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Torie Garrett

Prof. Snell

English 1101

9 December 2020

Condoms In Schools

Many people have different views on whether condoms should be given out to students or

not. Condoms in schools has become a very controversial topic. There are two sides to the

argument. One side believes it would reduce the rate at which teen pregnancy occurs and

diseases are contracted. This side thinks that they should be distributed in schools. The other side

believes that the only way is abstinence and that condoms should not be given out. This point of

view suggests that giving students condoms would only increase the rates in which students have

sex. Providing condoms in schools increases the chances that students will have condoms with

them if they choose to have sex. Students need schools to provide condoms for them because a

lot of students do not have access to them. Providing condoms in schools would lower the rate of

teen pregnancies and help slow down the spread of diseases.

One of the main reasons schools should give out condoms is that a lot of students do not

have someone in their life to provide condoms or teach them about safe sex. Students may also

be scared to talk or ask a parent. In the article written by Kate Dailey it states that “Study after

study shows that making condoms available to students doesn't make them more likely to have

intercourse. “It just makes the intercourse that students are having that much safer” (Dailey).

With that being said, I believe providing students with condoms would be more helpful than

harmful. Many studies have been done and none of them show that students being provided with

condoms are having more sex. It is not guaranteed that every study will show these results. I still
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think students having access to condoms is a good thing. Even without them being provided,

highschool students will still have sex.

On the other hand, there are many people who believe this is not a good idea. In the

article “Condoms Should Not be Available In Schools”, They discussed that students are not

responsible enough to have access to condoms. It is believed that students should be focused on

their education and school work. The truth of the matter is even though that would be ideal and

the perfect situation. The reality is that some students will focus on their education but a lot of

students will have sex regardless. There are students that are going to participate in sex whether

it is with or without condoms. That is where condoms being provided to students becomes an

asset for the ones who are mature enough to use them. The article talks about how abstinence is

the only solution. That way of thinking gives off the impression that it is a sex is a negative

thing. This would create the opposite of an open conversative. This would take away the benefit

of schools providing adults to talk to. Also students would not want to open up about sex if their

interest is just going to be shot down.

Another article I read by Lydia Richardison showed a comparison between two schools.

One provided condoms and the other did not. ​They compared the amount of STD cases and

students having sex. The study showed that providing condoms is a low cost way to help with the

prevention of STDs. It also showed that schools that had condoms provided had more students

using protection when having sex. These studies are just some of the many that prove why

providing condoms in school is a good idea.

Students also need to be properly educated. ​Education for the students is one form of

protection, something as serious as teen pregnancy will see a great decrease if the students are

educated. The more knowledge students are given will reduce the odds of an accident happening.
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Schools should also provide better education. People who think abstinence is the best choice may

not like the fact that sex is even talked about in schools. I have thought about the other views to

this argument and I understand why people think that. I know myself that when I was in

highschool everyone around me was having sex. It was one of the things most talked about. I

even remember my friends being scared to buy condoms or ask their parents for them. If schools

provided condoms I really think more students would use them.

It is said that a students self esteem can play a major role in whether they decide to have

sex or not. A large amount of students, girls specifically, have a different reason for having sex.

Peer pressure is one big reason for a student to have a sexual experience. This is just another

example of how a trained professional providing open communication could be a great asset in

the push to reduce diseases and teen pregnancies. Condoms being given out by the right people

in school could make a huge difference. Although there will always be people against the idea of

providing students with condoms it is the right thing to do if it is done correctly. Countless

studies have shown a decrease in the pregnancy rates for schools that provide the right education

alongside condom access. This is something that everyone has to get behind, the more support it

has the better off the results will be. It is all about the attitude at which we approach it. I hope

that one day highschools all over give their students access to condoms.
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Works Cited

Dailey, Kate. “Condoms Should Be Available in Schools.” ​Shibboleth Authentication Request​,


Condoms should be allowed in schools

King, Kanisha. “Condoms Should Not Be Available in Schools.” ​Shibboleth

Authentication Request,​ 2012,


RATE Citation Metadata.” ​Shibboleth Authentication Request​, 1997,

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