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DIY Smokeless
Smudging Spray for
Energy Clearing
Pagan Crafts

Smokeless smudging is a great

alternative to the standard, burnable
smudge stick.

Making a batch takes less than five

minutes. It’s clean, pure and free of
harsh carcinogens produced by smoke.

Perfect for folks living in situations that

forbid smoke (like dorm rooms or
smoke-free apartments) or people with
health concerns that are aggravated by
indoor smoke (like asthma).

Below, I listed several recipes for a

smokeless smudging spray to clear
negative energy, brighten the mood of a
space and banish yucky vibes.

Bene!ts of Smokeless
Why switch to a smokeless smudge?

Well, first of all, you don’t need to throw

out your burnable smudge bundles.

Personally, I quite enjoy burning herbal

smudge wands outdoors.

But in the winter, when your doors and

windows are likely to shut tight,
smokeless smudging is a great
alternative to traditional, burnable
smudge wands.

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-It’s less likely to irritate your lungs.

-You can add it to your travel altar for

use in smoke-free hotel rooms and

-It’s easy to customize your blend

based on the spell, ritual or purpose of
your smudge.

-It has a lengthy shelf life

Selecting an Alcohol Base

All of the following recipes are based in
a high-proof alcohol.

You can use vodka or Everclear. They


Kind of.

But I have had the best results with 91%

isopropyl alcohol, which is available at
any drug store, grocery store, or

You can also find it here on Amazon.

However, in general, it’s usually much

cheaper to buy locally.

Energy Clearing Smudge

Spray #1
(Please note, I included a!liate links in
the following sections for your
convenience. You can read about this
practice here).

The first recipe is a great, all-purpose

energy clearing spray.

You will need:

-1 apothecary quality glass spray bottle

-A little less than 2 ounces of high
quality alcohol.
-10 drops sage essential oil
-10 drops cedar essential oil
-15 drops lavender essential oil

Pour alcohol into bottle. Add essential

oils in any order. Shake well.

Energy Clearing Smudge

Spray #2
This one is great for clearing in spaces
that you don’t normally inhabit.

So: hotel rooms, guest rooms, new

apartments and unfamiliar territory
where you don’t necessarily know what
residual energy is leftover from the last
person who spent time here.

You will need:

-1 apothecary quality glass spray bottle

-A little less than 2 ounces of high
quality alcohol.
-17 drops lavender essential oil
-8 drops cinnamon essential oil
-5 drops patchouli essential oil

Pour alcohol into bottle. Add essential

oils in any order. Shake well.

Energy Clearing Smudge

Spray #3
This spray works well for personal
energy clearing.

Use it for anointing before circle, spell

casting, and sacred work. Also, after a
nightmare or a personal argument, this
one helps to “clear the air” around you
and dispel negative energy.

You will need:

-1 apothecary quality glass spray bottle

-A little less than 2 ounces of high
quality alcohol.
-20 drops peppermint essential oil
-10 drops eucalyptus essential oil
-5 drops rosemary essential oil

Pour alcohol into bottle. Add essential

oils in any order. Shake well.

Spritz on power points, like wrists,

behind ankles or on your sacral chakra.


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#energy clearing, #pagan crafts, #smudging

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Rosetta Maria
March 19, 2019 at 12:51 pm

You say this is “free of harsh

carcinogens produced by smoke”, so do
you mean that normal incense that is
burned is carcinogenic..? I’ve never
heard it before! And I love to burn

& Reply

' moodymoons
March 19, 2019 at 10:15 pm

Yes! Many incenses (if not all) contain

some carcinogenic smoke.

I use it myself on occasion, but

repeated, prolonged exposure
definitely poses a health risk.

Some are worse than others, so if you

use incense, be sure to use high-
quality incense, especially indoors.

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Pingback: 8 DIY Cleaning spray Ideas -

Aww 365

Selestial Aurora
February 22, 2020 at 5:57 pm

My son is heading o! to college next

year. Would you suggest Option 2 for a
dorm room situation? Thanks!

& Reply

' moodymoons
February 23, 2020 at 9:36 am


& Reply

' Selestial Aurora

February 23, 2020 at 2:36 pm

Thank you!

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