Brandon Gunawan Kwan - Grade 9 Criterion C Experiment Sheet

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Results – raw data:

Table 7.1 Time taken data of the large marble, medium sized marble and small marble measured
in seconds when dropped from the same height of 1 meter
Large marble Medium sized marble Small marble

Time(s) Time(s) Time(s)

Mass Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mass Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
22g 0.532 0.433 0.385 7g 0.402 0.452 0.509 2g 0.473 0.404 0.473
Height 1 meter Height 1 meter Height 1 meter

This first table shows the time taken data of the large marble, medium sized marble and small

marble measured in seconds when dropped from the same height of 1 meter which is

measured using the measuring tape. For this experiment, I was asked to drop each of the

objects above from a height of 1 meter and record the time taken for each object to reach the

ground. I was able to get this data from using the acoustic stopwatch app available in phyphox

to record the time taken for each object to reach the ground when dropped from a height of 1

meter. The first column of the table of each of the objects shows the masses of each of the

objects in grams used in the experiment which was weighed using my digital weighing scale.

The second until the third column shows all the three trials’ data of the time taken for each of

the 3 objects above to reach the ground when dropped from a height of 1 meter. In the final

row, I also added my height data of how high the 3 objects are dropped from which is 1 meter

for all objects. Since this is still the raw data, the average time for each of the objects to reach

the ground from falling from a height of 1 meter will be recorded in the processed data.
Table 7.2 Time taken data of the fox glue bottle and magnetic eraser measured in seconds
when dropped from the same height of 1 meter
Fox Glue bottle Magnetic eraser

Time(s) Time(s)
Mass Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mass Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
76g 0.422 0.442 0.501 45g 0.382 0.442 0.539
Height 1 meter Height 1 meter

This second table shows the time taken data of the fox glue bottle and magnetic eraser

measured in seconds when dropped from the same height of 1 meter which is measured using

the measuring tape. For this experiment, I was asked to drop each of the objects above from a

height of 1 meter and record the time taken for each object to reach the ground. I was able to

get this data from using the acoustic stopwatch app available in phyphox to record the time

taken for each object to reach the ground when dropped from a height of 1 meter. The first

column of the table of each of the objects shows the masses of each of the objects in grams

used in the experiment which was weighed with the help of my digital weighing scale. The

second until the third column shows all the three trials’ data of the time taken for each of the 2

objects above to reach the ground when dropped from a height of 1 meter. In the final row, I

also added my height data of how high the 3 objects are dropped from which is 1 meter for

both objects. As this is also still the raw data, the average time for each object to reach the

ground after being dropped from a height of 1 meter would be added to the processed data.
II. Processing data:

Table 2.1 Processing data of the time taken data of the large marble, medium sized marble and
small marble measured in seconds when dropped from the same height of 1 meter

Large marble Medium sized marble Small marble

Time(s) Average Time(s) Average Time(s)

Mass Average

Mass Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mass Trial 1 Trial 2 3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
22g 0.532 0.433 0.385 0.450 7g 0.402 0.452 0.509 0.454 2g 0.473 0.404 0.473 0.450
Height 1 meter Height 1 meter Height 1 meter
Initial velocity 0m/s Initial velocity 0m/s Initial velocity 0m/s
Average Average Average
velocity 1m/0.45s= 2.22m/s velocity 1m/0.454s=2.20m/s velocity 1m/0.45s= 2.22m/s
Final velocity 2.22m/s x 2=4.44m/s Final velocity 2.20m/s x 2=4.40m/s Final velocity 2.22m/s x 2=4.44m/s
(4.40m/s-0)/0.45= (4.44m/s-0)/0.45=
Acceleration (4.44m/s-0)/0.45= 9.87m/ s 2
Acceleration 9.78m/ s2 Acceleration 9.87m/ s2

This table 8.1 is very similar to the one in the raw data but the difference would be in the fact

that this table includes the average time for all the three trials of each object falling from a

height of 1 meter which is measured using the measuring tape. This first table shows the time

taken data of the large marble, medium sized marble and small marble measured in seconds

when dropped from the same height of 1 meter. For this experiment, I was asked to drop each

of the objects above from a height of 1 meter and record the time taken for each object to

reach the ground. I was able to get this data from using the acoustic stopwatch app available in

phyphox to record the time taken for each object to reach the ground when dropped from a

height of 1 meter. The first column of the table of each of the objects shows the masses of

each of the objects in grams used in the experiment which was weighed using my digital
weighing scale. The second until the third column shows the average time needed for each

object to fall from a height of 1 meter from the trials conducted for each object. The formula

to calculate the average time taken for each object above would be the total time of the three

trials(added together) divided by the amount of trials which is 3. A sample calculation from the

table above in finding the average time of the large marble after falling from a height of 1 meter

3 times: Three trials added together(0.532s+0.433s+0.385)=1.35s/total amount of trials(3)=

0.45s. I decided to round off the final average time for all the 3 objects above to 3 significant

figures because the least amount of significant figures in each of the trials for each object is 3.

This is why I decided to round off my final average time for each of the objects above to fall

from the same height of 1 meter to 3 significant figures. I also added my height data of how

high the 3 objects are dropped from which is 1 meter for all objects.

Aside from finding the average data of the time taken for each of the objects to fall from a

height of 1 meter from the 3 trials conducted, I also had to use kinematic equations to look for

the acceleration due to gravity of each object above. In the row below the height data, there is

the initial velocity value of each object above which is all 0m/s since they were all resting in the

supporting ruler before being dropped. In the row below the initial velocity data, there is

average velocity data of each of the objects above which is found using the formula: average

velocity= distance/time. Sample from the large marble data: 1m/0.45s= 2.22m/s. In the row

below the average velocity data, there is the final velocity data of each of the objects above

which is found using the simplified formula: final velocity= 2 x average velocity. Sample from

the medium-sized marble data: 2.20m/s x 2=4.40m/s. Below the final velocity data, there is the

acceleration data that is found using the formula: acceleration= final velocity-initial velocity/time.

Sample from the small marble data: (4.44m/s-0)/0.45= 9.9m/ s2. I believe that using all the

significant figures above for my experiment and data is all reasonable because it enables me to

calculate the different velocities and accelerations of each object more easily while making my
data reliable as well. I also decided to round the values of the final velocity, average velocity

and acceleration to 3 significant figures because it is part of a rule to round off the amount of

significant figures to the amount of significant figures of the average time which is 3 significant

figures. In conclusion, I found out that all the accelerations of each of the objects above are

either similar or the same which shows that the change in mass of an object does not change its

acceleration due to gravity.

Table 2.2 Processing data of the time taken data of the fox glue bottle and magnetic eraser
measured in seconds when dropped from the same height of 1 meter

Fox Glue bottle Magnetic eraser

Average time(s) Average time(s)

Mass Mass

76g 0.455 45g 0.454

Height 1 meter Height 1 meter
Initial velocity 0m/s Initial velocity 0m/s
Average velocity 1m/0.454s=2.20m/s Average velocity 1m/0.454s=2.20m/s
Final velocity 2.20m/s x 2=4.40m/s Final velocity 2.20m/s x 2=4.40m/s
Acceleration (4.40m/s-0)/0.45= 9.78m/ s2 Acceleration (4.40m/s-0)/0.45= 9.78m/ s2

This second table shows the time taken data of the fox glue bottle and magnetic eraser

measured in seconds when dropped from the same height of 1 meter which is measured using

the measuring tape. For this experiment, I was asked to drop each of the objects above from a

height of 1 meter and record the time taken for each object to reach the ground. I was able to

get this data from using the acoustic stopwatch app available in phyphox to record the time

taken for each object to reach the ground when dropped from a height of 1 meter. The first

column of the table of each of the objects shows the masses of each of the objects in grams
used in the experiment which was weighed with the help of my digital weighing scale. The

second until the third column shows the average data of the time taken for each of the 2

objects above to reach the ground when dropped from a height of 1 meter. A sample

calculation from the table above in finding the average time of the fox glue bottle after falling

from a height of 1 meter 3 times: Three trials added

together(0.422s+0.442s+0.501s)=1.365s/total amount of trials(3)= 0.455s. For each of the

above objects, I wanted to round off the final average time to 3 significant figures since the

minimum number of significant figures is 3 in both of the tests for both objects. This is why I

wanted to round off my final average time for dropping from the same height of 1 meter to 3

important figures for both items above. I also added my height data of how high the 3 objects

are dropped from which is 1 meter for both objects.

Aside from finding the average data of the time taken for both objects to fall from a height of 1

meter from the 3 trials conducted, I also had to use kinematic equations to look for the

acceleration due to gravity of both objects above. In the row below the height data, there is

the initial velocity value of both objects above which is all 0m/s since they were both resting in

the supporting ruler before being dropped. In the row below the initial velocity data, there is

average velocity data of each of the objects above which is found using the formula: average

velocity= distance/time. Sample from the fox glue bottle data: 1m/0.454s=2.20m/s. In the row

below the average velocity data, there is the final velocity data of each of the objects above

which is found using the simplified formula: final velocity= 2 x average velocity. Sample from

the magnetic eraser data: 2.20m/s x 2= 4.40m/s. Below the final velocity data, there is the

acceleration data that is found using the formula: acceleration= final velocity-initial velocity/time.

Sample from the fox glue bottle data: (4.40m/s-0)/0.45= 9.8m/ s2. I think that it's all fair to use

all the important statistics above for my experiment and data so it helps me to more accurately

measure the various velocities and accelerations of each object while still keeping my data
accurate. I also decided to round the values of the final velocity, average velocity and

acceleration to 3 significant figures because it is part of a rule to round off the amount of

significant figures to the amount of significant figures of the average time which is 3 significant

figures. In conclusion, I found out that all the accelerations of each of the objects above are

either similar or the same which shows that the change in mass of an object does not change its

acceleration due to gravity.

III. Results - processed data:

-Medium -
- sized - -Fox
Smalmarble Magn glue
l etic
marb erase bottl
le r e

2 7 2 4 7
2 5 6


In this experiment, I used the mass measured in grams as my independent variable which is

placed into the x-axis of the chart above since the independent variable of my experiment

should be represented in the x-axis of my line graph. In the y-axis of the graph, the

acceleration measured in m/ s2is stated there which happens to be the dependent variable of my
experiment. The data of the accelerations of the 5 objects which were calculated in the

processing data section of this report is represented by the different colored dots available in

the line graph above. The black dot represents the mass and acceleration of the small marble.

The red dot represents the mass and acceleration of the medium sized marble. The orange dot

represents the mass and acceleration of the large marble. The light green dot represents the

mass and acceleration of the magnetic eraser. The dark blue dot represents the mass and

acceleration of the fox glue bottle. My line graph also includes a blue line that connects all the

dots together which represents the best fit line of my graph. As we can see from my line

graph, the best fit line shows a straight horizontal line which shows that the objects have

similar/same accelerations even though they have different mass values.

IV. Conclusion

I am now able to answer my research question which was “How does the acceleration

due to gravity change with objects with different masses differ, keeping the height from

where the objects are dropped constant?” by looking at the results I got from my

experiment. Based on the results of my experiment, I can conclude that my hypothesis is

accepted where changing the mass of the objects does not affect their accelerations when

falling from the same height of 1 meter. This is because the results that show the

accelerations that I got from the 5 objects with different masses that I used in my

experiment dropped from the height are very similar to each other which is around 9.8m/

s2. The best fit line of my line graph also shows a straight horizontal line which shows
that the objects have similar/same accelerations even though they have different mass

V. Justification

In comparison to accepted scientific context and law, I can say that my conclusion is

acceptable where the results of my dependent variable (the acceleration of the 5 objects)

show that the accelerations due to gravity values of all 5 objects with different masses

that were dropped from the same height of 1 meter are all around the same which is

9.8m/ s2. This is because according to and many other science

websites, the acceleration due to gravity of an object would be always be 9.8m/ s2

regardless of its mass ("The Acceleration Of Gravity", not stated) which is very similar to

the results of my dependent variable of my experiment (acceleration values of the 5

objects). Upon finding the acceleration values for each of the objects, I was also able to

use the scientific formula for acceleration which is already proven by lots of websites and

people which is acceleration= final velocity-initial velocity divided by time. To ensure a

fair and more accurate experiment, I also made sure to use objects that have small and

similar surface areas to make sure that air resistance would not affect the gravitational

accelerations of the 5 objects that I used in my experiment that much.

VI. Identification of weaknesses and limitations

In this experiment, there are a few weaknesses and limitations that make the data of this

experiment less reliable and less accurate. First of all would be that this experiment only

consists of 3 trials done for each of the 5 objects with different masses. As this

experiment only consists of 3 trials done for each of the 5 objects with different masses,

the number of trials in my experiment is not sufficient for presenting reliable and accurate

data for each of the objects used in my experiment. Secondly, the fact that the time

taken for each of the objects to reach the ground is recorded using an acoustic stopwatch

app in Phyphox that requires two sounds to start and stop the stopwatch shows that
there is a chance for error in the data of my experiment where the sounds produced

when striking the supporting ruler or the sound produced when the object reaches the

ground are wrongly recognised or mistaken with other sounds thus resulting in inaccurate

results. Thirdly, the fifth object which is the magnetic eraser has a slightly larger surface

area than the other objects which can cause my acceleration value results of the magnetic

eraser to differ from the other objects. Fourthly, the fact that striking the supporting

ruler to make each of the 5 objects fall is done manually gives room for error as it could

not be done using the exact same strength all the time. This may cause the data collected

to be less accurate as different amounts of strength applied might cause the objects to fly

different heights and produce different results. Lastly, I believe that the difference in mass

range between the small marble and medium-sized marble is too small which causes the

experiment to be less accurate and reliable.

VII. Proposals for improvements or further work

If I were to repeat this experiment again, I would first of all increase the amount of trials

done for each of the objects above to make the data of my experiment more reliable and

accurate. As the amount of trials done for each of the objects above is only 3, I would

increase the amount of trials to at least 5 trials done for each of the objects above.

Secondly, I will make sure that there are no other sounds in my room aside from the 2

sounds which are from striking the supporting ruler and the object reaching the ground

after falling from a height of 1 meter. I would also make sure that the acoustic stopwatch

app in my handphone is close to the sources of both sounds stated above to prevent

errors taking place when collecting my data. Thirdly, I would change the fifth object into

another object that has a more similar surface area to the other objects to prevent air

resistance in changing the acceleration of the fifth object hence making the experiment

more accurate and reliable. I would also like to change medium-sized marble into
another heavier object to make sure that the difference in mass between the small marble

and that object would not be similar. Lastly, I would strike the supporting ruler at a

position where it is very close to the object and mark that position so I can strike at the

same position for all of the 5 objects while trying my best to maintain the same strength.

Striking the objects with a similar strength and the same marked position helps to reduce

the chance of the objects to fly before falling which is good in making my experiment

more accurate and reliable.

VIII. Citations

1. Allain, Rhett. "Do Heavier Objects Really Fall Faster?". Wired, 2020,

2. "The Acceleration Of Gravity". Physicsclassroom.Com, 2020,

3. "Kinematic Equations". Physicsclassroom.Com, 2020,

4. "Your Smartphone Is A Mobile Lab.". Phyphox, 2020,

5. "Google Sheets: Free Online Spreadsheets For Personal Use". Google.Com, 2020,

6. "Acceleration (Video) | Khan Academy". Khan Academy, 2020,



7. "Save Time And Improve Your Marks With Citethisforme, The No. 1 Citation
Tool". Cite This For Me, 2020,

8. "Air Resistance, Drag Force, And Velocity: How Falling Works". The Great
Courses Daily, 2020,


9. "Why Is Gravity 9.81? | How Things Fly". Howthingsfly.Si.Edu, 2020,

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