A Letter To The One That GOD Has Prepared For Me

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A Letter to the One that GOD has Prepared for Me

I am wondering at this very minute if you are thinking of me, if like me, you are wondering what
is taking us so long to find each other. Many times I thought I finally found you only are
disillusioned by the fact that my wait has no ended. I get each morning hoping, dreaming, longing
to meet you.

I am thinking of how we will meet, would it be romantic as the ones I have seen in movies? Or is
it possible that I have known you all my life but we have yet to realize that we are meant for each
other? Oh how I wish you were here right now because you are the only one who has the answer
to all my questions.

Sometimes I ask myself if I have ever really known “love”. I do not have answer to that question
either but I believe that, more often than not, we will never really know what love is until we find
that right person…..and since I have not found you yet, then maybe I do not really know what
love is!

You just don’t know how often I dream of finally knowing what it feels like top be in your arms.
Even at this very moment. I am imagining how you will simply sweep me off my feet! Perhaps I
would be drawn to you by your smile, or your eyes, or maybe even hoe you manage to make me
laugh by your silly little ways!

I don’t really know for sure but I am praying that God will help me recognize you when the right
time comes. I think of all the pain that I have gone through in the past and of how much I have
cried since the day I began my search. I just wanted you to know that I find my strength in
clinging onto my vision of the beautiful life ahead of me – the life I shall spend with you. In my
mind and in my heart I know that you are worth all that pain and sacrifice.

After all, the tears have become a part of my life and I believe that they are slowly washing away
my flaws so that I would become perfect, not perfect in its truest sense, but perfect – for YOU! I
wonder if you’ve gone through such pain as well. I wonder if you’ve been hurt so many times
along the journey.

But my dearest one, please don’t ever give up because I am right here…patiently waiting for you!
I assure you that when we finally find each other I would slowly heal those wounds by my love.
At night, I would look out my window and stare at the beautiful sky, hoping that somehow you
are looking up and wondering about me. I utter a silent prayer and send all my cries to the
heavens above thinking that in time they would reach you. And when I feel impatient, I just close
my eyes and believe that you are on your way and that you are longing to se me as well. It is
funny but when I finally fall asleep, it is still you that I think of, for you are always in my dreams.
It seems that, for now, that is the only place where I can hold on to you, long enough to tell you
how much I love you. In my dreams you would kiss away my fears and wrap me with your arms
of love.

And this, all the more, makes me want to wake up and face the new day ahead with the hope that
soon enough, you will no longer be a dream but a reality and once again I am assured that you are
worth the wait. And when that time comes, everything will fall into its place, just as u had
believed it would be! By then, I would simply look back and smile at all that I have gone through,
in spite of the pain and amidst the simple joys of life – and I would be very thankful they all lead
me to you!

In the mean time, take care of yourself for me. Hold on to our dream and don’t even think of
letting go. Believe in your heart that we will find each other no matter what happens. God has
planned the course and it is up to us to follow the directions. Don’t worry, don’t be afraid of
getting lost, God saw to it that all the roads, no matter which one you choose to follow, lead to


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