MYP Task Sheet Criterion C and D Interactive Virtual Tour

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MYP Assessment Task Sheet: Information & Guidance 2020-2021


Grade Level 9 Extended

Statement of Inquiry Models allow us to see processes and solutions for the improvement of
one's work.
How will student Students are able to connect and relate the patterns or procedures into a
understanding of the SOI be general statement, definition, procedure or formula through models found
explicitly assessed? around them. Students will use the concepts learned this term to relate
how these processes can improve one’s work.
Which ATL Skills are The students will use their ATL skills on Communication Skills to
essential to prepare effectively express their understanding using appropriate mathematical
students for assessment languages and notations. This enables them to effectively organise and
represent data to communicate their conceptual understanding of things in
real life situations. Critical Thinking is the main key in mathematics. This
enables them to find logical ways to solve problems and to explain whether
their solution makes sense in the context of the authentic real-life situation.
Assessment Criteria Criterion C – Communication
Criterion D – Application in Real-life
Assessment Title Mathematics: An Interactive Virtual Tour
Assessment Type and Project/ Application of mathematics in the context of real-life
Due Date for Submission 2 and 3 March 2021

Assessment Overview Students will be assessed on their understanding of the application of

Mathematical concepts in authentic real-life situations. They will use their
understanding by making general statements, selecting and applying
appropriate formulas or procedures to model authentic real-life situations
and communicate effectively the underlying mathematical concepts in it.

Criterion Expectations and For a 7-8 Level of achievement in Criterion D:

Criterion Linked
Assessment Instructions Students should be able to show the following indicators:

 identify the relevant elements of the authentic real-life situation

that they can find within their homes and/or neighborhood. These
relevant elements - objects, situations, structures, etc. must be used as
main points in their presentation.

 select appropriate mathematical strategies to model the authentic real-

life situation and apply the selected mathematical strategies to reach a
correct solution

 explain the degree of accuracy of the solution

 explain whether the solution makes sense in the context of the

authentic real-life situation they are modelling.

Source: MYP Subject Guide 2020

For a 7-8 Level of achievement in Criterion C:

The student is able to:

 consistently use appropriate mathematical language, including the
correct use of mathematical notations, terminologies and symbols
to effectively communicate the underlying concepts on the
subject/main points of the presentation
 use different forms of mathematical representation to consistently
present information correctly
 move effectively between different forms of mathematical
 communicate through lines of reasoning that are complete and
 present work that is consistently organized using logical

Source: MYP Subject Guide 2020

Students who submit the project a day later without a valid reason will
get a 0 mark.

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