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Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

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Assessment of the causes of Hg bioaccumulation in the fish of a

Mediterranean lagoon subject to environmental management interventions
M. Lenzi a, *, E. Franchi b, M. Leporatti-Persiano c, A. D’Agostino d, P. Gennaro e, L. Marsili b
Lagoon Ecology and Aquaculture Laboratory (LEALab - WWF Oasi), Strada Provinciale Giannella 154, 58015 Orbetello, Italy
Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environment, University of Siena, Via Mattioli 4, Siena, Italy
Orbetello Pesca Lagunare, Via Leopardi 9, 58015 Orbetello, Italy
Department of Business and Quantitative Studies, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
ISPRA, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, Leghorn, Italy


Keywords: In a Mediterranean lagoon characterized by high levels of Hg in the sediment, Hg content in commercial fish
Mercury species was determined, and, in order to establish Hg concentration in the water column, Diffusive Gradient in
Heavy metal Thin films technique (DGT) was used. The results allowed to state (1) the disturbance of the surface sediment and
Fish contamination
its resuspension in the water column did not cause detectable increase in Hg releases, (2) the East basin acted
more than the West one in contamination of fish species, (3) the small-sized sea-breams (<400 g) were more
Eutrophication contaminated than larger sizes ones (>400 g). We concluded: (1) fish contamination may also depend on direct
contact with releases of the contaminant and small, gregarious and less sedentary subjects are more likely to
incur releases of Hg; (2) Hg releases can be greater in areas with a relatively low sedimentary organic matter load
compared to areas subjected to high density macroalgal mat, regardless of the amount of Hg present in the
sediments; (3) wind transport of plant masses in low energy storage areas, may constitute an increase factor of Hg
in the sediment. A critical review of the results was made in comparison with the available literature reports and
some hypotheses were proposed regarding the possible dynamics and availability of the contaminant.

1. Introduction (Kannan et al., 1998). MMeHg and Hg(II) concentrations in fish can in­
crease by 6 orders of magnitude compared to the concentration present
Mercury (Hg) is a contaminant that exists in different forms in in the water column (Chen et al., 2008), however, although many as­
aquatic ecosystems (Harris et al., 2007) and the volatile monomethyl pects of the accumulation processes are known (Pan and Wang, 2004),
mercury (MMeHg) is one of the most toxic form which acts as a there is probably still much to understand in relation to the dynamics of
neurotoxin that may bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms and bio­ massive accumulations in fish tissues. In fact, fish species behave
magnify through the food web, at the end of the pyramid, in fish and differently in the accumulation of Hg and may activate peculiar physi­
then in their consumers (Castoldi et al., 2008). The greater part of Hg ological defense strategies. Recent studies have shown that the feeding
introduced into the coastal sea is insoluble and falls in the sediment, niche have a great impact on Hg accumulation, e.g., pelagic-feeding fish
where it accumulates. Inorganic and organic Hg are bound to particles, resulted with higher MMeHg concentration compared to benthic-
colloids and high molecular weight organic matter (Horvat, 1977). feeding fish (Chen et al., 2009).
Above all anoxic sediments favor MMeHg production by methylating The mechanisms that control bioaccumulation depend a lot on the
activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) (Benoit et al., 1999, 2003; sediment composition, since the binders present (e.g. organic matter,
Mason, 2002; Wiener et al., 2003; Fleming et al., 2006). MMeHg pro­ OM; acid-volatile sulphides, AVS; metal oxides) are decisive in the
duced by bacterial activity can readily dissolve in the water column, can bioavailability of mercury. Some studies have shown an inverse corre­
be retained by mucoproteins and by lipids (Tremolada, 1998) and lation between the amount of MMeHg released from the sediment and
accumulate in aquatic organisms. In the meat of fish species it is above the amount of particulate organic matter, indicating that OM binds Hg(II)
all MMeHg to accumulate at a rate of 60–90% compared to the total Hg and MMeHg, retaining them in the sediment (Lawrence et al., 1999;

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Lenzi), (L. Marsili).
Received 11 August 2020; Received in revised form 24 November 2020; Accepted 30 November 2020
Available online 15 December 2020
0025-326X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Lenzi et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

McAlloon and Mason, 2003). On the other hand, OM is subject to 2. Materials and methods
mineralization which in the eutrophic lagoon environment proceeds
essentially anaerobically up to over 80% of what is mineralized This study was carried out through field surveys that involved the
(Jørgensen, 1983). Therefore, OM usually constitutes a transient binder. sampling of abiotic and biotic matrices and in situ instrumental detec­
Coastal lagoons, especially shallow-water, non-tidal lagoon, are tion, and laboratory analysis to determine Hg in fish meat and in the
structurally eutrophic environments and tend to accumulate organic water column. In addition, a review of the studies carried out in this
matter in the sediment. The presence of Hg in such environments, even if lagoon on the water, sediment and fish Hg contents and on the load of
of mineral origin, commonly involves its mobilization as MMeHg; in the sediment labile organic matter was conducted. Satellite images
fact, the methylation process seems here to be more efficient than in coinciding with the periods examined in our study, relating to the
marine or river environments (Hurley et al., 1995). presence of high density macroalgal mat and the evidence of SRB ac­
The Orbetello lagoon (Tuscany, Italy) has a diffuse Hg anomaly, with tivity, were also used.
decidedly high concentrations in some areas. This lagoon and the whole
coastal strip of southern Tuscany are affected by detrital contributions 2.1. Study area
coming from the near Amiata Mount that is one of the most important
global sources of cinnabar. In particular, the seabed has homogeneous The Orbetello lagoon is a shallow, eutrophic coastal water body of
total mercury values around 1.2 ng g− 1 (Abella et al., 2012). In the about 25.25 km2 in the southern Tuscan coast of Italy (42◦ 25′ –42◦ 29′ N,
Orbetello lagoon, some fish species are particularly subject to the 11◦ 10′ –11◦ 17′ E). This lagoon has two communicating basins known as
accumulation of Hg, beyond the allowed value for marketing (legal West and East with an area 15.25 km2 and 10.00 km2 respectively, with
limit), according to the Regulation 1881/2006/EC that defined 0.5 μg a 1 m mean depth (Fig. 1). Three artificial sea-lagoon canals, 0.5–3 km
g− 1 wet weight (w.w) for total mercury (T-Hg). This lagoon has also long and 10–15 m wide, two in the West and one in the East basin,
been subject to eutrophication for some decades with the development connect the lagoon with the sea (Fig. 1; SLC 1, 2, 3). Because of the low
of huge blooms of opportunistic macroalgae which decay during the tidal excursions of the Tyrrhenian Sea and for the length and small width
summer season, leading to dystrophies, sometimes so extensive as to of the three sea-lagoon canals, lagoon water turnover is poor and de­
cause die-offs of benthos and fish populations (Lenzi et al., 2011). These pends mainly on wind force and direction. Lagoon salinity ranges from
phenomena are countered through some management interventions 28 to 45 (practical salinity scale), depending on rainfall and evaporation.
such as the resuspension of the top-layer sediment (3–5 cm) with high The environment is eutrophic due to fish-farm wastewaters, inter­
organic load. This process triggers aerobic mineralization of organic mittent streams containing agricultural run-off and civil effluent, and
matter, increases the sediment redox hindering bacteria sulphate historical input stored in the sediment (Lenzi et al., 2003). Due to high
reduction activity, and, in cascade, a series of other environmental nutrient availability, morphology and low-water-turnover, this lagoon is
mitigation processes take place (Lenzi, 2010). subject to severe macroalgal proliferation, which can cause dystrophic
The aim of this study was to shed light on some important aspects crises with die-offs (Lenzi et al., 2011). Macroalgal harvesting and sea-
concerning the bioaccumulation of Hg, a phenomenon that in sub­ water pumping were the first management actions taken to counteract
merged coastal environments can take on very complex and often con­ the eutrophication effects. Macroalgal harvesting occurred for 6 months
tradictory features. To this scope, we had set ourselves the following per year and took away from 4000 to 6000 t of wet macroalgal mass. It
questions: 1) can the Hg contamination of fish occur in ways other than was estimated that 6000 t of macroalgae removed from the ecosystem
through the food chain? 2) could the management of eutrophication involved the resuspension of over 15,000 t of sediments (Lenzi et al.,
through the sediment resuspension favor and increase the release of 2013). From 2014 to date, the action to counter eutrophication has
MMeHg in the water column? mainly been based on the only direct resuspension of the anoxic sedi­
ment top-layer (Lenzi et al., 2017). Sea-water pumping is the action still

Fig. 1. The Orbetello lagoon, located along the North

Tyrrhenian coast, divided into the two West and East
basins. SLC 1 and SLC2, sea-lagoon canals at SW and
Nord, respectively, of the West basin; SLC3, sea-
lagoon canal at the eastern end of the East basin;
blue circles, marine water pumping stations; squares
D, U1 and U2, areas of 9 ha each in which the DGTs
were placed, the first subjected to sediment distur­
bance and the other two left undisturbed; MA-1, 2, 3,
4 macroareas subjected to analysis of the sediment
Hg by Beccaloni et al. (2011). (For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

M. Lenzi et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

practiced annually, between June and August, to promote water turn­ and U2 in East. Each plot was about 9 ha extended and delimited with
over, through an input flow coming from two western pumping stations, bamboo canes, so that the U were never crossed with boats, except at the
at the lagoon-mouth of the two western canals (SLC 1, 2), and an output moment of data collection and sampling. Conversely, D was appropri­
flow by the eastern canal (SLC 3; Fig. 1). ately marked so that a boat navigating inside it would produce sediment
soft top-layer (3–5 cm) resuspension, three times a week. DGTs were
2.2. Hg content in fish placed in each plot, tied to a bamboo cane and kept in the middle of the
water column, i.e. about 60 cm from the surface. Each plot was simul­
Hg content analyses of the most marketed fish species were con­ taneously affected by 6 DGTs; they were divided into groups of three,
ducted continuously from 2009 to 2019 (for the last year with only the each placed in one half of the same area. Altogether, 18 DGT devices
first six months available) by the Orbetello Pesca Lagunare Company were used for each survey. Three sampling surveys by DGT, from 15-
(OPL), the only fishing company that operates in the lagoon. The ana­ Sept 2014 to 23-Sept 2014, from 21-May 2015 to 31-July 2015, and
lysed fish came mostly from the fixed catching stations located at the from 17-August 2016 to 19-September 2016 (group-1, group-2, group-3,
mouth of the sea-lagoon canals (Fig. 1) and to a lesser extent from respectively), were conducted to detect T-Hg in the water column
catches with trammel nets in areas close to the same mouths. The fish (Fig. 1), for a total of 54 DGTs used. Temperature (T, ◦ C) and pH (by
catch station of the sea-lagoon canal SLC1 (Fig. 1) in the West basin electronic digital pHmeter DELTA OHM HD8705), salinity (S, practical
(West), is the one that produces more than 80% of the catch, especially scale of salinity; by refractometer ATAGO S/Mill), and nephelometric
sea-bream (Sparus aurata L.). The catch areas have been divided overall turbidity (NTU; by nephelometer by HANNA HI 93703-11 turbidity
into West and East, in relation to the two lagoon basins. The subjects meter) were measured in field during the surveys. Nephelometric
caught for marketing at the fixed sea-lagoon stations are transferred to turbidity was measured only in non-disturbing conditions for both Us
network tanks pending the analytical results and only then they are and D, while in this last plot, the re-sedimentation time after the sedi­
marketed. Since over the years it has been found that the subjects caught ment resuspension action by boat was estimated for each intervention.
in the East basin (East) had almost always values unsuitable for mar­ Total mercury content in DGT (Hg-DGT) was determined directly in
keting, fishing takes place mainly in the West and checks are only oc­ the DGT diffusive layer and resin gel after upper filter removal and
casionally carried out in the East to test the contamination state. For this treatment with 1 M HNO3 elution solution. Selective mercury analyser
reason, the available data were 239 for West and only 30 for East, for a (Advanced Hg analyser, AMA-254, Altec, Czech Republic) based on
total of about 1890 subjects sacrificed for the purpose. atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) was used. Hg-DGT was calculated
Another 26 records came from other species over which an occa­ according to the following Eq. (1):
sional check is made. The species examined were: Anguilla anguilla L., ( )
Hg − DGT = CE VHNO3 + Vgel *Ef − 1 (1)
Sarpa salpa L., Chelon labrosus Risso, Mugil cephalus L., Liza aurata Risso,
Dicentrarchus labrax L., Diplodus puntazzo Walbaum.
where: CE is the concentration of metals in the 1 M HNO3 elution so­
Hg content analyses were essentially focused on sea-bream, since this
lution (in g L− 1); VHNO3 is the volume of HNO3 added to the resin gel;
species has become the most present in the lagoon (74% of the total
Vgel is the volume of the resin gel; Ef is the elution factor for each metal,
catches) due to the decrease of the other species since the 70s of the last
typically 0.8.
century, mainly due to the eutrophication increase and its consequences,
The average concentration of Hg in the water column ([Hg], ng L− 1)
and the sowing of sea-bream juveniles for hundreds of thousands every
was calculated in relation to the hours of storage in water of DGTs, and
year (OPL, pers. comm.).
temperature and salinity of each dwell period, according to the
Each record came from the analysis of the homogenized meat of the
following Eq. (2):
skinless back muscle of 4–10 subjects, in relation to the size of the stock
captured and stabulated for marketing. The subjects were divided into 4 (
[Hg] = Hg − DGT*0.094*1000* t*3.14*d*10− 6
)− 1
classes in relation to weight: class1 < 300 g; 300 g = class2 < 400 g; 400
g = class3 < 500 g; 500 g = class4 > 500 g. The analyses were conducted where: [Hg] is the Hg concentration in ng L− 1; Hg-DGT is the quantity in
by the lab of the PH Company of Tavarnelle (Fi) using the Atomic Ab­ Hg determined analytically in each DGT; 0.094 is the thickness of the
sorption Spectroscopy technique (MP 02/010) and expressed as total diffusive gel plus the thickness of the filter membrane, in cm; t is the
Hg, in ng g− 1. The samples were finely homogenized and the analyzes storage time in seconds of DGT; 3.14 is the exposure area; d * 10− 6 is the
were performed in duplicate on sub-samples of 50–100 mg. The diffusion coefficient of metal in the gel (variable according to temper­
analytical procedure was carried out directly on wet sub-samples, while ature and salinity values and obtained by specific table for open pore gel;
other sub-samples were dried at 105 ◦ C only to determine the water the numbers need to time 10− 6 and the unit should be cm2 s− 1).
amount. The results were calculated by comparison with a calibration
line obtained by a certified standard reference material. Measured and
certified values were at >95% confidence level. 2.4. Statistical analysis

2.3. DGT and experimental design The different level of mercury contamination in fish and water in
relation to different groups of analysis (weight class for fish, disturbed
Diffusive Gradient in Thin films technique (DGT) was used to high­ and undisturbed site for water) were assessed by non-parametric tests
light traces of metals in the water column. This technique developed in that being distribution-free procedures no assumptions about the
the 90s of the last century (Davison and Zhang, 1994) and only more sampled population are requested (Corder and Foreman, 2014) and
recently it has been improved and also used for Hg (Clarisse et al., 2012; generally are more robust to outliers. In particular, the Mann-Whitney U
Fernández-Gómez et al., 2011; Chakraborty et al., 2014; Wu et al., Test and a Kruskal-Wallis equality of populations rank test were used to
2017). DGT commercially available were obtained by ExposMeter evaluate statistically significant differences between groups defined on
Sampling Tecnologies Co. (Tavelsjö, Sweden). The binding layer con­ the basis of two or more unrelated groups (Hollander et al., 2014).
sisted of a thiol resin embedded in a polyacrylamide gel, considered Specifically, we test the null hypothesis that the population centres
suitable for measuring both organic and inorganic Hg species (more are all equal against the alternative hypothesis that the other population
information on devices in Fernández-Gómez et al., 2011). (at least one of the populations in the Kruskal–Wallis test) tends to
The field experience was conducted in three plots of the lagoon exhibit larger values than the baseline population (at least one of the
(Fig. 1), one of which was subjected to periodic sediment disturbance other populations in the Kruskal–Wallis test). We also performed mul­
(D) and two left undisturbed (U1 and U2). D and U1 were placed in West tiple pairwise comparison tests using the Holm-Sidák adjustment (Holm,

M. Lenzi et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

1979). that West area was characterized by some values that were outside the
In order to validate the use of a non-parametric approach pre­ expected range. Mann-Whitney test results confirmed a significant dif­
liminary analyses were also conducted for checking normality of data ference between the two areas (p < 0.0001).
and the presence of extreme values under study. Visual inspection of the In order to obtain a reliable sample size, we merged observations of
empirical frequency distributions clearly showed lack of symmetry class-1 and class-2 (1 + 2) and class- 3 and class-4 (3 + 4) in both areas.
(positive skewness) and the Shapiro-Wilk test gave p-values less than In Fig. 3, Hg concentration boxplots using these super-groups, in West
0.05 for the outcome variable (Peat and Barton, 2005). Moreover, box and East areas are reported. Mann-Whitney test results showed a sig­
plots have been used to identify extreme values of each variable by nificant difference between the two super-groups in West, whereas the
groups. In these box plots, any data that lies outside the upper or lower difference is not significantly different in East (p = 0.6834).
fence lines is considered a possible outlier. Using Kruskal–Wallis test, we also tested for significant differences
All statistical analyses were performed using STATA 14 software across years in West (p < 0.0001). Findings show significant differences
(StataCorp, 2015). across years. The same test is not reported for East area because the
sample size is too small in some years.
3. Results In Table 3, Hg contents for other fish species are reported, together
with the number of subjects used for analysis and their mean weight,
3.1. Hg content in fish distinguishing the origins from West and East. For West A. anguilla,
D. labrax and mullet and for East D. puntazzo, the means (± SD) are
Sea-bream Hg values (μg g− 1 wet weight) coming from catches in reported.
West and East, are reported in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Since these Species coming from the East were more impacted, but among these
are random determinations on stocks awaiting marketing, class-2 and, to C. labrosus accumulated the least amount of Hg, even for subjects with
a lesser extent, class-3 are those with the largest number of subjects relatively large dimensions. D. puntazzo accumulated more Hg, in both
examined (overall 87% of records in West, and 86% in East). West and East, together with D. labrax; in West, the three species of
Among all West samples (n = 239), the mean was 0.30 ± 0.23 μg g− 1 mugilidae examined and S. salpa were the organisms with the least
and the median 0.22 μg g− 1. 82.84% of the samples resulted within the accumulation of Hg. A. anguilla presented variable values in the West,
limit 0.5 μg g− 1 allowed for the marketing, among these classes 1 and 2 but always above the legal limit in the East.
together were below the limit in 81.54% of the cases, classes 3 and 4
together in 85.92% of the cases. With regard to the 30 records from East 3.2. DGT
(of which 3 in class-1, 20 in class-2, 6 in class-3 and 1 in class-4), the
overall mean was 0.78 ± 0.44 μg g− 1, the median 0.81 μg g− 1 and the In Table 4, the calculated values of the mercury concentration in the
range 0.05–1.73 μg g− 1. Means and medians were all beyond the legal water column ([Hg], ng L− 1) and temperature, pH, salinity and nephe­
limit. 8 samples (26.67%) were within the limit allowed for commer­ lometric turbidity values measured in the plots during the experience,
cialization, all in class-2, which however was the largest. and the residence time of the DGTs in hours in D, U1 and U2, are re­
In West, the highest medians were obtained for class-2, in East, the ported. The re-sedimentation time after the sediment resuspension by
highest median was obtained in class-1. Hg ranges have been widely boat in the plot D was on average 18.7 ± 5.6 min.
variable in both basins, in particular in the West (Tables 2, 3). Hg means of the three plots for each trial showed markedly higher
Fig. 2 gives a quick visual assessment of sea-bream meat Hg con­ values in U2 for 2014–15, while they fell homogeneously for all three in
centration (μg g− 1 wet weight) from catches in West e in East. The box 2016. The means among all the records were 6.55 ± 2.88 ng L− 1, 7.95 ±
plots show the median Hg concentration was higher in East area, and 5.55 ng L− 1, 9.94 ± 2.89 ng L− 1, per D, U1 and U2, respectively. In

Table 1
Mean (±SD), median and range of Hg concentration (μg g− 1) and number of samples analysed (n) in muscle of sea-bream 4 age classes (class1 < 300 g, 300 = class2 <
400 g, 400 = class3 < 500 g, 500 = class4 > 500 g) caught in the West basin of the Orbetello lagoon, between 2009 and 2019.
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

n Mean Median Range n Mean Median Range n Mean Median Range n Mean Median Range

0.16 ± 0.12 ±
2009 10 0.24 0.06 0.03–0.79 4 0.11 0.08 0.03–0.30
0.13 ± 0.12 ± 0.09 ±
2010 1 0.08 9 0.05 0.14 0.07–0.91 3 0.02 0.13 0.1–0.14 2 0.07 0.09 0.02–0.16
0.25 ± 0.23 ±
2011 7 0.08 0.23 0.15–0.37 2 0.01 0.23 0.24–0.23
0.33 ±
2012 17 0.23 0.24 0.08–1.08 1 0.99
0.35 ± 0.19 ±
2013 2 0.15 0.35 0.21–0.50 3 0.13 0.10 0.10–0.38 1 0.37
0.16 ± 0.22 ± 0.18 ±
2014 7 0.07 0.16 0.06–0.30 6 0.08 0.22 0.10–0.32 3 0.01 0.18 0.17–0.19
0.34 ± 0.37 ±
2015 1 0.15 26 0.14 0.30 0.06–0.84 10 0.21 0.34 0.16–0.69 1 0.50
0.31 ± 0.23 ± 0.25 ±
2016 1 0.09 20 0.18 0.31 0.09–0.73 3 0.15 0.27 0.03–0.79 2 0.02 0.25 0.23–0.26
0.26 ± 0.25 ± 0.26 ±
2017 17 0.19 0.24 0.05–0.83 14 0.24 0.13 0.06–1.03 3 0.17 0.17 0.12–0.50
0.41 ± 0.42 ± 0.17 ± 0.30 ±
2018 6 0.21 0.4 0.18–0.74 33 0.27 0.38 0.06–1.07 5 0.09 0.19 0.06–0.21 3 0.13 0.38 0.11–0.40
0.26 ± 0.49 ± 0.25 ±
2019 3 0.06 0.22 0.22–0.34 7 0.25 0.46 0.14–0.91 6 0.29 0.13 0.06–0.82
0.30 ± 0.31 ± 0.26 ± 0.22 ±
Total 12 0.20 0.22 155 0.23 0.24 53 0.22 0.17 19 0.14 0.18

M. Lenzi et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

Table 2
Mean (±SD), median and range of Hg concentration (μg g− 1) and number of samples analysed (n) in muscle of sea-bream 4 age classes (class1 < 300 g, 300 = class2 <
400 g, 400 = class3 < 500 g, 500 = class4 > 500 g) caught in the East basin of the Orbetello lagoon, between 2009 and 2019.
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

n Mean Median n Mean Median Range n Mean Median Range Record

2009 1 0.05
2010 5 0.67 ± 0.23 0.72 0.33–0.91 1 0.23
2011 5 0.83 ± 0.58 1.26 0.10–1.33 1 0.76
2012 3 0.79 ± 0.34 0.93 0.32–1.12
2013 1 0.16
2014 3 0.67 ± 0.26 0.49 0.40–1.04 2 0.96 ± 0.26 0.96 0.70–1.22
2015 1 0.84 1 0.67 1 0.45
2017 1 1.52 1 0.92 0.79
2018 1 1.73
2019 1 1.32
Total 3 1.36 ± 0.38 1.52 20 0.67 ± 0.43 0.63 6 0.71 ± 0.32 0.73

Table 3
Hg concentration (μg g− 1) in fish muscle of 7 fish species, number of samples analysed (n), mean
weight (±SD) of the subjects analysed in the East and West basins of the Orbetello lagoon, between
2009 and 2019. In gray, the values of which the Hg mean (±SD is in bold).
Species Year n Body weight West East
g Hg ( g g−1) Hg ( g g−1)
A. anguilla 2009 7 163 ± 5 0.513
2010 6 160 ± 29 0.321
2011 8 210 ± 32 0.131
2012 7 150 ± 4 0.553
2015 11 230 ± 4 0.845
2015 10 150 ± 3 0.420
S. salpa 2011 6 410 ± 33 0.023
C. labrosus 2014 4 855 ± 41 0.166
2017 4 660 ± 24 0,131
2018 3 1907 ± 106 0.256
2019 3 1063 ± 101 0.130
M. cephalus 2010 3 940−37 0.010
2012 4 717 ± 25 0.055
L. aurata 2010 12 261 ± 8 0.092
2012 10 240 ± 5 0.220
2013 10 320 ± 5 0.063
2017 8 270 ± 11 0.071
2018 10 332 ± 12 0.025
D. labrax 2011 3 507 ± 39 0.447
2013 4 593 ± 56 0.733
2017 3 553 ± 21 0.780
2018 3 723 ± 27 1.100
D. puntazzo 2011 6 300 ± 22 1.940
2013 4 350 ± 19 0.487
2014 7 450 ± 32 1.200
2019 9 324 ± 4 0.769

Fig. 4, Hg concentration (ng L− 1) boxplots by plots are reported over 2018–19 of Orbetello lagoon, relating to the distribution of macroalgal
years. The median of Hg concentration in U2 was higher than in D and mats and the development of dystrophic phenomena with evidence of
U1 plots, and Kruskal–Wallis statistics showed significant differences sulphur-blooms, have been used for the discussion of data.
between the three plots (p = 0.0005) only in 2015. We also performed
multiple pairwise comparison tests. Statistical difference compared to D 4. Discussion of the results and comparison with previous
was observed only for U2 (p = 0.0001), whereas Hg concentrations studies
significantly differed between U1 and U2 (p = 0.0257).
The annual means among the records of all three plots were 11.48 ± 4.1. T-Hg in the water column and the importance of the sediment
4.47 ng L− 1, 6.35 ± 3.10 ng L− 1 and 6.60 ± 2.63 ng L− 1, for 2014, 2015,
2016, respectively. The residence time of DGTs in the water consistently increased be­
tween 2014 and 2015, from 8 to 32 days, and also increased between
3.3. Satellite imagery 2015 and 2016, from 32 to 72 days. The DGTs were left in the water for a
longer period of time in order to detect mercury releases from the
Some satellite images of Sentinel-2 by LandViewer Web page, of the sediment. Even if there was a difference in the residence times of the

M. Lenzi et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

[Hg], mercury concentration (ng L− 1) and mean (±SD) in bold, T, temperature range (◦ C), S, salinity (PSS), pH, nephelometric turbidity (NTU) and t, time in hours the DGT devices stay in the water between 2014 and 2016

7.6 ± 2.4

5.4 ± 2.2

6.8 ± 2.7


















(DGT groups in the trials 1, 2, 3), in the stations D (disturbed area in the West basin), U1 (undisturbed area in the West basin) and U2 (undisturbed area in the East basin).



Fig. 2. Box plots of Hg concentration (μg g− 1 wet weight) found in sea bream

meat in West and in East basins of the Orbetello lagoon.




10.5 ± 0.7
3.2 ± 0.2

5.4 ± 0.4
















Fig. 3. Box plots of Hg concentration (μg g− 1 wet weight) found in Class 1 + 2

and Class 3 + 4 of sea-bream by West and in East basins of the Orbetello lagoon.


DGTs between the trials, the aim of the trials to make a comparison

between the plots within each period, one of which subjected to sedi­



ment resuspension, was accomplished. No significant difference was


found between the plots, except in May–June 2015, for higher values in
U2, before a severe dystrophic crisis in East basin.
However, the recent study by Díez and Giaggio (2018) showed that a
13.1 ± 6.9

12.5 ± 0.6
8.9 ± 1.2

prolonged residence time of the devices in the water over 10 days, and
suspended particulate could compromise the results, producing un­








derestimations. Therefore, that study questions the results of our study.

Nevertheless, we considered the results to be still useful because of the




following three reasons: 1) the lagoon water in the examined periods

was transparent, as shown by the nephelometric data (Table 4), a
common condition in water overlying macroalgal mats due to compe­



tition with microalgae (McGlathery et al., 2007); so we can assume that

the amount of suspended material was likely moderate; 2) sediment
resuspension conducted in plot D brought into the water column, coarse



organic particulate, produced by the decay of the macroalgal under-

layer mat, which sedimented in 15–20 min, then the water became



transparent again; 3) our data were substantially similar to those


detected by a parallel survey carried out between 2014 and 2015 by the
Regional Environmental Protection Agency of Tuscany (ARPAT, 2016;



Report for the Institutions) in the same plots D, U1 and U2. ARPAT is the

official Italian institute appointed to the monitoring in the Water





Framework Directive.
The ARPAT study revealed a very high total Hg content in the water
Table 4

column in June 2014 (940–183 ng L− 1). However, it declined in August-



M. Lenzi et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

modified carbon nanoparticles SH-CNPs suspension as the liquid binding

phase and cellulose acetate membrane as the diffusive layer), observed
that the greatest efficiency in contaminant grabbing was obtained at pH
close to neutrality.
In the sediment, the study of ARPAT (2016) found high values of T-
Hg in all plots, always above AA-EQS. (0.3 μg g− 1 dw; Ausili et al.,
2018), comprised between 0.76 μg g− 1 dw and 2.80 μg g− 1 dw (Table 5),
and established that there were no significant differences among the
data populations of the three plots, neither before nor after the treat­
ment of D through sediment resuspension.
In 2008, a study conducted by ICRAM (today Italian Institute for
Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA) and University of Siena
established ranges of 0.56–0.95 μg g− 1 dw for West and 0.25–6.04 μg
g− 1 dw for East, for the sediment 5 cm top-layer (ICRAM-UNISI, 2008;
Report for the Institutions), with the highest values detected in the
westernmost part of the East basin.
Fig. 4. Box plots of Hg concentration (ng L− 1) by the DGT stations D Similarly, a survey by Beccaloni et al. (2011) (Institute of Health, ISS;
(disturbed) and U1, U2 (undisturbed), in 2014, 2015 and 2016. D and U1 in Report for the Institutions) confirmed high values in the East sediment,
West basin, U2 in East basin. highlighting 4 different macro areas: macroarea 1, near the town of
Orbetello, with values between 0.19 and 0.94 μg g− 1 dw; macroarea 2 at
2014 (about 55–96 ng L− 1), November-2014 (10–18 ng L− 1) and April- the east end, with a range 2.1–21.7 μg g− 1 dw; macroarea 3, close to the
2015 (<5 ng L− 1) until it reached in November values well below the sand dune, with range 0.17–0.43 μg g− 1 dw; macroarea 4, in the far west
maximum allowed concentration of 70 ng L− 1 (MAC- EQS; Ausili et al., of the basin, close to an old mining area, with range 3.8–11.72 μg g− 1 dw
2018) (Table 5). The trend observed by ARPAT confirms the results of (Fig. 1).
our DGTs for T-Hg, which had shown a decreasing trend between 2014 All these studies showed a wide variability of the sediment data, the
and 2016; furthermore, the ARPAT’s T-Hg concentrations of the three highest Hg concentrations in the East, and in both East and West the
plots did not show significant differences in each of the observation overcoming of the EQS value.
periods. The difference between September-2014 DGT results and Beyond the Hg concentration in the sediment, i.e. of its contamina­
ARPAT’s June-2014 and August-2014 results was about 1 and 0.5 order tion potential, DGTs results and the ARPAT study highlighted different
of magnitude, respectively. dynamics of the releases from the sediment, between one year and
Putting together our data and ARPAT’s ones the decreasing trend another and between months of the same year. This could be due to
between 2014 and 2015 was confirmed. Our data of September-2014 are changes in environmental conditions, especially as a function of the
inserted temporally between the ARPAT results of August and accumulations of labile organic matter (LOM) available for anaerobic
November, very close to November. In 2015, the DGTs means varied mineralizers.
between 3 and 10 ng L− 1, and ARPAT values were below 5 ng L− 1 SRB act on the mineral deposits of the cinnabar (HgS) and on the
(Tables 4 and 5). organic compounds sulphurated (HgS(SH)− , Hg(SH)2, Hg(Sn)HS− )
However, it is important to take into account other possible criti­ containing Hg, methylating Hg to MMeHg. SRB are active in a range of
calities of the DGTs data: 1) Hg levels may have been underestimated environments from micro-oxidized to anoxic. Sediment oxygenation
because of the presence of a high quantity of dissolved organic matter with low LOM load decreases methylation (Benoit et al., 2006). In fact,
(DOM): Hg-DOM complexes bind a large part of HgII, competing with to undertake sulphate-reducing activity and also to start methylation,
the capture by DGT (Fernández-Gómez et al., 2011). Previous studies SRB require at the same time low or zero oxygen and a significant load of
demonstrated relatively high and homogeneously diffused values of LOM in the sediment. Therefore, the presence of oxygen and low OM
DOM in West (Lenzi et al., 2015) and East basin (Lenzi et al., 2019); content in the sediment lead to no or very low SRB activity. When the
these DOM values could have contributed to the underestimation of Hg, sulphate reducing activity becomes predominant, the concentration of
but probably did not invalidate the comparison between the three plots; sulphides increases, so as to inhibit methylation (Benoit et al., 1999).
2) during the DGTs residence time, the pH values recorded in the lagoon According to the conceptual model reported in Fig. 5, we can hypoth­
plots were relatively high. Wu et al. (2017), using similar devices (thiol- esize a range of environmental conditions starting from an extreme of
oxidized sediments, in which the sulphate-reducing activity is scarce or
zero and so is the methylation, up to the opposite extreme situation of an
Table 5 anoxic/dystrophic state with very intense sulphate-reducing activity,
Hg values estimated in the water and sediment of the Orbetello lagoon, in the
accumulation of acid-volatile sulphides and little or no methylation.
plots D, U1 and U2, between June 2014 and April 2015, by the Regional Envi­
Along a growing gradient of sulphate-reducing activity, between the two
ronmental Protection Agency of Tuscany (from ARPAT, 2016; reconstructed).
extreme conditions, the methylation increases reaching its peak more or
T-Hg water T-Hg sediment
less centrally between the two conditions described.
June-14 Aug- Nov- Apr- June- Aug- Nov- Apr- In Fig. 6, the LOM trend in the West is reported between 2014 and
14 14 15 14 14 14 15 2016. LOM decreased between June 2014 (20.78 ± 3.33%) and June
ng L− 1
ng L− 1
ng L− 1
ng μg μg μg μg 2015 (8.79 ± 2.54%) probably due to artificial sediment resuspension
L− 1 g− 1
g− 1
g− 1 g− 1
(Lenzi et al., 2017). In the East, LOM in July 2014 measured 16.11 ±
D 127.60 70.00 14.00 <5 1.46 1.42 1.94 1.92 9.49% (unpubl. data), in June-2015 15.07 ± 8.81% (sampling con­
± 28.34 ± 4.24 ± 2.53 ± ± ± ± ducted in the easternmost part of East; unpubl. data) and in July–August
0.22 0.37 0.49 0.49 2015 there was an intense dystrophic event extended to the whole East
81.00 1.87 1.13 1.55 1.73
117.20 ± 11.20 ± ± ± ±
basin (Lenzi et al., 2016).
U1 ± 38.24 10.49 ± 2.40 <5 0.58 0.49 0.39 0.46 Based on these observations we can hypothesize that: 1) the high Hg
74.00 1.88 1.68 2.33 2.05 values in the 2014 water column in the two basins could be due to SRB
137.20 ± 12.20 ± ± ± ± activity supported by abundant LOM, probably started in the spring
U2 ± 17.35 11.78 ± 2.93 0.28 0.16 0.13 0.41
phase, when the sulphide concentration was not high enough to inhibit

M. Lenzi et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

4.2. Fish contamination

Results of many previous studies confirm the East sediment is a

source of Hg contamination greater than the West one. Although the
contaminated fish can move freely between East and West basins, also
the West sediments represent a source of contamination, as highlighted
by DGTs and ARPAT (2016). However, the higher contamination of the
smaller sea-bream classes compared to the larger ones in the West,
contrasts with the model that foresees an increase of the contaminant
with increasing size of fish, caused by the tissue bioaccumulation
through feeding (Boening, 2000).
Miniero et al. (2013), in a study limited to sea-bream captured in the
East basin of the Orbetello lagoon, did not detect differences in the level
Fig. 5. In the diagram (concentration, along the ordinates; variable environ­ of contamination nor in size of the subjects examined, nor differences
mental conditions, along the abscissas), hypothetical sediment environmental between populations that could be attributed to area-specific feeding
situations are depicted, from the oxidized state on the left, to the increasingly patterns, which was also confirmed by our results in the East, although a
reduced and anoxic state, proceeding to the right on the abscissas. The trend of
relatively small number of samples were used in both the study cited (n
the redox potential (Eh, in mV; black line) goes towards increasingly negative
= 26) and ours (n = 30). Miniero et al. (2013) estimated Hg content
values (from left to right) with the gradual decrease in dissolved oxygen, in
conjunction with the increase of organic matter load in the sediments (OM;
between 0.36 and 1.58 μg g− 1, with minimum values higher than ours,
brown line). As this situation proceeds towards anoxia/dystrophy, the activity and a median of 1.13 μg g− 1, higher than ours.
of sulphate-reducing bacteria increases, thus increasing the concentration of Data variability for all sizes, especially in the West, does not exclude
acid volatile sulphides (AVS; yellow line). The sulphate reducing bacteria an area-specific food bioaccumulation, but does not exclude contami­
operate the methylation of the Hg present. This last process increases with the nation may have occurred due to contact with the MMeHg released from
bacterial activity increase, until the AVS concentration becomes excessive and the sediments as a consequence of the SRB activity. Perhaps both events
inhibits the process (trend of the gray line). Therefore, two moments are have occurred; however we would like to focus on the release of
identified in which the concentration of MMeHg is the lowest or zero (blue contaminant due to the SRB activity, which occurs more or less intensely
circles), and an intermediate phase in which this concentration is at the highest every year, and is made evident above all for the consequences of the
values (red circle), coinciding mainly with the intermediate seasons. (For
anoxia induced in the sediments by the macroalgal masses, in both West
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
(Fig. 7, a, b) and East, the latter particularly affected in macroareas 2
referred to the web version of this article.)
and 4 (Fig. 8, a, b). In the spring, before the sulphide accumulations
increase extremely producing dystrophic evidence (Figs. 7, 8, c, d), the
SRB activity could be the cause of intense releases of MMeHg.
Since DGT devices showed that Hg can be found in the water column
and can accumulate, over time, in membranes that contain diffusive and
binding gel, it can be assumed that contact contamination may also
occur in fish. Hg releases from the sediment would occur in different
areas, at different times, and could affect all vagile organisms. The
production of MMeHg would be all the more important, the greater the
deposit of the contaminant in the sediment (Beccaloni et al., 2011), but a
deviation from this logic could occur according to the SRB activity, as
can be observed from the conceptual model of Fig. 6.
Beccaloni et al. (2011) established that the abundance of reducing
sulphite bacteria in the sediment was greater in East macroareas 1 and 3,
i.e. those that had relatively lower Hg values. This could mean that
bacterial pool was relatively small in macroareas 2 and 4 due to high
levels of contaminant. However, macroareas 2 and 4 are also those
subject to the greatest accumulations of algal masses, so we cannot
exclude that accumulation of acid- volatile sulphides resulting from the
sulphate-reducing process have inhibited the SRB development, the
production of MMeHg and other bacterial strains including sulphite
reducers. Thus, paradoxically, the areas with a relatively lower level of
Fig. 6. Distribution of the LOM data transformation along the ordinates for
each trial, in West basin sediment, between June 2014 and September 2016
contaminated sediments, which however do not undergo excessive
(from Lenzi et al., 2017). accumulation of algal masses, such as to trigger an intense production of
sulphides, could be more productive in terms of MMeHg.
Sea-bream are the most abundant organisms marketed in this lagoon
the methylation process; 2) artificial LOM reduction in West would have
and it can be assumed that the subjects of small sizes proceed in arrays of
consequently reduced the SRB activity between 2015 and 2016, and
more individuals and are more mobile than those of larger dimensions,
therefore Hg methylation; 3) persistence of high LOM values in the East
more sedentary, territorial and tendentially solitary (Froese and Pauly,
would have led to the 2015 summer dystrophy, reducing methylation
2004). Therefore, the small sizes may incur a more frequent MMeHg
due to excess of AVS; thus, the DGT showed lower T-Hg values, which
release, while the larger sizes would be affected if and when the releases
were maintained in 2016 due to the drastic LOM decrease caused from
affect their territory. All this would take place in a complex context of Hg
the dystrophy itself. This hypothesis places the West and East basins at
accumulation by food. Miniero et al. (2013) also came to similar
the two extremes of the model proposed in Fig. 5, for the period
conclusion, claiming “.. it is possible that the high Hg found in fish from
the Orbetello lagoon depend not only on metabolism but also on the
proximity of the source: this, in turn, would have some bearing on the
lack of a relationship between Hg concentrations and fish size”. Where

M. Lenzi et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

Fig. 7. The Orbetello lagoon West basin. The dark part in “a” and “b” consists of a vast macroalgal mat, in spring images, which, year after year, affects the central
western area; the whitish patches in “c” and “d”, more or less in the same areas as the algal mat, are the formation of colloidal sulphur produced in the water column
by the oxidation of hydrogen sulphide from the summer SRB activity in the same years as “a” and “b”.

the source is the lagoon sediment. further studies are needed to shed light on species-specific differences in
The hypothesis shows a weakness if we take into account the mullet, fish Hg bioaccumulation, related to the skin protective mucus.
which would seem not particularly predisposed to bioaccumulation of
the contaminant, neither through feeding, due to its low position in the
trophic level, nor through contact. A. anguilla also shows relatively low 4.3. Vegetable masses as a vehicle for the accumulation of sediment Hg
Hg levels, especially in the West, despite having a predator diet, albeit at
a still relatively low trophic level, and a living condition that sees it ICRAM-UniSi (2008) established for macroarea 4 (Fig. 1) a high
submerged in the mud, where the contaminated could be more present variability of Hg content along 1 m sediment cores, with extremely high
in interstitial waters. peaks even in the deep layers. This was not the case for the other mac­
An explanation of this apparent anomaly could be the abundant roareas and not even in the West, where Hg was located above all in the
presence of skin mucus produced by both mullet and eels, compared to first 20 cm. This suggests that there may have been a geological reason
sea-bream, sea-bass and D. puntazzo. Mucus is a colloidal, viscous sub­ (mining area) for macroarea 4 that led to the accumulation of a large
stance that contains antibacterial enzymes and glycoproteins with high amount of Hg in the deeper levels, compared to all the other areas.
molecular weight (mucins), often acidic by sialic acid (a carboxylated However, the abundance of this metal in the surface sediment in mac­
monosaccharide) or sulphated monosaccharides (Dash et al., 2018). It roarea 2 and other lagoon areas cannot be explained in the same way,
could represent a storage vehicle for Hg, a sort of filter that reduces the therefore there must be other origin of mercury accumulation.
crossing of the epidermis by the contaminant. The mucus would be In the Est basin, algal masses, both those locally produced and those
easily lost by the fish during the rubbing in the mud, between the algae transported by the wind, accumulate more precisely in macroareas 2 and
and the eelgrass meadows, and subsequently renewed. Therefore, 4 (Fig. 8a,b). The cause of the high Hg level in the sediment top-layer of
the two macroareas could be due to the transport of the algal masses and

M. Lenzi et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

Fig. 8. The Orbetello lagoon East basin. The celestial lines in “a” and “b” highlight the accumulations of algal masses at the two ends of the basin; the yellow lines in
“c” and “d” show the effects of dystrophic events located at the two ends of the basin in the summer of the same years as “a” and “b”. The lines contain macro areas 2
and 4, respectively in the far east and far west of the basin. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of this article.)

the phanerogams fronds that detach in autumn. Coelho et al. (2009), for experiences, except under conditions of poor oxygenation, hypoxia-
the lagoon of Ria de Aveiro (Portugal), demonstrated in fact a phe­ anoxia, and in low redox values of the sediment top-layer. LOM,
nomenon of Hg enrichment in areas far from sources precisely as a therefore, does not produce a burial of Hg in the sediment layers since it
consequence of the transport of macroalgae and phanerogam fronds is an ephemeral blocker. Once released during OM decay, HgII and
from areas contaminated by anthropic activity. They estimated Hg MMeHg can affect the water column through a diffusion gradient.
accumulation in the fronds of Zostera noltii of 0.017–0.590 μg g− 1, and in Furthermore, the natural disturbance processes (wind, bioturbation,
the thalli of Enteromorpha sp. up to a maximum of 2.1 μg g− 1. The bio-irrigation) favor a partial OM oxidation and mineralization, with the
ICRAM-UniSi (2008) study established ranges of Hg accumulations for consequent possible MMeHg release, which anyway doesn’t signifi­
algae and phanerogams of 0.020–0.040 μg g− 1 and 0.070–0.320 μg g− 1 cantly stop the SRB activity, therefore not influencing the production
in West and East, respectively. Therefore, the transport of the masses by process of MMeHg; indeed SRB presence in micro-niches with low ox­
the wind could actually constitute a vehicle for the accumulation of Hg ygen rates and their potential role in Hg speciation have been demon­
and its redistribution in the sediment. strated (Compeau and Bartha, 1985; King et al., 2001).
Considering that the morphology of Orbetello lagoon East basin has During sediment resuspension, iron and manganese sulphides are
been substantially unchanged for centuries, it seems plausible that, at rapidly oxidized in the water column, and the metal ions released
least for macroarea 2, the accumulation of vegetable masses may have (Simpson et al., 1998; Caetano et al., 2002); on the contrary, Hg and Pb
increased, over time, the Hg levels in the sediment by a factor of 20 to are more difficultly released by their sulphides (Caille et al., 2003).
40, compared to the bottom of the nearby sea, which is also affected by Furthermore, the rapid releases of Fe and Mn from the respective sul­
relatively high levels of Hg due to debris transport from Amiata Mount. phides result in equally rapid precipitations of the corresponding oxides
The hypothesis opens up a new perspective of study and management of and hydroxides, which can quickly adsorb the cations of the other heavy
critical issues on this basin. metals released from their sulphides (Saulnier and Mucci, 2000; Caetano
et al., 2002) due to the huge abundance of Fe and Mn compared to trace
metals. In addition, in the sediment anoxic top-layer, some heavy metal
4.4. Sediment resuspension and Hg release
cations, including Hg, can take over into the Fe and Mn monosulphides
forming an even more insoluble sulphide that does not release cations
Sediment resuspension in shallow water lagoon is a relatively
even during resuspension events (Di Toro et al., 1990; Allen et al., 1993).
frequent process. A wind of intensity >8 m s− 1 can produce a distur­
These studies may explain why, with the DGTs and through the
bance in the sediment top-layer up to about 1.5 m in height of the water
parallel study of ARPAT (2016), the resuspension of the top-layer sedi­
column (Rubegni et al., 2013). Resuspension effects of the anoxic top-
ments carried out in the experimental area D, did not increase the
layer sediment (for about 3–5 cm of thickness) have long been studied
bioavailability of Hg compared to the non-disturbed areas, even in 2014
for long time, observing numerous benefits in countering the eutrophi­
when the highest T-Hg values were found in the waters of both lagoon
cation consequences, when disturbance is produced with high fre­
quency, including the reduction of OM load (Lenzi et al., 2010;
Even if a three years study is relevant, given the danger that MMeHg
Martelloni et al., 2016).
entails, further confirmation are required in order to ascertain the
Although OM is a binder for mercury and is considered crucial for its
repeatability of the results, repeating the experience with DGTs taking
bioavailability, OM is predominantly subjected to anaerobic bacterial
into account as much as possible environmental criticalities, such as pH
decay. Gill et al. (1999) and Mason et al. (2006), in fact, claimed the
and DOM, and reducing the time spent in water by the devices to remove
flow of MMeHg from the sediment was not significant in their

M. Lenzi et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 162 (2021) 111907

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