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Rizal Park, also known as Luneta Park, is a historic urban park located in Manila,
Philippines. It is considered as one of the largest urban parks in Asia, covering an
area of 58 hectares (140 acres). The site on where the park is situated was
originally known as Bagumbayan during the Spanish colonial period.
The park plays an important role in shaping the history of the Philippines. The
execution of Filipino national hero, José Rizal on December 30, 1896 started the
1896 Philippine Revolution against the Spaniards. The park was officially named in
his honor, and the monument enshrining his remains serves as the park's symbolic
focal point.


Like any other park, it is important that we take good care of Rizal Park to preserve
its beauty and significance. When you visit it, it is important that we keep this
place special by following these guidelines:
1. Remember, plants and animals are protected, so leave them undisturbed. Try
not to step-on plants when you are walking. Do not feed or leave food for
animals—human food can harm wildlife and cause some animals to become
2. Sites in parks and forests represent hundreds of years of living culture with
special significance to the Filipino people. These sites are easily damaged and
are irreplaceable. Look at them, enjoy them, but please do not touch or
damage them.
3. Do not leave trash. Take your rubbish with you when you leave and throw
them on designated garbage bins.
4. Leave pets at home. Domestic animals are not permitted in national parks.
5. Be considerate. People visit parks and forests to breathe fresh air, not
cigarette smoke, and enjoy the sounds of nature, not noisy radios. Smoke
away from other visitors and throw your cigarette butts in trash.


Do you want a flashback from the Spanish time? Or just a background to prove
that somewhere, sometime, the Filipinos were influenced by the people of Spain
or Spaniards? Well, Calle Crisologo in Vigan, Ilocos Sur is the answer to all your
expectations. One beautiful, amazing street surrounded by houses built during the
Spanish time. It is one perfect place for a tour of the past.
Being surrounded by old houses, Calle Crisologo is also called The Heritage Village.
It was considered a UNESCO Heritage Site to save the cultural past of the Ilocos
region. Famous in its cobblestone streets, old houses and calesas, Calle Crisologo is
really a place of old times.

Calle Crisologo or Calle Mena Crisologo was named after the writer and respected
son of Ilocos. He is Mena Pecson Crisologo. Among his works are Don Calixtofaro
de la Kota Caballero de la Luna, Codigo Municipal and the Ilocano novel called
Minig wenno Ayat ti Kararwa.


Calle Crisologo is a very popular tourist destination and is visited by thousands of
tourists yearly. To preserve the beauty of this site, local people and visiting
tourists should work hand in hand.
1. Form a volunteer group. Gather fellow residents who care about preserving
your community’s recent past places. Working together, you can designate
tasks to each person in efficiently taking care of the historical site.
2. Limit the number of tourists visiting the site per day. This way, structural
damages and vandalism could be minimized.
3. Educate the visitors before they visit the site. Make sure they follow
guidelines imposed by the local government.
4. Keep the surroundings clean and let the visitors know that they should also
contribute to the cleanliness of the place.
5. Keep number of vendors to a limit to preserve the beauty of the historical
The MacArthur Leyte Landing Memorial National Park (also known as the Leyte
Landing Memorial Park and MacArthur Park) is a protected area of the Philippines
that celebrates the historic landing of General Douglas MacArthur in Leyte Gulf at
the start of the campaign to recapture and free the Philippines from Japanese
occupation on 20 October 1944. This event led to the largest naval battle of World
War II where Japan got defeated and surrendered after almost three years.

The park is the site of the annual memorial rites and reenactment of the historic
Leyte landing attended by local and foreign dignitaries together with war veterans
and their families. On November 8, 2013, the memorial was damaged by Typhoon
Haiyan (Yolanda) with one of its seven statues, the Carlos Romulo statue, knocked
from its base. It was immediately repaired by the government and the statue of
Carlos P. Romulo was restored within twenty days with assistance from the
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority.


It is important that we preserve the Leyte Landing Monument as this shows an
important part of the freedom of the Filipinos. To preserve this important
historical site, we must at least do our share to protect it.
1. It is important no to damage, touch, or vandalize the statues or sculptures.
2. Participating in the regular Cleanliness Drives.
3. Spreading awareness around about these monuments and their importance.
Organize seminars, skits, exhibitions or street theatre on the importance and
protection of the monuments located in the neighborhood.
4. Take up various community programs to instill a sense of pride among the
students, teachers, and the community. This would help in developing young
children into sensitive, responsible, and progressive citizens of the society.
5. Students can act as volunteer guides for visitors by taking them around the
monument and explain its history, architectural features, connected stories,
ethos etc. They can also distribute Post Cards, Greeting cards and posters to
the visitors on these monuments designed and developed by them
containing a message on the relevance of our heritage in our lives and the
ways of preserving and protecting them.

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