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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra
in English Letters

Student Number: 154214112






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra
in English Letters

Student Number: 154214112








“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Philippians 4:13


my papa,
my mama,
my sisters,
my brother,
my best buddies,
and anyone who always
supports me in every step of my life.



Writing this thesis has taught me many things. Certain people have been

a part of this long journey and have supported me during the process of finishing

this thesis. First, I am so thankful to God for His love, blessing, and every single

thing that He has given to me. He is the reason I can stand and bear this life.

Second, I am so grateful to have an amazing thesis advisor, Anna Fitriati,

S. Pd., M. Hum., for helping me in finishing this thesis. Thank you for your

patience in guiding me through this whole time. Third, I thank my co advisor and

academic advisor, Dr. Bernadine Ria Lestari, M. Sc, for guiding me during this

process. I also thank F. X. Risang Bagaskara, S. S., M. Hum., as my academic

advisor. Thank you for the support that has been given to me from the beginning

until now.

Fourth, I would like to thank my parents, my sisters, my brother, and my

best friends for their support and love. Having them as my support system is very

important for me. Fifth, I want to thank my brothers and sisters of GKB Bahtera

Hayat Yogyakarta. Thank you for the love, support, and patience that you all have

given to me. Last, I thank all of my friends that have been a part of my journey in

this university. Thank you for the support and help. I will cherish our memories

forever in my heart.

Marshyke Trisharma I. Pello



TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL PAGE ...................................................................................... iii
ACCEPTANCE PAGE .................................................................................. iv
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................. v
KARYA ILMIAH ............................................................................................. vi
MOTTO PAGE .............................................................................................. vii
DEDICATION PAGE .................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... xiii
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study ...................................................................... 1
B. Problem Formulation ............................................................................. 3
C. Objectives of the Study ......................................................................... 4
D. Definition of Terms ............................................................................. 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................. 6

A. Review of Related Studies .................................................................... 6
B. Review of Related Theories ................................................................ 8
1. Sociolinguistics .............................................................................. 8
2. Code................................................................................................. 10
3. Code Switching .............................................................................. 10
a. Situational Code Switching ....................................................... 11
b. Metaphorical Code Switching .................................................. 11
4. Code Mixing ................................................................................... 12
5. Types of Code Mixing .................................................................... 13
a. Intra-sentential Code Mixing .................................................... 13
b. Intra-lexical Code Mixing ......................................................... 14
c. Involving a Change of Pronunciation ....................................... 14
6. Reasons of Code Mixing ................................................................ 15
a. Talking about Particular Topic .................................................. 15
b. Quoting Somebody Else ............................................................ 15
c. Being Emphatic about Something ............................................. 16
d. Interjection ................................................................................ 16
e. Repetition Used for Clarification .............................................. 16
f. Expressing Group Identity or Solidarity ................................. 17
g. Clarifying The Speech Content for The Interlocutor ................ 17
7. Word Classes/Part of Speech ......................................................... 18
a. Noun ......................................................................................... 18
b. Adjective ................................................................................. 18


c. Verb ........................................................................................... 18
d. Adverb ....................................................................................... 19
8. Indonesian Affixes .......................................................................... 19
C. Theoretical Framework ......................................................................... 20

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ............................................................ 21

A. Object of the Study ................................................................................ 21
B. Approach of the Study ........................................................................... 22
C. Method of the Study .............................................................................. 22
1. Data Collection .............................................................................. 23
2. Data Analysis ................................................................................ 23

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 25

A. Types of Code Mixing ......................................................................... 25
1. Intra-sentential Code Mixing .......................................................... 26
a. Noun ......................................................................................... 26
b. Adjective ................................................................................... 28
c. Verb .......................................................................................... 29
d. Adverb ....................................................................................... 30
e. Phrase ....................................................................................... 31
f. Compound ................................................................................ 32
2. Intra-lexical Code Mixing ............................................................. 33
B. Reasons of Code Mixing ...................................................................... 37
1. Talking about Particular Topic ....................................................... 38
2. Being Emphatic about Something ................................................. 41
3. Repetition Used for Clarification .................................................... 45

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ..................................................................... 49

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 51

APPENDIX ..................................................................................................... 53



No. __Table___________________________________________________Page

1. Table 1. Types of Code Mixing 26

2. Table 2. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Noun) 27
3. Table 3. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Adjective) 28
4. Table 4. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Verb) 29
5. Table 5. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Adverb) 30
6. Table 6. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Noun Phrase) 31
7. Table 7. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Prepositional Phrase) 32
8. Table 8. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Compound) 33
9. Table 9. Intra-lexical Code Mixing (Suffix –nya) 34
10. Table 10. Intra-lexical Code Mixing (Prefix di-) 35
11. Table 11. Intra-lexical Code Mixing (Prefix nge-) 36
12. Table 12. Reasons of Using Code Mixing 37
13. Table 13. Talking about Particular Topic 38
14. Table 14. Being Emphatic about Something 41
15. Table 15. Repetition Used for Clarification 46



PELLO, MARSHYKE TRISHARMA I. (2019). An Analysis of Code Mixing

Found in Two Selected Videos by Nessie Judge. Yogyakarta: Department of
English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

In this modern era, almost all of the people use social media. One of the
social media is Youtube. Youtube is used in order to upload, watch, and share
videos. In Indonesia, one of the famous Youtubers is Nessie Judge. In her videos,
she tends to mix Indonesian and English. Therefore, this research focuses on the
analysis of code mixing found in two videos by Nessie Judge.
There were two research questions in this research. First is to find the
types of code mixing. Second, the researcher analyzed the reasons of code mixing
done by Nessie Judge.
To answer the research questions, the researcher applied sociolinguistic
theory, especially the theories on types and reasons of code mixing proposed by
Hoffman (1991). The researcher also applied two other theories, namely the
theory of word class and the theory of Indonesian affixes. The theory of word
class talked about the category of word and the theory of Indonesian affixes was
about the types of affixes found in Indonesian.
In this research, the objects of the study were two selected videos by
Nessie Judge. The first video talked about a conspiracy theory and the second
video was about a mysterious event that happened in the world. This study applied
sociolinguistic approach.
After analyzing the data, there were 106 cases of code mixing. For the
types of code mixing, there were 84 data of intra-sentential code mixing and 22
data of intra-lexical code mixing. For the reasons of code mixing, the researcher
found 82 data of talking about particular topic, 18 data of being emphatic about
something, and 6 data of repetition used for clarification.
The researcher concluded that intra-sentential code mixing was the most
used type of code mixing because the pattern of sentence in both languages that
made the speaker mixed the languages easily. The researcher also concluded that
talking about particular topic was the most used reason of code mixing and it
happened because the speaker in the videos used popular terms and there were
some lack of equivalent words in Indonesian.

Keywords: Indonesian, English, code mixing, sociolinguistics.



PELLO, MARSHYKE TRISHARMA I. (2019). An Analysis of Code Mixing

Found in Two Selected Videos by Nessie Judge. Yogyakarta: Program Studi
Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Di era modern ini, hampir semua orang menggunakan media sosial.

Salah satu contoh media sosial adalah Youtube. Youtube digunakan untuk
mengunggah, menonton, dan berbagi video-video. Di Indonesia, salah satu
pengguna Youtube yang terkenal adalah Nessie Judge. Dalam video-videonya, ia
sering mencampurkan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu,
penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis campur kode yang ditemukan dalam dua
video oleh Nessie Judge.
Ada dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Rumusan masalah yang
pertama untuk menemukan jenis campur kode. Pada rumusan masalah yang
kedua, peneliti menganalisis alasan penggunaan campur kode yang dilakukan oleh
Nessie Judge.
Untuk menjawab kedua rumusan masalah tersebut, peneliti menggunakan
teori sosilinguistik, khususnya pada teori jenis dan alasan campur kode yang
dikemukakan oleh Hoffman (1991). Peneliti juga menggunakan dua teori lainnya,
yaitu teori kelas kata dan teori imbuhan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Teori kelas kata
merujuk pada kategori kata dan teori imbuhan bahasa Indonesia merupakan teori
yang membahas tentang imbuhan-imbuhan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah dua video oleh Nessie Judge. Video
pertama membahas tentang sebuah teori konspirasi dan video kedua membahas
sebuah kejadian misterius yang terjadi di dunia. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti
menggunakan pendekatan Sosiolinguistik.
Setelah menganalisis data-data yang ada, peneliti menemukan ada 106
kasus campur kode. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama, yaitu
mengenai jenis campur kode, ada 84 data campur kode dalam bentuk sentensial
dan 22 data campur kode dalam bentuk leksikal. Untuk menjawab rumusan
masalah yang kedua, yaitu alasan penggunaan campur kode, peneliti menemukan
82 data membicarakan suatu topik, 18 data berempati pada sesuatu, dan 6 data
pengulangan untuk memberi penjelasan.
Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa campur kode dalam bentuk sentential
adalah jenis yang paling banyak digunakan karena pola kalimat dalam kedua
bahasa yang membuat pembicara dalam video mencampurkan bahasa dengan
mudah. Peneliti juga menyimpulkan bahwa membicarakan suatu topik adalah
alasan yang paling banyak muncul dalam data dan penyebabnya adalah karena
pembicara dalam video menggunakan istilah-istilah yang populer dan belum ada
istilah yang sepadan dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Kata kunci: Indonesian, English, code mixing, sociolinguistics.




A. Background of the Study

Language is a tool of communication and it is used by people in order to

communicate with each other. By using language, people can convey their idea,

opinion, how they feel about something, and many more. Trudgill (1983) states

that language is not simply a means of communicating information - about the

weather or any other subjects. It is also a very important means of establishing

and maintaining relationships with other people (p.13).

In this world, there are many languages. English is one of the most used

languages and it is also an international language. English is considered as a

foreign language to countries that do not use English in their daily life. In

Indonesia, people can learn and master English by going to educational

institutions. However, English can also be acquired through songs, movies,

novels, or TV programs.

Nowadays, people in Indonesia tend to mix Indonesian and English at the

same time when they communicate in their daily life. For example, when people

have a conversation with their friends, they mix Indonesian with English. Another

example is when they write a caption on their social media account. This

phenomenon of mixing two different languages at the same time is known as code

mixing. Nababan (1993) states that code mixing is a mixing of two codes or

languages, usually without a change of topic. Code mixing often occurs within

one sentence, one element is spoken in language A and the rest in language B (p.


32). According to Wardaugh (1992), code mixing occurs when conservants use

both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the

other in the course of a single utterrance (p. 106).

In this modern era, social media are something that almost all people in

the world have. By having social media, people can easily get any kinds of

information they want. Social media can also be used by people to share their

daily activities or to express their feeling or opinion about anything. There are

many kinds of social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube,

Pinterest, and many more.

Youtube is one of the social media that has given impacts on people‟s

life. According to Ensour (2015), Youtube is a website that can share videos and

the users can watch, upload and comment on videos (p. 287). There are 14

different languages available on Youtube. Youtube is one of the world‟s major

websites that is used for uploading and sharing videos, creating personalized

channels and providing direct broadcast service for organizations. It means that

Youtube is a platform for people to share their idea or thoughts about something

in a form of a video. The type of the videos on Youtube is various. There are

educational videos, gaming videos, music videos, and still many more.

In Indonesia, there are many famous Youtubers. One of them is Nessie

Judge. Nessie Judge started making videos in 2012. The contents of her videos are

various. She makes vlog (video blog) about her daily life, for example when she

travels to Europe with her family. She also talks about some important issues that

happen in the society, such as anti-bullying, LGBT, cat calling, or sexual consent.

Sometimes, she collaborates with other Indonesian Youtubers. Her new content in

her videos is called Nerror. It is a segment which she discusses conspiracy

theories and mysterious events occur in the world. In this study, there are two

videos that the writer use. They are Rekaman 911 Darurat Terseram! and

Konspirasi Terseram XXXTentacion.

The researcher finds an interesting thing in Nessie Judge‟s videos. In the

videos, the speaker usually mix Indonesian and English. It has been mentioned

before that this phenomenon is called as code mixing. Code mixing happens

when a speaker can speak more than one language. In her two selected videos,

there are many Indonesian to English code mixing that can be found. When

Nessie Judge wants to convey something and she cannot find the word in

Indonesian, then she mixes with English word.

This topic is worth studying because code mixing is a phenomenon that

happens in a society with various languages in it. Those who are able to speak

more than one language or also known as bilingual or multilingual people, usually

experience this phenomenon. By studying this, it helps us to understand more

about code mixing and we can find the reasons why it happens.

B. Problem Formulation

There are two questions that can be observed in this study. They are:

1. What types of code-mixing are found in two selected videos by Nessie Judge?

2. What are the reasons of using code-mixing in two selected videos by Nessie


C. Objectives of the Study

This research focuses on the use of code mixing in two selected videos

by Nessie Judge. Based on the problems that have been formulated in the previous

chapter, there are two objectives of this study. The first objective is to find out the

types of code mixing that are used in two selected videos by Nessie Judge. The

second objective is the writer tries to identify the reasons Nessie Judge, as the

speaker, use code mixing in her two selected videos.

D. Definition of Terms

In this research, the writer discusses code mixing. Code mixing is a part

of sociolinguistics. To understand further, the meaning of sociolinguistics is

explained as follows. According to Wardaugh (1992, p. 13), Sociolinguistics

concerns with investigating the relationships between language and society with

the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how

languages function in communication. It can be concluded that language and

society are inseperable. The structure of language can be understood by observing

how language and society are related to each other. Yuliana, Luziana, and

Sarwendah (2015) state that language is not homogeneous (p.48). It means that

there are many varieties of languages that can be found in the society.

In studying sociolinguistics, it is important to know and understand what

a code is. A code is “a symbol of nationalism that is used by people to speak or

communicate in a particular language – a dialect, a register, an accent or a style on

differrent occasions and for different purposes” (Stockwell as cited in Yuliana et


al, p. 48). Code covers phenomena namely code mixing and code switching.

According to Bhatia and Ritchie (2002), code mixing refers to the mixing of

various linguistic units (morpheme, words, modifiers, phrases, clauses and

sentences) primarily from two partcipating grammatical systems within a sentence

(p. 376). Code mixing occurs in bilingual and multilingual societies.




This chapter consists of three different parts, which are review of related

studies, review of related theories, and theoretical framework. Related studies are

about previous studies that have the same topic, and related theories are focused

on the theories applied to the research. By presenting these, it can help the writer

to develop and analyze the research.

A. Review of Related Studies

In this part, there are four previous studies with the same topic as the

writer‟s: two undergraduate theses and two journal articles. The first research is

an undergraduate thesis conducted by Allantro in 2014 with the title “Code

Mixing in Fashion Tips Articles As Seen in Go Girl! November 2013 Edition”.

The researcher of this thesis analyzes the type of code mixing and the reasons of

code mixing in the magazine. The researcher applies the theory from Charlotte

Hoffman. In this research, there are 146 data categorized as intra-sentential code-

mixing, and 14 sentences are categorized as intra-lexical code-mixing. After

analyzing the type of code mixing, the researcher explains the reasons of using

code mixing and there are 3 reasons of code-mixing found in the articles namely

talking about particular topic, interjection, and repetition used for clarification.

The second undergraduate thesis is “English Code-Mixing in Presidential

Candidate Debates” done by Murtiningtyas in 2015. In her research, she analyzes


5 debates and there is only one thing that is being observed in the debates which is

the type of code mixing. In order to find the types of code mixing, the researcher

observes the utterances of participants of presidential candidate debate. The

researches applies the theory from Pieter Muysken to analyze the type of code

mixing. After analyzing the data, there are only two types of code mixing found in

the debates, which are insertion and alternation.

The third is a journal article by Offiong Ani Offiong and Bassey A. Okon

(2013) entitled “Of Efik and English: Code Mixing”. In the research, they find

that there are some factors that make Efik people mix their language with English,

such as urbanization, education, government business and multilingualism. It also

because there is a lack of vocabulary in Efik. From the analysis of this journal, it

is said that when a language starts to borrow some grammatical items from

another language, then its identity is lost.

The fourth is a research by Huzaina Abdul Halim, Hana Nadia Ahmad

Nadri, and Foziah Mahmood entitled “Code Mixing On Facebook Among

Malaysian Tesl Student” (2015). There are three questions that the researchers

have made. The first is the level of code mixing used by the students, the second

is the most used level of code mixing by the students, and the last is the reasons

the students mix the language. Based on the observation, Facebook status, wall

interaction and online open-ended questionnaire, the researchers analyze the data.

As the result of the analysis, it is found that the most inserted level of code mixing

is phrase insertion, and the main reason of using code mixing is to show the


Those researches are useful in order to help the writer to analyze this

research. The writer also found similarities and differences from the previous

researches. The first similarity is the topic. Four previous researches have the

same topic which is the phenomenon of code mixing. The second is the theory.

The research written by Allantro applies the theory by Hoffman in analyzing the

types of code mixing and the reasons of code mixing. The third is the approach of

the researches. Code mixing is one of the aspects that is being studied in

sociolinguistics, therefore the previous researches use sociolinguistic approach.

The writer of this research also use the same approach.

The difference from this research and those previous studies are the

object of the analysis. Those previous studies use articles, students, or participants

of a debate as the object of the study, while for this study the writer uses videos as

the object. The position of this study is to develop other/previous studies

conducted by previous researchers. This research uses different object in

analyzing code mixing.

B. Review of Related Theories

This section covers some related theories which help the writer in

analyzing the data.

1. Sociolinguistics

Communication is an important thing that people always do in their daily

life. When they want to interact with other people, they use language as a tool to

communicate. There is a relation between society and language. According to

Wardhaugh (1992, p. 13),

Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationship between

language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the
structure of language and of how languages function in communication;
the equivalent goal in the sociology of language is trying to discover how
social structure can be better understood through the study of language.

It can be concluded that sociolinguistics helps us to examine the

relationship between language and society in order to understand the language‟s


In a society, there are people with different ethnic groups, different

culture, and different religions. Trudgill (1983, p. 15), states that whenever we

speak we cannot avoid giving our listeners clues about our origins and the sort of

person we are. Our accent and our speech generally show what part of the country

we come from, and what sort of background we have. It can be understood that

each country/place in this world has its own characteristic. It has its own accent or

dialect that differs its speakers from the others. It also means that whenever one

speaks to the others that do not come from different area, the accent of the dialect

will be obvious.

Other definition of sociolinguistics comes from Holmes (2013, p. 1) as he

states that sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and

society. Sociolinguists find that we tend to speak differently based on different

social contexts. Sociolinguists want to identify the language‟s social function and

how it is used in order to give the social meaning.



2. Code

According to Wardhaugh (1992, p. 89), a language or a variety of a

language can be referred as a code and it is considered as neutral since it is useful.

He gives more explanation that in communication, code is commonly used.

People should choose a specific code in conveying their minds of feeling when

they want to speak. In this case, the specific code can be a particular language,

dialect, style, register, or variety. Thus, people may use different code in different

situations. It means that people use particular code which depends on particular

people they talk to (p. 99-100). Finch (2000, p. 209 – 210) suggests that code

means “ a system of rules that allows people to give information in symbolic

form. Human language is a code. It consist of words that represent ideas, event,

and objects.” It means that people use code in order to convey what they want to


3. Code-Switching

Hoffman (1991) points out that code-switching means “it involves the

alternate use of two languages or linguistic variteties within the same utterance or

during the same conversation” (p. 110). According to Tarjana (2009, p. 7), code

switching occurs when one code switches from one code while speaking, the

situation dictates the use of language. It means that the use of language depends

on the situation. The same meaning of code switching comes from Kridalaksana.

He states that “code switching is the use of language variation to do adaptation,

with other situation or because of other participants (Kridalaksana as cited in



Suandi, 2014, p. 133). It means that situation and the speaker or participant have

an important role in the switch of language. There are two types of code-switching

according to Wardhaugh, namely situational code-switching and metaphorical


a. Situational Code-Switching

Situational code-switching is the first type of code-switching. Situational

code-switching takes place when “the languages used change according to the

situations in which the conservants find themselves: they speak one language in

one situation and another in a different one. No topic change is involved”

(Wardhaugh, 1992, p. 106). It can be concluded that there will be change of the

language depends on particular circumtance. So, the circumtance or contexts

demand the changing of the language. For example, a speaker uses English while

talking about particular topic and later on the speaker uses Indonesian in

discussing that topic.

b. Metaphorical Code-Switching

The second type is metaphorical code-switching. Wardhaugh argues that

“when a change of topic requires a change in the language used we have

metaphorical code-switching. The interesting point here is that some topics may

be discussed in either code, but the choice of code adds a distinct flavor to what is

said about the topic” (1992, p. 106). He gives more explanation that metaphorical

code-switching “has an affective dimension to it: you change the code as you

redefine the situation – formal to informal, official to personal, serious to

humorous, and politeness to solidarity” (p. 107). It means that people switch the


language or the code because they have a purpose in doing that. For example, A

and B speaks in a serious way, but suddenly A talk about something humorous. It

means that the purpose of speaker A switching the code is in order to break the ice

in that situation. The role of code is important since it redefines the situation.

4. Code-Mixing

Code mixing occurs in bilingual and multilingual societies. Bhatia and

Ritchie (2002, p. 376), argue that code mixing refers to the mixing of various

linguistic units (morpheme, words, modifiers, phrases, clauses and sentences)

primarily from two participating grammatical systems within a sentence.

Wardhaugh (1992) believes that “code-mixing occurs when conversants use both

languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other

in the course of a single utterance” (p. 106). He adds that “conversational code-

mixing involves the deliberate mixing of two languages without an associated

topic change.”

Other meaning of code mixing comes from Nababan (1993, p. 32) as it

has been mentioned in the previous chapter, code mixing is “a mixing of two

codes or languages, usually without a change of topic. Code mixing often occur

within one sentence, one element is spoken in language A and the rest is in

language B.” It is clear that code mixing takes place when the speaker use and

speak more than one language at the same time.

For some people, it is difficult to differentiate between code switching

and code mixing. McLaughlin highlights the difference between code-mixing and


code-switching “by referring to code-switches as language changes occuring

across phrase or sentence boundaries, whereas code-mixes take place within

sentences and usually involve single lexical items” (McLaughlin as cited in

Hoffman, 1991, p. 110). According to Nababan, code mixing is “a mixing of two

or more language or language variation which demands the speaker, it is only

because of informal and speaker habitual (Nababan as cited in Astuti, 2017, p.

25). By comparing the meaning of code switching and code mixing, it is clear that

code switching occurs when there is a purpose from the speaker and the switch of

the language takes place depends on the speaker or participant, the situation, or

the topic of the conversation. On the other hand, code mixing occurs when the

speaker cannot find the right expression in the speaker‟s language, therefore the

speaker mix with other language. Code mixing also occurs because of the

speaker‟s habit.

5. Types of Code-Mixing

There are three types of code-mixing according to Hoffman, they are

Intra-sentential code-mixing, Intra-lexical code-mixing, and Involvement in a

change of pronunciation. Here is the explanation of the types of code mixing.

a. Intra-sentential Code-Mixing

Intra-sentential code-mixing is the first type of code-mixing. This type is

related to syntax. The mixing occurs within a sentence, a phrase, or a clause

(Hoffman, 1991, p. 112). For example, “Estaba training para pelear” which

means “He was training to fight” (Wardhaugh 1992, p. 108). From that example,


it shows that the codes are English and Spanish. When the speaker speaks in

Spanish, the English verb “training” is added in the middle of the sentence. When

linguistics units such as phrases, words, morpheme, etc. are added in a sentence, it

is considered as intra-sentential code mixing.

b. Intra-lexical Code-Mixing

The second type of code-mixing is intra-lexical code-mixing. This type

takes place within a word boundary. When there are affixes added to a word, a

mix can occur. An example for this type is kuenjoy (English enjoy is mixed with

the prefix from Swahili and the meaning is “to”). The example shows that code

mixing may occur when a Swahili prefix is mixed with English word “enjoy”.

Other example is in Indonesian and English: “Beberapa yang siaran live yang di-

upload di Youtube aku juga nonton”. It is clear that there is an addition of

Indonesian prefix di- in English word “upload”. By using the prefix di-, it gives a

passive meaning. Therefore, di-upload means to be uploaded.

c. Involving a Change of Pronunciation

This last type of code-mixing is related to phonological matters. In order

to undertand it, the example can be seen when Indonesian try to pronounce

English word, they change it into Indonesian way of pronouncing. The example is

taken from Hoffmann (1991, p. 112).

Cristina (4:0): (introducing her younger brother to a new friend of hers)

„This is Pascual‟ [paskwál]
Friend: „What‟s his name?‟ (i.e. she didn‟t catch it)
Cristina: „Pascual‟ [pəskwæl]
Friend: „Oh..”


From the example above, it shows that at first Cristina pronounces Pascual as

paskwál. Later, she pronounces it again and it becomes pəskwæl. There is a

change of pronouncation that occur.

6. Reasons of Code-Mixing

According to Hoffman, there are seven reasons why people use code-

mixing while communicating with other people.

a. Talking about Particular Topic

Hoffman (1991, p. 115) believes that code-mixing may occurs when

there is a lack of facility in the register‟s relevance or because there is a particular

things that trigger kinds of connotations which are related to experience in a

specific language. People may mix the language when they cannot find the right

expression in a particular language, therefore they mix with another language.

b. Quoting Somebody Else

For this reason, a speaker mixes the language when she/he wants to quote

a statement, a saying, etc. To understand clearly, here is an example given by

Hoffman (1991, p. 112):

An adult Spanish-Catalan bilingual:

„... y si dices “perdon”en castellano, e te vielve la mujer y te dice:‟ („...

and if you say “sorry” in Castilan Spanish, the lady turns to you and
„En Catala’ („In Catalan!‟)

From the example above, it shows that the speaker mix Spanish and Catalan

language. In the beginning, the speaker speaks in Spanish, but later when she


quotes a saying from a person, she uses Catalan language because that is the

language that is used by the person she quote from.

c. Being Emphatic about Something

In this case, code-mixing is used in order to show empathy about

something. People may mix the language to show the empathy intentionally or

unintentionally. The example is derived from Hoffman (1991, p. 112):

„Hay cuatro sillas rotas y‟ (There are four broken chairs and‟)
Prou!’ I („That‟s enough!‟)‟

The italic word indicates that the speaker mix the language to show the empathic

utterances. There is a strong statement used by the speaker in the sentence and it

shows that the speaker is being empathic about something. The strong expression

is used in order to emphasize something important and to show the empathy.

d. Interjection

Interjection according Warriner (1982, p. 20) is a word that expresses

emotion and the word does not have grammatical relation to other words in the

sentence. Hoffman in his book gives an example to show the interjection:

An adult Spanish-American English speaker:

„... Oh! Ay! It was embarrassing! It was very nice, though, but I was
embarrassed! (Silva-Corvalan as cited in Hoffman, 1991, p. 112)

From the example above, it is obvious that the word Ay! does not have any

grammatical meaning. However, the word Ay! is an expression of feeling


e. Repetition Used for Clarification

The repetition is used to make people understand the personal

involvement and desire of the speaker (Silva-Corvalan, 1989, p. 181).



To understand this reason, here is an example as derived from Hoffman

(1991, p. 112):

An adult Spanish-English bilingual:

„Tenia zapatos blancos, un poco, they were off-white, you know.’

The repetition in the example is the sentence Tenia zapatos blancos, un poco

which means they were off-white, you know. The repetition takes place in order

to emphasize the message that the speaker conveys.

f. Expressing Group Identity or Solidarity

Code-mixing is used by some communities or groups to communicate

and to show their identity to the other communities or groups. Speakers may mix

their language in orer to be accepted by certain communities. Hewitt in Hoffman

(1991) argues that members of majority group, for example, young whites in

London may switch the language into Jamaican Creole in order to be accepted by

particular or specific groups (Hewitt as cited in Hoffman, 1991, p. 116).

g. Clarifying The Speech Content for The Interlocutor

In a conversation, code-mixing occurs not only as a single word, idiom,

or sentence, but also at phonological level. Here is the example provided by

Hoffman (1991, p. 112):

Christina (4:0): (introducing her younger brother to anew friend of hers)

„This is Pascual‟ [paskwal]
Friend : „What‟s his name?‟ (i.e. she didn‟t catch it)
Christina : „Pascual!‟ [pəskwæl]
Friend : „Oh…‟

There is a phonological change in the word Pascual. The speaker (Christina)

change the pronunciation of Pascual (in English) into the Spanish pronunciation.


7. Word Classes/Part of Speech

Morley (2000, p. 26) states that word is “the basic unit of syntax”. It is a

basic unit because a word can stand on its own without being attached to other

liguistic items and it still has a meaning. There are some categories of word,

namely noun, adjective, verb, and adverb. Here is the explanation of the word

classes according to Valin (2001, p. 6).

a. Noun

Noun refers to the name of a person, a place, or a thing. Noun is

classified into some types. There are proper nouns and common nouns. Proper

nouns refer to particular individuals such as Jill, John, Tokyo, or Seoul. Common

nouns mean nouns that do not refer to individuals. For example, cat, chair, bus,

water. Common nouns are divided into count nouns and mass nouns. Count nouns

are countable entities, such as seven books, six balls, five boxes. Mass nouns are

not countable.

b. Adjective

An adjective is a word that usually expresses the entities‟ properties, for

example a red apple, a short girl, a beautiful dress. An adjective is the modifier of

a noun.

c. Verb

A verb shows the action of something. For example, sing, run, swim,

dance. A verb is classified into intrasitive and transitive verb. An intrasitive verb

means a verb that does not followed by an object. On the other hand, a transitive

verb is used with an object.



d. Adverb

Adverb is typically ended in –ly. For example, slowly, completely,

specially, happily. Adverb modifies verb, adjective, or even adverb. Adverb also

expresses the relation of place and time.

8. Indonesian Affixes

Words in Indonesian can be formed by combining the words with affixes

or other forms. Pisceldo, Mahendra, Manurung, and Arka (2008, p. 143) state that

“words in Indonesian are built from their roots by means of a variety of

morphological operations including compunding, affixation, and reduplication.”

Affixation is suggested as “a process of changing a lexeme into complex words.

Affixation process occurs when a bound morpheme is placed on a free morpheme

orderly” (Kridalaksana as cited in Suastini & Apriliani, 2018, p. 193). Moreover,

affix is “an element that can change the meaning, types, and function of a basic

word or basic form” (Chaer as cited in Suastini & Apriliani, 2018, p. 193).

Affixes are divided into four types, namely prefixes, suffixes,

circumfixes, and infixes (Moeliono & Dardjowidjojo, 1997, p. 81). Sosy

highlights the meaning of prefix and suffix as she states that “prefix is a group of

letters that come at the beginning of a word, whereas suffix is a group of letters

that come at the end of a word” (Sosy as cited in Pauzan, 2016, p. 1). The

examples of prefix in Indonesian are di-, ter-, and me-. Then, the examples for

suffix are –nya, -kan, and –an. Moeliono and Dardjowidjojo (1997, p. 81) suggest

that “confix is a combination of prefixes and suffixes that flank the base of the


word and form a unit. Infix is a form of affix that is placed in the middle of the

word base”.

C. Theoretical Framework

The writer applies some theories in this study in order to help and support

the analysis. In understanding the meaning of code-mixing, the writer uses theory

of code-mixing according to Bhatia and Rhitcie (2002, p. 376), Wardhaugh (1992,

p. 106), and Nababan (1993, p. 32). By using the theories from them, it helps the

writer to have a better understanding about the idea of code mixing.

Those theories are important and needed in order to answer the problems

in this research. The first problem is finding the types of code-mixing. To answer

this problem, the writer uses the theory from Hoffman. According to Hoffman,

there are three types of code mixing, which are intra-sentential code mixing, intra-

lexical code mixing, and involving a change of pronunciation. In analyzing the

type of code mixing, the writer also apply theory of world classes or part of

speech by Van Valin in An Introduction to Syntax. By doing this, it helps the

process of analyzing the type of code mixing. The writer also apply the theory of

Indonesian affixes in order to analyze the affixes that are found in the data. In

answering the second question, which is about the reasons why code-mixing

occur, the theory from Hoffman is applied. Hoffman classifies that there are seven

possible reasons why code-mixing take place.





This chapter consists of three parts. Those are object of the study,

approach of the study, and method of the study. Object of the study discuss the

data or the object of the study, approach of the study is about the approaches used

in analyzing the study, and method of the study presents the way or the procedure

in analyzing the data.

A. Object of the Study

This study is concerned about the occurance of code-mixing found in two

selected videos by a famous Indonesian Youtuber named Nessie Judge. The first

video was Rekaman 911 Darurat Terseram! which was published on May 26,

2017. This 14 minutes and 33 seconds video talked about scary 911 calls

happened in the United States of America. There were 6 selected 911 calls in her

video and she disscused and listened to those calls in the video. The second video

was Konspirasi Terseram XXXTentacion published in June 30, 2018. She

discussed the sudden death of a famous rapper, XXXTentacion. She gave the

explanation in 11 minutes and 52 seconds long.

The reason why the writer chose those two selected videos was because

the topic presented are informative to the viewers. Those are informative because

the information given could give new knowledge to those who watched the



videos. Besides, the two selected videos contained many code-mixing that the

writer could analyze.

B. Approach of the Study

In this research, the approach that the writer used was sociolinguistics

approach. According to Finch (2000, p. 193), sociolinguistics is “the study of

language in relation to society”. It means that there is a relationship between

language and a society. Therefore, sociolinguists are concerned about that

relationship. Holmes (2013, p. 1) adds that the sociolinguists are “interested in

explaining why we speak differently in different social context”. It implies that

when people speak, social context determined the way they use their language and

how they convey it.

The writer believed this was the appropriate approach since

sociolinguistics covered any kind of phenomena between language and society,

including the topic of this research namely code-mixing. Therefore, the writer

chose sociolinguistics as the approach.

C. Method of the Study

In this part, the writer explained the ways the data were collected and

analyzed. By doing so, the purpose of this research which are to find the types of

code-mixing and the reasons of the occurance of the code-mixing found in three

selected videos by Nessie Judge could be achieved.



1. Data Collection

In order to collect the data, there were some steps that should be done by

the writer. The first step was the writer downloaded two videos, which were

Rekaman 911 Darurat Terseram! and Konspirasi Terseram XXXTentacion on After that, the writer made a transcription of the utterances spoken

by Nessie Judge in each video. In the process of making the transcription, the

writer listened to the speaker of the video and wrote down the utterances. The

writer also checked the subtitle that was avalaible in the videos. It was done in

order to recheck the accuracy of the utterances. The next thing to do was the

writer divided those utterances. The writer separated the utterances that contained

the occurance of code-mixing and the utterances that did not contain code mixing.

By doing so, it helped the writer analyze the utterances containing code-mixing.

Then, the writer classified those code-mixing utterances in a table in order to find

the type of code-mixing.

The total data found in two selected videos are 106 data of code-mixing.

In the first video, there were 54 data found in Konspirasi Terseram

XXXTentacion, while there were 52 data in Rekaman 911 Darurat Terseram!

2. Data Analysis

This part covered the steps in analyzing the data which are the

transcription that had been made by the writer. There were some steps in writing

the transcription. First, the writer listened carefully to every word in the videos.

Second, the writter wrote down the utterances. Third, after the writer finished with


the process of writing down the utterances, the writer checked the subtitle of the

videos in order to help see the accuracy of the sentences. The writer started

analyzing the data by determining the type of each utterance containing code-

mixing. To make it easier, the writer presented the data in a table, and the writer

used italic and bold form to words that were indicated as code-mixing. The writer

used the theory from Hoffman in order to find the type. According to Hoffman,

there were three types of code-mixing, which were intra-sentential, intra-lexical,

and the change of pronunciation. In analyzing the first type of code mixing which

is intra-sentential code mixing, the writer classified the word class for the word

used in the data. Then, the writer also gave explanation about each type of code-

mixing in order to see how the type was suitable with the presented data. To make

it easier in analyzing the data, the writer made a numbering for the data, for

example 1/12 and 2/30 . Number 1 and 2 mean first and second video, the last two

digits mean data number 12 and data number 30.

After classifying the type of code-mixing, the next thing to do was to find

the reasons of code-mixing and the writer applies the theory from Hoffman. Later,

after all the classification and the problems were done, the writer made a

conclusion by determining the most used type of code-mixing and the most

possible reasons of code-mixing.




In this chapter, the writer gives the explanation about the results of the

analysis. This chapter consists of two parts, which are the types of code mixing

and the reasons of code mixing occur in two selected videos by Nessie Judge. By

collecting the data from those videos, the writer finds that there are 106 data

containing code mixing.

A. Types of Code Mixing

The writer applies the theory from Hoffman in order to find the types of

code mixing. According to Hoffman (1991), there are three types of code mixing,

namely intra-sentential, intra-lexical, and involvement in a change of

pronunciation. Intra-sentential code mixing occurs in the form of phrases and

words. Intra-lexical code mixing occurs when there is an addition of Indonesian

affixes to English words. For the last type, which is involvement in a change of

pronunciation, the writer does not find any data that shows pronunciation

changing from the speaker of the videos. Therefore, the writer only discusses two

types of code mixing found in two selected videos. After analyzing all the data,

there are 84 data of intra-sentential code mixing and 22 data of intra-lexical code

mixing. The researcher displays the distribution of code mixing data in a table

down below.



Table 1. Types of Code Mixing

Types of Code Mixing Total

Intra-sentential Code Mixing 84

Intra-lexical Code Mixing 22

Involving a Change of -

1. Intra-sentential Code Mixing

According to Hoffman (1991), intra-sentential code mixing occurs within

the word boundary and phrase. From both videos, there are 84 data of intra-

sentential code mixing. Intra-sentential code mixing can be in a form of a noun, an

adjective, a verb, an adverb, a phrase, or a compound.

a. Noun

Noun is the first example that the researcher found after analyzing the

data. In our daily life, there are many things that can be considered as a noun. The

examples are table, bottle, London, and Jennie. The table below displays the

examples of noun found in the data. There are four data of intra-sentential in a

form of noun and the function of all nouns here is the object of the sentence.


Table 2. Intra-sentential Code-Mixing (Noun)

No. Utterances

1/9 Dari banyak interview yang aku tonton juga X sering banget
ngomong bahwa dia ingin membuat perbedaan dan
menggunakan hidupnya untuk membantu.

1/12 Setengah jam kemudian pada jam 4 sore, X meninggalkan

dealership motornya dan masuk ke mobil BMW I8-nya dia lalu
mulai nyetir dan pergi dari dealership.

2/8 Jadi Karen langsung telfon 911 dan inilah rekamannya.

2/18 Basically Sandra Harold ini punya chimpanzee yang udah dia
urus sejak kecil.

From all the data above, it is clear that the speaker mixes Indonesian with

English words. In this part, the English words are nouns. In the first datum, the

word interview means “a meeting (often a public one) which a journalist asks

somebody questions in order to find out their opinions” according to Hornby

(2015, p. 801). In the sentence, interview is a noun and the function of interview

here is as an object. It is because interview is receiving the action of being

watched by the speaker of the video (Nessie Judge).

In Indonesian, the word interviu is actually a borrowing word. This word

is adapted from English to Indonesian. The meaning of interview itself is

wawancara. However, the speaker in the videos choose to use the English term

instead of the Indonesian term.

The second datum, according to Hornby (2015, p. 382), the term

dealership means “a business that buys and sells products, especially cars, for a

particular company”. Dealership is considered as the object in the sentence



because it receives the action of meninggalkan or in English means leaving. In the

sentence, it is obvious that XXXTentacion leaves the dealership.

The third datum is 911. 911 is an emergency telephone number that is

used in emergency situations. In this datum, 911 functions as an object because it

receives the action of the predicate langsung telfon or in English means calling

from the subject Karen.

The last datum is chimpanzee. Chimpanzee is an animal and it is defined

as an object in the sentence. Object is the one that receive the action from the

subject. From the data it can be seen that chimpanzee receives the action of being

taken care (yang udah dia urus) by the owner of the chimpanzee, Sandra Harold.

b. Adjective

Adjective is the second example for the first type of code mixing that the

researcher found. In this part, the writer displays English adjective words that is

mixed in Indonesian.

Table 3. Intra-sentential Code-Mixing (Adjective)

No. Utterances
Sesaat setelah beritanya keluar, semua orang pun kaget, shock,
1/14 dan bingung.

Suatu hari ketika X viral, Drake ngontak dia dan bilang bahwa
1/22 Drake mau kolaborasi dan X pun super happy kayak: wow gila
Drake mau kolaborasi sama gue.

From the table above, there are two data that show adjective words

inserted in Indonesian language. The first datum found is shock. Hornby (2015,


p. 1385) states that shock is something “that offends or upsets people, that is

morally wrong.” This adjective modifies the noun which is orang or people. In

Indonesian, there is a borrowing word for this term, which is syok. However, the

researcher found that the speaker in the videos uses the English term rather than

Indonesian term.

The second datum is viral. The meaning of viral according to Hornby

(2015, p. 1679) is “used to describe a piece of indormation, a video, an image, etc.

that is sent rapidly over the Internet from one person to another”. In the sentence,

the adjective viral refers to the subject namely XXXTentacion.

c. Verb

Another form of intra-sentential code-mixing that is found by the

researcher in the data is verb. Verb means a word that is usually one of the main

parts of a sentence and it shows an action of something. The table below displays

some examples of verb that is mixed in Indonesian language.

Table 4. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Verb)

No. Utterances
1/23 Tapi setelah itu Drake ga pernah contact dia lagi.

2/42 Follow aku di Instagram dan Twitter gampang banget namaku


There are two data of verb form in intra-sentential code mixing. The first

datum is contact. This is a verb that appears in the middle of the sentence and


Hornby (2015, p. 319) states that contact means “to communicate with somebody,

for example by telephone or letter”. In the sentence, it is stated that Drake never

call X anymore. Drake does not communicate with him any longer. As it has been

mentioned previously, a verb is divided into intrasitive verb and transitive verb.

Here, the word contact is considered as a transitive verb because it is followed by

an object which is dia.

The second datum is follow. This verb appears in the beginning of the

sentence. Hornby (2015, p. 589), states that follow means “to come or go after or

behind somebody or something. In this case, the word follow in social media

means that in order to get to know or to always up to date for the latest

information or activity of the speaker of the videos, the viewers should follow her

Instagram and Twitter account. The word follow is considered as a transitive verb.

It means that the verb is followed by an object. In the sentence, the word follow is

followed by the object aku.

d. Adverb

The fourth example for the intra-sentential code mixing found by the

researcher is an adverb. Adverb means a word that modifies a verb, an adjective,

another adverb, or a sentence and that is often used to show time, manner, place,

or degree. The example of adverb is displayed in the table below.



Table 5. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Adverb)

No. Utterance

2/6 Aku sebenarnya takut karena obviously ini orang beneran dan
kayak aku udah pernah bilang aku jauh lebih takut sama psikopat
dan orang-orang yang jahat dibanding sama hantu.

From the datum above, it shows that the speaker mixes the adverb

obviously in the middle of the sentence. Hornby (2015, p. 1031-1032) believes

that obviously is used “when giving information that you expect other people to

know already or agree with”. In the sentence, the speaker wants to emphasize that

she is afraid because these (refers to the psycipaths in the videos) are real people.

It is easy to detect that the word is an adverb because the word obviously is ended

with English suffix –ly.

e. Phrase

Another form that the writer finds in the data is phrase. According to

Hornby (2015, p. 1118), phrase is “a small group of words without a finite verb

that together have a particular meaning and that typically form part of a sentence”.

From both videos, the writer found two kinds of phrase namely noun phrase and

prepositional phrase.

Hornby (2015, p. 1022) defines noun phrase as “a word or a group of

words in a sentence that behaves in the same way as a noun, that is as a subject, an

object, a complement, or as the object of a preposition”. Down below is the

example of noun phrase found in the video.



Table 6. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Noun Phrase)

No. Utterance

1/13 Kesaksian orang-orang yang ada, tiba-tiba ada black SUV, mobil
SUV hitam yang stop pas di depan mobilnya si X.

From the table above, the noun phrase in the utterance is black SUV. In

this phrase, the position of black is the adjective form that modifies the noun SUV.

SUV or also known as sport utility vehicle is car that is usually be used on rough


The other variation of phrase that the writer found is prepositional

phrase. According to Hornby (2015, p. 1173), prepositional phrase means “a

preposition and the noun following it”. Here is an example of prepositional


Table 7. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Prepositional Phrase)

No. Utterance

1/19 In a way, itu mungkin terjadi karena kalo kalian ga tau dia udah
mecahin rekornya Taylor Swift.

In the datum above, in a way is considered as a prepositional phrase

because it consists of a prepositional and followed by a noun. In the utterance, it

starts with the prepositional in and followed by a way. In a way also has the same

meaning as in some ways or in one way.



f. Compound

The writer also found compound word that is inserted in the utterances.

In Introduction to Syntax by Van Valin (2001, p. 8), he states that “languages can

usually increase their stock of nouns, for example, by borrowing nouns from other

languages or creating new ones through compounding (e.g. butter + fly yields

butterfly).” The table below shows the example of compound word.

Table 8. Intra-sentential Code Mixing (Compound)

No. Utterance

1/10 Dan ini adalah timeline kejadiannya.

The compound word from the table above is timeline. That word is

formed from two different word, which are time and line. These two words are

definitely have their own meaning. Hornby (2015, p. 1584) clarifies that time

means as a noun “what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc”. Hornby (2015,

p. 879) also states that the word line as a noun means “a long thin mark on a

surface”. By looking at the definition of each word, it is clear that they are

different from each other.

However, when those words are combined, it becomes a totally new

word with new meaning. Hornby (2015, p. 1586) states that timeline means “a

horizontal line that is used to represent time, with the past towards the left and the

future towards the right”. In the video, the speaker explains about the timeline of

the event that happened before XXXTentacion died.



2. Intra-lexical Code Mixing

As it has been mentioned previously, intra-lexical occurs within a word

boundary and a mix happens when there is an affix inserted in sentences. In this

case, Indonesian affixes are added with English words. Intra-lexical code mixing

is related to morphology. In this research, there are a few of Indonesian affixes

inserted in the sentence, such as –nya, nge-, and di-. From the data, it is clear that

the speaker tends to mix Indonesian affixes with English root rather than English

affixes with Indonesian words. It happens because the attachement of Indonesian

affixes to English words may cause changes for the English word classes. The

affixes that are found in the videos by Nessie Judge have different functions. To

further explanation, here is the example of intra lexical code mixing found in the


Table 9. Intra-lexical Code Mixing (Suffix –nya)

No. Utterances

1/27 Seakan dia menceritakan plan-nya untuk membunuh X dan

menembaknya di bawah leher.

2/28 Kita bakal dengar recording-nya.

2/41 Kalo misalkan kalian suka videonya please klik like-nya karena
itu bakalan nunjukkin kalo misalnya kalian suka.

The table above presents data of Indonesian suffix –nya mixes with

English words. In the first datum, suffix –nya is added to English word plan.

Suffix –nya is used in order to show a possession on something and in the



sentence it means that the plan belongs to someone. The addition of suffix –nya

changes the lexical category from a verb to a noun.

The second datum is recording-nya. In this example, the addition of

suffix –nya to English word recording does not change the lexical category of it.

Hornby (2015, p. 1249) states that recording is a noun which means “sounds or

pictures that have been recorded on CD, DVD, video, etc”. In this case, suffix –

nya shows that it belongs to someone.

The last datum is like-nya. In this example, suffix –nya also changes the

lexical category from a verb to a noun. Like as a verb according to Hornby (2015,

p. 876) means “to find somebody/something pleasant, attractive or of a good

standard; to enjoy something”. In the sentence, like as a noun means a button in a

form of a thumb up and it is used in order to show that one likes or loves the


Table 10. Intra-lexical Code Mixing (Prefix di-)

No. Utterances
Aku tonton banyak banget dan bahkan beberapa yang siaran live
1/4 yang di-upload di Youtube aku juga nonton.

Semua telfon yang masuk ke 911 itu di-record.


In the first datum, prefix di- is added to English word upload. According

to Hornby (2015, p. 1661), upload means “to send data onto another computer”

and in the sentence di-upload means something that is being uploaded by

someone. It becomes a passive sentence. The second datum based on the table


above is di-record. In the sentence, record means to store on tape or a disk and

later it can be heard again. Therefore, di-record based on the context of the

sentence has a meaning that all 911 calls are recorded.

From two examples of prefix di- above, it can be concluded that in this

case the addition of prefix di- has a function of making a passive form in the

sentences. Muslich also states that the meaning of suffix di- is “to express a

passive action” (Muslich as cited in Fajriyah, 2014, p. 22).

Table 11. Intra-lexical Code Mixing (Prefix nge-)

No. Utterances

1/7 Dia mulai dikenal ketika dia nge-upload beberapa lagunya remix
ke situs Soundcloud.
1/24 Tiba-tiba Drake nge-release lagu KMT yang beat-nya mirip
banget sama lagunya X yang berjudul Look At Me.

Puri (2016, p. 39) states that “the prefix nge- is the simplified form of the

prefix me- that is derived into menge-”. Another researcher, Ningsih (2013)

argues that “prefixes me- can be mem-, men, meng-, and meny-. The prefix nge- is

the informal prefix which has the same function with prefix me-” (p. 13-14). In

the videos, the speaker changes the prefix me- by changing it into prefix nge-.

From the table above, there are two data that show prefix nge- attached to English

words. In the first datum, upload is a verb and according to Hornby (2015, p.

1661) it means “to send data onto another computer”. The prefix nge- is used in

the sentence in order to show the action of uploading something (in this case, it is

about uploading songs).



As mentioned before, the prefix supposed to be me-. If the speaker uses

prefix me-, it becomes meng-upload. However, the speaker in the video uses nge-

instead of meng-. The speaker does that in order to make it easier for the speaker

in pronouncing the word. The addition of prefix nge- does not change the lexical

category of the English word upload.

In the second datum, the English word release is a verb and Hornby

(2015, p. 1262) argues that it means “to make something available to the public”

and the function of the addition of prefix nge- is to show the action of releasing

something. In this case, it is about releasing a new song. If the speaker uses me-,

the word becomes me-release. In the video, the speaker chooses to use the

informal prefix nge-.

B. Reasons of Using Code Mixing

The writer has discussed about the types of code mixing found in two

selected videos by Nessie Judge above. In this chapter, the writer shows the

analysis of the reasons of code mixing. There are many reasons why people mix

their language in communication. In order to find the reasons of code mixing, the

writer applies the theory from Hoffman and there are seven reasons of code

mixing based on this theory. The table below shows the total data of reasons of

using code mixing.



Table 12. Reasons of Using Code Mixing

Reasons of Using Code Mixing Total

Talking about particular topic 82

Quoting somebody else -

Being emphatic about something 18

Interjection -

Repetition used for clarification
Expressing group identity/solidarity -

Clarifying the speech content for the -


After classifying the data, it is identified that there are three reasons of

using code mixing found in the data, namely talking about particular topic, being

empathetic about something, and repetition used for clarification. In order to

understand more about these 3 reasons, the writer gives the explanation in the next


1. Talking about Particular Topic

The first reason is talking about particular topic. According to Hoffman

(1991, p. 115), talking about particular topic can trigger someone to mix their

language. It happens because when a speaker cannot find the right word in

expressing their thought or feeling, the speaker mixes their language with another

language. From all the data, the writer found that talking about particular topic is

the most frequent reason that occurs. The speaker in the videos tends to mix


Indonesian with English when she talks about some specific topics. The table

below displays some examples that indicate the first reason of using code mixing.

Table 13. Talking about Particular Topic

No. Utterances

1/9 Dia mulai dikenal ketika dia nge-upload beberapa lagunya remix
ke situs Soundcloud.

1/35 Banyak juga yang percaya bahwa Drake ga melakukan itu

sendirian karena obviously dia Drake, tapi dia meminta bantuan
dari seorang rapper juga bernama Soldier Kid.

2/36 Dia nelfon 911 karena remnya blong.

2/46 Kalo misalkan kalian suka videonya please klik like-nya karena
itu bakalan nunjukkin kalo misalnya kalian suka.
2/50 Jangan lupa subscribe ke channel ini.

In the first example above, the word remix in the sentence refers to songs

uploaded to Soundcloud. Remix according to Hornby (2015, p. 1266) means “to

make a new version of a recorder piece of music by using a machine to arrange

the separate parts of the recording in a different way, add new parts, etc.” This

word is related to the topic because the speaker in the video talks about how the

rapper starts to get known by uploading the remix songs. The term remix is more

familiar in Indonesian and there is no Indonesian term for remix which is resulted

to the speaker cannot find the right expression, therefore the speaker in the video

adds it in the middle of the sentence.

The second example is the word rapper. This word means someone that

performs rap music. The video shows that the word rapper related to the topic that


talk about the famous rapper in the videos, such as Drake, Soldier Kid, or

XXXTentacion. This term is more familiar among Indonesia people when they

want to refer to person that perform rap. It is very rare to see that people state it as

musisi rap or penyanyi rap. The speaker in the video uses this term since it is a

popular term to be used. The term rapper is also shorter to be pronounced rather

than in Indonesian.

The third datum is 911. This is a number that is usually used by people

outside Indonesia whenever they are in an emergency situation. In the video, the

speaker tends to call it as 911 rather than sembilan satu-satu. This term is related

with the topic discussed in the video. It shows that the person named Mark Sailor

calls 911 when the brake of the car is stuck. Even if the term sembilan satu-satu is

quite well known in Indonesia, the speaker in the video chooses to mix with

English because it seems that it is shorter and easier to be pronounced. Therefore,

the function of the mixing here is to make the sentence simpler.

The fourth datum found is like-nya. This term represents an intra-lexical

code mixing. Like refers to one of the features on Youtube and it is used in order

to show that a person loves or likes the video. In the video, the speakers said that

if the viewers love the content of the video, just click the like button. This like

feature is not only found on Youtube, but also other social media. This term is

used by most Indonesian people because it is more familiar to be used. In

Indonesia, like means suka. However, when it relates to social media, in this case

it is a Youtube video, the speaker uses the English term instead of Indonesian. It is

because like is more appropriate than suka. It may sounds weird if the speaker


say: “Kalo misalkan kalian suka videonya please klik suka-nya karena itu

bakalan nunjukkin kalo misalnya kalian suka.” Besides, if the speaker uses the

Indonesian term, there is a repetition of the word suka.

The last datum is the word subscribe. According to Hornby (2015, p.

1509), subscribe means “to arrange to have regular access to an electronic

information service or other Internet service”. This term is usually used on

Youtube whenever a person asks other people to subscribe to a channel. In the

sentence, the speaker reminds the viewers to subscribe to her channel. It means

that by subscribing the channel, the viewers can see more content from the

speaker. By subscribing, it helps the viewers to never miss any new video by the

speaker. The speaker uses this term because there is no Indonesian term for

subscribe (in this case it is for Youtube). Since there is no right expression in

Indonesia, therefore this term is more popular and familiar to be used.

2. Being Emphatic about Something

The second reason is being empathetic about something. People mix their

language when they want to be empathetic about something. This reason is used

when a speaker shows strong expression or statement and wants to emphasize the

important things or points. Here is a table that displays some examples indicating

the reason of code mixing.



Table 14. Being Emphatic about Something

No. Utterances

1/17 Dan juga bahwa suatu hari ia mungkin akan memalsukan

kematiannya jika pressure dari industry udah terlalu berat.

2/11 Aku sebenarnya takut karena obviously ini orang beneran dan
kayak aku udah pernah bilang aku jauh lebih takut sama
psikopat dan orang-orang yang jahat dibanding sama hantu.

1/26 Suatu hari ketika X viral, Drake ngontak dia dan bilang
bahwa Drake mau kolaborasi dan X pun super happy kayak:
wow gila Drake mau kolaborasi sama gue.

In the first datum above, the word pressure is classified as being

emphatic to something. According to Hornby (2015, p. 1176), the word pressure

means “difficulties and feelings of anxiety that are caused by the need to achieve

or to behave in a particular way.” In the video, the speaker explains that the rapper

was a troubled man. He had faced a lot of problems with his own life, he went to

the jail a couple of times, and many more. In the video, the speaker gives many

explanation about how the music industry has given so many impacts in his life.

He has many fans that support him, but on the other hand there are many people

that does not like his presence. Therefore, he becomes depressed. Not only that,

he also had some problems with other rapper in the entertainment industry. This

situation is definitely making him get depressed even more and it makes him feel

like he does not care with anything anymore. From the explanation in the video, it

is clear enough that the rapper is getting so much pressure.

There are some English words that are similar with pressure, such as

tension, strain, and stress. Three of them have different meaning according to


Hornby (2015). First, Hornby (2015, p. 1560) states that the word tension means

“a feeling of anxiety and stress that makes it impossible to relax”. Second, the

word strain according to Hornby (2015, p. 1494) means “pressure on somebody

or something because they have too much to do or manage”. Hornby (2015, p.

1497) defines the last word, stress, as “pressure or anxiety caused by the problems

in somebody‟s life”. By looking at the meaning of each word, it is possible for the

speaker in the video to use those words instead of pressure. However, the

meaning of those three words are different in Indonesian. The words tension and

strain mean ketegangan. The word pressure means tekanan. If we compare the

meaning of tension/strain with pressure in Indonesian, it is clear that pressure has

deeper meaning than tension/strain. For the word stress, it also possible for the

speaker in the video to use.

However, Hornby (2015, p. 1177) gives a statement about pressure and

stress as follows: “It is common to say that somebody is suffering from stress,

while pressure may be the thing that causes stress”. It shows that both words are

not the same. Therefore, in the sentence the speaker of the video uses pressure as

the appropriate and strong expression that is used in order to emphasize the

important message that the rapper may fake his death if the pressure from the

industry is too much for him. The speaker wants to show that pressure is an

important thing that cause someone to die.

The second datum is obviously. Hornby (2015, p. 1031) states that

obviously is used “to say that a particular situation or fact is easy to see or

understand”. There is a word that is quite similar with obviously which is clearly.


According to Hornby (2015, p. 266), it means “in a way that is easy to see or

hear”. These two words almost have the same meaning. However, they are

different in the way of using the words. To understand, here is an example by

Hornby (2015, p. 266): “Please speak clearly after the tone”. The word clearly in

the example cannot be changed with obviously because it is just not the right word

to be used.

However , the speaker in the video uses obviously instead of clearly. This

word indicates the reason of being emphatic about something. In the video, the

speaker states that many viewers ask her to discuss the scariest 911 calls. In the

sentence, she said that she is afraid because real people are involved in the 911

calls events. Then, she adds that she is not scared of ghosts but psychopath or real

people. By using this word, the speaker wants to show her fear obviously and as it

has been explained before, it shows an obvious manner. Obviously is an important

point and a strong expression that the speaker wants to emphasize and she wants

to remind the viewers that it is obvious that real people are in involved in the 911


The last datum is super happy. According to Hornby (2015, p. 1518) the

word super means “extremelly good”. There are four English words that have

similar meaning as happy, namely blissful, joyful, satisfied, and content. The

meaning for each word is different from each other according to Hornby (2015).

First, Hornby (2015, p. 147) defines the word blissful as “extremely happy,

showing happiness”. Second, Hornby (2015) defines the word joyful means “very

happy, causing people to be happy” (p. 822). Third, the word satisfied according


to Hornby (2015, p. 1331) means “pleased because you have achieved something

or because something that you wanted to happen has happened”. The last is the

word content defined by Hornby (2015, p. 320) which means “happy and satisfied

with what you have”.

The meaning of those words imply that it is possible for the speaker to

use in the sentence. However, it is important to compare those words. The English

words satisfied and content have a quite similar meaning. In Indonesian, satisfied

means puas. The meaning of content can also has the same meaning, which is

puas. It is obvious that in the video, the speaker does not use satisfied and content

because the meaning does not suitable with the context of the topic in the video.

In the context of the video, the speaker says that the rapper is bahagia not puas.

For the words blissful and joyful, it also possible for the speaker to use.

Even though the meaning of the words are similar, the speaker chooses to use the

happy because this term is more familiar for the viewers rather than blissful and


The term happy indicates the reason of being emphatic about something.

In the sentence, it is said that the rapper namely Drake wants to collaborate with

XXXTentacion. Super happy is a strong expression that is used in the sentence

and it shows the empathic. This expression wants to emphasize that

XXXTentacion is extremely happy about the collaboration that is going to be

happened between him and his own idol. The important point is that he is very

happy about it.



3. Repetition Used for Clarification

The last reason found in the data is repetition used for clarification. As it

has been mentioned in the previous chapter, repetition takes place when the

speaker wants to clarify the message and also to emphasize the message conveyed

in the sentence. There is a purpose or reason why the speaker repeats the word.

The repetition of the words is done in order to help the viewers of the videos to

understand the words clearly. There are some examples of the data that shows the

occurance of the repetition of the words. To understand this reason, here is a table

displaying some of the data and followed by the explanation for each data.

Table 15. Repetition Used for Clarification

No. Utterances
1/10 Walaupun sangat-sangat talented, sangat-sangat bertalenta, X
was a troubled young man.

1/15 Kesaksian orang-orang yang ada, tiba-tiba ada black SUV,

mobil SUV hitam yang stop pas di depan mobilnya si X.

1/48 Kalo misalnya kalian punya informasi lainnya yang ga aku

include, yang ga aku masukkan di video kali ini juga bisa
diceritain di bawah karena aku sangat tertarik untuk
mengetahui lebih jauh tentang kasus yang satu ini.

2/28 Karena chimpanzee ini ga kenal, dia merasa kayak itu adalah
sebuah threat, sebuah ancaman.

From the table above, the speaker repeats the English word of talented

into Indonesian, which is bertalenta. Talented is an adjective and it means

“having a natural ability to do something well” according to Hornby (2015, p.

1543). When the speaker repeats in Indonesian, she wants to emphasize that even


though X is a very talented person, he is a troubled young man. It means that even

if a person can be so talented in certain things, he or she may have some problems

in life. It shows that nobody is perfect in this world.

In the second datum, the speaker talks about the testimony from some

people that witness a black car stops in front of X‟s car. In the sentence, it

displays that after saying black SUV in English term, the speaker repeats in

Indonesian again, which is SUV hitam. However, the speaker adds another

Indonesian word mobil before SUV hitam. It means that the speaker wants to

clarify that black SUV refers to a car. By doing that, it may help viewers who do

not have any knowledge about what black SUV is to understand the context.

The third datum also shows the repetition that is done by the speaker. In

the sentence, the speaker uses the English word include and Hornby (2015)

defines the meaning of the word as “to make somebody or something part of

something” (p. 771). This word has the same meaning as the repeated one in

Indonesian, which is masukkan. The speaker in the video wants to emphasize the

message by reminding the viewers that if there are some stories that have not been

included in the video, the viewers can add more in the comment section.

The last datum also indicates the repetition of words. As seen in the table,

it is clear that the speaker repeats the word threat that has the same meaning as

ancaman. According to Hornby (2015, p. 1576), the word threat means “the

possibility of trouble, danger or disaster”. In the sentence, the speaker explains

that when there is something a chimpanzee does not know, the chimpanzee

considers that unknown thing as a threat. The speaker wants to emphasize the


message that for animal, in this case it is a chimpanzee, anything can be a threat,

especially when the animal does not recognize it.

However, after analyzing the data, the writer finds something interesting

from the data. The speaker finds that the speaker in the video repeats the words

from English to Indonesia to make a clarification. The writer believes that the

speaker of the video does that because the English term are more familiar for the

speaker to be used. It may also because of the speaker‟s habitual as Nababan‟s

theory stated in the earlier chapter. It is a speaker‟s habitual means that the

speaker may use English language in her daily life, therefore it becomes a habit

for her to mix Indonesian with English.

However, in this case, in the sentence she uses English term at first, then

she clarifies it in Indonesian. It may implies that since she speaks English

regularly in her daily life (it can be seen on her other social media such as

Instagram and Twitter), English term comes spontaneously whenever she speaks.

Therefore, she gives the clarification in Indonesian.





The writer has answered two problems in this research, which are about

the types of code mixing found in two selected videos by Nessie Judge and the

reasons of using code mixing found in two selected videos by Nessie Judge. After

collecting all the data, the writer found that there are 106 utterances in two videos

that contain code mixing.

By applying a theory by Hoffman (1991), there are two types of code

mixing found by the writer in the data, which are intra-sentential code mixing and

intra-lexical code mixing. The first type is intra-sentential code mixing. It means

people mix their language with another language in a sentence at the same time.

The writer found there are 84 data of intra-sentential code mixing. Then, the

second type is intra-lexical code mixing. Intra-lexical means there is an addition

of affix into English. In this case, the affix is in Indonesian. There are 22 data of

intra-lexical code mixing.

By looking at the number of the data, intra-sentential code mixing is the

biggest number of occurrence of code mixing. It happens because from the data,

most of the time the speaker in the videos inserts English words in the middle or

at the end of the sentences. The English words are in the form of a noun, a verb,

and adjective, and many more. There are only 22 data that display the occurance

of intra-lexical code mixing. The researcher found that the reason why intra-

sentential code mixing is the most used type of code mixing is because the pattern



of sentence in both Indonesian and English is the same, therefore the speaker in

the videos mix the words right away easily.

In finding the reasons of using code mixing, the writer also applies the

theory from Hoffman. According to Hoffman (1991), there are seven reasons of

using code mixing. However, in this analysis the writer only found 3 reasons of

using code mixing in two selected videos by Nessie Judge. The first reason is

talking about particular topic. The writer found 82 data of talking about particular

topic. The second reason is being emphatic about something. There are 18 data

found by the writer. The last is repetition used for clarification. There are 6 data


The reason why talking about particular topic is the highest reason of

code mixing is because most of the data shows that the speaker mixes the

language when the speaker talks about certain topics only. There are two possible

reasons why talking about particular topic is the most used reasons of code

mixing. First, the speaker uses terms that are popular and commonly used by

Indonesian people. Second, there is a lack of equivalent words in Indonesian.

Thus, the speaker mixes the languages.




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Konspirasi Terseram XXXTentacion! #Nerror

No. Utterances Types

1. Dan yang ketiga aku ga mau upload sesuatu Intra-sentential: the word
yang aku tidak kenal. upload is a verb.
2. Aku tonton banyak banget interview-nya Intra-lexical: Indonesian
yang 30 menit dan ada yang sejam. suffix –nya is added to a
noun word interview.
3. Aku tonton banyak banget dan bahkan Intra-lexical: Indonesian
beberapa yang siaran live yang di-upload di prefix di- is added to a
Youtube aku juga nonton. verb word upload.
4. Aku tonton banyak banget dan bahkan Intra-sentential: the word
beberapa yang siaran live yang di-upload di live is an adverb.
Youtube aku juga nonton.
5. Aku ga mau bikin video cuman purely gara- Intra-sentential: the word
gara lagi viral. purely is an adverb.
6. Aku ga mau bikin video cuman purely gara- Intra-sentential: the word
gara lagi viral. viral is an adjective.
7. Tapi bahkan sampai saat ini aku masih Intra-sentential: Request
dapatin ribuan yang request tentang is a verb.
8. Dia mulai dikenal ketika dia nge-upload Intra-lexical: Indonesian
beberapa lagunya remix ke situs prefix ng- is added to a
Soundcloud. verb word upload.
9. Dia mulai dikenal ketika dia nge-upload Intra-sentential: the word
beberapa lagunya remix ke situs remix is an English noun.
10. Walaupun sangat-sangat talented, sangat- Intra-sentential: the word
sangat bertalenta, X was a troubled young talented is an adjective.
11. Dari banyak interview yang aku tonton juga Intra-sentential: th word
X sering banget ngomong bahwa dia ingin interview is a noun.
membuat perbedaan dan menggunakan
hidupnya untuk membantu.
12. Dan ini adalah timeline kejadiannya. Intra-sentential: the word
timeline is a a compound
13. Pada 18 Juni 2018, X pergi ke bank untuk Intra-sentential: the word
narik uang sebelum pergi ke dealer motor. dealer is a noun.
14. Setengah jam kemudian pada jam 4 sore, X Intra-sentential: the word
meninggalkan dealership motornya dan dealership is a noun.
masuk ke mobil BMW I8-nya dia lalu mulai
nyetir dan pergi dari dealership.


15. Kesaksian orang-orang yang ada, tiba-tiba Intra-sentential: black

ada black SUV, mobil SUV hitam yang stop SUV is a noun phrase.
pas di depan mobilnya si X.
16. Sesaat setelah beritanya keluar, semua orang Intra-sentential: the word
pun kaget, shock, dan bingung. shock is an adjective.
17. Dan juga bahwa suatu hari ia mungkin akan Intra-sentential: the word
memalsukan kematiannya jika pressure dari pressure is a noun.
industry udah terlalu berat.
18. Dan juga bahwa suatu hari ia mungkin akan Intra-sentential: the word
memalsukan kematiannya jika pressure dari industry is a noun.
industry udah terlalu berat.
19. Alasan yang ketiga dia dulu pernah ng- Intra-lexical: Indonesian
upload video di mana dia seakan-akan prefix ng- is added to a
bunuh diri yang ternyata cuman buat video verb word upload.
20. Banyak yang percaya bahwa ini cuman jadi Intra-sentential: the word
hype aja, dia pura-pura meninggal biar hype is a verb.
semua orang dengar lagunya dan karirnya
21. In a way, itu mungkin terjadi karena kalo Intra-sentential: In a way
kalian ga tau dia udah mecahin rekornya is a prepositional phrase.
Taylor Swift.
22. So aku nonton interview-nya di mana dia Intra-lexical: Indonesian
apa yang terjadi sama dia sama Drake. suffix –nya is added to a
noun word interview.
23. So aku nonton interview-nya di mana dia Intra-sentential: So is a
apa yang terjadi sama dia sama Drake. conjunction.
24. Basically dulu X itu suka banget sama Intra-lexical: Indonesian
Drake, kayak idol-nya dia. suffix –nya is added to a
noun word idol in the
middle of the sentence.
25. Basically dulu X itu suka banget sama Intra-sentential: basically
Drake, kayak idol-nya dia. is an English adverb.
26. Suatu hari ketika X viral, Drake ngontak dia Intra-sentential: the word
dan bilang bahwa Drake mau kolaborasi dan viral is an adjective.
X pun super happy kayak: wow gila Drake
mau kolaborasi sama gue.
27. Suatu hari ketika X viral, Drake ngontak dia Intra-sentential: Super
dan bilang bahwa Drake mau kolaborasi dan happy is an adjective
X pun super happy kayak: wow gila Drake phrase.
mau kolaborasi sama gue.
28. Tapi setelah itu Drake ga pernah contact dia Intra-sentential: contact is
lagi. a verb.
29. Tiba-tiba Drake nge-release lagu KMT yang Intra-lexical: Indonesian
beat-nya mirip banget sama lagunya X yang prefix nge- is added to a
berjudul Look At Me. verb word release.


30. Tiba-tiba Drake nge-release lagu KMT yang Intra-lexical: Indonesian

beat-nya mirip banget sama lagunya X yang suffix –nya is added to
berjudul Look At Me. noun word beat.
31. X juga pernah nge-post snap/instastory yang Intra-lexical: Indonesian
bertuliskan: Jika ada yang membunuhku, ia prefix nge- is added to a
adalah Champagnepapi. noun word post.
32. So I’m really sorry guys tapi batre-nya abis Intra-sentential: the word
dan charger kamera aku ketinggalan di Solo charger is a noun.
lagi dikirim pake JNE.
33. Seakan dia menceritakan plan-nya untuk Intra-lexical: Indonesian
membunuh X dan menembaknya di bawah suffix –nya is added to a
leher. noun word plan in the
middle of the sentence.
34. Banyak juga yang percaya bahwa Drake ga Intra-sentential: the word
melakukan itu sendirian karena obviously obviously is an adverb.
dia Drake, tapi dia meminta bantuan dari
seorang rapper juga bernama Soldier Kid.
35. Banyak juga yang percaya bahwa Drake ga Intr-sentential: rapper is a
melakukan itu sendirian karena obviously noun.
dia Drake, tapi dia meminta bantuan dari
seorang rapper juga bernama Soldier Kid.
36. Banyak yang berpikiran bahwa Soldier Kid Intra-lexical: Indonesian
terlibat karena dia pernah nge-post satu foto prefix nge- is added to a
di mana di mobilnya ada masker merah. noun word post.
37. Pada hari yang sama dengan kejadian Intra-lexical: Indonesian
Soldier Kid nge-post di instastory dia makan prefix nge- is added to a
di Hook Fish and Chicken dan ada foto noun word post.
pistol di sebelah piringnya.
38. Tapi tak lama setelah dugaan ini Intra-lexical: Indonesian
bermunculan, Soldier Kid pun nge-post di prefix nge- is added to a
instagramnya bahwa dia tidak terlibat dan noun word post.
turut berduka cita akan apa yang terjadi
sama X.
39. Of course ga ada konspirasi yang lengkap Intra-sentential: of course
sebelum mereka dikait-kaitin sama is a prepositional phrase.
40. Tapi basically orang-orang percaya bahwa X Intra-sentential: the word
sudah terhubung sama illuminati. basically is an adverb.
41. So walaupun emang orangnya sangat-sangat Intra-sentential: So is a
bertalenta, orang-orang tetep kayak: ga conjunction.
mungkin, dia pasti nyembah setan.
42. Salah satu temannya X bernama Skimask Intra- sentential: A word
bilang di interview pada Oktober 2017 interview is a noun.
bahwa ia dan temannya akan dijadikan
tumbal pengorbanan illuminati makanya ia
menjauhkan diri.


43. Tapi beberapa saat setelahnya, waktu X live, Intra-sentential: the word
dia bilang bahwa yang nonton suruh live is an adverb.
Skimask mau jadi temannya lagi.
44. So masih banyak yang percaya bahwa ia Intra-sentential: the word
ditangkap sebagai replacement tapi replacement is a noun.
sebenarnya yang bunuh bukan dia but we
don’t know.
45. So di bawah aku mo tau menurut kalian, Intra-sentential: So is a
tanpa mengurangi hormat kepada sang conjunction.
korban, ceritakan apa yang kalian percaya.
46. Apakah dia dibunuh oleh rival-nya? Intra-lexical: Indonesian
suffix –nya is added to a
noun word rival.
47. Please ceritain di bawah. Intra-sentential: Please is
an adverb.
48. Kalo misalnya kalian punya informasi Intra-sentential: the word
lainnya yang ga aku include, yang ga aku include is a verb.
masukkan di video kali ini juga bisa
diceritain di bawah karena aku sangat
tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang
kasus yang satu ini.
49. Kalo misalnya kalian suka videonya klik Intra-lexical: Indonesian
like-nya dan follow aku di Instagram dan suffix –nya is added to a
Twitter gampang banget Nessie Judge aja. noun word like.
50. Kalo misalnya kalian suka videonya klik Intra-sentential: the word
like-nya dan follow aku di Instagram dan Follow is a verb.
Twitter gampang banget Nessie Judge aja.
51. Subscribe ke channel ini juga nyalain Intra-lexical: Indonesian
notification-nya biar kalian tau kalo suffix –nya is added to a
misalkan aku upload video baru. noun word notification.
52. Subscribe ke channel ini juga nyalain Intra-sentential: the word
notification-nya biar kalian tau kalo subscribe is a verb.
misalkan aku upload video baru.
53. Subscribe ke channel ini juga nyalain Intra-sentential: the word
notification-nya biar kalian tau kalo channel is a noun.
misalkan aku upload video baru.
54. Subscribe ke channel ini juga nyalain Intra-sentential: the word
notification-nya biar kalian tau kalo upload is a verb.
misalkan aku upload video baru.


Rekaman 911 Terseram! #Nerror

No. Utterances Types
1. No, Nerror ga naiknya malam jumat, Intra-sentential: the
Nerror naiknya jumat malam. word no is a noun.

2. Basically, 911 itu adalah operator Intra-sentential: the

emergency di United State of America. word basically is an
3. Basically, 911 itu adalah operator Intra-sentential: the
emergency di United State of America. word 911 is n noun.

4. Basically, 911 itu adalah operator Intra-sentential: United

emergency di United State of America. States of America is a
5. Basically, 911 itu adalah operator Intra-sentential: the
emergency di United State of America. word emergency is a
6. Aku selalu ingat nomor itu sejak aku field Intra-sentential: field
trip ke pemadam kebakaran waktu aku trip is a noun phrase.
kelas 3 SD.

7. Semua telfon yang masuk ke 911 itu di- Intra-lexical: Indonesian

record. prefix di- is added to
noun word record.
8. Semua telfon yang masuk ke 911 itu di- Intra-sentential: the
record. word 911 is n noun.
9. Dan aku liat banyak banget comments Intra-sentential:
yang minta aku buat bahas 911 calls. Comments is a noun.
10. Dan aku liat banyak banget comments Intra-sentential: the
yang minta aku buat bahas 911 calls. word 911 calls is a noun
11. Aku sebenarnya takut karena obviously Intra-sentential: the
ini orang beneran dan kayak aku udah word obviously is an
pernah bilang aku jauh lebih takut sama adverb.
psikopat dan orang-orang yang jahat
dibanding sama hantu.
12. Jadi Karen ini lagi home alone, dia lagi Intra-sentential: home
sendirian di rumah sama bayinya. alone is a noun phrase.

13. Jadi Karen langsung telfon 911 dan inilah Intra-sentential: the
rekamannya. word 911 is a noun.
14. Oke next ada Jake Evans. Intra-sentential: the
word Next is an adverb.


15. Jadi Jake Evans ini nelfon 911 setelah dia Intra-sentential: the
membunuh ibunya dan adik word 911 is a noun.
16. Mungkin dia kayak bingung gitu dan dia Intra-sentential: the
ga tau apa yang harus dilakukan jadi dia word 911 is a noun.
nelfon 911.
17. Basically dia bunuh mamanya sama Intra-sentential: the
adeknya gara-gara mereka buat dia word basically is an
sumpek. adverb.
18. Oke next kita punya Ruth. Intra-sentential: the
word next is an adverb.
19. Akhirnya dia telfon 911. Intra-sentential: the
word 911 is a noun.
20. So ini adalah rekamannya Ruth. Intra-sentential: the
word so is a
21. Oke jadi orang itu nyari orang bilang ke Intra-sentential: the
dia kayak gue lagi nyari seseorang dan word apartment is a
bilang dia lagi nyari apartment. noun.
22. Oke next ada telfon dari Sandra Harrold. Intra-sentential: the
word next is an adverb.
23. Basically Sandra Harold ini punya Intra-sentential: the
chimpanzee yang udah dia urus sejak word basically is an
kecil. adverb.
24. Basically Sandra Harold ini punya Intra-sentential: the
chimpanzee yang udah dia urus sejak word chimpanzee is a
kecil. noun.
25. Chimpanzee ini basically udah kayak Intra-sentential: the
anak nya Sandra Harold ini. word chimpanzee is a
26. Chimpanzee ini basically udah kayak Intra-sentential: the
anak nya Sandra Harold ini. word basically is an
27. Karena chimpanzee ini ga kenal, dia Intra-sentential: the
merasa kayak itu adalah sebuah threat, word chimpanzee is a
sebuah ancaman. noun.
28. Karena chimpanzee ini ga kenal, dia Intra-sentential: the
merasa kayak itu adalah sebuah threat, word threat is a noun.
sebuah ancaman.
29. Dan ini adalah telfon yang dibuat sama Intra-lexical: Indonesian
Sandra ketika dia melihat Travis, suffix –nya is added to
chimpanzee-nya dia mulai menyerang the noun word
sahabatnya. chimpanzee.
30. Bayangin kalian punya binatang kayak Intra-sentential: for
for example kalian punya kucing atau example is a
anjing. prepositional phrase.


31. Kayaknya aku juga bakalan kayak shock Intra-sentential: the

banget sampe kayak mau pingsan kayak word shock is an
Sandra tadi tuh. adjective.
32. Carla Nash tidak meninggal karena polisi Intra-sentential: the
datang tepat waktu tapi tetep aja mukanya word accident is a noun.
dia setelah accident ini, setelah
kecelakaan ini, ga akan mungkin seperti
33. Next ada telfon dari Mark Sailor. Intra-sentential: the
word next is an adverb.
34. Basically Mark Sailor lagi di mobil sama Intra-sentential: the
keluarganya the whole family. word basically is an
35. Basically Mark Sailor lagi di mobil sama Intra-sentential: The
keluarganya the whole family. whole family is a noun
36. Dia nelfon 911 karena remnya blong. Intra-sentential: the
word 911 is a noun.
37. Kita bakal dengar recording-nya. Intra-lexical: Indonesian
suffix –nya is added to
the noun word
38. Gasnya itu stuck. Intra-sentential: the
word stuck is an English
39. Oh iya ya brakes-nya ga ada. Intra-lexical: Indonesian
suffix –nya is added to
the noun word brake.
40. Dan kita bakal dengerin sekarang Intra-sentential: the
recording dari telfon 911. English word recording
is a noun.
41. Kita bakal dengerin sekarang recording Intra-sentential: the
dari telfon 911. word 911 is a noun.
42. Aku ga tau kenapa kalian recommend ini Intra-sentential: the
karena video ini bikin aku 40% takut word recommend is a
60% sedih. verb.
43. Aku juga mo tau apa menurut kalian Intra-sentential: 911
tentang 911 calls ini. calls is a noun phrase.
44. Kita literally bisa mati kapan aja. Intra-sentential: the
word literally is an
45. Jadilah orang yang baik dan juga Intra-sentential:
appreciate life. appreciate life is a noun
46. Kalo misalkan kalian suka videonya Intra-lexical: Indonesian
please klik like-nya karena itu bakalan suffix –nya is added to


nunjukkin kalo misalnya kalian suka. the noun word like.

47. Kalo misalkan kalian suka videonya Intra-sentential: Please
please klik like-nya karena itu bakalan is an adverb.
nunjukkin kalo misalnya kalian suka.
48. Follow aku di Instagram dan Twitter Intra-sentential: the
gampang banget namaku aja. word follow is a verb.
49. Komen-komen kalian dan sarannya aku Intra-sentential:
tunggu di bawah di comment section. comment section is a
noun phrase.
50. Jangan lupa subscribe ke channel ini. Intra-sentential: the
word subscribe is a
51. Dan juga jangan lupa subscribe ke Intra-sentential: the
channel ini. word channel is a noun.
52. Juga nyalain notification-nya jadi kalian Intra-lexical: Indonesian
tau kalo misalnya aku upload video baru. suffix –nya is added to
the noun word


Konspirasi Terseram XXXTentacion! #Nerror

No. Utterances Reasons of using Code

1. Dan yang ketiga aku ga mau upload sesuatu Talking about particular
yang aku tidak kenal. topic. It refers to the
activity of uploading data,
2. Aku tonton banyak banget interview-nya Talking about particular
yang 30 menit dan ada yang sejam. topic. It refers to a
meeting in which
questions are asked.
3. Aku tonton banyak banget dan bahkan Talking about particular
beberapa yang siaran live yang di-upload di topic. It refers to
Youtube aku juga nonton. something that is being
4. Aku tonton banyak banget dan bahkan Talking about particular
beberapa yang siaran live yang di-upload di topic. It refers to a
Youtube aku juga nonton. moment that is happening.
5. Aku ga mau bikin video cuman purely gara- Being empathetic about
gara lagi viral. something. It means


6. Aku ga mau bikin video cuman purely gara- Being empathetic about
gara lagi viral. something. It refers to
something that is
spreading over the
7. Tapi bahkan sampai saat ini aku masih Talking about particular
dapatin ribuan yang request tentang topic. It refers to an action
XXXTentacion. of asking something.
8. Dia mulai dikenal ketika dia nge-upload Talking about particular
beberapa lagunya remix ke situs topic. It refers to the
Soundcloud. process of uploading
9. Dia mulai dikenal ketika dia nge-upload Talking about particular
beberapa lagunya remix ke situs topic. It refers to music or
Soundcloud. video that is being
10. Walaupun sangat-sangat talented, sangat- Repetition used for
sangat bertalenta, X was a troubled young clarification. It refers to a
man. behaviour where someone
is naturally good at
11. Dari banyak interview yang aku tonton juga Talking about particular
X sering banget ngomong bahwa dia ingin topic. It refers to a
membuat perbedaan dan menggunakan meeting in which
hidupnya untuk membantu. questions are asked.
12. Dan ini adalah timeline kejadiannya. Talking about particular
topic. It refers to a
procedure of an event.
13. Pada 18 Juni 2018, X pergi ke bank untuk Talking about particular
narik uang sebelum pergi ke dealer motor. topic. It refers to a
someone who buy or sell
14. Setengah jam kemudian pada jam 4 sore, X Talking about particular
meninggalkan dealership motornya dan topic. It refers to a
masuk ke mobil BMW I8-nya dia lalu mulai business that sells
nyetir dan pergi dari dealership. product, such as car or
15. Kesaksian orang-orang yang ada, tiba-tiba Repetition used for
ada black SUV, mobil SUV hitam yang stop clarification. It refers to a
pas di depan mobilnya si X. particular type of car.
16. Sesaat setelah beritanya keluar, semua orang Repetition used for
pun kaget, shock, dan bingung. clarification. It means a
feeling of upset about
17. Dan juga bahwa suatu hari ia mungkin akan Being empathetic about
memalsukan kematiannya jika pressure dari something. It refers to the


industry udah terlalu berat. weight of something that

can causes stress.
18. Dan juga bahwa suatu hari ia mungkin akan Talking about particular
memalsukan kematiannya jika pressure dari topic. It refers to a
industry udah terlalu berat. business that gives certain
19. Alasan yang ketiga dia dulu pernah ng- Talking about particular
upload video di mana dia seakan-akan topic. It refers to the
bunuh diri yang ternyata cuman buat video process of uploading
klipnya. something.
20. Banyak yang percaya bahwa ini cuman jadi Talking about particular
hype aja, dia pura-pura meninggal biar topic. It refers to
semua orang dengar lagunya dan karirnya promotional publicity.
21. In a way, itu mungkin terjadi karena kalo Talking about particular
kalian ga tau dia udah mecahin rekornya topic. It means in some
Taylor Swift. ways.
22. So aku nonton interview-nya di mana dia Talking about particular
apa yang terjadi sama dia sama Drake. topic. It refers to a
meeting in which
questions are asked.
23. So aku nonton interview-nya di mana dia Talking about particular
apa yang terjadi sama dia sama Drake. topic. It refers to the
reason of something.
24. Basically dulu X itu suka banget sama Talking about particular
Drake, kayak idol-nya dia. topic. It refers to a person
that is being worshipped
or idolized.
25. Basically dulu X itu suka banget sama Being empathetic about
Drake, kayak idol-nya dia. something. It means in a
general way.
26. Suatu hari ketika X viral, Drake ngontak dia Talking about particular
dan bilang bahwa Drake mau kolaborasi dan topic. It refers to
X pun super happy kayak: wow gila Drake something that is
mau kolaborasi sama gue. spreading over the
27. Suatu hari ketika X viral, Drake ngontak dia Being empathetic about
dan bilang bahwa Drake mau kolaborasi dan something. It means
X pun super happy kayak: wow gila Drake extremelly happy.
mau kolaborasi sama gue.
28. Tapi setelah itu Drake ga pernah contact dia Talking about particular
lagi. topic. It refers to the
activity of keeping up
with someone.
29. Tiba-tiba Drake nge-release lagu KMT Talking about particular
yang beat-nya mirip banget sama lagunya X topic. It refers to the


yang berjudul Look At Me. activity of releasing or

revealing something.
30. Tiba-tiba Drake nge-release lagu KMT Talking about particular
yang beat-nya mirip banget sama lagunya X topic. It refers to the
yang berjudul Look At Me. rhythm of music.
31. X juga pernah nge-post snap/instastory yang Talking about particular
bertuliskan: Jika ada yang membunuhku, ia topic. It refers to the
adalah Champagnepapi. activity of publishing
32. So I’m really sorry guys tapi batre-nya abis Talking about particular
dan charger kamera aku ketinggalan di Solo topic. It refers to a device
lagi dikirim pake JNE. that is used to charge
33. Seakan dia menceritakan plan-nya untuk Talking about particular
membunuh X dan menembaknya di bawah topic. It refers to
leher. something that a person
want to do.
34. Banyak juga yang percaya bahwa Drake ga Being empathetic about
melakukan itu sendirian karena obviously something. It refers to
dia Drake, tapi dia meminta bantuan dari something that is easy to
seorang rapper juga bernama Soldier Kid. understand.
35. Banyak juga yang percaya bahwa Drake ga Talking about particular
melakukan itu sendirian karena obviously topic. It refers to a person
dia Drake, tapi dia meminta bantuan dari who perfoms rap music.
seorang rapper juga bernama Soldier Kid.
36. Banyak yang berpikiran bahwa Soldier Kid Talking about particular
terlibat karena dia pernah nge-post satu foto topic. It refers to the
di mana di mobilnya ada masker merah. activity of publishing
37. Pada hari yang sama dengan kejadian Talking about particular
Soldier Kid nge-post di instastory dia makan topic. It refers to the
di Hook Fish and Chicken dan ada foto activity of publishing
pistol di sebelah piringnya. something.
38. Tapi tak lama setelah dugaan ini Talking about particular
bermunculan, Soldier Kid pun nge-post di topic. It refers to the
instagramnya bahwa dia tidak terlibat dan activity of publishing
turut berduka cita akan apa yang terjadi something.
sama X.
39. Of course ga ada konspirasi yang lengkap Being empathetic about
sebelum mereka dikait-kaitin sama something. It means
illuminati. something is certain.
40. Tapi basically orang-orang percaya bahwa Being empathetic about
X sudah terhubung sama illuminati. something. It means in a
general way.
41. So walaupun emang orangnya sangat-sangat Talking about particular
bertalenta, orang-orang tetep kayak: ga topic. It refers to the


mungkin, dia pasti nyembah setan. reason of something.

42. Salah satu temannya X bernama Skimask Talking about particular
bilang di interview pada Oktober 2017 topic. It refers to a
bahwa ia dan temannya akan dijadikan meeting in which
tumbal pengorbanan illuminati makanya ia questions are asked.
menjauhkan diri.
43. Tapi beberapa saat setelahnya, waktu X live, Talking about particular
dia bilang bahwa yang nonton suruh topic. It refers to a
Skimask mau jadi temannya lagi. moment that is happening.
44. So masih banyak yang percaya bahwa ia Talking about particular
ditangkap sebagai replacement tapi topic. It refers to the
sebenarnya yang bunuh bukan dia but we action of replacing
don’t know. something.
45. So di bawah aku mo tau menurut kalian, Talking about particular
tanpa mengurangi hormat kepada sang topic. It refers to the
korban, ceritakan apa yang kalian percaya. reason of something.
46. Apakah dia dibunuh oleh rival-nya? Talking about particular
topic. It refers to a person
that is trying to be
successful than other
47. Please ceritain di bawah. Talking about particular
topic. It means to ask
someone to do something.
48. Kalo misalnya kalian punya informasi Repetition used for
lainnya yang ga aku include, yang ga aku clarification. It means to
masukkan di video kali ini juga bisa make something a part of
diceritain di bawah karena aku sangat something.
tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang
kasus yang satu ini.
49. Kalo misalnya kalian suka videonya klik Talking about particular
like-nya dan follow aku di Instagram dan topic. It refers to a thumb
Twitter gampang banget Nessie Judge aja. up button.
50. Kalo misalnya kalian suka videonya klik Talking about particular
like-nya dan follow aku di Instagram dan topic. It means to keep up
Twitter gampang banget Nessie Judge aja. with something or
51. Subscribe ke channel ini juga nyalain Talking about particular
notification-nya biar kalian tau kalo topic. It refers to
misalkan aku upload video baru. something that gives
52. Subscribe ke channel ini juga nyalain Talking about particular
notification-nya biar kalian tau kalo topic. It means to have
misalkan aku upload video baru. access to something.
53. Subscribe ke channel ini juga nyalain Talking about particular
notification-nya biar kalian tau kalo topic. It refers to a station


misalkan aku upload video baru. of something.

54. Subscribe ke channel ini juga nyalain Talking about particular
notification-nya biar kalian tau kalo topic. It refers to the
misalkan aku upload video baru. activity of uploading data,

Rekaman 911 Terseram! #Nerror

No. Utterances Types
1. No, Nerror ga naiknya malam jumat, Being empathetic about
Nerror naiknya jumat malam. something. It refers to a
way of giving a negative
2. Basically, 911 itu adalah operator Being empathetic about
emergency di United State of America. something. It means in a
general way.
3. Basically, 911 itu adalah operator Talking about particular
emergency di United State of America. topic. It refers to an
emergency call.
4. Basically, 911 itu adalah operator Talking about particular
emergency di United State of America. topic. It refers to a place.
5. Basically, 911 itu adalah operator Talking about particular
emergency di United State of America. topic. It refers to a
dangerous situation.
6. Aku selalu ingat nomor itu sejak aku field Talking about particular
trip ke pemadam kebakaran waktu aku topic. It refers to trip that
kelas 3 SD. is usually done by
7. Semua telfon yang masuk ke 911 itu di- Talking about particular
record. topic. It refers to the
activity of being recorded.
8. Semua telfon yang masuk ke 911 itu di- Talking about particular
record. topic. It refers to an
emergency call.
9. Dan aku liat banyak banget comments Talking about particular
yang minta aku buat bahas 911 calls. topic. It refers to a
statement that shows
opinion by someone.
10. Dan aku liat banyak banget comments yang Talking about particular
minta aku buat bahas 911 calls. topic. It refers to an
emergency call.
11. Aku sebenarnya takut karena obviously ini Being empathetic about
orang beneran dan kayak aku udah pernah something. It refers to
bilang aku jauh lebih takut sama psikopat something that is easy to
dan orang-orang yang jahat dibanding sama understand.


12. Jadi Karen ini lagi home alone, dia lagi Repetition used for
sendirian di rumah sama bayinya. clarification. It refers to a
situation where someone
is alone in home.
13. Jadi Karen langsung telfon 911 dan inilah Talking about particular
rekamannya. topic. It refers to an
emergency call.
14. Oke next ada Jake Evans. Talking about particular
topic. It refers to
something/someone that
comes after something.
15. Jadi Jake Evans ini nelfon 911 setelah dia Talking about particular
membunuh ibunya dan adik perempuannya. topic. It refers to an
emergency call.
16. Mungkin dia kayak bingung gitu dan dia ga Talking about particular
tau apa yang harus dilakukan jadi dia topic. It refers to an
nelfon 911. emergency call.
17. Basically dia bunuh mamanya sama Being empathetic about
adeknya gara-gara mereka buat dia something. It means in a
sumpek. general way.
18. Oke next kita punya Ruth. Talking about particular
topic. It refers to
something/someone that
comes after something.
19. Akhirnya dia telfon 911. Talking about particular
topic. It refers to an
emergency call.
20. So ini adalah rekamannya Ruth. Talking about particular
topic. It refers to the
reason of something.
21. Oke jadi orang itu nyari orang bilang ke dia Talking about particular
kayak gue lagi nyari seseorang dan bilang topic. It refers to a place to
dia lagi nyari apartment. live.
22. Oke next ada telfon dari Sandra Harrold. Talking about particular
topic. It refers to
something/someone that
comes after something.
23. Basically Sandra Harold ini punya Being empathetic about
chimpanzee yang udah dia urus sejak kecil. something. It means in a
general way.
24. Basically Sandra Harold ini punya Talking about particular
chimpanzee yang udah dia urus sejak kecil. topic. It refers to a kind of
25. Chimpanzee ini basically udah kayak anak Talking about particular
nya Sandra Harold ini. topic. It refers to a kind of


26. Chimpanzee ini basically udah kayak anak Being empathetic about
nya Sandra Harold ini. something. It means in a
general way.
27. Karena chimpanzee ini ga kenal, dia Talking about particular
merasa kayak itu adalah sebuah threat, topic. It refers to a kind of
sebuah ancaman. ape.
28. Karena chimpanzee ini ga kenal, dia Repetition used for
merasa kayak itu adalah sebuah threat, clarification. It refers to
sebuah ancaman. something that is
considered dangerous.
29. Dan ini adalah telfon yang dibuat sama Talking about particular
Sandra ketika dia melihat Travis, topic. It refers to a kind of
chimpanzee-nya dia mulai menyerang ape.
30. Bayangin kalian punya binatang kayak for Talking about particular
example kalian punya kucing atau anjing. topic. It means to give an
31. Kayaknya aku juga bakalan kayak shock Being empathetic about
banget sampe kayak mau pingsan kayak something. It means a
Sandra tadi tuh. feeling of upset about
32. Carla Nash tidak meninggal karena polisi Talking about particular
datang tepat waktu tapi tetep aja mukanya topic. It refers to an
dia setelah accident ini, setelah kecelakaan unexpected event that
ini, ga akan mungkin seperti dulu. happen suddenly.
33. Next ada telfon dari Mark Sailor. Talking about particular
topic. It refers to
something/someone that
comes after something.
34. Basically Mark Sailor lagi di mobil sama Being empathetic about
keluarganya the whole family. something. It means in a
general way.
35. Basically Mark Sailor lagi di mobil sama Talking about particular
keluarganya the whole family. topic. It means complete.
36. Dia nelfon 911 karena remnya blong. Talking about particular
topic. It refers to an
emergency call.
37. Kita bakal dengar recording-nya. Talking about particular
topic. It refers to stuff
(images, music, etc.) that
is being stored on CD, etc.
38. Gasnya itu stuck. Talking about particular
topic. It means unable to
39. Oh iya ya brakes-nya ga ada. Talking about particular


topic. It refers to a device

that is used to stop a
40. Dan kita bakal dengerin sekarang Talking about particular
recording dari telfon 911. topic. It refers to stuff
(images, music, etc.) that
is being stored on CD, etc.
41. Kita bakal dengerin sekarang recording Talking about particular
dari telfon 911. topic. It refers to an
emergency call.
42. Aku ga tau kenapa kalian recommend ini Talking about particular
karena video ini bikin aku 40% takut 60% topic. It means to suggest
sedih. something to someone.
43. Aku juga mo tau apa menurut kalian Talking about particular
tentang 911 calls ini. topic. It refers to an
emergency call.
44. Kita literally bisa mati kapan aja. Being empathetic about
something. It means a
literal manner.
45. Jadilah orang yang baik dan juga Being empathetic about
appreciate life. something. It means to
cheris life.
46. Kalo misalkan kalian suka videonya please Talking about particular
klik like-nya karena itu bakalan nunjukkin topic. It refers to a thumb
kalo misalnya kalian suka. up button.
47. Kalo misalkan kalian suka videonya please Talking about particular
klik like-nya karena itu bakalan nunjukkin topic. It means to ask
kalo misalnya kalian suka. someone to do something.
48. Follow aku di Instagram dan Twitter Talking about particular
gampang banget namaku aja. topic. It means to keep up
with something or
49. Komen-komen kalian dan sarannya aku Talking about particular
tunggu di bawah di comment section. topic. It refers to a part
that is used to give
opinion, suggestion, etc.
50. Jangan lupa subscribe ke channel ini. Talking about particular
topic. It means to have
access to something.
51. Dan juga jangan lupa subscribe ke channel Talking about particular
ini. topic. It refers to a station
of something.
52. Juga nyalain notification-nya jadi kalian Talking about particular
tau kalo misalnya aku upload video baru. topic. It refers to
something that gives


Approved by

Anna Fitriati, S. Pd., M. Hum. June 14, 2019


Dr. Bernadine Ria Lestari, M. Sc. June 13, 2019


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