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Kacidee Bryant

Professor Waggoner

English 1101

8 September, 2020

Overcoming A Fear

Have you ever overcome one of your biggest fears? Well, today I was about to

overcome mine. It was 6:00 a.m. and I had an hour drive ahead of me. The whole way

to the destination my heart was racing and I was wanting to back out. My mom was in

the car with me helping to calm my nerves down which wasn’t helping much. It was

starting to become light outside as we got closer to the airport. Upon our arrival I knew it

was time for me to face one of my biggest fears, flying on an airplane by myself.

My flight was boarding at 8:00 a.m. from Columbus, Ohio to Raleigh, North

Carolina, which meant I had an hour to get through the airport and to my gate. My mom

agreed to help me all the way up to security so she helped me check in my luggage and

we eventually reached security. I placed all my items in a bin and I went through the

metal detector. I passed through security and told my mom my goodbyes. Now, it was

time for me to get to my gate by myself. I passed lots of novelty shops and restaurants

before finally making it there.

When I get to my gate I have about twenty minutes before my plane boards. I

made sure my phone was charged and that I had some food and water. At this time, my

nerves really started to kick in. I texted my mom letting her know I made it to my gate
and that I was about to board. The flight attendant spoke over the intercom and said,”

We will be boarding in ten minutes.“

We were called to board in groups of ten to fifteen people so it took awhile for

everyone to finally get on the plane. Finally, everyone makes their way onto the plane

and the flight attendants go through their procedure of letting the passengers know

where the exits are and what to do in case of an emergency. My blood was rushing

through my body, my palms were sweaty, and my heart was pumping out of my chest, I

knew it was time and that this was finally happening, reality had sunk in. Everyone had

buckled their seatbelts and it was time for takeoff. I was officially flying on an airplane by


We eventually took off and my nerves settled. I realized it was not as scary as I

thought it was going to be and that it was actually very enjoyable. The flight attendant

speaks over the intercom and says, “ We have officially made it to Raleigh, North

Carolina and we will be landing very soon.“ I was so happy that I got to have this

experience and that I made it there with no problems. Overcoming your fears can be

very scary but once you do it, you’ll feel invincible.

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