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1 Family Engagement Essay

4.1.6-Describe the advantages and importance of family or caregiver

involvement in learner development

Would you want your child to feel like no one is there for them? Generally, kids

do better when parents are involved. There are many different ways to benefit the

child's learning when getting the parents involved. Teachers and parents should always

work together whenever possible to help the child to learn to their best ability and also

to reach their goals. Engagement happens when teachers reach out to parents by

inviting them to meetings and by sending the parents updates. Engagement also

happens when parents participate in the school community by joining PTAs, Booster

Clubs, etc. Overall engagement could benefit everyone, as in the school, teacher, and

student, because they all work together to help the child’s learning and become a

member of the school community..

To begin this, the key component is making connections.Teachers need to make

sure to connect with parents regarding their child in school. Teachers should be able to

keep in contact with parents or guardians to let them know what is happening,

regardless if it's through a parent letter, email, newsletter, and/or a conference.

Teachers should not just notify parents when negative or behavioral issues are

occuring, but should contact them with positive news and updates. This includes both

what they are doing well in and what they are struggling in. When teachers connect with

the parents frequently, it just makes everything a lot easier. It makes parents feel a lot
more a part of their child’s learning process. It lets the parents know why things are the

way they are without them having to guess.

Teachers should want their students to like and respect them because with some

of them, the teacher may be the only one that genuinely cares about if they succeed or

not. You should want to be the teacher that the students want to come to. The way to

make that happen is by building rapport. Rapport is when you have a trusted

relationship with someone. When having a trusted relationship you may be able to find

more things out, and when you do find out more things it could possibly help you figure

out if one of those situations has an impact on the kids learning progress.

Sometimes it could be hard to level out the amount of engagement with parents.

There are different types of parent involvement. You may have some parents who don’t

have the time to be involved. They may rarely engage with teachers or other staff

members. Then you have the parents that are overly involved. Unknowingly they may

try to change the flow of schooling. When it comes down to this teachers have to be

understanding because they don't know the families outside life from school.

It is always important to have a family engaged at all times. So that the parents

know what is going on with their child. Also so they know what their child could be

working to benefit their learning because children don't only learn inside of school. You

would want to be understanding too because the last thing you want is to have your

child feel like no one is there for them. This is why I think it's really important to have

family engagement because everyone could work together to help the child to succeed.

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