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August 14, 2013
Frederick C. Loyola, M.D. CNS Pharmacology II:
"It is requisite for the relaxation of the mind that we make use, from time to time, of Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
playful deeds and jokes." –Saint Thomas Aquinas


I. Overview of Skeletal Muscle Relaxants 1
II. Neuromuscular Blockers 1 MATURE NM RECEPTOR
A. General
1. Chemistry 1
2. Pharmacokinetics 1
3. Pharmacodynamics 1-2
4. Clinical Uses 2
B. Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular
1. Chemistry 2
2. Pharmacokinetics 2-3
3. Pharmacodynamics 3
4. Clinical Pharmacology 3
5. Reversal 3
C. Depolarizing Neuromuscular Blockers
1. Chemistry 3
2. Pharmacokinetics 3  2 alpha (α) peptides
3. Pharmacodynamics 3-4  1 beta (β) peptide
4. Clinical Pharmacology 4  1 gamma (γ) peptide
5. Adverse Effects 4  1 delta (δ) peptide
D. Train-of-Four Monitoring 5  Acetylcholine binding sites – pockets at α-β and α-δ
E. Drug Interactions 5
 Mechanisms in blockade of end plate function:
III. Spasmolytics o Nondepolarizing blockers (d-tubocurarine)
A. Overview 5-6  Pharmacologic blockade of acetylcholine
B. Diazepam 6  Nicotinic receptor antagonist
C. Baclofen 6 o Depolarizing blockers (succinylcholine)
D. Tizanidine 6  Excess of depolarizing agonist
E. Other Centrally Acting Spasmolytics 6  Nicotinic receptor agonist
F. Dantrolene 6-7
G. Botulinum Toxin 7 GENERAL
H. Treatment for Acute Local Muscle Spasms 7
IV. Review Questions 7
 Structurally similar to acetylcholine
TRANSMASTER'S NOTE  Presence of 1 or 2 quaternary nitrogens  result in poor
References: Katzung 10th and 12th, lecture lipid solubility  limited CNS entry
 Highly polar compounds
 Italic – lecture-based or transmaster's notes
 * in drug name – not discussed in lecture PHARMACOKINETICS
 Highly ionized
OVERVIEW OF SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS  Do not readily cross cell membranes


 Interfere with neuromuscular end plate transmission
 Lack central nervous system activity
 Used in surgical procedures and ICU settings to
produce muscle paralysis
 Used as adjuncts during general anesthesia to:
o Facilitate tracheal intubation
o Optimize surgical conditions while ensuring
adequate ventilation

 Reduce spasticity in neurologic conditions
 "Centrally-acting" muscle relaxants
 Used primarily to treat:
o Chronic back pain
o Fibromyalgic conditions
 Dantrolene
o No CNS effects
o Used in treating malignant hyperthermia

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CNS Pharmacology II: Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

Based on the previous figure, nondepolarizing blockers NONDEPOLARIZING NEUROMUSCULAR BLOCKERS

(e.g. d-tubocurarine, bottom left) block the NM receptor
and prevent channel opening (closed state) while CHEMISTRY
depolarizing blockers (e.g. succinylcholine, bottom right)  Bulky, semi-rigid ring system
both block the Nm receptor and channel in open state, o Conceal double-acetylcholine structure
preventing normal channel closure.  Acetylcholine-like fragments
 Major families
CLINICAL USES o Isoquinoline derivatives (-ine, -curium)
o Steroid derivatives (-curonium)
 Facilitates intracavitary surgery
 Especially important in: ISOQUINOLINE STEROID-BASED
o Intra-abdominal procedures d-tubocurarine Pancuronium
o Intra-thoracic procedures Atracurium Pipecuronium
Cisatracurium Rocuronium
2. TRACHEAL INTUBATION Mivacurium Vecuronium
 Relaxation of pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles 
facilitate laryngoscopy and ET tube placement PHARMACOKINETICS
 Distribution
 Provide adequate gas exchange  Rapid initial distribution phase
 Prevent atelectasis  Slow elimination phase
 Elimination half-life correlates with duration of action
4. TREATMENT OF CONVULSIONS o Shorter in short-acting drugs eliminated via liver
 Attenuate peripheral manifestations of convulsions in: o Longer in long-acting drugs eliminated via kidneys
o Status epilepticus
o Local anesthetic toxicity


 Metabolized into:
o 3-hydroxy metabolites ATRACURIUM
 Compared to parent drug:  Hofmann elimination
40-80% as potent o Exhaustive methylation
Longer half-life o Spontaneous chemodegradation into:
 Cause prolonged paralysis  Laudanosine
o 17-hydroxy metabolites Slowly metabolized in liver
o 3,17-dihydroxy metabolites Long elimination half-life of 150 minutes
Readily crosses blood-brain barrier
VECURONIUM AND ROCURONIUM  concentration  seizures and  in volatile
anesthetic requirement
 Intermediate-acting steroidal neuromuscular blockers
 Quaternary acid
 Elimination
o Depend more on:
 Biliary excretion CISATRACURIUM (NIMBEX)
 Hepatic metabolism  Potent stereoisomer of atracurium
 Commonly used clinically over long-acting ones  Less laudanosine formation
(pancuronium, pipecuronium)  Basically atracurium with less adverse effects

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MIVACURIUM (MIVACRON) o Determines how rapidly the trachea can be intubated

 Shortest duration of action out of all nondepolarizing o Rocuronium
neuromuscular blockers  Fastest onset among nondepolarizing blockers
o Duration of action prolonged in renal failure (60-120 seconds)
 Has a slower onset than that of succinylcholine
o  dose to speed up onset – associated with profound REVERSAL OF NONDEPOLARIZING BLOCKADE
histamine release leading to:
 Flushing
 Bronchospasm
 Rapidly cleared by plasma cholinesterase  Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase   availability of
acetylcholine at motor end plate  blockade reversal
  acetylcholine release from nerve to a lesser extent
  frequency of Na+ channel opening at motor end plate
 progressive muscle paralysis
 Small doses  Less effective than neostigmine in reversal of profound
o Competes with acetylcholine at NM receptor site neuromuscular blockade (significant in determining
(competitive inhibition) recovery from residual block)
 Large doses
o Can enter pores of ion channels  more intense RESIDUAL BLOCK
motor blockade  further weakens neuromuscular
transmission and diminishes antagonism by Residual block is the remaining neuromuscular blockade
cholinesterase inhibitors after completion of surgery and movement of patient to
 Blockade of prejunctional Na+ channels receovery room. Unsuspecting residual block may result in
o  acetylcholine mobilization at nerve ending hypoventilation, leading to hypoxia and apnea, especially
 Consequence of postsynaptic blockade if the patient received central depressants during recovery.
o Tetanic stimulation   acetylcholine released 
transient posttetanic facilitation (relief of blockade) SUGAMMADEX*
of twitch strength  Modified γ-cyclodextran
 Forms complex with steroidal nondepolarizing blockers 
d-TUBOCURARINE inactivation  urinary excretion
 Prototype neuromuscular blocker  Binds tightly to rocuronium on a 1:1 ratio
 Blocks ANS ganglia
 Causes hypotension
 IV tubocurarine  initial motor weakness  skeletal
 Single linear structure
muscle flaccidity and inexcitability
 2 acetylcholine molecules linked end-to-end through
 Large muscles (abdominal, paraspinous, diaphragm)
acetate methyl group
o Compared to small muscles (facial, foot, hand):
 More resistant to blockade
 Recover more rapidly PHARMACOKINETICS
o Diaphragm  Extremely short duration of action (5-10 minutes)
 Last muscle to be paralyzed  Plasma cholinesterase
 First muscle to regain function o Influences duration of action at motor end plate
 Blockade lasts 45-60 minutes o Succinylcholine  hydrolysis  succinylmonocholine 
 Onset of effect succinic acid + choline

PHARMACODYNAMICS  Unresponsive to subsequent impulses

1. PHASE I BLOCK (DEPOLARIZING) o Causes flaccid paralysis
 Brief stimulation  fasciculation o Block augmented by cholinesterase inhibitors
 Succinylcholine
o Reacts with nicotinic receptors  channels open  2. PHASE II BLOCK (DESENSITIZING)
motor end plate depolarization  spread of AP   Succinylcholine
contraction of motor units o Continued exposure   in initial motor end plate
o Depolarized membranes: depolarization  subsequent repolarization 
 Remain depolarized because of ineffective membrane cannot be depolarized
metabolism of succinylcholine at end plate o Channel block

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CNS Pharmacology II: Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

 Implicated in desensitization mechanism  Characteristics of blockade nearly identical to

 Channels behave as if they are in a prolonged those of nondepolarizing blockers
closed state ‒ Nonsustained twitch response
o Late phase II  Reversed by cholinesterase inhibitors


 IV succinylcholine  transient muscle fasciculations  Rapid onset of  IOP
over chest and abdomen within 30 seconds  paralysis o Peaks at 2-4 minutes
within 90 seconds  initial relaxation of arm, neck, and o Declines after 5 minutes
leg muscles  relaxation of respiratory muscles  Mechanisms
 Blockade lasts <10 minutes (because of rapid hydrolysis o Tonic contraction of myofibrils
of succinylcholine by plasma cholinesterase) o Transient dilation of ocular choroidal blood vessels


 Succinylcholine-associated fasciculations   risk for
1. CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS regurgitation and aspiration of gastric contents
 Succinylcholine o More likely in patients with:
o Cardiac arrhythmias if given with halothane  Delayed gastric emptying
o Negative inotropic and chronotropic responses  Traumatic injury
 Attenuated by anticholinergics (atropine)  Esophageal dysfunction
o Transient bradycardia  Morbid obesity
 Succinylcholine  Common post-operative complaint of:
o Induces release of K+ in patients with: o Heavily muscled patients
 Burns o Patients receiving large doses of succinylcholine
 Nerve damage  May be secondary to unsynchronized contractions
 Neuromuscular disorders of adjacent muscle fibers before onset of paralysis
 Closed head injury
 Trauma
 May result in cardiac arrest (rare)

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CNS Pharmacology II: Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

TRAIN-OF-FOUR (TOF) MONITORING ‒ Nervous system depression at sites

 Most commonly used peripheral nerve stimulation method proximal to neuromuscular junction
 Involves four successive supramaximal stimuli given at ‒  muscle blood flow
intervals of 0.5 second (2 Hz) ‒  sensitivity of postjunctional membrane
o Stimulus  muscle contraction  counts as a "twitch" to depolarization
 TOF ratio (TOF-R)  Isoflurane (most) > sevoflurane > desflurane
o Relative magnitude of fourth and first twitch > enflurane > halothane > nitrous oxide
 Fade  Succinylcholine + volatile anesthetics
o Pattern of decreased twitch intensity o Malignant hyperthermia (refer to Spasmolytics
 TOF changes in response to neuromuscular blockers – Dantrolene – Clinical Uses, p. 5)
o Depolarizing blockade
 Same  in amplitude of all four twitches 2. ANTIBIOTICS
 Fade connotes development of phase II block  P-type Ca2+ channel blockade  depression of evoked
o Nondepolarizing blockade acetylcholine release
 Inversely proportional to degree of blockade  Aminoglycosides
 Recovery –  fade  TOF-R approaches 1.0 o Enhancement of neuromuscular blockade


 Small doses – depress posttetanic potentiation
 Large doses – block neuromuscular transmission
 Higher doses – block ACh-induced muscle contractions


 Nondepolarizing blockers
o Small doses  antagonize depolarizing effect
of succinylcholine   fasciculations



In a train-of-four graph, fade denotes the pattern of
decreased amplitude (progressive shortening with each
line, like "wi-fi signal bars"). TOF ratio is the relative
magnitude of the fourth twitch compared to the first
twitch (the value of the former is divided by the latter). Fade
occurs with nondepolarizing blockers. Depolarizing
blockers decrease the amplitude of all twitches in phase
I blockade with no fade. Fade begins in phase II blockade.


A TOF-R value of 0.7 traditionally indicates adequate

recovery from neuromuscular blockade. Still, the patient
should not be extubated (process of endotracheal tube
removal) until TOF-R value becomes 0.9, says Dr. Loyola.

 Nondepolarizing blockers + volatile anesthetics
o Potentiation of neuromuscular blockade
 Dose-dependent
 Important factors involved:

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SPASTICITY  Reduces release of excitatory neurotransmitters in

 Characteristics brain and spinal cord
o  tonic stretch reflexes and flexor muscle spasms  Reduces pain in patients with spasticity presumably by
o Muscle weakness inhibiting release of substance P (NK1) in spinal cord
 Associated conditions
o Cerebral palsy ADVERSE EFFECTS
o Multiple sclerosis  Drowsiness
o Stroke o  tolerance with chronic administration
 Mechanisms
o Involvement of stretch reflex arc and higher centers in TIZANIDINE (ZANAFLEX)*
CNS (e.g. upper motor lesion)  α2 adrenoceptor agonist
o Damage to descending pathways in spinal cord   Congener of clonidine (antihypertensive agent)
hyperexcitability of alpha motoneurons o 1/10 to 1/15 of antihypertensive properties of clonidine
 Spasmolytics  Findings in neurophysiologic studies
o Modulate excitatory or inhibitory synapses   o Reinforces presynaptic and postsynaptic inhibition in
hyperactivity of stretch reflex spinal cord
  activity of Ia fibers that excite α motoneurons o Inhibits nociceptive transmission in dorsal horn
 Enhance activity of inhibitory internuncial neurons  Causes markedly less muscle weakness
o Interfere directly with skeletal muscle (excitation-
contraction coupling)
 Drowsiness
 Hypotension
 Dizziness
 Dry mouth
 Asthenia
 Hepatotoxicity


1. GABAPENTIN (Refer to 02.01-04 Antiepileptics)
 Shows considerable promise as spasmolytic agent in
patients with multiple sclerosis

 GABAA and GABAB agonist
 Converted to active metabolites including GABA

3. GLYCINE (Refer to 02.01-01 Central Neurotransmitters)


 Treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
 Inhibition of glutaminergic transmission   spasms
 Acts at GABAA synapses  facilitates action of GABA 
 tonic output of primary spinal motor neurons  Hydantoin derivative
 Spasmolytic action partly mediated in spinal cord
o Somewhat effective in patients with cord transection PHARMACOKINETICS
 Useful in muscle spasm of almost any origin  Elimination half-life of 8 hours
 Produces sedation at levels required to  muscle tone
BACLOFEN (LIORESAL)  Unique mechanisms
 p-chlorophenyl-GABA o Interferes with excitation-contraction coupling in
 Designed to be an orally active GABA-mimetic agent muscle fibers   skeletal muscle strength
 Compared to diazepam: o Binds to ryanodine receptor (RyR1)  blocks Ca2+
o Equally effective in reducing spasticity channel of SER  interferes with calcium release
o Produces less sedation  Rapidly-contracting motor units
 Compared to dantrolene: o More sensitive to dantrolene
o Does not reduce overall muscle strength  No effect on cardiac and smooth muscle
o Ca2+ release from SER – mediated by ryanodine
 Rapid and complete absorption after oral administration
 Plasma half-life of 3-4 hours CLINICAL USES
 Malignant hyperthermia
MECHANISMS OF ACTION o Rare autosomal dominant disorder
 Activates GABAB receptors   K+ conductance  o Involves mutation of gene encoding for RyR1
hyperpolarization   Ca2+ influx  presynaptic inhibition o Triggered by various stimuli, particularly by:
 Volatile general anesthetics
‒ Halothane

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CNS Pharmacology II: Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

 Depolarizing neuromuscular blockers

‒ Succinylcholine 7. Cholinesterase degrades all of the following except:
o Triggering agents  sudden and prolonged Ca2+ release a. Atracurium
 massive muscle contraction   lactic acid and b. Mivacurium
hyperthermia c. Succinylcholine

ADVERSE EFFECTS 8. Fade is not seen in this type of neuromuscular blockade.

 Generalized muscle weakness a. Nondepolarizing block
 Sedation b. Phase I depolarizing block
 Hepatitis (occasional) c. Phase II depolarizing block

9. This muscle is the last muscle to undergo paralysis in

nondepolarizing blockade and the first to regain function.
CLINICAL USES a. Diaphragm
b. Latissimus dorsi
 Ophthalmic purposes
c. Rectus abdominis
 Relief of local muscle spasm
 Short-term treatment of aging-associated wrinkles
10. Most common method of assessing neuromuscular
 Generalized spastic disorders such as cerebral palsy
a. Double burst stimulation
b. Single-twitch stimulation
 Centrally acting c. Train-of-four stimulation
o Carisoprodol
o Chlorphenesin 11. (Application of TOF) A recovering post-operative patient
o Chlorzoxazone who was given a nondepolarizing blocker was placed on
o Cyclobenzaprine TOF monitoring. Twitch amplitudes from first to fourth
 Prototype were as follows: 0.75, 0.7, 0.65, 0.6. Give the TOF ratio.
 Structurally related to tricylic antidepressants a. 0.80
 Inhibits muscle stretch reflex in spinal cord b. 0.87
(poorly understood mechanism) c. 0.93
 Produces antimuscarinic side effects
 Ineffective in treating muscle spasms due to 12. (Refer to #11) Based on the TOF ratio obtained, the
cerebral palsy or spinal cord injury patient can now be extubated.
 Adverse effects a. True
‒ Significant sedation b. False
‒ Confusion c. Can't decide
‒ Transient visual hallucination
o Metaxalone 13. GABAB-selective spasmolytic:
o Methocarbamol a. Baclofen
o Orphenadrine b. Gabapentin
c. Pregabide
1. Not a class of neuromuscular blockers: 14. Major non-centrally-acting spasmolytic:
a. Cholinesterase inhibitors a. Baclofen
b. Depolarizing blockers b. Dantrolene
c. Isoquinoline derivatives c. Tizanidine
d. Steroid derivatives
15. Bonus: another name for succinylcholine.
2. Prototype nondepolarizing blocker: _______________
3. Prototype depolarizing blocker: _______________

4. All of the following are general chemical properties of

nondepolarizing blockers except:
a. Acetylcholine-like fragments
b. Linear structure
c. Semi-rigid ring system
d. None of the above

5. Most potent metabolite of steroid-based derivatives:

a. 3-hydroxy metabolite
b. 3,17-hydroxy metabolite
c. 10-hydroxy metabolite
d. 17-hydroxy metabolite

6. Products of Hofmann elimination:

a. Laudanosine
b. Quaternary acid
c. Both a and b

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