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Engineering Idea



Arranged by:

Group 6






LECTURER: Yul Ifda Tanjung M.Pd.


Praise and gratitude to God Almighty, because of His blessings and love, the writer
was able to complete and fulfill the Earth and Cosmic course assignments in making a
engineering idea. I also express my gratitude to those who helped me in completing this task.
Because, thanks to their help I was able to complete this task on time. This engineering idea
aims to fulfill KKNI duties and as a lecture material.
I realize that in writing this engineering idea there are still many shortcomings and it
is far from perfect both in terms of language and writing composition. This is because my
ability and experience are still limited. Therefore, I look forward to your constructive
criticism and constructive suggestions for further improvements. Hopefully, this writing can
be useful for readers. in the end let me say thank you and happy reading.

Medan, December 2020

Group 6


TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY...................................................................................................1
1.1 Background.....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Purpose............................................................................................................................1
1.3 Benefits............................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II IDEAS.................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER III COVER............................................................................................................10
4.1 Conclusion.................................................................................................................10
4.2 Suggestion.................................................................................................................10

1.1 Background
Astronomy is the oldest science that studies the universe. Unlike other branches of
science, in astronomy the object being observed cannot be held because the universe itself is
the laboratory. This is the uniqueness of astronomy. One of the objects observed in
astronomy are stars. At night the stars are seen sticking to the dome of the celestial sphere, as
if all the stars are equally far from the earth, but when viewed from the light, there are large
stars that are very bright and some are visible with very weak light. The weak brightness of a
star's light can be due to the fact that starlight is like that, but it can also be caused by the
distance of a star's position from the observer (earth). A distant star will appear lighter and
smaller, whereas stars that are close will appear bright and large. The starlight that we see
with our eyes does not represent actual starlight.

In the world of education, earth and space is one subject that have an important role
and seem to have a lot of enthusiasts. This can be seen from quite several students who are
fond of earth-related subjects. Because, in it will answer questions and increase knowledge
about the earth we live in. However, this subject will be very boring if the teaching method is
not pleasant. Regardless of being able to achieve this subject it is necessary to read extensive
sources to supplement existing information. But on the other hand, students' interest in
reading is very lacking and they find it more enjoyable to interact directly with objects or
watch a film.
Earth and Space Science is felt to be important to study because these materials are
closely related to everyday life. Earth and Space Sciences is a scope of material that studies
various natural phenomena on earth and in space.
This limitation results in the delivery of IPBA material regarding the solar system and
the universe to students being given just as is, learning that takes place in the classroom only
focuses on students' verbal abilities and usually the phenomena that are very close to student
life are only presented in theoretical facts without explaining the process sequence regarding
phenomenon that occurs. In addition, teachers have not found a good and appropriate
learning model that can attract students to study astronomy.
So, on this occasion, we were given the opportunity to come up with an idea for an
interesting IPBA lesson and of course it can increase students' enthusiasm for learning.
Learning by reading books and listening to explanations from teachers often feels bored. This
time we will try to make a video of the expected earth & cosmic learning media, with the
many features and animations contained in the learning video can foster a sense of
enthusiasm for students.

1.2 Purpose
1. To find out the process of developing learning media based video animation using
2. To develop ideas for making learning videos for material STARS AND
3. To fulfill the task of engineering ideas for the Earth and Cosmic course

1.3 Benefits
i. For writers
Writing engineering ideas is useful for increasing knowledge and developing
the creativity of writers about writing engineering ideas or a scientific work.

ii. For readers

1. Writing this paper is useful for readers, especially to increase knowledge
about making learning media more attractive with the Sparkol Videoscrive
2. Increase enthusiasm in studying the material of the stars and constellations.


Media leads to something that can forward information (messages) between the
source (message provider) and message recipients. Media are all forms and channels used to
convey messages or information (AECT in Arsyad, 2011). Still from the same point of view,
Kemp and Dayton (1985: 3), suggest that the role of the media in the communication process
is as a means of sending (transfer) which transmits messages from the sender (sender) to the
recipient of the message or information (receiver). In line with this, Munadi (2012) states that
"media is anything that can convey and transmit messages from sources in a planned manner
so as to create a conducive learning environment where the recipient can carry out the
learning process efficiently and effectively".

Media has a very important role in education as a means or device that functions as an
intermediary or channel in a communication process between communicators and
communicants. Media is any tool that can be used as a channel for messages to achieve
teaching goals. Where the media can display information through sound, images, movement
and color, both naturally and manipulated, thus helping teachers to create a livelier learning
atmosphere, not monotonous and not boring. Learning media can be said to be a learning aid,
namely everything which can be used to stimulate thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities or
skills of students so as to encourage the learning process. This limitation is still quite broad
and deep including the understanding of sources, environment, humans and methods used for
learning purposes. Gagne and Briggs (1975) in Arsyad (2011: 4) suggest that learning media
includes tools that are physically used to convey the content of teaching material , which
consists of, among others, books, tape recorders, cassettes, video cameras, video recorders,
films, slides (picture frames), photo images, graphics, television, and computers. Learning
media are all tools (aids) or objects used in learning, with the intention of conveying
messages (information) of learning from sources (educators and other sources) to recipients
(students). In general, learning media has the following roles: Gagne and Briggs (1975) in
Arsyad (2011: 4) suggest that learning media includes tools that are physically used to
convey the content of teaching material, which consists of books, tape recorders, cassettes,
video cameras, video recorders, films, slides. (picture frames), photo images, graphics,
television, and computers. Learning media are all tools (aids) or objects used in learning, with
the intention of conveying messages (information) of learning from sources (educators and
other sources) to recipients (students). In general, learning media has the following roles:
Gagne and Briggs (1975) in Arsyad (2011: 4) suggest that learning media includes tools that
are physically used to convey the content of teaching material, which consists of books, tape
recorders, cassettes, video cameras, video recorders, films, slides. (picture frames), photo
images, graphics, television, and computers. Learning media are all tools (aids) or objects
used in learning, with the intention of conveying messages (information) of learning from
sources (educators and other sources) to recipients (students). In general, learning media has
the following roles: video recorders, films, slides (picture frames), still images, graphics,
television, and computers. Learning media are all tools (aids) or objects used in learning, with
the intention of conveying messages (information) of learning from sources (educators and

other sources) to recipients (students). In general, learning media has the following roles:
video recorders, films, slides (picture frames), still images, graphics, television, and
computers. Learning media are all tools (aids) or objects used in learning, with the intention
of conveying messages (information) of learning from sources (educators and other sources)
to recipients (students). In general, learning media has the following roles:

1. Clarify the presentation of learning messages so that they are not too verbal.
2. Overcoming the limitations of space, time and senses.
3. The use of appropriate and varied learning media can overcome the passive attitude of
4. Making human experience from abstract to concrete.
5. Provide stimulus and stimulation to students to learn actively.
6. Can increase students' motivation to learn so that it can improve learning

Learning media are usually understood as objects that are brought into the classroom to help
the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. This narrow understanding is
influenced by the cognitivism view that sees the learning process as a transfer of knowledge
from teachers to students, which mostly takes place in the classroom. If you use a
constructivism view, the understanding of learning and learning media becomes broader.
Learning media is not limited to what the teacher uses in the classroom, but in principle it
includes everything in the students environment where they interact and help the teaching and
learning process.

In general, learning media can be grouped into four, namely:

1. Visual Media, which is a type of media that solely uses students' visual senses to
convey learning messages. Thus the use of this learning media depends on the visual
abilities of students. For example: print media, such as books, modules, journals,
posters and maps; models such as earth globes and miniatures; and the surrounding
natural reality media.
2. Audio Media, which is a type of learning media that only involves students' sense of
hearing. The messages and information they receive are in the form of verbal
messages such as spoken language and nonverbal messages in the form of sounds,
music, and artificial sounds.
3. Audio-visual media is a type of media used in learning activities involving the sense
of sight and sense of hearing in a process or activity. The messages and information
that can be transmitted through this medium can be in the form of verbal and
nonverbal messages that rely on both sight and hearing. For example films, TV
programs and videos.

Various types and forms of presenting a presentation to explain or promote a product or

service are made as attractive as possible with various existing applications. Presentation is

the purpose of an attempt to introduce a product or service to the general public, the success
of the presentation is influenced by the type and form of presentation used.

Generally, presentation using power point is an option, meanwhile with the rate of
technological development, one's interest in image media only continues to decline, so that
the presentation maker must be able to present a more unique form of presentation. Well, in
this article I will try to explain the types of Videoscribe presentations with the Sparkol
application (animation whiteboard).

Video scribe is an application program or software that can be used to make video
presentations, with animated hands moving on a board or white board. This hand animation
can be in tune with an object in the form of text or an image displayed on the screen, so that
when viewed it is like the hand of the maker himself doing it. The uniqueness of videoscribe
lies in the explanation of a topic with written or drawn images and writing media.

Sparkle Video scribe function

The function of Sparkle Video scribe is to create animated video presentations with
moving hands writing or drawing something on the screen, like someone explaining directly
on a whiteboard, so it is usually known by another term, namely "Whiteboard Animation for
Derating Hand Draw". Sparkle video scribe is used not only for business problems, but is also
widely used as a medium for student learning in schools, according to a survey 88% of video
scribe can improve student achievement, because students are more interested in seeing
animated whiteboard videos, compared to a teacher explaining audio and visually on the
board. write actually.

Sparkle Video scribe Features

Some of the features of the Sparkle Video scribe application include:

1. Has thousands of images to choose from, so you don't need to draw or be an

artist, you can also process them with the .SVG image format in other
2. Incorporate music as a back sound from sparkle and music of your own
3. Can set the desired video duration by specifying the time of each object.
4. Can be published or made in the file type .mp4, .wav or share directly to social
networks such as Facebook, YouTube and

Use of Sparkle Video scribe

what are the uses if we try this software are as follows:

1. Video scribe can be used for online business purposes. Marketing ideas can be
applied via Video scribe

2. Video scribe can be used for educators / teachers or lecturers as an
introduction to learning
3. Video scribe for your presentation needs.
4. Demonstrate the ability to think and combine them through animated videos.

And there are many more experiments that we can use with this software

How to Use Sparkle Video scribe

After I explain the meaning and use of Sparkle Video scribe, then I will explain the
steps on how to operate or use the Video scribe.

1. First, open the Sparkle application first

2. do login with your email, and make sure your email is active then click start
scribing which is located on the bottom left.
3. After successful entry, the initial work chart will appear from the Sparkol
active worksheet. Then, to get rid of any writing on the worksheet, just click
randomly, then the writing will disappear by itself.
4. Inside Sparkle there are several menus, each of which has its own function.
First, there is a menu that is similar to a pencil drawing located in the upper
left corner, which contains sub menus in it, including Favorites, Computer,
Library, Dropbox, and wrb URL. This pencil drawing menu is used to add
images that are already on your computer to be included in your project.
5. Next, next to the pencil-drawn menu, there is a menu that resembles a large T.
This menu is used to input the word or text that we want to enter. Or you could
say it is a worksheet from Sparkle itself.
6. After that, there is a menu that resembles a tone image. The menu is used to
enter the music you want to use. But please note that Sparkle itself also has
original music that is qualified enough for you to use in your project.
7. In addition there is also a recorder menu, where the menu is used to input
recordings or recorded sound music to be included in the project we are going
to create.
8. And finally there is the Settings Menu. In this menu, there are features that are
quite supportive for our work. So, the function of this menu is to change the
moving hand animation and also our paper or worksheet.


4.1 Conclusion

The development of learning media based on Sparkle Video scribe was made
with the help of the Sparkle Video scribe application, a more colorful display, there
are sounds and images / illustrations that can help students understand the material.
The development of learning media based on Sparkle Video scribe is feasible and can
be used as a learning model with variants that are more attractive to students' learning
interest In response to distance learning during this pandemic, teachers must continue
to develop their abilities not only in knowledge but also in skills. Multimedia-based
learning in earth and space learning will make it easier for students and educators in
the learning process. Educators can easily get learning resources, and educators can
present a variety of text, images, audio, and video as well as animation. Thus,
Students will be more attractive in the learning process and learning objectives will be
achieved. Everything has now developed. If the teacher has difficulty making
complicated videos, many platforms provide easy animation video creation, for
example, Sparkle.
Whereas in our planning this time, we carry themes such as short films or
videos such as on geography national pages. which will make the audience feel as if
they are in that place

4.2 Suggestion
To make learning media using Sparkle or an interesting video making
application, you should have high creativity so that the learning media looks good.
Teachers must be more innovative in carrying out the learning process; Teachers
should provide a variety of teaching materials for students such as learning media
based on Sparkle Video scribe, so that students are more enthusiastic about learning


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