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Target Market: The SeeSafety team created profiles of different target users and their specific

needs and surveyed at least 10 users of these different groups to determine if/how they would
use the solution and if/how much they would pay for it.

1) Group 1: Security/ policeman

a) Answer 1 for Q1: The SeeSafety glasses would be an extraordinary safety product
for security purposes in identifying people in investigation purposes and proper
authorization for those seeking to enter restricted areas
b) Answer 1 for Q2: I believe that the price of this product should match it’s quality
as well as affordability

a) Answer 2 for Q1: Although within our field there are many products for
identifying workers, these glasses should help with the efficiency of my job. I
often encounter people who are uncooperative in showing their ID cards within
the building.
b) Answer 2 for Q2: If we were to supply the team with the glasses, it would not
have to be too expensive, not more than $100-200.

a) Answer 3 for Q1: These glasses would be a major help with identifying people
who are in the criminal database. These glasses would make it easier to locate a
person in the database without having to look at a computer.
b) Answer 3 for Q2: The price that would be best for a product for this would be
around $100-200.

2) Businesses-
a) Answer 1 for Q1: We constantly have a rotation of security guards on duty. That
being said, with the privacy of the information the company possesses, one can
not be too careful about who sets foot inside.
b) Answer 1 for Q2: The price should be in a reasonable range in accordance to
other security equipment such as the temperature scanners.

a) Answer 2 for Q1: You must understand that our location requires tight security
and highly trained personnel. On an average, school children, elders, and families
come here for a variety of reasons and security should not be an issue at hand.
These glasses, if it does as you claim, should give us additional protection.
b) Answer 2 for Q2: If these glasses worked well, I would be willing to spend
around $300.

a) Answer 3 for Q1: For these glasses to be useful for our business they must be
effective. These glasses must show a purpose to be worn. The security in our
building constantly sees people walking in, so the glasses must be quick to pick
up on certain things.
b) Answer 3 for Q2: If the glasses are fast enough with detections, the most I would
pay would be $200-300.

a) Answer 4 for Q1: Wearable tech such as these glasses can make safety much
easier in many businesses, I can see how these could be implemented into a
variety of different fields, I could see myself having this used.
b) Answer 4 for Q2: Safety is a priority and if these glasses can be made well and
function as they are supposed to, I can see this being from $250-1000 based on

1) Schools
a) Answer 1 for Q1: Our school would use this technology as part of our on campus
security systems.
b) Answer 2 for Q2: It is difficult to say how much we would pay for the glasses but I
would guess up to $1,500.

a) Answer 2 for Q1: Our school system would allow the security guards at the entrance to
use. It would not be necessary to purchase for all, since it would only be used at the start
and end of the school day.
b) Answer 2 for Q2: I assume it costs more than $50 considering it’s usage, so up to $150

a) Answer 3 for Q1: Safety and security is a large factor on our campus and any other
campus. I could see these being implemented at a front entrance with a security guard,
these could help increase security. Such technology would allow more schools to feel
b) Answer 3 for Q2: Based on the fact that these glasses can be so easily used and are so
beneficial, I could see these being around $400.

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