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Brooks 1

Marvin Brooks

Professor Strehle

English 1201


My website critique

First link:



This link covers the website that is required for research as it contains the

information of the author, donations, and the real information that was put in here with time and

effort. The website is from the research done from the Economic Policy Institute which covers

how this website was created to discuss how quarantine affected our students, facilities, or even


Second link:


While this website does show the findings of what someone of my topic is looking for, there

are a few nit-picks here and there that this website has for me. The first being the temperature

which I’ll let slide, however the link describes the health of students and how they’ve been only

to bring up their stuck in the school and not remote learning. The second would be the lack of

an author as it shows the posted dates but not the one in charge of putting it there in the first

place. The third would be that it tells us about how they’ve been in quarantine without

mentioning the health of them at all which it claims within the link and title.

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