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1.1 Background

Critical review journals in the form of this paper contain conclusions from comparisons that we
will make in two journals. The author also includes a summary of each journal, where both
journals have almost the same title in the discussion.

       In criticizing the journal, the writer can find out the difference between the two journals.
And also know the advantages and disadvantages of each journal. The making of the Critical
Journal Review aims to fulfill the group tasks of the KKNI. Hopefully this effort can be
beneficial for the general reader and for the compilers in particular.

1.2 Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problem in writing Critical Journal Review is:

1. How is the review or summary of the journal?

2. What is the comparison of the contents of each journal?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the journal?

1.3 Purpose

The aim to be achieved by writers in critical writing of this review journal is to be able to
provide information from each journal and can be understood by readers in depth about each
journal through the contents of the summary followed by weaknesses and strengths of each



2.1 Journal Identity

2.1.1 Identity of Main Journals (1)

Title of Journal Implementation Of Structural Employment Efficiency Beam

Column ConventionalMethods And Precast Seen From The
Aspect Of Time And Costs (Case StudyProject Sport Center
Jember, Jember)

Volume and page Vol. 13 No. 03

Author Maria Ulfa, JojokWidodo&AnikRatnaningsih
Publishing Year 2014
Website Address
Publication Jember University
ISSN 1693-7619

2.1.2 Identity of Comparative Journal (2)

Title of Journal The Effect Of Archive Management On Employment

EfficiencyIn The Sub Section Of Civil Servants Dr.
Volume and page VOL. 2. NO.1
Author Uswatunkhasanah&Sutriono
Publishing Year 2018
Website Address
Publication Politeknik Dharma Patria Kebumen

ISSN 2443-0455

2.2 Journal Summary

2.2.1 Summary of Main Journals (1)

Research purposes To Comparing conventional method in the construction

project of the Jember Sport Center Stadium (JSC).
With the precast method
Research subject The study was conducted to Employment of Jember Sport
Data Assessment Data used in this study consisted of analysis unit prices,
implementation methods and worker productivity. The
data is then entered into the plan cost budget so that the
comparison is known.
Research methods In this study researchersusedusing primary data processing
and management analysis starting from stages like the
following: implementation techniques,unit price analysis,
total cost, time duration.
Research result From the results of calculations and analysis in the
discussion previously concluded. Based on the results the
calculation of the total cost in the conventional method of
IDR 23,409,447,924.19 and the total cost on the
preprinting method in the amount of IDR
16,880,605,889.37. Difference from second use the
method is IDR 6,528,842,034.82 or amounting to ±
27.89% of the total beams and columns with using
conventional methods. Project duration analysis the
conventional method is 244 days and analyzed the
duration of the project in the conventional method is 229
day. Total time needed by using the preprinting method
only takes 93.9% of the total timethe time taken using the
method conventional.

2.2.2 Summary of the Comparative Journal (2)

Research purposes To know how the effect of management of the archives of
employment efficiency in Sub-section of staffing RSUD
Dr. SoedirmanKebumen.
Research subject Officials or employees in the sub-section of staffing.
Data Assessment In this study researchersused Observation, Interview,and
Questionnaire method with the final results through
Research methods The research method used in this research is the
quantitative descriptive correlational research method,
which is the methods used to describe or explain the
problem by finding, collecting and studying data from a
particular population or sample.
Research result From the results of this research, it is known that there is
strong positive relationship between the management of
the archive of work efficiency in sub-section of staffing
RSUD Dr. SoedirmanKebumen . It is evident from the
pearson correlation test results earned value 0,910 and
calculation of questionnaires that States 82,8% work
efficiency in sub-section of staffing RSUD Dr.
SoedirmanKebumen influence by management of archive
while 17,2 % influence by another factor. The problem of
management of the archive is limitedness of officer to
handle the archive. Thus, the need for special officer in
managing the archive.



3.1 Discussion of Journal / Comparison Contents

Journal 1 Journal 2
In this journal discuss about Implementation Of In this journal discuss about The Effect
Structural Employment Efficiency Beam Column Of Archive Management On
ConventionalMethods And Precast Seen From The Employment EfficiencyIn The Sub
Aspect Of Time And Costs (Case StudyProject Section Of Civil Servants Dr.
Sport Center Jember, Jember) SoedirmanKebumen

In this study researchers using primary data This study used quantitative descriptive
processing and management analysis starting from correlational research method, which is
stages like the following: implementation the methods used to describe or explain
techniques,unit price analysis, total cost, time the problem by finding, collecting and
duration. studying data from a particular
population or sample.
Based on the results of the research obtainePre Based on the results of research there is
cast methods are more efficient than conventional strong positive relationship between the
methods in terms of both cost and time management of the archive of work
efficiency in sub-section of staffing
RSUD Dr. SoedirmanKebumen .

3.2 Journal Strengths and Weaknesses

Journal Strengths Weaknesses

Main (1)  The author takes an  The language used is

interesting theme because it complicated.for example
directly compares the use of in the defenition of pre-
conventional methods in the cast methods that do not
field of construction with the explain directly to the
latest methods in the field of point
construction, namely the pre-
cast method as an example of  The author doesn't
the case of course this will provide a more detailed
make the reader easier to explanation related to this
understand the contents of the journal disscusion as an
research example in introduction
 Authors Used Previous section the author only
Research That Take Similar explains the pre-cast
Themes To Strengthen This method without explaining
Research result as an what conventional
example of research methods are for
conducted by Tomy comparison. this will
Febryansyah on case study of certainly confuse the
SoekarnoHatta Apartment in
Malang (Febryansyah, Tomy reader to understanding
2008) [2]. this journal because it has
no reference at all about
conventional methods.

Comparative  Explanation of journal  In the results of the study

material is very detailed. the the authors do not
author gives a clear describe include the results of
of what is will research as an
interview and
example in the introduction.
with an explanation like this questionnaire data so
in introduction will certainly that the validity of the
make it easier for readers to data from this study can
understand the contents of the be doubtful.
 The language used is easy to
understand. For example, in
the introductory sentence the
reader easily discusses the
contents of the introduction
as well as the other parts



 4.1 Conclusions

After analyzing it as a whole, in our opinion the two research journals are quite good.
Researchers use research methods that are in sync with the objectives of the study.

4.2 Suggestions

In the advantages and the two journals to be more maintained and strengthened again, and about
the lack of journals to be more focused on achieving maximum results.


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