’s job.

9) Bahasa inggrisnya apel ya apple. Anak sd juga tau (35)

There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is apple. It means a blurred condition or
indistinctness. I considered “apple” is countable noun and
concrete noun because it can be counted and it can be seen,
touched and tasted.

10) Workshop daerah Provinsi Riau, mempercepat pembangunan

perhutanan (36)
There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is Workshop. It means a seminar,
discussion group, or the like, that emphasizes exchange of
ideas and the demonstration and application of techniques,
skills, etc. The researcher considered “Workshop” as countable
noun and concrete noun because it can be counted and it can
be detected by human’s sense. It is a thing or event that can be
seen. Furthermore, it also can be categorized as compound
word because the form of workshop was formed by

11) Apakah mereka tidak memikirkan akibat dari ocehan mereka?

Coba hater diposisi Artis tersebut, pasti merasa terpojokkan
juga (41)
There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is hater. It means a person who has an
intense dislike for another person or thing. I considered
“hater” is countable noun and concrete noun because it can be
counted and it can be detected by human’s sense but it is also
collective noun because hater can be group of people that hate
something or someone.

12) Heran liat hater yg membully disosmed. Seperti mereka

kurang kerjaan atau gimana ya? Ngurusin hidup artis tanpa
bersudahan. (42)
There is an insertion of English word into Indonesian
sentence. The word is hater. It means a person who has an
intense dislike for another person or thing. I considered

“hater” as countable noun and concrete noun because it can be

counted and it can be detected by human’s sense but it also is
collective noun because hater can be group of people that hate
something or someone.

13) something that I feel is kesedihan (54)

I considered “kesedihan” as Indonesian noun. Kesedihan is
known as a sadness, sorrow or misery in English noun.

14) Thanks bro Angga. The only one of my harapan. Hihihi (59)
I considered “harapan” as Indonesian noun. Harapan is
known as hope in English noun.

15) He said sepeda is bicycle. My brother can speak English now.

Lol (61)
I considered “sepeda” as Indonesian noun. Sepeda is known as
bicycle in English noun.

Based on the data above, the researcher found out the kinds of noun
such as countable noun, uncountable noun, concrete noun, compound
noun and collective noun. In the countable noun, the researcher found it
from the data such moment, God, junior, machine, drone, apple,
charger, job, workshop, and hater while uncountable nouns is only
vinegar. After that, concrete noun such as moment, god, machine, drone,
apple, vinegar, junior, charger, job, blur, workshop,. Furthermore,
workshop is compound noun and hater is collective noun.
The researcher also found out Indonesian noun such as kesedihan,
harapan, and sepeda in the data of English study program students. In
the following table, the summary of data about “noun” is presented.

Table 4.5 The Table of Summary (Noun)

No Noun Count Uncoun Concrete Indonesi Collec Comp
able table -an noun -tive -ound
1 Moment - √ - - - -
2 God √ - √ - - -
3 Junior √ - √ - - -
4 Machine √ - √ - - -
5 Drone √ - √ - - -
6 Charger √ - √ - - -
7 Apple √ - √ - - -
8 Job √ - √ - - -
9 Vinegar - √ √ - - -
10 Workshop √ - √ - - √
11 Hater √ - √ - √ -
12 Hater √ - √ - √ -
13 Kesedihan - - - √ - -
14 Harapan - - - √ - -
15 Sepeda - - - √ - -

b). Verb
In the following table, the data about verb from Riau University
student and English Study Program student is presented;
Table 4.6 The List of Data (verb) by Riau University Student.
1 Refresh otak dulu sebelum ujian. (4)
2 Alhamdulillah, launch program SLI dimuat. (20)
3 Pergerakan sosialisai SOP kaderisasi dan share kelembagaan
UR. (24)
4 Reza dan Miko bersua kembali.... save duo pak cik FIP. (37)
5 Run juga laa aku. (39)
6 Ya kali aja dia mikir commenting sama dengan judging. (45)

Table 4.7 The List of Data (verb) by English Study Program Student.
7 berasa brainless and heartless. (52)

The analysis of the data is presented as follows;

1) Refresh otak dulu sebelum ujian. (4)
There is an insertion of English verb into Indonesian sentence.
The word is refresh. It means to provide new energy by rest, food,
etc. The data “refresh” is considered as the present (basic form) or

2) Alhamdulillah, launch program SLI dimuat. (20)

There is an insertion of English verb into Indonesian sentence.
The word is launch. It means to start (a person) on a course,
career. The data “launch” is considered as the present (basic form)
or verb-I.

3) Pergerakan sosialisai SOP kaderisasi dan share kelembagaan UR.

There is an insertion of English verb into Indonesian sentence.
The word is share. It means to divide and distribute something.
The data “share” is considered as the present (basic form) or verb-

4) Reza dan Miko bersua kembali.... save duo pak cik FIP. (37)
There is an insertion of English verb into Indonesian sentence.
The word is save. It means to rescue from danger or possible
harm, injury. The data “save” is considered as the present (basic
form) or verb-I.

5) Run juga laa aku. (39)

There is an insertion of English verb into Indonesian sentence.
The word is run. It means to go quickly by moving the legs more
rapidly than at a walk. The data “run” is considered as the present
(basic form) or verb-I.

6) Ya kali aja dia mikir commenting sama dengan judging. (45)

There is an insertion of English verb into Indonesian sentence.
The word are commenting and judging. The data “commenting” is
considered as the present (basic form) or verb-I + ing.
Commenting comes from V-1 (comment) + ing while the data
“judging” is considered as the present (basic form) or verb-I + ing.
Judging comes from V-1 (judge) + ing.

7) Berasa brainless and heartless. (52)

There is an insertion of Indonesian verb into English sentence.
The word is “berasa”. In Indonesian structure, there is no class of
verb such as verb II, verb III and v-ing.

The researcher found out only a type of English verb such as

the present (basic form). The data represent it such as refresh,
launch, share, save, run, commenting and judging. After that,
researcher also found out Indonesian verb (kata kerja) such as
“berasa”. It is very different from English verb that has present,
past, and past participle while Indonesian verb has no pattern like
that. In the following table, the summary of data about “verb” is
Table 4.8 The Table of Summary (Verb)
No Verb Present Past Past participle
1 Refresh √ - -
2 launch √ - -
3 Share √ - -
4 Save √ - -
5 Run √ - -
6 berasa - - -

c). Adjective
In the following table, the data about adjective from Riau
University student and English Study Program student is presented;
Table 4.9 The List of Data (adjective) by Riau University Students.

1 Twitter lama have a something wrong but stay. (1)
2 Pendaftaran Online Beasiswa Singapura 2015 | Pendaftaran
Online 2015 (12)
3 Full makan segini banyak (22)
4 sabar never give up (26)
5 Dulu dia pernah bilang di muka dosen kalau aku ini cowok
yang annoying (44)
6 Sampai skrg gue down klo teringat omongan dia soal itu (43)
7 Kayak ada perasaan semacam kagum, heran, dan speechless
gitu (46)

Table 4.10 The List of Data (adjective) by English Study Program


8 Wherever you go friend, you look so pucat. Lol (55)
9 Adil is one of the things that we should learn. (57)
10 Ssst…please keep silent. Do u understand? Diam!! (60)

The analysis of the data is presented as follows;

1) Twitter lama have a something wrong but stay. (1)
There is an insertion of Indonesian adjective into Indonesian
sentence. The word is lama. The researcher classified “lama” as a
descriptive adjective. The word “lama” in the sentence is
Indonesian word but its function is an adjective which explains
twitter as noun in the beginning.

2) Pendaftaran Online Beasiswa Singapura 2015 | Pendaftaran Online

2015 (12)

There is an insertion of English adjective into Indonesian sentence.

The word is online. It means available or operating on a computer
or computer network. The researcher classified “online” as a
descriptive adjective.

3) Full makan segini banyak (22)

There is an insertion of English adjective into Indonesian sentence.
The word is full. it means completely filled, containing all that can
be held or filled to utmost capacity. The researcher classified “full”
as a descriptive adjective.

4) sabar never give up (26)

There is an insertion of Indonesian adjective into English sentence.
The word is sabar. The research classified “sabar” as a descriptive
adjective. The word “sabar” is Indonesian adjective.

5) Dulu dia pernah bilang di muka dosen kalau aku ini cowok yang
annoying (44)
There is an insertion of English adjective into Indonesian sentence.
The word is annoying. It means causing annoyance or irritatingly
bothersome. The researcher classified “annoying” as a descriptive

6) Sampai skrg gue down klo teringat omongan dia soal itu (43)
There is an insertion of English adjective into Indonesian sentence.
The word is down. It means being at a low position or on the
ground, floor, or bottom. The researcher classified “down” as a
descriptive adjective.

7) Kayak ada perasaan semacam kagum, heran, dan speechless gitu


There is an insertion of English adjective into Indonesian sentence.

The word is speechless. It means unable to speak or especially as
the temporary result of shock or strong emotion. The researcher
classified “speechless” as a descriptive adjective.

8) Wherever you go friend, you look so pucat. Lol (55)

There is an insertion of Indonesian adjective into English sentence.
The word is Pucat. Researcher classified “pucat” is one of
Indonesian adjective. Pucat in English is known as pale.

9) Adil is one of the things that we should learn. (57)

The researcher classified “adil” is one of Indonesian adjective. Adil
in English is same as fair.

10) Ssst…please keep silent. Do u understand? Diam!! (60)

The researcher classified “diam” is one of Indonesian adjective.
diam in English is known as silent.
Based on the data, researcher found out descriptive adjective in
the data of adjective code mixing form. There are online, full,
annoying, down, and speechless. The researcher also found out
three Indonesian adjectives such as lama, sabar, pucat, adil and
diam are data that English study program student users. In the
following table, the summary of data about “adjective” is

Table 4.11 The Table of Summary (Adjective)

No Adjective Descriptive Indonesian adjective
1 Lama - √
2 Online √ -
3 Full √ -
4 Sabar - √
5 Annoying √ -
6 Down √ -
7 Speechless √ -
8 Pucat - √
9 Adil - √
10 Diam - √

d). Adverb
In the following table, the data about adverb from Riau University
student is presented;
Table 4.12 The List of Data (adverb) by Riau University Students.
1 hopefully,,, jangan ada lagi yang namanya MTK (3)
The analysis of the data is presented as follows;
1) hopefully,,, jangan ada lagi yang namanya MTK (3)
Based on the data, the researcher considered the word
“hopefully” as an adverb of manner because this adverb
expresses something happen.
Table 4.13 The Table of Summary (adverb)
No Adverb Adverb of manner
1 Hopefully √

e). Interjection
In the following table, the data about interjection from Riau
University student is presented;

Table 4.14 The List of Data (interjection) by Riau University Students.

1 Ternyata dua tim terbaik dunia adanya di Madrid ya? Dua
tim dengan pertahanan terbaik dan serangan balik
mematikan… welcome derby Madrid! (5)
2 Emang ga bisa ngasi apa-apa, sorry (31)
3 Hello, masih menunggu ip . Keep strong (32)

The analysis of the data is presented as follows;

1) Ternyata dua tim terbaik dunia adanya di Madrid ya? Dua tim
dengan pertahanan terbaik dan serangan balik mematikan…
welcome derby Madrid! (5)
The researcher classified “welcome” as an interjection for approval
because the word to express the strong sense of approval or
agreement for something that has happened.

2) Emang ga bisa ngasi apa-apa, sorry (31)

The researcher classified “sorry” as an interjection for sorrow
because the word to express the emotion of sadness about
something unfortunate has happened.

3) Hello, masih menunggu ip .Keep strong (32)

The researcher classified “hello” as an interjection for greeting
because the word to indicate the emotion of warmth to the person
or something.

In the result, the researcher found out that there are three kinds
of six interjections in the data. There are interjection for greeting,
interjection for approval, and interjection for sorrow. The word
“welcome” as an interjection for approval, the word “sorry” as an
interjection for sorrow and the word “hello” as an interjection for

greeting. In the following table, the summary of data about

“interjection” is presented.
Table 4.15 The Table of Summary (Interjection)
No Interjection Interjection interjection interjection
for greeting for approval for sorrow
1 Welcome - √ -
2 Sorry - - √
3 Hello √ - -

f). Conjunction
In the following table, the data about conjunction from Riau
University student and English Study Program student are presented;

Table 4.16 The List of Data (conjunction) by Riau University Students.

1 Pastinya langsung foto-foto and bergaya dong. (48)
2 Ingin pergi ke Jepang but uang belum mencukupi (49)

Table 4.17 The List of Data (conjunction) by English Study Program


3 Eating meatball dan satay now. Yummy (56)

The analysis of the data is presented as follows;

1) Pastinya langsung foto-foto and bergaya dong. (48)
The data showed if the word “and” is a coordinating conjunction
because to join words, phrases, and clauses together. It is also
included into example of coordinating conjunction.

2) Ingin pergi ke Jepang but uang belum mencukupi (49)

The data showed if the word “but” is a coordinating conjunction
because to join words, phrases, and clauses together. It is also
included into example of coordinating conjunction.

3) Eating meatball dan satay now. Yummy (56)

The data showed Indonesian conjunction. That is “dan”. “dan” is
known as and in English conjunction. It inserts into English
sentence that it was made by English study program student in the

In the result, those data showed that there was only

coordinating conjunction can be found by researcher. There are
and and but in the tweet or data. The researcher also found out
“dan”. It is one of Indonesian conjunction. In the following table,
the summary of data about “conjunction” is presented.
Table 4.18 The Table of Summary (Conjunction)
No Conjunction Coordinating Indonesian
conjunction conjunction
1 and √ -
2 but √ -
3 dan √ √

g). Reduplication
In the following table, the data about reduplication from Riau
University student and English Study Program student are presented;

Table 4.19 The List of Data (reduplication) by Riau University


1 Well... Well...well, mulai saat ini, ku anggap semuanya selesai!
2 Ah nanggung... Begadang aja sekalian.. Download download (47)

Table 4.20 The List of Data (reduplication) by English Study Program


3 There is no forest here. Only gedung – gedung!!! (58)

The analysis of the data is presented as follows;

1) Well... Well...well, mulai saat ini, ku anggap semuanya selesai!

The researcher classified the word “Well... Well...well” as
reduplication with the form of interjection – interjection.

2) Ah nanggung... Begadang aja sekalian.. Download download (47)

The researcher classified the word “download download” as
reduplication with the form of noun - noun.

3) There is no forest here. Only gedung – gedung!!! (58)

The researcher classified the word “gedung - gedung” as
Indonesian reduplication. Gedung – gedung is known as

Based on the data above, there are two form of reduplication

by the data. Those are Well... Well...well (interjection –
interjection) and download download (noun – noun) while
Indonesian reduplication is
gedung – gedung. In the following table, the summary of data
about “reduplication” is presented.
Table 4.21 The Table of Summary (Reduplication)
No Reduplication Interjection - Noun-noun
1 Well well well √ -
2 Download download - √
3 Gedung - gedung - √

3. Phrase
In the following table, the data about phrase from Riau University
student is presented;

Table 4.22 The List of Data (phrase) by Riau University Students

1 Farewell party Sman1 pujud, 28 april 2016 sukses bikin baper
dari pagi sampai malam. Mata sembab wak geng (8)
2 Take the picture, Selamat hari jadi kesekian kalinya guys (11)
3 Bang @Young_Lexx kaya nya lo harus belajar b inggris deh bg,
soalnyo lo bakalan Go internasional. (13)
4 Happy wedding yaa beb yan maaf gk bisa hadir nanti beb yan
semoga jadi keluarga samawa yaa beb (14)
5 Good job buat resev hari ini (15)
6 Have fun sama diri sendiri (16)
7 17 tahun sudah. Thanks God (18)
8 Dirombak, Linimasa Instagram Tak Akan "Real Time" Lagi
9 Kamu yang tidak akan pernah tergantikan. Thanks for
everthing. (23)
10 Orang yg kita perdulikan blm tentu peduli dgan kita. Something
bad (28)
11 Positive thinking membuat seseorang lebih bahagia (29)
12 Akhirnya kutipan cerpen sudah selesai dipost . next time yaaaa
13 Hello, masih menunggu ip . Keep strong (32)
14 Happy day ayah aku sangat sayank sama kamu semoga kau jadi
ayah yang aku inginkann (38)

The analysis of the data is presented as follows;

1) Farewell party Sman1 pujud, 28 april 2016 sukses bikin baper dari
pagi sampai malam. Mata sembab wak geng (8)
"Farewell party" is a noun phrase because it consists of a noun
(modifier) and a noun (head). Farewell itself is a modifier and
party is head.

2) Take the picture, Selamat hari jadi kesekian kalinya guys (11)
“Take the picture” is a verb phrase because it consists of a verb
(head) + noun phrase (modifier). Take itself is a head and the
picture is modifier.

3) Bang @Young_Lexx kaya nya lo harus belajar b inggris deh bg,

soalnyo lo bakalan Go internasional. (13)
"Go international" is a noun phrase because it consists of a verb
(modifier) + noun (head). go itself is a modifier and international
is head.

4) Happy wedding yaa beb yan maaf gk bisa hadir nanti beb yan
semoga jadi keluarga samawa yaa beb (14)
"Happy wedding" is a noun phrase because it consists of an
adjective (modifier) + noun (head). happy itself is a modifier and
wedding is head.

5) Good job buat resev hari ini (15)

"Good job" is a noun phrase because it consists of an adjective
(modifier) + noun (head). good itself is a modifier and job is head.

6) Have fun sama diri sendiri (16)

"Have fun" is a noun phrase because it consists of a noun
(modifier) + noun (head). have itself is a modifier and fun is head.

7) 17 tahun sudah. Thanks God (18)

"thanks god" is a noun phrase because it consists of a noun
(modifier) + noun (head). thanks itself is a modifier and God is

8) Dirombak, Linimasa Instagram Tak Akan "Real Time" Lagi (19)

"Real time" is a noun phrase because it consists of an adjective
(modifier) + noun (head). real itself is a modifier and time is head

9) Kamu yang tidak akan pernah tergantikan. Thanks for everthing.

"Thanks for everthing" is a noun phrase because it consists of a
noun (head) + prepositional phrase (modifier). thanks itself is a
head and for everything is modifier

10) Orang yg kita perdulikan blm tentu peduli dgan kita. Something
bad (28)
"Something bad" is a noun phrase because it consists of a noun
(head) + adjective (modifier). something itself is a head and bad is

11) Positive thinking membuat seseorang lebih bahagia (29)

"Positive thinking" is a noun phrase because it consists of an
adjective (modifier) + noun (head). positive itself is a modifier and
thinking is head.

12) Akhirnya kutipan cerpen sudah selesai dipost. next time yaaaa (30)
"next time" is a noun phrase because it consists of an adjective
(modifier) + noun (head). next itself is a modifier and time is head.

13) Hello, masih menunggu ip. Keep strong (32)

“Keep strong” is a verb phrase because it consists of a verb (head)
+ adjective (modifier). keep itself is a head and strong is modifier.

14) Happy day ayah aku sangat sayank sama kamu semoga kau jadi
ayah yang aku inginkann (38)

"Happy day" a noun phrase because it consists of an adjective

(modifier) + noun (head). happy itself is a modifier and day is

Based on the data above, researcher has found out two forms of
phrase. There are noun phrase and verb phrase. The data were
categorized as noun phrase such as Farewell party, Go internasional,
Happy wedding, Good job, Have fun, Thanks God, Real Time, Thanks
for everthing, Something bad, Positive thinking, Next time, and Happy
day while Take the picture and Keep strong are verb phrase. The data
above showed noun phrase dominated from many types of phrase. In
the following table, the summary of data about “phrase” is presented.
Table 4.23 The Table of Summary (Phrase)
No Phrase Noun phrase Verb phrase
1 Farewell party √ -
2 Take the picture - √
3 Go internasional √ -
4 Happy wedding √ -
5 Good job √ -
6 Have fun √ -
7 Thanks God √ -
8 Real Time √ -
9 Thanks for everthing √ -
10 Something bad √ -
11 Positive thinking √ -
12 Next time √ -
13 Keep strong - √
14 Happy day √ -

4. Hybrid
In the following table, the data about hybrid from Riau University
student is presented;

Table 4.24 The List of Data (hybrid) by Riau University Students.

1 Akhirnya kutipan cerpen sudah selesai dipost . next time yaaaa
2 Ngefly saya dibuatnya (25)
3 Heran liat hater yg membully disosmed. Seperti mereka kurang
kerjaan atau gimana ya? Ngurusin hidup artis tanpa bersudahan.

The analysis of the data is presented as follows;

1) Akhirnya kutipan cerpen sudah selesai dipost. next time yaaaa (30)
The data showed that “dipost” is formed by Indonesian affixes and
English word. It can be seen “di-” as an Indonesian prefix adds in
the beginning of English word “post”.

2) Ngefly saya dibuatnya (25)

The data showed that “ngefly” is formed by Indonesian affixes and
English word. It can be seen “nge-” as an Indonesian prefix adds in
the beginning of English word “fly”.

3) Heran liat hater yg membully disosmed. Seperti mereka kurang

kerjaan atau gimana ya? Ngurusin hidup artis tanpa bersudahan.
The data showed that “membully” is formed by Indonesian affixes
and English word. It can be seen “mem-” as an Indonesian prefix
adds in the beginning of English word “bully”.

Based on the analysis above, there are three hybrid words in the
data such as dipost, ngefly and membully. All of data are formed by
Indonesia prefixes + English word. In the following table, the
summary of data about “noun” is presented

Table 4.25 The Summary of Hybrid Data.

Prefix + Word Hybrid
Di- post Dipost
Nge- fly Ngefly
Mem- bully Membully

5. Clause
In the following table, the data about clause from Riau University
student is presented;
Table 4.26 The List of Data (clause) by Riau University Students.
1 Apapun itu, masih sama dan tidak berubah. I hope you feel it too

The analysis of the data is presented as follows;

1) Apapun itu, masih sama dan tidak berubah. I hope you feel it too
The researcher considered the clause “I hope you feel it too” as
dependent clause because it can’t stand alone. It needs the main

Based on the data above, the researcher only found one data that
included into clause. The data was included by dependent clause. In
the following table, the summary of data about “clause” is
Table 4.27 The Table of Summary (Clause)
No Clause Dependent clause
1 I hope you feel it too √

6. Idiom
In the following table, the data is about idiom from Riau
University student and English Study Program student are presented;

Table 4.28 The List of Data (idiom) by Riau University Students.

1 Andai saja modric dan james bisa memanfaatkan peluang head
to head depan Hart, banyak gol. (6)
2 Sulit memang hidup ini terkadang tapi every cloud has a silver
lining (50)
3 Square peg in a round hole banget anak tu. Hahaha kasian
dipaksa nyanyi (51)

Table 4.29 The List of Data (idiom) by English Study Program

4 I always say thanks for you my friend. Sometimes you have
“kebaikan yang berlebih” (53)

The analysis of the data is presented as follows;

1) Andai saja modric dan james bisa memanfaatkan peluang head to
head depan Hart, banyak gol. (6)
The data showed English idiom in Indonesian sentence. That is
“Head to head” which means is a competition involving two
people, teams, etc.

2) Sulit memang hidup ini terkadang tapi every cloud has a silver
lining (50)
The data showed English idiom in Indonesian sentence. That is
“every cloud has a silver lining” which means there is something
good even though in the unpleasant situation. The whole sentence
can be meant like sometimes this life is difficult but there is
something good even in the unpleasant situation.

3) Square peg in a round hole banget anak tu. Hahaha kasian dipaksa
nyanyi (51)

The data showed English idiom in Indonesian sentence. That is

“Square peg in a round hole” which means is someone who is
uncomfortable or who does not belong in a particular situation. The
whole sentence can be meant like that kid is uncomfortable
because she/he is forced singing. Kid can’t sing in the sentence.
That is why the idiom “Square peg in a round hole” is proper to
represent it.

4) I always say thanks for you my friend. Sometimes you have

“kebaikan yang berlebihan” (53)
The data showed Indonesian idiom in English sentence. That is
“kebaikan yang berlebihan” which means is someone who has
over kindness. In English idiom, it can be showed like “kill with
kindness”. In Indonesian idiom, that is “kebaikan yang berlebihan”
and in English idiom, that is “kill with kindness”.

Based on the data above, the researcher got the data that
concern with idiom. There are two kinds of idiom. First,
Indonesian idiom is “kebaikan yang berlebihan” or in English it is
known as kill with kindness and second, and the second, English
idiom are head to head”, “every cloud has a silver lining” and
“Square peg in a round hole”.


A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis of the data, the researcher would like to draw
conclusion of the study concerning the forms of code mixing in social
networking twitter by University students. From the analysis and discussion
presented in chapter IV, I confirmed that there are six forms of code mixing in
the data. They are morpheme, word, phrase, clause, hybrid, and idiom. There
are sixty one (61) data before the analysis. After I analyzed the data based on
the form of code mixing, the data becomes one hundred three (103) because
there are some data that can be analyzed into more than one form of code
The research finding showed that morpheme has thirty nine (39) data,
word has forty two (42) data (Noun is fifteen (15), verb is seven (7), adjective
is ten (10), adverb is one (1), interjection is three (3), conjunction is three (3)
and reduplication is three (3) data) while phrase has fourteen (14), hybrid is
three (3), clause is one (1) and the last is idiom has four (4) data.
Furthermore, the majority of the data in the form of code mixing is word with
forty two (42) data while clause only has one (1) data. Based on the finding,
some university students use code mixing in social media especially in twitter.

B. Suggestion
The researcher suggests for the lecturer and students also for the future
researcher. The researcher provides that some suggestions will be meaningful
for the next research. The suggestions follows are:


1. For the Lecturer

The result of this study can be used as additional information for
sociolinguistic subject. The material can be used as consideration in
preparing, selecting and constructing for sociolinguistic classes.

2. For Students
Learning code mixing is very useful for students to improve
knowledge of sociolinguistic. For English students especially
Sociolinguistics subject, it is expected that by knowing the results of
this study, they will know forms of code mixing used in social
networking twitter. In addition, the researcher expects that this study
can be used as a guidance to study linguistics.

3. Future researcher
The future researcher can analyze other code mixing cases such as the
factors of influencing code mixing and the purposes of code mixing
because both of those things cannot be separated in code mixing. In
the factors of influencing code mixing can be analyzed what the
factors that influenced the occurance of code mixing. Furthermore, in
the purposes of code mixing, there are many reasons why someone or
people using code mixing. It can help people to know more about
code mixing.

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The General Examples of Code Mixing by Twitter Users



The List of data presentation by Riau University Students and English Study
Program Student

Riau University Students

1 Twitter lama have a something wrong but stay
2 Karena moment tak pernah terulang dan kesempatan tidak dua kali dating,
oleh sebab itu manfaatkan peluang sebelum diambil orang
3 hopefully,,, jangan ada lagi yang namanya MTK
4 Refresh otak dulu sebelum ujian
5 Ternyata dua tim terbaik dunia adanya di Madrid ya? Dua tim dengan
pertahanan terbaik dan serangan balik mematikan… welcome derby
6 Andai saja modric dan james bisa memanfaatkan peluang head to head
depan Hart, banyak gol
7 God terimakasih sudah tunjukkan siapa yg sebenarnya!!
8 Farewell party Sman1 pujud, 28 april 2016 sukses bikin baper dari pagi
sampai malam. Mata sembab wak geng
9 Ini lagi mikir keras junior @mirzahardian makasih yo
10 Lihat-lihat machine yang tanpa lelah bekerja
11 Take the picture, Selamat hari jadi kesekian kalinya guys
12 Pendaftaran Online Beasiswa Singapura 2015 | Pendaftaran Online 2015
13 Bang @Young_Lexx kaya nya lo harus belajar b inggris deh bg, soalnyo
lo bakalan Go internasional
14 Happy wedding yaa beb yan maaf gk bisa hadir nanti beb yan semoga jadi
keluarga samawa yaa beb
15 Good job buat resev hari ini
16 Have fun sama diri sendiri
17 Apapun itu, masih sama dan tidak berubah. I hope you feel it too
18 17 tahun sudah. Thanks God
19 Dirombak, Linimasa Instagram Tak Akan "Real Time" Lagi
20 Alhamdulillah, launch program SLI dimuat.
21 Drone mahal banget harganya
22 Full makan segini banyak
23 Kamu yang tidak akan pernah tergantikan. Thanks for everthing
24 pergerakan sosialisai SOP kaderisasi dan share kelembagaan UR
25 ngefly saya dibuatnya
26 sabar never give up
27 Dalam gelap (pemadaman listrik).. Pemboros energi mengerti; Betapa

pentingnya mencabut charger ketika batrai android mencapai 100℅

28 Orang yg kita perdulikan blm tentu peduli dgan kita. Something bad
29 Positive thinking membuat seseorang lebih bahagia
30 akhirnya kutipan cerpen sudah selesai dipost . next time yaaaa
31 emang ga bisa ngasi apa-apa, sorry
32 hello, masih menunggu ip . Keep strong
33 Tambahkan vinegar ke adonan. Apalagi itu.huhu
34 Pengen ditawarin job manggung, tapi gk ada band
35 Bahasa inggrisnya apel ya apple. Anak sd juga tau.
36 Workshop daerah Provinsi Riau, mempercepat pembangunan perhutanan
37 reza dan miko bersua kembali.... save duo pak cik FIP
38 happy day ayah aku sangat sayank sama kamu semoga kau jadi ayah yang
aku inginkann
39 run juga laa aku
40 Well... Well...well, mulai saat ini, ku anggap semuanya selesai!
41 Apakah mereka tidak memikirkan akibat dari ocehan mereka? Coba hater
diposisi Artis tersebut, pasti merasa terpojokkan juga
42 Heran liat hater yg membully disosmed. Seperti mereka kurang kerjaan
atau gimana ya? Ngurusin hidup artis tanpa bersudahan.
43 Sampai skrg gue down klo teringat omongan dia soal itu
44 Dulu dia pernah bilang di muka dosen kalau aku ini cowok yang
45 Ya kali aja dia mikir commenting sama dengan judging
46 Kayak ada perasaan semacam kagum, heran, dan speechless gitu
47 Ah nanggung... Begadang aja sekalian.. Download download
48 Pastinya langsung foto-foto and bergaya dong.
49 Ingin pergi ke Jepang but uang belum mencukupi
50 Sulit memang hidup ini terkadang tapi every cloud has a silver lining
51 Square peg in a round hole banget anak tu. Hahaha kasian dipaksa

English Study Program Student

52 berasa brainless and heartless.

53 I always say thanks for you my friend. Sometimes you have “kebaikan
yang berlebih”
54 something that I feel is kesedihan
55 Wherever you go friend, you look so pucat. lol
56 Eating meatball dan satay now. Yummy
57 Adil is one of the things that we should learn.
58 There is no forest here. Only gedung – gedung!!!
59 Thanks bro Angga. The only one of my harapan. Hihihi
60 Ssst…please keep silent. Do u understand? Diam!!
61 He said sepeda is bicycle. My brother can speak English now. lol


The Form of Code Mixing by twitter user of University Students and English
Study Program Student

Riau University Students


MORPHEMES 1. Karena moment tak pernah terulang dan
kesempatan tidak dua kali dating, oleh sebab
itu manfaatkan peluang sebelum diambil
orang (2)

2. Hopefully,,, jangan ada lagi yang namanya

MTK (3)

3. Refresh otak dulu sebelum ujian (4)

4. Ternyata dua tim terbaik dunia adanya di

Madrid ya? Dua tim dengan pertahanan
terbaik dan serangan balik mematikan…
welcome derby Madrid! (5)

5. God terimakasih sudah tunjukkan siapa yg

sebenarnya!! (7)

6. Ini lagi mikir keras junior @mirzahardian

makasih yo (9)

7. Lihat – lihat machine yang tanpa lelah

bekerja (10)

8. Pendaftaran Online Beasiswa Singapura 2015

| Pendaftaran Online 2015 (12)

9. Alhamdulillah, launch program SLI dimuat.


10. Drone emang mahal banget harganya (21)

11. Full makan segini banyak (22)

12. pergerakan sosialisai SOP kaderisasi dan

share kelembagaan UR (24)

13. Dalam gelap (pemadaman listrik).. Pemboros

energi mengerti; Betapa pentingnya mencabut
charger ketika batrai android mencapai 100℅

14. emang ga bisa ngasi apa-apa, sorry (31)

15. hello, masih menunggu ip . Keep strong (32)

16. bahasa inggrisnya apel ya apple. Anak sd juga

tau (35)

17. Pengen ditawarin job manggung, tapi gk ada

band (36)

18. Tambahkan vinegar ke adonan. Apalagi

itu.huhu (33)

19. Workshop daerah Provinsi Riau,

mempercepat pembangunan perhutanan (38)

20. reza dan miko bersua kembali.... save duo pak

cik FIP (39)

21. run juga laa aku (41)

22. Apakah mereka tidak memikirkan akibat dari

ocehan mereka? Coba hater diposisi Artis
tersebut, pasti merasa terpojokkan juga (43)

23. Heran liat hater yg membully disosmed.

Seperti mereka kurang kerjaan atau gimana
ya? Ngurusin hidup artis tanpa bersudahan.

24. Sampai skrg gue down klo teringat omongan

dia soal itu (45)

25. Dulu dia pernah bilang di muka dosen kalau

aku ini cowok yang annoying (46)

26. Ya kali aja dia mikir commenting sama

dengan judging (47)

27. Kayak ada perasaan semacam kagum, heran,

dan speechless gitu (48)

28. Twitter lama have a something wrong but

stay (1)

29. sabar never give up (25)

30. berasa brainless and heartless. (52)

31. something that I feel is kesedihan (54)

32. Wherever you go friend, you look so pucat.

Lol (55)

33. Adil is one of the things that we should learn.


34. Thanks bro Angga. The only one of my

harapan. Hihihi (59)

35. Ssst…please keep silent. Do u understand?

Diam!! (60)

36. He said sepeda is bicycle. My brother can

speak English now. Lol (61)

37. Pastinya langsung foto-foto and bergaya

dong. (48)

38. Ingin pergi ke Jepang but uang belum

mencukupi (49)

39. Eating meatball dan satay now. Yummy (56)

NOUN 1. Karena moment tak pernah terulang dan
kesempatan tidak dua kali dating, oleh sebab
itu manfaatkan peluang sebelum diambil
orang (2)

2. God terimakasih sudah tunjukkan siapa yg

sebenarnya!! (7)

3. Ini lagi mikir keras junior @mirzahardian

makasih yo (9)

4. Lihat – lihat machine yang tanpa lelah


bekerja (10)

5. Drone emang mahal banget harganya (21)

6. Dalam gelap (pemadaman listrik). Pemboros

energi mengerti; Betapa pentingnya mencabut
charger ketika batrai android mencapai 100℅

7. bahasa inggrisnya apel ya apple. Anak sd juga

tau (35)

8. Pengen ditawarin job manggung, tapi gk ada

band (36)

9. Tambahkan vinegar ke adonan. Apalagi

itu.huhu (33)

10. Workshop daerah Provinsi Riau,

mempercepat pembangunan perhutanan (38)

11. Apakah mereka tidak memikirkan akibat dari

ocehan mereka? Coba hater diposisi Artis
tersebut, pasti merasa terpojokkan juga (43)

12. Heran liat hater yg membully disosmed.

Seperti mereka kurang kerjaan atau gimana
ya? Ngurusin hidup artis tanpa bersudahan.

VERB 1. Refresh otak dulu sebelum ujian. (4)

2. Alhamdulillah, launching program SLI

dimuat. (20)

3. pergerakan sosialisai SOP kaderisasi dan

share kelembagaan UR. (24)

4. reza dan miko bersua kembali.... save duo pak

cik FIP. (39)

5. climbing juga laa aku. (41)

6. Ya kali aja dia mikir commenting sama

dengan judging. (47)

ADJECTIVE 1. Twitter lama have a something wrong but

stay. (1)

2. Pendaftaran Online Beasiswa Singapura 2015

| Pendaftaran Online 2015 (12)

3. Full makan segini banyak (22)

4. sabar never give up (25)

5. Dulu dia pernah bilang di muka dosen kalau

aku ini cowok yang annoying (46)

6. Sampai skrg gue down klo teringat omongan

dia soal itu (45)

7. Kayak ada perasaan semacam kagum, heran,

dan speechless gitu (48)

ADVERB 1. hopefully,,, jangan ada lagi yang namanya

MTK (3)

INTERJECTION 1. Ternyata dua tim terbaik dunia adanya di

Madrid ya? Dua tim dengan pertahanan
terbaik dan serangan balik mematikan…
welcome derby Madrid! (5)

2. emang ga bisa ngasi apa-apa, sorry (32)

3. hello, masih menunggu ip . Keep strong (32)

CONJUNCTION 1. Pastinya langsung foto-foto and bergaya

dong. (50)

2. Ingin pergi ke Jepang but uang belum

mencukupi (51)

REDUPLICATION 1. Well... Well...well, mulai saat ini, ku anggap

semuanya selesai! (42)

2. Ah nanggung... Begadang aja sekalian..

Download download (49)


NOUN PHRASE 1. Farewell party Sman1 pujud, 28 april 2016


sukses bikin baper dari pagi sampai malam.

Mata sembab wak geng (8)

2. Take the picture, Selamat hari jadi kesekian

kalinya guys (11)

3. Bang @Young_Lexx kaya nya lo harus

belajar b inggris deh bg, soalnyo lo bakalan
Go internasional. (13)

4. Happy wedding yaa beb yan maaf gk bisa

hadir nanti beb yan semoga jadi keluarga
samawa yaa beb (14)

5. Good job buat resev hari ini (15)

6. Have fun sama diri sendiri (16)

7. 17 tahun sudah. Thanks God (18)

8. Dirombak, Linimasa Instagram Tak Akan

"Real Time" Lagi (19)

9. Kamu yang tidak akan pernah tergantikan.

Thanks for everthing. (23)

10. Orang yg kita perdulikan blm tentu peduli

dgan kita. Something bad (28)

11. Positive thinking membuat seseorang lebih

bahagia (30)

12. akhirnya kutipan cerpen sudah selesai dipost .

next time yaaaa (31)

13. hello, masih menunggu ip . Keep strong (34)

14. happy day ayah aku sangat sayank sama

kamu semoga kau jadi ayah yang aku
inginkann (40)

CLAUSE 1. Apapun itu, masih sama dan tidak berubah. I

hope you feel it too (17)

HYBRID 1. akhirnya kutipan cerpen sudah selesai dipost .

next time yaaaa (31)

2. ngefly saya dibuatnya (26)

3. Heran liat hater yg membully disosmed.

Seperti mereka kurang kerjaan atau gimana
ya? Ngurusin hidup artis tanpa bersudahan.

IDIOM 1. Andai saja modric dan james bisa

memanfaatkan peluang head to head depan
Hart, banyak gol. (6)

2. I always say thanks for you my friend.

Sometimes you have “kebaikan yang
berlebihan” (52)

3. Sulit memang hidup ini terkadang tapi every

cloud has a silver lining (53)

4. Square peg in a round hole banget anak tu.

Hahaha kasian dipaksa nyanyi (55)

English Study Program Student


NOUN 13. something that I feel is kesedihan (56)

14. Thanks bro Angga. The only one of my

harapan. Hihihi (61)

15. He said sepeda is bicycle. My brother can

speak English now. Lol (63)

VERB 7. berasa brainless and heartless. (54)

ADJECTIVE 8. Wherever you go friend, you look so pucat.

Lol (57)

9. Adil is one of the things that we should learn.


10. Ssst…please keep silent. Do u understand?

Diam!! (62)

CONJUNCTION 3. Eating meatball dan satay now. Yummy (58)

REDUPLICATION 3. There is no forest here. Only gedung –
gedung!!! (60)
IDIOM 5. I always say thanks for you my friend.
Sometimes you have “kebaikan yang
berlebih” (55)


The Screenshot of Data by Twitter Users






































































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