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Zoe Cerminaro

Lisa Cook

English 1201 2V2

10 April 2021

The Democratic Party Stance

Today, there are many misconceptions about topics and issues the Democratic Party

support. With the election that just took place, controversy spiked between Democrats and

Republicans. The Democratic Party has the solutions to solve current issues in the United States

of America. The Democratic Party believes in stronger gun control, a fair economy, healthcare

for all, preventing climate change, improving immigration laws, and supporting same-sex

marriage and LGBTQ+ Rights. Supporting the Democratic Party and these issues will positively

impact Americans citizens.   

The Democratic National Committee states on their official website, the Democratic

party has existed for more than 200 years and has included famous Presidents like Woodrow

Wilson, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama. Woodrow Wilson ensured women’s right to vote

with the 19th Amendment, and Obama established The Affordable Care Act was for all

Americans. In addition, Franklin D. Roosevelt signed The New Deal in 1933, giving citizens

jobs and financial support, and still influences policies today. Another president from the

Democratic Party, Lyndon B. Johnson, helped promote equality and pass laws for the equality of

all races in the 1960s. There are many more Democratic presidents throughout the history of the

United States who have impacted and benefited the country during some of the toughest times
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the country has faced. Throughout the years, Democratic policies have shaped the country into

what it is today (Democratic National Committee).

Gun control has always been a huge topic of debate amongst Republicans and Democrats.

Now, more than ever with mass shootings across the country, Democrats think it is time to put

stricter gun laws in place. Democrats believe there needs to be immediate restrictions, allowing

only certain people who fit strict qualifications to have fire arms. Multiple mass shootings have

taken place on school grounds, public restaurants, and other areas. Innocent lives have been

taken away because the killers had access to a deadly fire arm, which could have been prevented

if gun control laws existed. According to K-12 shooting

data base, gun violence in schools skyrocketed in 2018,

and continues to rise today. Unfortunately, in 2018, a

mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High

School FL killed 17 innocent victims. Students then

Figure 1. Parkland Walkout for Gun Reform took it upon themselves to call for gun reform.

Democrats goals are to improve background checks of

potential gun owners, so the fire arms don’t end up in the hands of either terrorists or people with

a violent criminal record (The Democratic National Committee). Democrats want children to feel

safe going to school knowing that they are protected.

The Constitution directly states “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security

of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” (The

United States Constitution). This means citizens should be allowed to have fire arms in their

possession for safety, hunting, and in case of a tyrannical government. Republicans strongly

believe citizens have the right to bear arms and own fire arms and don’t believe gun control laws
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should be put in place because it is against the Constitution. In addition, A Department of Justice

Report showed that fifty-six percent of criminals in jail for gun violence acquired their weapon

illegally (Congressional Digest). Some Republicans believe gun control laws won’t help because

most criminals already get their guns illegally. However, if gun control laws were put in place

for The Department of Justice Report, it’s possible that forty-four percent of the criminals may

not have had access to a gun. Our Founding Fathers couldn’t predict the future of how deadly

guns and other legal fire arms would be in the hands of citizens today. Despite the Republicans

views, it is more important to think about children and citizen’s safety over gun ownership. This

is why Democrats are strongly urging people to come to this realization stronger gun restrictions

and background checks need to be instituted. This way a gun isn’t given to someone who could

cause harm to others.

The economy is struggling from the loss of many jobs due to COVID-19. A main

Democratic goal is to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2026 (Democrat National

Committee). Democrats also strongly believe all workers should be protected and allowed to

form unions. As soon as President Joe Biden entered office he immediately focused on the

pandemic and worked to have vaccines issued as soon as possible. This way workers can return

to work and the economy can get back on track. (Karaim). Democrats are concerned with all

citizens having financial security even if it costs tax payers more money. Leonhardt and Serkez

think Democrats support unions and different rights groups because it will lift “broad-based

economic growth.” Nationwide policies are more likely to benefit the wealthy rather than the

poor (Wright & Rigby). This means lower income citizens don’t have as much of a say in how

the economy is run in the United States. Democrats want to raise taxes on the wealthy and big

corporations to pay for the Democratic Social Programs. Democrats stand behind the minimum
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wage policy, which means each state is required to pay workers a minimum amount of money

they can financially live off of. During President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency, he enacted

The New Deal. This policy was put in place after the Great Depression, giving financial support

to Americans who were put out of jobs, and it helped get the economy back on track. The New

Deal is still present today, through social programs to help the unemployed and others in need of

financial assistance. “The American economy has performed much better under Democratic

administrations than Republican ones…” (Leonhardt & Serkez).

Republicans main goal is to lower taxes, give money back to citizens, and let them spend

their money the way they want to because they deserve to keep their income from their hard

work. Their plans are to lower corporate taxes to make the country more competitive to other

industrial nations (The Republican National Committee). Dividing the country based on different

income tax rates through classes is something Republicans hope to eliminate. This way, all

Americans would pay the same percentage of taxes, no matter how much they make. Today,

Republicans believe in Reganomics, which were policies put in place to get the economy back on

track during Ronald Reagan’s Presidency. Through Global Trading Republicans feel it will help

the United States grow economically (Roberts). With less influence over the economy by the

government, Republicans think the economy will function much better and be more productive

and successful. Democrats want to ensure that corporations do not get too much power and take

advantage of workers and consumers. Government oversight and tax policies favored by the

Democrats will keep the economy strong and balance corporations power.

With the Pandemic taking place now, it has come to many people’s attention that health

care in the United States has gone downhill. Democrats believe it is everyone’s right to have

healthcare. Obama established the Affordable Care Act, which gave everyone access to
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healthcare. Democrats hope to make medications, visits to the doctor, and other medical needs

more affordable (Democratic National Committee). Biden’s goals are to help reinstate all of the

features and benefits of Obama Care. Democrats believe drug and medications prices will go

down, and other random medical bills will stop coming to patients (Freedman). In addition, the

Democratic Party wants to put maximum price regulation in place. Eligibility of Medicare is an

idea Democrats want to put a cap on maximum prices healthcare companies and hospitals can

charge for medical services and procedures (Kreier). This will especially help the lower income

families and minorities since the existing healthcare system favors middle and upper income

citizens (Carpenter). Democrats want to expand Obama Care to all citizens to help correct the

imbalance and make it fair to all Americans regardless of income.

Republicans feel Democratic policies are taking away their right to make decisions on

their healthcare. If citizens are able to afford a more reliable and dependable healthcare plan,

they should be allowed to do so. The same healthcare plan cannot fit every citizen’s individual

needs. Republicans want to start keeping better track of the amount of money being put into

these healthcare and Medicare programs and make sure the money is being used properly. They

feel too many people depend on these expensive government-funded programs, which uses up

much of the federal budget (The Republican National Committee). During the Trump

Administration, the president wanted to eliminate the Affordable Care Act of 2010 and to take

away insurance exchange market places. This would also allow states to choose not to participate

in insurance regulations. Republicans argue there is no right to basic healthcare and brought it to

the Supreme Courts attention in The National Federation of Independent Business V.S Sebelius

(Monroe). It is everyone’s right to have a form of healthcare according to Democrats and

practically the rest of the world.

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It is well known that climate change is a huge issue facing the world. With wildfires

spreading, crops and animals dying, the Democratic Party believes we need to take action now so

our world doesn’t get any worse than it is right now. Democrats plan to create a clean and

healthy environment system that will protect the globe, through using and creating new energy

systems (Democratic National Committee). There are many steps Democrats want to take to help

restore the climate: like fighting poverty and holding corporations accountable for where they

put their waste and decisions they make about the environment (Feldstein). Many big

corporations dump their waste into the ocean, killing animals and polluting beaches. They also

pollute the air with gases that make the air unbreathable sending chemicals into the air. Biden

plans to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, limiting global greenhouse gas emissions, to reduce the

amount of carbon in the air. In addition, Biden will limit negative chemicals in the air due to

transportation and electricity use by incorporating more clean energy into the US. Countries who

signed the Paris Climate Accord, must come and work together to make the world a safer,

cleaner and more environmental friendly place to live for generations to come.
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Republicans don’t even believe climate change exists, and they reject policies

surrounding climate change and emission reductions. June 1st 2017, President Trump chose to

remove the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord. This resulted in some Americans

(mostly Democrats) who care about the climate and its wellbeing to become upset and angered

(Kirby). According to Gallup, a professional polling organization, multiple results show

Republicans are in denial about climate change occurring. One study shows that forty percent of

Republicans believe the change in the earth’s temperature is because of human activities. Below

the picture represents Democratic and Republicans views on climate change from 2017-2018.

You are able to see the belief that global warming is caused by human activities decreases by

five percent according to Republicans. This means over the past year climate change increasingly

becomes less important to them. Then when you look at the next topic in Figure 2: Worry a

great deal/fair amount about global warming, in 2018 the worries decrease, but for Democrats

they increase.

Figure 1. 2017-2018 Gallup Poll Results Republican V. Democrats

Another poll shows Republicans believe the media is over exaggerating portraying climate

change in the news and other medias (Dunlap & McCright). Even if some Republicans accept the
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science, they believe other issues such as jobs, economy, and defense, are more important issues

than climate change. Those issues are more of a priority to them because they don’t feel climate

change is directly affecting them now. Democrats have acknowledged and seen the world wide

evidence and want to act now to reverse climate change.

Democrats believe the immigration system has been broken for a long time. They plan to

make a 21st century immigrations system, to make it easier for people to immigrate to the US in a

non-threatening way. Democrats want to take away bureaucratic obstacles that make it hard to

enter the country for asylum seekers. Biden plans to give citizenship to more than 11 million

immigrants who are already in the country illegally (Hansen). Further, having open borders will

bring more workers into our country, which Democrats feel will only make the country more

diverse enabling the United States of America to continue to flourish. After he became president,

Biden began to make changes to Trumps previous immigration rules. He stopped the building of

“the wall,” on the Southern border. Biden also lifted the travel ban from America to Muslim and

African countries allowing citizens the freedom to go where they choose. Unfortunately, during

immigration children have been taken away and separated from their parents and family left

alone. Democrats want to rejoin families together who were separated from one another at the

border, this way families can be whole again (Ellicott).

Republicans have always been weary of letting many immigrants in at a time, fearing the

loss of jobs. The wall being built along the Southern border was there to prevent any illegal

immigrants from entering the country. The Republican National Committee states,

“In a time of terrorism, drug cartels, human trafficking, and criminal gangs, the presence

of millions of unidentified individuals in this country poses grave risks to the safety and

sovereignty of the United States.”

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This clearly states Republicans feel threatened by a mass amount of immigrants entering the

country and the resulting conflicts. Through using the SAVE Program (Systematic Alien

Verification for Entitlements), money will not be given to illegal immigrants present in the

United States. Republicans strongly enforce the Department of Homeland Security, this way any

actions done by illegal immigrants will result in some form of punishment (The Republican

National Committee). Welcoming new immigrants into the United States will only make the

country more diverse and will create more businesses and opportunities for those who seek

freedom and jobs. This is why Democrats support allowing immigrants to come into the United

States, because after all United States citizens have come from all around the world.

Democrats want rights and equality for all no matter your gender or race. Citizens

shouldn’t be given certain rights and others taken away, based off of the way you look or how

you identify. The LGBTQ+ Community has been fighting for many years to gain the rights they

deserve as citizens of the United States. Democrats are working to make same-sex marriage legal

in all states. In 2015, The Supreme Court ruled no matter your gender all people have the right to

marry whoever they choose (LGBTQ+ Rights and State Laws). Although, not all states have

changed their laws to legalize same-sex marriage.

Republicans base their views on the Bible. In 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10 are

two passages Republicans quote often stating that homosexuality is wrong and a sin. 1

Corinthians 6:9 states,

“Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be

deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have

sex with men.”

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Therefore, if homosexuality is wrong and a sin, same sex-marriages should be made illegal in

states and should not be allowed. The Bible can be interpreted in many different ways.

Democrats would point to the new testament where Jesus repeatedly states in Matthew 22:37-39,

“This is the first and greatest Commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your

neighbor as yourself.”

In addition, the first Amendment gives you the freedom of religion and does not allow the

government to establish a nationwide religion. Democrats believe your religious views are your

own and should not dictate who you can and cannot marry.

There are plenty of other topics Democrats and Republicans disagree on. Republicans

believe abortion should be made illegal in all parts of the country and tax payer dollars should

not go towards paying for abortions. Democrats believe a woman should have the right to choose

what to do with her body. Individual cities and states should be able to decide the education plan

and curriculum according to Republicans. Democrats favor a larger more centralized education

plan, this way education is consistent and equal for all students. In dealing with the homeless

problem in the United States, Republicans feel they brought it upon themselves and the

government shouldn’t help. Democrats want to help the homeless to give them a better life and

help them start over and be healthy.

Democrats and Republicans have different views on many issues. Putting gun laws in

place will help keep the US citizens safe and protected, decreasing the amount of victims.

Creating a stronger economy so all citizens are able to live the life they want is important to

Democrats. Taxing bigger corporations will make this possible. Reinstating Obama care will

give access to more health care facilities and medicines for citizens. This will make it easier for
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all citizens to get the help they need whether they are sick or injured in any way. Creating an

environment that is healthy and a sustainable place to live is very important to Democrats, they

want to bring awareness to the climate crisis the world is going through now and in the future.

This is why Biden chose to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord with multiple other countries to

ensure the improvement of the environment. Allowing immigrants into the United States makes

the country more diverse and gives new citizens the life they always wanted. Same-sex marriage,

and LGBTQ+ Rights are gaining more and more attention each day. Democrats hope to pass

laws and create a safer environment for LGBTQ+ citizens to feel safer in their own country. The

Democratic Party hopes to face all of these issues head on so that the United States can keep

progressing forward.

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