I. Objectives: The World With Research Without Research

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A.    Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the importance of research in
daily life
B.      Performance Standard: The learner is able to use appropriate kinds of research in making decisions
C.    Learning Competencies: The learner explains the importance of research in daily life
D.     Competency Code : CS_RS11-IIIa-2
II. Subject Matter
A.    Content : Nature of Inquiry and Research
B.      References: K12 Basic Education Curriculum  Senior High School Curriculum Guide
Practical Research 1, Baraceros Esther L. pp. 2-3
Research Methods and Statistics, Beins, Bernard C. & McCarthy, Maureen
A. (2012) pp. 2-7
C.    Materials: Powerpoint presentation, laptop, pictures, projector
D.     Value Focus: Social Awareness/Curiosity/Inquisitiveness
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Review Show a Venn diagram. Let students compare and contrast inquiry and
       What are the distinct characteristics of inquiry and research?
       What relates or connects these two ideas?
2. Motivation Ask:
       Do you listen, watch or read news? What do you think are
 the issues in our community today?

B. Developmental Activities

1. Activity Group Activity: Group the class into 5 groups. Each group will be given an
editorial cartoon in which they must interpret together. Each group will
choose a reporter to share their insights in class.
       How can these issues affect you as a student? your community?  the society
as a whole?
Explain to the class that issues like in the pictures affect individuals and the
society as a whole. People need answers to describe these phenomena, their
implications in daily living and how can these be controlled or given
solutions. Relate that the way to address these is though research.

2. Analysis Comprehensively discuss using powerpoint presentation the importance of

Give contextualized instances or examples that are relevant to the daily lives
of the students.

3. Abstraction and Comparison Foresighting: Have students accomplish the following matrix:
The world…
With research… Without research…

4. Application Present a videoclip about a specific issue in the country.

       What do you think can research do to solve this issue?
       Elaborate your answer.

5. Generalization Share a quote from Albert Szent-Gyorgi on research:

“Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody
else has thought.”
IV. Evaluation Have students write a five-sentence essay. Present the rubrics to be used to
assess their answers.
1. What are the importance of research in daily life?
2. What do you think will happen to the world if there is no research?

V. Assignment Research and study on characteristics, processes and ethics of research.

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