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Ryan Kuar


“Calle and Satrapi”

“ Exquisite Pain” by Sophie Calle was tragic and sad. I found her writing style to

be unique and appealing. As the days pass, she goes into further detail about the events

that led to her husband abandoning her. She shows how hurt she was when her

husband, whom she loved, left her for another woman. She demonstrated her emotions

of fear and anguish well. I feel sympathetic because she did not deserve to be abandoned

by her husband for a study grant in Japan. I cannot believe he would find someone else,

but sadly this is very common in our society. I also feel bad about the other tragedies she

had to endure, such as her older brother committing suicide, her father dying, and her

mother dying. She lost everyone she ever loved, and it must be hard for her to be happy.

I cannot begin to imagine what I would do if I were in her story. Her story was well

written and passionate.

"The Veil" by Marjane Satrapi was inspirational and passionate. I enjoyed the

illustrations because they helped me understand the story better and helped me

visualize. In her story, she explains how the cultural revolutions impacted society,

obligating women to wear veils. She shows that with the cultural revolution, those who

disobey the laws of religion will be punished. However, Marjane views herself as a

prophet and wants to create a religion that focuses on love and equality. By describing

herself as a prophet and talking with god she displays her child-like innocence.

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