Harrison Bergeron

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Harrison Bergeron

Please answer in full sentences/paragraphs. I cannot stress this enough, full sentences
AND punctuation!

1. Describe the state of the US society as outlined in the first paragraph. How has
“equality” been achieved? (3 marks)

2. Although Harrison Bergeron was written over 50 years ago, it plays well with
today’s ‘politically correct’ society. Do you think we have become too politically
correct? Are we, as a society, too focussed on equality for all? Is it even
possible? Why or why not? (2 marks)

3. If you lived in the year 2081 what would some of your handicaps be? Fully
explain! (3 marks)

4. Why isn’t Hazel handicapped? Why isn’t Diana Moon-Glampers handicapped? (2


5. George is one of the only developed characters. How does he seem to feel about
his handicaps? Elaborate with quotes. (2 marks)

6. Consider the character of Harrison in terms of both his physical qualities and
personality traits. Why would he be considered a threat to society? (2 marks – 1
for physical, 1 for mental)

7. What, in your own opinion, is the shedding of Harrison’s handicaps symbolic of?
How does it look in the movie? (1 mark)

8. How do George and Hazel react to the televised murder of their son? Is this
reflective of a change in society? Think about the images we see on television,
how would we react as a society? (2 marks)

9. What do you consider the message of Harrison Bergeron (there are many)? (2

10. Reread the first column of the story. Now that you know the ending, what
revelations occur to you? (2 marks)

11. What is the true problem of the handicap system? (1 mark)

12. We started with a definition of ‘handicap,’ how has your definition changed after
the reading? (1 mark)

13. Why isn’t George willing to ‘cheat’ his handicap? What does that say about
beliefs within the system? (1 mark)

14. Define satire. What is Kurt Vonneget satirizing? (2 marks)

15. Define anachronism. How is Harrison Bergeron an anachronism? How did the
movie 2081 make it seem more ‘modern’? (2 marks)

16. Meiosis in literature is a deliberate understatement. Find an example of meiosis

in Harrison Beregron. Use a quote (2 marks)

17. The opposite of meiosis is hyperbole, which is an exaggeration to illustrate a

point. Find an example of hyperbole. Use quotes (2 marks)

18. Did you enjoy Harrison Bergeron? Why or why not? (1 mark)

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