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Nowadays, many people, even a lot of kids have smartphones.

There are a lot of

disadvantages of giving kids smartphones, but there are a lot of benefits from it,
especially for school. Some school are possibly worried if they let students bring
mobile device or smartphones, students will be on their phones all the time, even
during the lesson.

Firstly, it can be used to support the learning process for searching information
using phones to do a project or any schoolwork, which can speed up the process
without forcing the students to spare some time to do the project, especially with
friends. It can also help students for any school presentation. The teachers can
also make pop quizzes using applications or websites, which can be fun for some

Second, mobile devices, smartphone in particular, can also be used to

communicate with parents at school. It is very useful for student to communicate
with their parents about when they will be picked up from school. During
emergencies like earthquake, power outage, etc. it is much easier for students to
contact their parents on their own rather than making the school contact every
parents. Sometimes, there are students that often forgot their stuff at home, they
can inform their parents so their parents can bring it to school.

So, as we can see there are benefits from letting students bring their phones to
school, even though there are some negative effects that may appear. Everything
depends on the strictness of the rules from school and the usage. I’m sure it may
have a lot more benefits than the problems. Therefore, letting students bring
their mobile devices to school is a great idea.

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