Annotated Bibliography rc-2001

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Smith 1

Alex Smith

Professor Auman

R C2001-111

22 March 2021

Annotated Bibliography

1) Annotated

Criminal justice reform: Breaking the cycle of drug use and crime. (n.d.). Retrieved March 01,
2021, from

This article breaks down the cycle of drug use and crime within the criminal justice
system. Over the past twenty-five years, the U.S. prison and jail population reached an all-time
high and the number of people on probation and parole doubled (ONDCP, 2021). The ONDCP
works toward putting its efforts into getting the criminal justice system clean and working
efficiently. Being able to integrate different approaches will ultimately help in the long run with
this approach.

2) Annotated

O'Callaghan, F., Sonderegger, N., & Klag, S. (2011, February 02). Drug and crime cycle:
Evaluating traditional methods versus diversion strategies for drug‐related offenses. Retrieved
March 12, 2021, from

This article breaks down the traditional methods versus diversion strategies for drug-
related offenses and the evaluation of these techniques for sure will help. The aim of this review
is to evaluate the current literature regarding the efficacy of diversion strategies as an alternative
to the traditional methods of crime prevention for drug‐related offenders (APS, 2021). There are
studies out there that analyze and present data that prevention programs and diversion strategies
help reduce drug-related crimes and rehabilitating offenders, but sometimes they may not be the
most effective.

3) AnnotateDrugs, crime, and violence: Exploring the connections. (2021, March 09).
Retrieved March 12, 2021, from
Smith 2

This article breaks down the correlation between drugs, violence, and crime
which is much more of a pressing issue than you would believe. People use alcohol and
drugs as a coping mechanism to drown themselves in their problems, but in reality, it is
only making the situation worse. Every dollar spent on addiction treatment saves nearly
six dollars because of fewer arrests and incarcerations, as well as lower medical, child
welfare, and public benefit costs (The Recovery Village, 2021).

4) Annotated

Aldhous, P. (2006, July 29). Breaking the cycle of drug addiction and crime. Retrieved March
12, 2021, from

This article kind of addresses the same problem as the last, but a little more different and that is
breaking down the cycle of drug addiction and crime. About half of the nation’s 2.2 million jail
inmates meet clinical criteria for drug or alcohol dependence, while the majority of state or
federal inmates regularly used drugs prior to their incarceration (NewSceintist, 2021). The U.S.
has not done a good job in rehabilitating criminals because most of them end up relapsing and
going back into the broken system.

5) Annotated

Breaking the cycle of drug use and crime. (2011, November 3). Retrieved March 12, 2021, from

This article kind of entails all of the articles together in a sense, but with a little bit of its
own twist. The Administration is committed to smarter investments in the criminal justice
system, recognizing that addiction is a disease and ensuring that the system is improving the
health and safety of our communities (The White House, 2021). We need to be able to tell the
signs in our loved ones or people we care about because abusing drugs or alcohol shouldn’t be
taken lightly at all.

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